ALRCIT AND DARING. A Dramatic Cplcode of the Indian Mu tiny at Lahore. At Lahore, on tlie night of May 18, three dave before the date fixed for the mutiny, a military ball was to be held. This arrangement was not changed lest the suspicions of the sepoys should be aroused, and dancing was kept up till 8 o'clock in the morning. Then the ollicers at gray dawn hurried to the parade ground, where, by instructions is sued the day before, the whole bri gade was assembled, nominally to hear some general orders read. These were read in the usual fashion at the head of each regiment. Then some brigade maneuvers followed, and these were so adroitly arranged that at their close the native regi ments found themselves in quarter distance column, with five compa nies of a British regiment, the Eighty-first, opposite them in line, the guns being still in the rear of the Eighty-first. In a single sentence, brief and | stern, the order was giaen for the native regiments to pile arms. The grenadiers of the Sixteenth, to whom the order was first addressed, hesitated. The men began to han dle their arms. For one breathless i moment it was doubtful whether they would obey or fight. But si multaneously with the words "Ihle arms!" the Eighty-first had fallen back coolly and swiftly between the guns, and the sepoys, almost at a breath, found themselves covered by a battery of 12 pieces loaded with grape, the artillerymen standing in position with burning port fires, while along the line of the Eighty first liehind ran the stern order, "Load!" and already the click of the ramrods in the muskets was | Iwwd. : , The nerve of the sepoys failed. | Suddenly they piled amis, and COO , English, by adroitness and daring, disarmed 2,500 sepoys without a [ shot. What five minutes liefore had been a menace to the British power was made harmless.?Cornhill -Mag azine. Why Snow Is White. The pure white luster of the snow is due to the fact that all the ele mentary colors of light are blended together in the radiance that is thrown off from the surface of the crystals. It is quite possible to ex amine the individual snow crystals in such a way as to detect these sev eral colors before they are mingled together to constitute the compound impression of whiteness upon the eve. The snow is then clothed with all the varied hues of the rainbow. The soft whiteness of the snow is also in some degree referable to the large quantities of air which is en tangled amid the frozen particles. Snow is composed of a greut num ber of minute crystals. More than a thousand quite distinct forms of 6now crystals have been enumerated by various observers. These minute crystals and prisms reflect all the compound rays of which white light consists. Sheets of. snow on the ground are known to reflect beauti- | ful pink and blue tints under certain angles of sunshine and to fling back so much light as to be painful to the eyes by day and to guide the travel er, in the absence of moonshine, by night. She Needed Them. ' An American woman tells an I amusing story against herself, re sulting from her blissful ignorance of any language but her own. She was one of three American girls traveling in Italy. They had visited Europe with the laudable determi nation to see famous people as well as famous places, and in pursuance of this plan when in Milan they r.flitl n visit tn Ssitrnnr Vonli Vprrli received his unexpected visitors gra ciously, but as they were taking leave he raised his voice slightly, saving, "Roberto!" She, imagining this must be the Italian equivalent for "farewell," raised her voice also and, looking him full in the face, exclaimed in her turn, "Roberto!" then turned to discover, to her dire confusion, that Signor Verdi had i merely been calling his manservant to show them the door. After that she took lessons in Italian. Dimensions of the Coliseum. The coliseum built by Titus, A. D. 80. is in shape an ellipse. Its ex ternal circumference is 57G yards, its long diameter V05 yards and its short diameter 170 yarns. The arena h 0.3 by 08 yards, and the height of the gigantic mass is 15G feet. Four rforie- remain, the seats licing in tiers, and n calculation, made from < rea:l masurementl, shows that there v.ere seats for 81,000 