IThe Citadel ! I Of Troyes. | I -o-- f SA WAR STORY OF FRENCH ? AND COSSACK. j Tho disastrous campaign of 1814 was drawing to a close. The allied forces covered France like a cloud of locusts, and the wild Cossack who had marched from the banks of the Borysthenes was Boon to slake his courser's thirst in the waters of the Seine. Napoleon was winning des perate victories against terrific odds, but the sun of Austerlitz was doomed to a near and total eclipse. The Russians had gained posses sion of the city of Troyes, and with out its walls they lay encamped in overwhelming numbers. The troops of the French emperor, too few and feeble to contend against such crushing odds, had disbanded, yet the remnant of a heroic band, lay ing aside their uniforms, still lurked | about the city, sleeping and feeding where they could, the bolder of them seeking every opportunity to pick quarrels with the Russians and engage them in duels, glutting that hate in single combat which they could no longer slake upon the field of battle. Among these dangerous and in veterate enemies of the Cossacks was a certain Caesar Pompon, a ser geant of the Imperial guard, who lodged at a little inn kept by a lit tle black eyed Frenchwoman who had made the campaign of Russia and lost her husband, a one eyed voltiguer, in the passage of the I5e rezina. Fanchette would willingly have married the sergeant and even offer ed herself to that valiant warrior, but he would hear of no such ar rangement till peace had been re stored to his distracted country. Another inmate of Fanchette's lit tle hostelry was a Captain Bonville, who was waiting for better days and an opportunity to strike a blow. Fanchette did an excellent business, having no scruples about selling beer, brandy, tallow candles, lamp oil and other refreshments to the Cossacks, but she never gave them credit, and they dreaded her sharp tongue almost as much as they did the thongs of the knout. Sergeant Pompon was very regu lar in his habits, but he would often absent himself for hours together without telling either Fanchette or Captain Bonville where he was go ing. mien ne came oacK alter one 01 these mysterious absences, he would generally bring with him a bundle j and, saying "That makes so many," j make a chalk mark on the score he ; kept behind the bar. After this ceremony he would march up and deposit his bundle in his little attic room, of which he kept the key, for he took care of it himself and let no one enter. Fanchette often teased him about these mysterious proceedings, and his invariable answer was: "Fanchette, when this is all over and the cursed Cossacks are driven out of the country and the Little Corporal is firmly established on the throne and you and I are mar- I ried I am going to Paris to set up a ready made clothing shop, and 1 shall have a stock in trade on hand." His fair hostess was forced to be content with this explanation. One night when Fanchette had closed ber doors and was sitting with Captain Bonville talking over the events of the campaign and the prospect before them Sergeant Pompon entered in a state of great excitement and, dashing his hat up on the floor, marched to and fro with enormous strides. "What is the matter?" exclaimed Fanchette. "Matter 1 A thousand bayonets! Matter enough 1 Bombshells and rockets! In a French town! In a French cafe! Millions of firelocks!" "Any ill news from the emper or?" asked Captain Bonville. "No, no, captain," answered Pom pon; "he is beating the villains in every engagement and fighting his way step by step to Troyes. Saper lotee! We shall soon hear his guns, I hope, and then he'll lead these Cossacks an infernal dance, the murderous villains!" "Well, something has happened, I know," said Fanchette. "Of course it has," replied the ?ergeant, s uing down end wiping his brow. "You know, captain, the Cafe de la Victoire?" "Certainly. It is a cafe