CARNEGIE AND LIBRARIES. He Has Chosen as a Special Field the Advancement of l hose Who Desire to Learn. Andrew Carnegierecently madei * statement explaining why he feels bo much interest in libraries and why he is devoting millions to the establishment of fret* libra ries that may be at all times ao nessible to aspiring young men eager for knowledge. He says: "When 1 was a working boy in Pittsburg. Colonel Anderson, of Alleghany?a name 1 can never speak without feeliuirs of devo tional gra tit 11 le?opened his little library of four hundred books to boys. Every Saturday afternoon he was in attendanceat his house to exchange books. No one but he who has felt it can ever know the intense longing with which the arrival of Saturday was awaited, that a new book might be had. My brother and Air. Phipps, who have been my prin cipal business partners through life, shared witn me Colonel An derson's generosity, and it was when reveling in the treasures which he opened to us that 1 resolved, if ever wealth catne to sie, that it should be used to es tablish free libraries, that other poor boys might receive oppor tunities similar to those for which we were indebted to that noble man." This explanation is creditable alike to the heart and head of the millionaire. He has been suc cessful in business far beyond the wildest dreams of his boyhood, but he has not forgotten lii:t ?arly ambition to place the means of acquiring knowledge within the reach of other poor and struggling young men. No doubt lie built many castles in the air in those far away days of his poverty, but now lie finds himself about to found his nasties on solid ground. Here after thousands of men and women will rise up to bless his memory for having placed within their hands the keys to tin* t reas ure house of knowledge. i arncgie iia i very iinuwi op portunities for obtaining an euu cation in his boyhood, but he made diligent use of the means J within his reach, and he became not only an uncommonly success- j fill business man but a scholar of no mean attainments and a vig orous and entertaining writer. His example goes far towards proving the truth of the old sav ing, that where there is a will there is a way. He might have frittered away his spare moments in idle sport or dissipation, as so many young 1 men of fine natural endowments! have done, but he utilized his in tervals of leisure by improving) his mind and storing his head! with useful knowledge. Now he is setting an example to other millionaires which c annot fail to i stimulate them to employ at i least a portion of their wealth i for the public good. He has j chosen for his special field the i establishment of libraries, be cause he knows from |H>rsonal experience that when a man has i mastered the art of reading and has access to books he can im prove himself in any branch of science to an unlimited degree though he may never have hail the ail vantage of college training, i There are many other directions i in which wealth may be employed i for the public good, such as the i endowment of institutions of i learning or of hospitals or the 1 erection of homes for the aged or ] for orphans, or schools for the i defective classes, or a hundred I other ways that will alleviate i suffering and bring untold bless- < ings to humanity. i The privilege of bestowing ben- 1 efactions on so grand a scale < comes to comparatively few, but even men of moderate wealth can do something on the same line, and if all men of moderate wealth would do what is in their power i the world would oe infinitely l>et- t ter through their beneficence? ' Lynchburg News. t Caugbt A Dreadtui Cold. j Marion Kooke, manager for T. t M. Thompson, a large importer 1 of fine millinery at l(>.r?8 Mil- i waukee Ayenue, Chicago, says: i "During the late severe weather i I caught a dreadful cold which ' kept me awake at night and made ? me unfit to at tend my work dur- 1 ing the day. One of my milliners < was taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at that i time, which seemed to relieve her eo quickly that 1 bought some ( for myself. It acted like magic and began to improve at once. 1 I am now entirely well aqd feel very pleased to acknowledge its i merits. For sale by Hood Bros, i The Herald and Home A Farm < one year for .25. ] Russia's Interests in Manchuria. M. Tatischeff, Russian financial agent in England, was interview ed yesterday by a newspaper rep resentative <>11 the Manchurian question. He pointed out that he had nothing whatever to do with its political aspect; ull he could deal with was t tie economic side. To an inquiry as to what necessitated Russian entering into a treaty with China with resjieet to Manchuria, he replied: "Russia has vast interests in Manchuria, greater than any other power. She has spent something like ?50,000,000 (#250,000,000) 011 the greatest of enterprises in modern or an cient times?the Siberian Railway ?and not by any means a small proportion of that has been ex pended in that part of the line which is laid down in Manchuria. One of the most important por tions of that great railroad is the Manchurian section. It gives us the outlet into the sea which is necessary to the whole under taking?I mean the Port Arthur outlet. "Surely, therefore, it is only natural that Russia should take ull possible and necessary pre cautions to protect 1 he property and the money of her people. This is all she desires to do. Russia has stated in as clear a manner as possible that she has no idea of annexing Manchuria."