specta tors, while 03.000 more could have found standing room, thus giving the place a capacity of l."0,000. Only about one-third of the original structure remains, for the great building served Rome for ages as a quarry, but even in its ruins it is , one of the most stupendous monu ments of antiquity. Its foundation would, in length, cover two city blocks, while ?? width is equal to one and a half. I SPILONA SCRIPS. Well, smce our last scrips from Spilona. there has lieen many changes. We farmers wanted to nee it ruin?now we want to see it stop awhile, until we can plow up a little more crab, but the farmers around Spilona don't ] raise much crab and the seed is not so plentiful as they are in some sections. 1 was riding out last Sunday and passed through a cotton farm which looked like cotton and crab had been racing and crab had won the race consider ably. That farmer will complain nex t fall of his fertilizer not being any good?are we all lazy? We have had several heavy thunder storms lately and very hard rains, the heaviest last Sat urday night. The lightning struck an elm tree* in Mr. It. L I.nesiter's yard near the kitchen door and gave thefamily a severe shocking, also struck a clothes line tearing it to pieces and burst ing up things generally at both ends; also a wire fence around his poultry yard and garden and killed an old turkey gobbler,nine young turkeys and seven chick ens, at the furtherend of the wire fence?better be careful how you get about a wirefencein a thunder storm. ?Mr. J. A. Wellons and family spent several days in this section recently. I'll stop here and say I wish everybody would subscribe for the Smithkielii Hkkald. It is rapidly improving; now one of the best papers we can take and read. Success to the farmers. F. L. T. PINE LEVEL ITEMS. M rs. Ida Woodard visited rela tives in Wilson last week. Mrs. B. L. Strickland visited her sister in Kinston last week. Mr. It. L. Ray and family visited relatives and friends in town Sunday. Miss Vara Taylor visited the family of her uncle, Mr. Z. Taylor, last week. Mrs. Mary Williams has been very ill, but glad to say she is im proving. Mr. 1). T. Worley and Mr. B. L. Strickland made a flying trip to Goldsboro Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fitzgerald visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Kornegay, Sunday. Miss Florence Farmer of Wil son is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ida Woodard, this week. Mr. John Stater, of Norfolk, Virginia, has accepted a position as foreman of Mr. T. T. Oliver's tobacco farm. Mr. Mark Mundy and daught ers, M isses Addie and Cora, visited the family of Mr. Wm. Green, Saturday and Sunday. \'V. and W. Raleigh News-Observer: The torpedo boat Bagley, on its trial trip last Thursday, made the record for 28-knot boats, by making as high as 510 knots an hour and an average of over 2b knots. It was a coincidence, but it is a fact that this trial trip was made on the anniversary of the death of the gallant young offi cer for whom it was named. Just exactly three years ago on the Kith of May, \Vorth Bagley was killed at Cardenas by a Spanish shell fired upon the torpedo boat Winslow. | Does tutT] | Baby Thrive i | If not, something must be \ ? wrong with its food. If the * J mother's milk doesn't roup l ? ish it, she needs SCOTT'S * T EMULSION. It supplies the J X elements of fat required for X | the baby. If baby is not V i nourished by its artificial ? 4 food, then it requires i Scott's Emulsion ? Half a teaspoonful three t I or four times a day in its $ | bottle will have the desired | | effect. It seems to have a ? f magical effect upon babies ? and children. A fifty-cent f bottle will prove the truth J of our statements. i Y Should be take a In summer si 1 T well as winter. * ? enr and |t .on, all doiPirlsts ? 