theater; they act little vaudevilles there in the refreshment saloon to attract and amuse customers." "Precisely. Very well, captain, they played a piece there this even ing called "The Soldier's Return.' In it Bressant?a capital actor and a good fellow, too?had to sing a verse against the Russians, and the room was filled with them. You may be sure there was a tapage then. The Russian colonel, Oftro goff, was there, lie insisted on an apology. Bressant refused, and the curtain fell. The piece u to be played tomorrow, and the; swear he shall leave out the objectionable verse and make an apology for sing ing tonight or pay dearly for it." "And Bressant will apologize!" exclaimed the captain. "Not a bit of it. lie will sing his song and make not a bit of an apology. What do you think of it, captain?" "He's a glorious fellow," cried Bonville, "and we must support him!" "I knew you'd say so!" cried the sergeant. "Hurrah! Vive l'empe reur!" "Hush!" said Faneliette. "The patrol is marching by." "Who cares for them ?" cried the sergeant. "Fanchette, I brought home another bundle today. That makes ten." "Ten what ?" "Ten bundles," said the sergeant, with a wink. "Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies. Well, cap tain ?" "Well, sergeant, what are you thinking of ?" "Tomorrow night and the Cafe de la Victoire." "So was I. We will warn all of our fellows tomorrow. Let them go armed, and we'll put Bressant through, whatever comes of it." "Good," 6aid the sergeant, rising and taking up his bed candle. "I'll oil my pistols before I go to bed. And if we don't meet again, cap tain, the rendezvous will be the Cafe de la Victoire, the hour sharp 7. Good night, captain." "Good night, sergeant." "Pleasant dreams," eried Fan chette. ine next nigftt the saloon or the Cafe de la Victoire was crowded with Kussian and French soldiers, the latter dressed as citizens, with swords and pistols concealed under their blouses. There was a great consumption of brandy among the Cossacks, and the waiters who sup plied their calls looked anxious and flurried. They evidently expected trouble, nor were their forebodings deceptive. The curtain was rung up and the piece commenced. When Bressant, the offending ac tor, appeared, there were murmurs among the Russians, but these were drowned in the applauding shouts of the French spectators, and one or two bouquets were thrown at his feet. The play, however, was suffer- , ed to go on till the hnale was sung, and when the orchestra played the symphony for this piece the audi ence sat perfectly motionless and silent. It was the lull that precedes the hurricane. Bressant advanced fearlessly to the footlights and com menced the obnoxious verse. Then rose a storm and howl of groans and hisses mingled with applause. Colonel Ostrogoff, a gigantic Rus sian, rose in his place and addressed the actor: "French dog," said he, "apolo gize for the insult you have offered us!" "Never!" replied the actor. "I sing what is set down for me, and I will apologize to no living man for doing my duty." Quick as a flash the Russian drew a pistol from his belt and fired it full in the face of Bressant, who fell | without a groan. "Revenge!" shouted Bonville, throwing off his blouse and disclos ing his artillery uniform. "Up, Frenchmen, and down with the Cos sacks 1" A terrible struggle ensued. Pis- \ tols and knives were freely used. Frenchmen and Cossacks grappled. The tables were overturned, the lights were put out, the most dire confusion prevailed. The combat ants fought their way out into the ; street and there continued the dead ly encounter. But it was not of long duration. The firing and cries brought down a re-enforcement from the Russian camp. A troop of Cossacks dashed into the melee and dispersed the feeble band of Frenchmen, killing some of them, while Captain Bonville, the ringleader, remained a prisoner in the hands of Ostrogoff. The