?Lon don Telegraph, April 1. The Best Blood Purifier. The blood is constantly being purified by the lungs, liver and kidneys, keep these organs in a healthy condition and the bowels regular and you will have no need of a bloo 1 purifier. For this pur pose then* is nothing equal to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, one dose of them will do you more good than a dollar bottle of the best blood purifier. Price 25 cents. Sam ples free at Hood liros.'s drug ston*. Universities and Labor. There are in this country 44 universities or colleges which con tain more than 1000 students each. Fourteen ot these institu tions have more than 2000 stu dents each, and in each of six leading universities there are more than .4000 students. These six are: Harvard 4288, universi ty of Michigan 3700, Minnesota 3410, Georgia 3205, Chicago 3183, and California, 3025. There probably are over 100,0(H) students in the various universi ties and colleges of America at present , and the whole number of persons who are lieing educated m the schools and colleges com bined is given as 10,738,323. 4 he Chicago Kecord-Herald nays this general tendency towards educa tion means one thing?labor in this country must be dignified socially. It is going to be linpos- ? sible for all the boys and voung men who are now in the schools and colleges to get into profes sions. Many of them will have to work with their hands. Man- 1 ual labor will have to be done < even after everybody is educated. ' _ i He Kept His Leg. 1 Twelve years ago J. W. Sulli van, of Ha'rtford ,Conn.. scratched I his leg with a rusty wire. Intlam- < ination and blood poisoning set < in. For two years lie suffered in tensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, "but, he ' writes, "I used onebottleof Elec- ' trie Hitters atulltfboxesof Buck- - len's Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever' For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter. < 4alt Rheum. Sores and all blood < lisorders Electric Hitters has no ? aval on earth. Try them. Hood Bros, will guarantee satisfaction jr refund money. Only 50 cents. . The Depopulation of India. The depopulation of India h rough famine and cholera is resuming alarming proportions. ' The latest advices from Simla tav the census returns of the cen- i ral provinces show a decrease of iver 1,000,000 since 1891, when 1 in increase of 1,500,000 might nave been expected. It is esti mated that 5,000,000 have died i n India since 1806 from causes i directly due to the famine. In western India things are even worse. The Oodeypoor state re- ' turns show a decrease of 840,000, ' or 45 per cent, of the population; the state of Bhopoul shows a de- J rrease of 808,000; the district of 1 Banda shows a decrease of 124,- < BOO, and so on; in Bombay city the population will have dimin ished by 50,000. The localities which escaped the plague show a i satisfactory, though inoompen- < Rating, increase?tor instance, i Madras, which has gained 8 per i jent over 1891.?Springfield Re publican. 1 Points from a New Boarder. When the new boarder went into the dining-room and eat down there wan only one other person at the table, sa.vs the Chicago Times-Herald. The new boarder had a kind heart and thought he would be affable. "I s'pose you've boarded here for some time?" he said to the other man. "Yes. Quite awhile." "How is it? Any good?" "Yes, pretty fair. I have no complaint to make." "Landlady treat you decent?" "Well, perhaps I ought to" . And then he hesitated. "Oh, never mind, old man," said the new boarder. "That's all right. I'm- on. but say, mebbv you never tried chucking her under thechinonce in awhile. That's the way to get on wit h 'em. I never had a landlady that didn't treat me A1 yet. It's all in the way you handle 'em. Call 'em 'sister' and give 'em soft, oozy talk about their looks. That's tiie way to fetch 'em. I'll bet you 1 can live here a month right now without bein' asked for a cent. Watch me nudge her when she comes in. before this time to-morrow she'll be tellin' me her family history. I'oor old girl! Probably got tied up to some John Henry who was about man enough to shoo chicken out of the yard, and that's all. My name's Hudson. 1 jet's see, 1 haven't heard yours, have I?" "N?no, 1 believe not. but it doesn't matter. I'm just the landlady's husband."?Ex. 'Tis Easv to Feel Good. Countless thousands have found a blessing to the body in Dr. King's New Life Pills, which j positively cure Constipation,: Sick Headache, Dizziness, Jaun-1 dice, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Purely vegetable; never gripe or weaken. Only 25c at i Hood Bros, drugstore. A Full Smokehouse. The farmer that always has a full smokehouse, as a general ( thing, has a full pocket-book. 1 he farmer that has his smoke-; house in the West has a lean pocket-book and a big mortgage on him. ? Livingston Southern Home. "I have been troubled with in digestion forten years, have tried many things and spent much money to no purpose until I tried i Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 have taken two bottles and gotten more relief from them than all other medicines taken. 1 feel more like a boy than I have felt in twenty years."