1 SCOTT'& BOWNh, Chamkis. Ntw York. 1 The battleship ()hio was launch ed from the yards of the Union Iron Works at San Francisco last Friday. President McKinley and many other prominent men were present. You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bow els do not act properly. I )e Witt's Little Early Risers remove the cause of disease. Hare & Son, Hood Rros., J. R. Led better. Edwin F. Uhl, ambassador to Germany during Cleveland's second administration, died at ' his home in Grand Rapids, Mich., last week. I H/XVE a six by seven horse power C. & G. Cooper Co. Engine and Boiler ALMOST GOOD AS NEW. No better for ginning and bailing cotton. Also Two 5(VSaw Gins With Feeder and Condenser. In good condition. Will sell cheap for cash or on long time with good paper. Big lot pure PARIS GREEN and everything you want cheap. R. I. LASSITER. WANTED.?To exchange a fine 18-months old bull?half Jersey, half Holstein, for a good milch cow with young calf. John O. Ellington, Smithfield, N. C. (O This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine*8 the remedy that rurt* n cold In one day We have just printed a large supply of Short Form Lien Bonds and can fill all orders promptly. Heiiald office. rw guaranteed $5.060 DEPOSIT R R-FARE PA,D jdk m 200 FREE Scholarship- offered. LL Write quick to CA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLECE, Wlaeon. Ca. OPIUMC0CAINE 3n^wMisKY | IUlVI Habit# Cured at your home or at oanitorlum Rent of references. Rook on Home T-e at meett tent free Addrsea h. m. woolev. m. l>? box J J. Atlanta. Qa. Thk Hkrald and Home and [ Farm one year, *1.25. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The Bank of Smithfield. SMITHFIELD. N. C., At the close of business on the 34th day of April, 1901. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 1104.590 29 Overdrafts, secured 4,012 13 Hanking House, Furniture and Fix tures - - 2,500 00 Demand Ix>ans 2,615 06 Due from Hanks and Hankers 8.376 61 Cash Item? 624 84 Gold Coin 3,955 00 Silver Coin .. 5,492 80 National Hank Notes and other U. S. Notes 4,578 00 Total $136,744 73 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $ 25,000 00 Surplus fund 4,000 00 j Undivided profits, less current ex penses and taxes paid 425 66 Dividends unpaid - 44 00 I Notes and bills rediscounted 30,000 00 Deposits subject to check 77,002 69 Cashier's Checks outstanding 272 38 I Total $136,744 78 ? I, Allen K. Smith, President of the Hank of Smithfle'd, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ALLEN K. SMITH, President. Correct?Attest: W. M. Sanders, J. W. Stephenson, E. J. Holt, Directors. State of North Carolina?County of Johnston. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 20th day of May, 1901. W. S. STEVENS, c. 8. C. . 1 FCCORSETS Make American Beauties. We have them "in ail styles and ] shapes to fit every j . figure, and every ^ccrset is sold under this most liberal warrant? Money Vefendcd after four weeks* tri:.l if corset is not sif.siactcry. Lock for this Trrde Mark on inside of corset and cn bow V LAMAZOO CORSET CO. ,k'-Kalariuoc, Mich, I , J SALE BY \AJ. C. Yelvington, . 8MITI1 FIELD, N. C. ' I NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. North Carolina- Johnston County. | Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of State has issued to E. .I.Holt, T. K.Crocker. H. D. Ellington and H. S Unit a < erti finite of . incorporation a* follov?. 1st. Name. Holt 14a; iware end Buggy Co. 2nd. Purpose. General Hardware ami Mer < tiandise, Vehicles Manufacture and Hepair I Shops, &?\ :ird. Place of Business, Smithfleld. N. C. I 4th. Duration, Ik) years. 5th. Capital. 9W,UUn. Shares 9100 each. ??th. Stockholders not individually liable. w. 8. 8TEVBN8, Clerk Superior Court. * PROGRAMME Closing Exercises of Turlington Institute FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1901. 11a. m. Annual Debate. Oukry:?Resolved, That the Policy of Expansion is not for the best Interest of the I'nited States. aef. neg. j; W. H. Pittman. R. 8. Stevens. (}. D. Peele. L. H. Champion, j CONTEST IN ORATORY. II. A. Hoci tt?The Mission of our Country in the Progress of Civilization. A. A. Aycock?The Present, the Past and the Future of the South. . .'1 p. m. Alumni Meeting.?Address: Jas. A. Wellons, Esq. 4:lo p. m. Annual Address: George T. Winston, E. L. D., President of A. & M. College. 