next day was an eventful one for Troyes. Intelligence was brought into camp by scouts that Napoleon was approaching. As the day wore ! on heavy firing was heard gradual- ! ly drawing near the town. It was reported by fugitives that the French had utterly routed their op ponents and were moving on at a rapid rate, flushed with victory, to .the relief of Troyes. All was confusion in the Russian camp. A brief period of idleness, consumed in unbridled debauchery, had demoralized and weakened the Cossack force, and the officers cal culated with concern the chances of a conflict. Still the prisoner, Bon ville, was not overlooked in the midst of this crisis. During the forenoon he was examined before a military tribunal, a mere form, ex torted by his rank, and sentenced to be shot. At the very moment he listened to his sentence, with un moved countenance, the rattle of musketry was heard near at hand, as the French sLirmiohers drove in the enemy's pickets. "You hear that?" said Bonville, with a smile, to the Russian com mander. "I shall die, but I shall be avenged." "Take him away, Colonel Ostro goff," said the Russian general. "Take a file of men with you and execute the sentence." Ostrogolf saluted and withdrew with an escort. In spite of his pro testations, Bonville s arms were bound tightlv behind him. "He shan't have a ghost of a chance to escape in the confusion," muttered Ostrogoff. The little party reached an open ing in the dense wood and halted. A few moments afterward an aid de-camp galloped up furiously. "1 am ordered to recall your fir- I ing party, colonel," said he. "They are wanted to defend the intrench mcnts. The French dogs are press ing us hard." The platoon inarched off, and Os- j trogoff and Bonville were left alone. ? The former drew a pistol from his belt and cocked it. "Are you going to turn execu tioner?" said Bonville scornfully. "It is worthy of you. You are fit ter for a hangman than a soldier." "I shot one of your countrymen last night for less provocation," answered the Russian, raising his pistol. But at this moment a small party of Russian soldiers advanced to the spot under the command of a noncommissioned officer. "Halt!" cried the colonel. The platoon obeyed. "Are you loaded ?" The sergeant nodded. "Then shoot this fellow." The platoon faced the prisoner, with their backs on Ostrogoff. "Ready?present?fire!" said the Russian. At the word Fire! the platoon wheeled to the right about and poured their volley into Ostrogoff at ten paces! He fell riddled with bullets. "Hurrah!" cried Sergeant Pom pon, for it was he, pulling off his false beard and rushing to cut the cords that bound Captain Bonville. "Hurrah for our side! Captain, my secret is out. The bundles I used to fetch home each contained n Rus sian uniform. They were the spoils of fellows I killed in fair fight. I never thought I should make such a good use of them." Bonville threw himself into the faithful fellow's arms. "No time for hugging now!" cried the sergeant, extricating himself from the embrace of his officer. "Take this saber and come along with us. We are beating them at all points, but we haven't quite finish ed them yet. There's a little glory left, though we're late in the day. Long live the emperor and down with the Cossacks! The sergeant's predictions were correct, and before nightfall the French colors waved over the cita del of Troyes.?New York News. BILLY EDWARDS' WAV. Billy Edwards, the one time light weight champion pugilist, had a long and peaceful reign as house detective at the Hoffman House in New York. He had the smoothest, pleasantest way imaginable of get ting rid of objectionable persons. His reputation as a great fighter was so well known that he simply would not strike an ordinary man. The writer saw a well dressed young negro begin to raise a dis turbance at the Hoffman bar one night because he could not get any thing to drink. Buly Edwards pushed his way through the crowd and encountered him as if by accident. "Oh, Mr. Morgan, how do you do?" said Billy, extending his hand. "This is a great pleasure. 