?Anderson Higgs of Sunny Lane,Tex. Thous ands have testified as did Mr. Higgs ?Hood Bros., Hare &. Son, J. It. Led better. The Facts Are All In. Sunday-school teacher?Who gathered the floating atoms out of chaos and combining them formed the great round world md sent it spinningon its course through space? Little Richard?J. Pierpont Morgan,but I don't know whether inybody seen him whenhedoneit or not.?Chicago Record-Herald. "1 had piles so bad I could get no rest nor find a curt1 until I ried DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. After using it once, I forgot I ever lad anything like Piles."?E. C lioice, Soniers Point, N. Y. Look nut for imitations. Be sure you isk for DeWitt's. Hood Bros.,' tlare A Son. J. R. I>edttetter. Mrs. P. D. Armour and Ogden Armour, widow and son of the millionaire-philanthropist, have jiven Armour Institute at Chi cago #1,000,000. To Cure a Cold In one Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature on each box. 25c. Bishop Henry M. Turner, in a sermon at Macon, Ga., advocated j sending negro criminals to Afriea. Spring coughs are specially langerous and unless cured at once, serious results often follow. Dne Minute Cough Cure acts like magic. It is not a common mix ture but is a high grade remedy. J. R. I.edbetter, Hood Bros., Hare & Son. An important feature in con nection with the establishment of civil government in the Philip pines will be the selection of an officer who will rank in authority between the President and Gov ernor Taft. Contagious Th*re i? no poison so highly contagions, so deceptive aud so destructive. Ix>n't be too sure you are cured because all external signs of the disease have disappeared, a id the doctor says you are well. Many per sons have been dosed with Mercury a id Potash for months or years, and pro noupced cured ? to realize when too 1. tc that the disease was only covered up ? m |i M _ driven from the Uko Ooffota L.kOm gUrfacc to break out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest tc them have been infected by this loath- I some disease, for no other poison is so 1 surely transmitted from parent to child as this Often a bad case of Kheumatis.n, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disea e, an old sore or ulcer develop'ng in middle life, can be traced to blood poison con ["early TS,a S,n ?f tho life, fur it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly treated and driven out in the lieginning. S. S. S. id the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards, anjj. curcs Contagious lilood vy ' Poison in any aud all stages; contains no vjL mineral tr break down your constitution ; it is purely vegetable and the only blood puri fier known that cleanses the blood and at the same time builds up the general health. Our little book on contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, 6A. Hardware! I have a full Hue of Hardware, Builders' Material, Carpenters' Tools, Cart, Wagon and Buggy Material, Nails, Screws, hinges. Saws, Holloware, Cooking Utensils, Woodenware, Tinware. Oil, Lead Plows, Sewing Machines, &c. I still have some Shoes, Groceries and some other things in General Merchandise which I am running off at reduced prices. Come and see me. J, E CREECH, SELMA, N. C, A.ug30-tf BUY the: Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. wt make a variety. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines. The Double Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Home the best Sewing Machine to buy. Write for CIRCULARS STkS we manufacture and prices before purchasing THE REV HOHE SEWING HAGH1NE gO. OAANGC, MASS. 38 Union 8q. N. Y., Chicago, I1L, Atlanta, Oa., at. Louis,Mo., Dallas,Tax.,San Franc lsoo, Chi | FOR SALE BY J. M. BEATY, 8mithfield, b. c Rand & Stephenson, We desire to call the attention of the public of cniitlifleld and vicinity to the fact that we have associated ourselves to gether for the purpose of engaging In a -4ontracting and Buildings BUSINESS. We want the work and we think that we can make it to your interest to have us ' to do yours. Estimates promply fur nished on all kinds wood or brick work. Call on or address W*j!Vt?*h?Mon } R,nd & Stephenson. 8mithfield. v. c . Treatment Horses?Pneumonia and Colds. Give White's Fever Medicine every half hour and apply White's Black Liniment. Colic and Kidnev troubles, give White's Colic and Kidney Cure. Staggers i Give White s Purga tive and White's Fever Medicine. Worms: Give White's Purga tive and White's Worm anri Con dition Powders. Allen Lee, Druggist. We have on hand a large sup ply of Short Form Lien Bonds? 1 for advances and old deb't. Bend us yohr orders. The Herald. | SOME 1901 PRICES, g ? Itixie Plow*. $1. J J Stonewall Plows. #1.75. * 2 Traces. 40, 00, 75. JP Hreast Chains, 30. 50. J Humes, 30, 40, 05. V" Collars, 45, 75, ?1 and up. ? Mg Collar Pads, 25, 30, 40. J 2 Mridles, 05, 75. #1, #1.25. * J Plow Lines, 12'4,15, 20. ? Hack Hands. 10, 15, 20, 25. 2 Grub Hoes, 45, 50, 75. 2 ("otton Hoes, 30. 40. 3 Axes, First-class, 50. 5 Shovels. 75, 90, $1.10. 3 Spades, 50, $1. 10. ff Forks. 40, 50, GO. ? Hakes, 25, 30, GO. ft J Stonewall, Dixie, Clipper, Ward, [* ft i 2 L. W. BOSS CASTINGS ft AS LOW AS ARK SOLD ELSEWHERE. ? ft White Lead, Oil, Ready .Mixed l'aints, as low as can be ft ft sold. Doors, Windows, &e. ft | E. J. MOLT & CO. | S. R. /Morgan, Cabinet Maker, n. c. and Undertaker, will repair furniture and frame your picture*. Full lliu " ?f Caskets and Coffin* Men's, Ladies' and Children's Burial Robes and Shoes. Ilose JOInves,