8:30 p. m.?Contest in Declamation and Recitation. A. G. Woodard The Puritan. Nellie Johnson Ole Mistiss. j ; 15. G. Paylor A Revolutionary Appeal. Emma Strickland A Second Trial. W. T. Woodard Jennie Butler and the Owl. ( | Beatrice Massey Two Runaways, j J. S. Edwards The Dangers of the Present, j' Mary Elovd So IVas I. 11). H. Jones A Reasonable Doubt, j Ora Stevens The Gypsy Flower Girl. C. W. Nixon One Century's Achievement. Mary Lee Lucas A Brave Deed. C. M. Austin ! American Liberty. Nellie Barbour The Retain of Fitzsmith. A. II. Barbour Rienzi's Appeal to the Romans, j Rena Bingham A Roman Sentinel. AWARDING OF MEDALS AND PRIZES. Reading Honor Rolls. Announcements. Music for All Exercises by Dunn Brass Band. BARGAINS! Bargains! Bargains! LOOK OUT! Owing to tie small pox rcare here recently,, which is now over, I have on hand a very large stock of season able goods, which I must sell in next 30 days at very low prices, and in order to reduce my stock I shall ofler lots of goods* at and below cost. So come one and all and examine before yoi*. purchase YOUR SPRING GOODS. As I will certainly make it to your interest. I mention sorrre' few items below that I have some special bargains in. Tv. FtviTT c I carry a full line of nice wors ?U* J |e)j goods, best fabrics. Dutch Suiting, Jacquards, Plaid White Goods, stripes, India Linen, black and white Covert Cloth, Organdv Lawns, Crash SiiStJ Foulards, Bostic Zephyrs, Dotted Swiss, Dimity Chanby. Also full line nice Dress Prints Ginghams, Cheviots, Plaids, Domes tic, Cottonades, &e. Special bargains in all Dry Goods. Ijj Notions I have Dress Shirts, Working Shirts, COLLARS, CUFFS, NECKWEAR Of all kinds, Umbrellas and trimmings of all kinds. Full line of Underwear of all descriptions and special bargains. Samples at wholesale prices. In Hats I have the prettiest line ever brought to this county, both in Straws of all shapes and nice Furs, all styles, at very low prices. /V\illinery. I have the finest in the county and would be glad to have my milliners, Mrs. Smith and Miss Britt to show any who would like to see a nice line of Millinery Goods. I have them as 1 always do. In anything your OliUvio. want in slippers for the babies, and also ladies and men's of every style. Special bargains in them. Come to see my Ladies' Slippers, Dongola patent leather tips and spe cial bargains at 50c- Also special bargains in gems fine shoes.. Clothing, Clothing I have the finest line in Johnston county, and everything yorst want. Special bargains in men's and boys' extra pants. Also light weight coats, serges, boys' .and men's nice dress suits, &c. I also sell THE WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, which i^ undoubtedly the best made and would be glad to set d my sales man to any who think of purchasing a machine. All the above goods and more too numerous to mention* will be sold at very low prices, either for cash or credit, and J would be more than pleased to see all my customers and friends procure some of the bargains. So come at once before they are picked over. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting continuance of* same I remain, Yours respectfully, C. T. Johnson, BENSON, N. C. INFORMATION. Several people have been in our store recently, and, upon seeing our goods, would say that they did not know that we kept so and so, that they had gone elsewhere and paid much higher prices for articles not as nice as ours. Below we give ? partial list of what we carry. BED ROOM SUITS. FROM 87.50 TO $35. Our $35 suits are as nice as you can buy in many places for forty-five or fifty dollars. Bureaus from $3.50 to $15.00 Bed Steads from L50 to 15.00 Rockers from 75c. to $4.50 Straight Chairs(Solid Oak) from 48c. to $2.50 each> Window Shades, 15c. to $100 We Garry a Nice Line of EXTENSION TABLES, Center Tables, Dining Tables, Wardrobes, Trunks, Tin Safe*, Glass Door Cupboards, Single and Folding Lounges, Carpet, Matting, Rugs, Floor Oil Cloth, Etc. We also carry in stock ? _ , ___ - - theNew Roy?successor SCWIRQ MflCRlRCS. to the Royal St. John Fully guaranteed at from 820 to 835. We also cnrry the New No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine?ball-bearing and rotary motion. One-third faster.. one-third lighter, one-third less noise, than any long-shuttle ma shine made. The Wheeler & Wilson is positively the highest grade sewing machine made. Call and see us. Yours truly, The Smithfield Furniture Co Bill Files, Letter Files, LEGAL AND FOOLSCAP PAPER. PENS and Penholders for Sale at Herald Office.