1 haven't seen you in years. You must join me in a little drink. Let's sit down at our ease." The negro looked puzzled, put away a roll of bills he had been flourishing, hooked his hand inside of the arm Edwards offered and tod dled away in silence. AN OLD Cl'STOM. Once upon a time Charles VI of France gave a masquerade ball, and he and five courtiers took the part of satyrs. To do this artistically they were clothed in loose linen habits, besmeared with rosin and then stuck all over with down. One of the company, in a frolic, lighted one of the satyrs with a torch, and in consequence four of them were burned to death. This is supposed to be the origin of the tar and feath er custom. BRIDLES. Bridles were in use in very dis tant ages. Ancient Thessalian coins often represent a horse with a long rein touching the ground. The young Romans were trained to ride and mount unassisted, but the use of the bridle was known from the first. According to Liry, Aulus Cornelius in a battle with, the Fi dcnae ordered the Roman cavalry to unbridle before charging, proba bly to give them more weight. Youi\g Women The entry into womanhood t> a critical time tor a girL Little meo atrual disorder] started at that time soon grow into fatal complications. That female troubles arc filling graveyards proves this. Wine of Cardui estab lishes a painless and natural menstrual flow. When once this important func tion is started right, a healthy life will usually follow. Many women, young and old, owe their lives to Wine of Cardui. There is nothing like it to give women freedom from pain and to fit young women for every duty of life. $1.00 bottles at druggists. Miss Delia M. Strayer, Tully, Ksn.i "I have suffered untold pain at menstrual pe riods for a long time, was nervous, had no appetite, and lost interest in everything, in fact was miserable. I have taken four bottles of Wine of Cardui, with Thedford's Black-Draught, when needed, and to-day I am entirely cured. I cannot express the thanks I feel for what you have done for me." For ad view In caae* requiring special direc tions, address. giving (yoipuima, the ladies' Advisory Department, The Chattauooga Med* Icine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn. Mim Sale of Land for Taxes. ___ ? On Monday, the 6th day of May, 1901, at 12 o'clock I shall se I at the court bouse door in Sinitbfield, o satisfy taxes due for the year 1900, the real estate specified below: Wilson's Mills Township, Tax. A. B Austin, 224 acres $7.33 Mamie Hedgepeth one half acre 1 37 A, D. Jones heirs 395 acres 14 S3 Bettie R. Parker 33 acres 55 H. B. Turner heirs 100 acres 1.83 Edith Turner, 214 5.50 Zilpha Turner, 1 lot 1 S3 K. U. Wallace, 74 acres 22 Clayton Township. Dillon Avera. 105 acres $4.29 Hichard Bryant 1 lot 92 Haywood Barber, 1 lot 87 Jane Durham, 1 lot 14 Isaac Jones, 50 acres 8 38 William A Jones, 34 acies. 2.41 Taylor Jones, 524 acres 1.75 John Parti Idge, 1 lot 23 Richard Hand. 1 lot .23 Kinchen Pope, 20 acres 92 Pleasant Grove. P. T. Massey, Agent, 95 acres $1.17 Inurams. Atkinson and wife, 36 acres 70 l. l. Booth, 12 acres., .40 Dock Watson, 17 acres 34 Boon Hill. Lucy Atkinson, 14 acres. .10 I). H Davis, 29 ai res 67 Nancy Evans heirs, 15 acres 50 Gabriel Holt, 106 acres 2 67 lola McCauley, 810 acres 6 67 Daniel Whitlev, 98 acres 3.00 Marinda Warren, 12 acres . 17 Beulah Township. D. M. Eure, 50 acres 67 Burden Holland. 15 acres, .34 Mrs. J. H. Johnson, 34 acres, 45 J. T. Outland, 85 acres 1 41 J. R. Outland, 85 acres 1,60 Alsey Parrish. 181 acres 2 34 C. A Pittman, 51 acres 1.63 L. J. Rains, 14 acres 50 Jno. H. Renfrew, 20 acres .40 W. A. Watkins, 9 acres 18 W. H. Wellons, six acre*. .16 O'Neals Township. Mary G Bunn, 70 acres $2.29 Nancv Brown, 200 8.66 C. O. Ball 43 acns_ .86 Citovus Whitley, 75 acres 2.00 K W. Barm-s. 50 acres .87 Mrs S. I'. Gill, 126 acres 8.10 Wilders Township. A. J. Battle. 27 acres .75 Bl&ckman Grey, 82 acres |2.o0 M. G. Wilson. 125 acres 2 29 Selma Township. C. C. Batten, 1 acre .06 Sarah J. Ratten. 27 acres 84 EraBiue Caudle heirs, 4 acre .47 Julian Hi iton, 1 lot 22 J H. Howell, 1 lot .84 Hindu Lee usrdian. 168 acres. 4.67 Claude McCauley, 1 lot... 6.05 Taylor and Bowline, 1 lot 1.15 Woodard heirs, 1 lot ,22 Smith field Township. B. C, Beckwitli, 81 acres $8.67 R. B. Bcekwith. 47 acres 3.67 Smith Brooks, 1 lot 1.83 W. N. Benton, deceased, 3 lots 7.34 Monroe Doublin, 1 lot 2 69 J T. Langston, deceased, 8 acres 92 J. F. Senders, 107 acres 2 16 This April 2, 1901. J. T. ELLINGTON. Sheriff Johnston Co. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. The Hoard of Town Commis sioners of the town of Smithtield have ordered a new registration for said town for the municipal election on May (ith. The regis tration hooks are now open and will be kept open until Saturday, May 4th. Every person who ex pects to vote in the coming town election must register. Z. L. LEMAY, Registrar. April 3rd. Every cotton planter should write forourvaluable illustrated pamphlet, "Cotton Culture.'' It is sent free. Send name and address to GERMAN :CAU WORKS, 91 St.. N. V. Bill Files, Letter Files. You file your bills? Then you need a Bill File. We have them in two sizes?for long bills and for letters. You wish to Keep Letters You receive? Then buy one of our Letter File Books. With one of these books you can keep every important letter where you can Find it in a Moment, Without any Trouble All the above goods on hand at reasonable prices. We also have a few Single Kntry Ledg ers on hand at low prices. BEATY, HOLT & LAHSITER, hmithpibld. n. notice. \^*&SA&5r?S? i7Ske"dt WluU01^ 9 'tK'ai"f at I W fan?r?t A?'"" ? 7 w 48 * poles to a Stake. i. w. L*ng-ston'0 corner, thence N ? w \l Huk^r^d^^eL^aiE*'^^ !" ai ae?-. more'^'l^'thl' ^*luln*eontainlf? ?m^msrn s&?mm ac?a Sore oHe? ^"""ng. containing 44 (finninl V?JtA0tH?2; " '" 8ai'1 ""rvey and be I>ISS ?sra- kz- as N 3,^ ^,P2ie' }"'? "take in fhe'njHd! theSef al^rx,A~r'? ssss-SE b-ta Hy^r'SSdi^'^'g^ ?f thC J?h" J. J. Harper, Executor of WNLL088 4 Mono**. Alt >?OHN Hahfkr NOTICE. &?S -?ssrsrjt w~S This 4th day March. 1001. M2Mwpd REN HUDSON. Administrator. NOTICEl ?S B^tt sssz^sgssas ^SS??SS This 8th day of March 1901. Jkssk I'arkkr. Administrator. notice. se? rj SSS^Sf?SSS\ffSte0Seh*?5|0{jlm' K,hv;?? 55SEf t'hi s? snid oHtutsi .in JLrZ?i persons indebted to ""?n."Sh,d:",o?'te.,i?itaie p*^n' Joseph E. Lahr, ZlLPHA I.ANK. [ Bjecutors. i notice. The undersigned having qualified as tor on the estate of SarnK ^ell" SecS^rt ?Tl neraona having claims against Ml"i ?S'.? Sjrehy noting pn sent the to me d," w verified on or twfore the 15th dav ?.,?i or this notice will la, pi^uJJ m^r^f,^ !SBS3fiRis5-1!B N. R. POOJ,, Rgecntor. notice to me dWertVed'Ar I" *?? WJsS H?5V3EK W. E. GERALD. Apl?-p<l. Administrator, We, ha7SJU8t Prints a laree Runply of Short I orra Lien Bonds SSToK. PPD,D|,"J' Southern Railway. - ? L^? THE STANDARD RAILWAY OP THE SOUTH. The direct line to all points. Texas, California, FIgjrida, Cuba and Porto Rico. Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equipment on all Through and Local Trains; Pun man Palace Sleeping Cars on ail Night Trains; Fast and Safe.Sched ules. Travel by the Southern and yon a*e HSHurvtl u Safe, Comfortable aad Expeditious Journey. Apply to ticket agents for Time Tables, Kates and General Information, or address, R. L. YERNON, F.R.BARDY, T. P. A. C. P. A T. A, Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. NO TROUBLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. 5. tt. HARDWIGKs G. P. A. WASHINGTON. D. C. WILMINGTON & WELDON RA1LROA? And Branches AND FLORENCE HAILKOD. (Condensed Schedule.) TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated January' ^5 = 5 | .*? w-w?- | ?s; Is.cs? II Is | I Z-C/J A M | P Ml A M Lv Weldon 11 50. 8 68 ^. A r Ho. ay Ml ltil) jC. i J Lv Tarboro 12 21 6 00 ? Lv Rocky Mt.... 106 10 02 0 87 616[12 64 Lv Wilson 160 10 40 7 10 6 67 2 40 Lv Selma 2 11 18 .. ^ Lv Fayetteville 4;M> 12 35 _ K. Ar Florence 7 25 2 40 | P M A M | A r Goldsboro .. 7 56 k. j Lv Goldsboro... 0 46} 3HI) Lv Magnolia I 7 51 436 Ar Wilmington. | ? | 9 20| fiOC THAIN8 GOING NORTH. IW ?*| *? P a 5- 3 p x ? 3 ? ? /.^ Kv? fe?| AM P M i | Lv Florence. 9 60! 7 :J5I Lv Fayetteville 12 15 9 41 Lv Pelma 1 60 1136! Af Wilson.-...-.. 2 36 ... 12 i.Si P M AM Lv Wilmington j ! 7 00 ">36 Lv Magnolia 1 : 8 30 II10 4 60 9 37 12 28 P M 1 iAM P M P M Lv Wilson ... 2 35! 688 12 13 1045J 118 Ar Rocky Mt 3;B> 6 10 12 46 1123^163 Ar Tarboro j 7 46 Lv Tarboro 2 311 Lv Rocky Mt ... 3;*) 12 07 ArWeldon 4 112 100 I P M I A M i q = Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Division Main Line?Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, arrives Fayetteville 12 05 p m, JFaves Fayetteville 12 26 p m, arrives Sanford 1 43 n m. Returning leave Sanford 3 06 p m, arriya Fay etteville 4 2(| j> m, leave Fayetteville 4 30 \> m, arrives W ilinlngton 9 25 p m. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Rcoietts ville BiUch?Train leaves Benneitsvtlfc 8 06 am. Maxton 9 05 a m. Red Springs 9 a m, Parkton 10 41 a m. Hope Mills 10 56 a m. krrlves Fayetteville 11 10. Keturnining lea%of Fay etteville 4 46 p m, Hope Mills 5 00 p m?Hod Springs 6 43 p m, Maxton6 1H p n, arrives ik". nettsville 7 16 p m. Connections at Fayetteville with traia^No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Centi-aLtTa)* road, at Red Springs with the Red Spriiraand How mo re railroad, at Sanford witn tlC^ea board Air Line and Southern Railway, arGntf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road, leaves Weldon 3 55 p m, Halifax 4 17 d?l ar rives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m. GrecltTiUe 6 67 p m, Kinston 7 65 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 GO a in, Greenville 8 52 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 am, Weldon 1133 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leaves Wash ington 8 10 a m and 2 30 p m, arrives Panneie 910 a m and 4 00 p m. Returning Tbave Parmele 9 36 a in and ti;i)pm, arrive Wudln^ ton 11 00 a uj und 7 30 p in daily except s<Tlf**v Train lea\ es Tarboro daily except Suqjffy at 5 30 p ii, Sunday 4 15 p m, arrives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 50 a m and Sunday 9 Oh a m. arrives Tarboro 10 10 a m, 11 00 a ui. Train on Midland. N. C.. Branch leave# Goldsboro daily except Sunday 5 00 a m, arrive Smithtleld 6 10 a m. Returning leave imith tield 7 00 a m, arrive Goldsboro 8 25 a m. Trains on Nashville Branch leave fejcky Mount at 9 30 a in, 3 40 p m, arrive Na^viile 10 20 a m, 4 03 p m. Spring Hope 11 Ou a ?. 4 26 p m. Returning leave Spring Hope II nia ni. 4 56 p m, Nashville 11 45 a m, 6 25 p m, aime at Rocky Mount 12 25 a in, 6 p m, daily ex. "iapdaj. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warw\r tor Clinton daily except Sunday 11 40 a m %ud 4 26 p m. Returning leaves Clinton at 6 46 a m and 260 p m. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond. H. M. EMMF.RSON, Oen'l Passenger Agt. J R KENLY, Oen'l Manager. T. M. KMMERSON Traffic Man'r. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure J Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted dlges.ive or gans. It lsthe latestdiscovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Oastralgia,Cramps and all other results of Imperfect d; gcstion. Pries 10c. sad a. Lsrye?l*r contains ??times ntDtlas. Book all ebuul dytpepals emllsdti** ; Prsesrsaay e. c-oswitt aco.Cbiseae.

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