Iljc ?mitl)ficl& Herald price one dollar per tear. "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD." single copies three cents VOL. 20. SMITHPIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1901. NO. 12. CROPS ARE DAMAGED. Most Corn and Cotton in Bot toms Must be Replanted. The Raintall Averaged Five Inches For the State. Crops Are Bad ly in the Grass and it Wilt be Difficult to Get Labor. The Weekly Crop Itulletjn for the week ending Monday, May 27th, says "All minor features of the crop conditions during the past week are overshadowed by the tremendous loss resultiug from the heavy rainfall on the 21st and 22nd. This storm ap peared on the coast of Texas on the morning of the 19 th, crossed the Gulf States, and thence pass ed northward over central and western North Carolina. The characteristic feature of the storm was the extensive area covered bv the excessive precipi tation. which averaged over 5.00 inches for the State,as compared -with a normal for the week of only 1.00 inch. At some points the downpour was exceedingly heavy; Marion, McDowell county, reported 7.25 inches in 24 hours; Statesville, Iredell, 7.40; Chapel Hill, and Durham, 5.60; the rain fall diminished eastward to about normal near the coast. The damage caused by the beat ing rains, high winds, and subse i il - -1- ' V 1 ? quem noous in every creex ana river, farm lands, crops, barns, mills, bridges, and railroads can not at present be estimated. Space will not permit a detailed account here of the loss reported, which seems to have been great est in McDowell, Buncombe, and Mitchell counties in the west, and Orange and Durham in the cen tral section, but most other counties except in the extreme east nortion, suffered a propor tional loss. Uplands were badly washed, in some instances whole acres swept perfectly clear; an unusually large aiea of lowlands was submerged, and in the west particularly immense crops of the finest wheat were covered with sediment or totally destroy ed. Corn and cotton in the bot toms were very small, and most of it will have to be replanted, i which will be the third replanting in many places. "The floods in Yadkin, Cataw ba, and most other western riv ers, as well as in the Roanoke and Cape Fear, were as high as, or higher, than previously re ported. The dykes protecting the State farms on the lower Ro anoke were broken. "The temperature was slightly above normal until the latter part of the week, which was again rainy .and cool. Crops have become verv grassy, and as they are still backward and small they need working to prevent be ing smothered by the grass and weeds. A period of warm, clear weather is needed to dispel the present gloomy outlook. i.U'l * ? ? .11., ? m iirau aiiu uoto ^runanv if main in excellent condition, and where only beaten down will re-' cover. Many favorable reports were received from southern and j eastern counties. Cotton has a fairly good stand, though some is dying in consequence of too! much rain and cool weather: chopping has been much delayed. J Plowing corn, setting tobacco, and planting peanuts, have made but little headway this week. Fruit is dropping consid erably. "It is worthy of remark that a large number of correspondents report a scarcity of labor. "Rainfall for the week at se lected stations (in inches): (toldsboro, 1.14; Greensbro, 4.04: Lumberton, 6.88; Newbern, 2.28; j Weldon, 2.7G; Charlotte, 4.00: Wilmington, 2.80; Raleigh, 4.0.1; Southport, 3.21: Auburn, 0.48; Saxon, 5.13; Chapel Hill, 8.08; Monroe, 3.00; Marion, 0.53; Statesville, 8.14; Patterson, 7.00: Brewers, 7.00." Stops the Cougb and Works off the Cold Laxative Brorao-Quinine Tab- i lets cure a cold in one day. No < Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents GREAT DESTRUCTION AT BAKERS VILLE. Many Houses Swept Away and Some Lives Lost in the Hood?Seri ous Damage at Other Points. Marion Special. 24th, to Charlotte Observer. The following i.s a liist of own ers of houses destroyed by the storm at Bakersville: E. Mor gan, Gibbs Green, Hicks Patter son, M. Buchanan, Sain Turner, Jim Green, Bill Green, Nora An derson, Berry Stewart, I'rof. Britt, Quinter Moore, C. Silver, Mrs. Lizzie Howe, It. H. Young, Henry I'oteet, John Gudger and the Baptist church. These houses, together with all household ef fects, were swept away by the flood. A great many others were badly damaged. Sam Turner lost a trunk containing $1,000. A large number of people had taken refuge in the Baptist church. They barely escaped be fore it was washed away. Quin ter Moore and son were drowned. In Loafer's Glory, a small set tlement near Bakersville, L. Forbes Beaton and Wilson, Charlie Stewart, Col. Burleson and B. McKinney, lost houses and store rooms, together with their contents. Every house in Magnetic City, a good sized village in Mitchell county, was washed away. Twen ty houses were destroyed at Roan Mountain station. Six or eight large stores on Big Bock creek were washed away. Huntsdale, Jit o #1 ?? ?? ?? ? wun niteen mnes 01 railroad near tliere, was entirely destroyed. John McKinney was drowned. An unknown man was killed by a slide near 1 .oafer'a Glory. About 65 houses in Elizabeth ton, Tenn., just across the line from .Mitchell county, were de stroyed. The iron bridge a.n-oss Toe river at Spruce Pine was washed away. Later news from this county shows the damage to be much greater than first reported. It s believed now that it will reach $300,000. The people doing the best they can to repair then losses but great suffering wilL exist, as so many have lost their only means of making a living. All public roads north of here are impassable and in most places destroyed. The Thornton farm, near Bridgewater, was damaged 120,000. Caledonia Farm Flooded. Caledonia farm, the magnifi cent penitentiary farm, is flooded. The dykes are broken and the land covered with the water of the Roanoke river. Upon this farm the State has 1,300 acres in cotton. How much of it is under water Superintendent Mann did not know Saturday night. Much of the cotton is on the higher land and it is believed that it has I escaped, the water burial. For some days Superintendent Mann has been uneasy, and had given instructions to do everything possible to strengthen the dykes, and he hopes that the injury will 1>D iiMiilinod f i? F1?h lint f <^rr> lmi/K. in v.wiiiiuru \.\j iiiv/ k'v/i iuiii Kiiiun. Of course it is too soon to tell the clamage. The cotton has been planted, the dykes are broken, the farm is flooded. If the rains end soon and tine seasons follow, a part of the loss may yet be re covered, but the expense that will be incurred in rebuilding the dykes and the losjs in this year's crop will necessarily be very great. It is said the total flood damage in the State this week will be even more than $1,000,000. It had been said up to the time of the news of the flood's work in Bakersville that not a life had been lost in the State.?ltaleigh News and Observer. The Floods in the West. The great rain storms last week were verv disastrous to many sec tions of North Carolina. Every bridge in McDowell coun ty except three iron ones was swept away. The Catawba river, rose three feet above high water mark. At Morgan ton the Catawba river was Tour feet higher than ever before known. Two steel bridges costing $15,000 werej swept away. Corn fields and wheat fields were submerged and the loss in Hurke county is esti mated at #100,000. Much damage was done to the South Carolina and Georgia Ex tension Railroad between Ruther fordton and Marion, two trestles being washed away and 2,000 feet of the track destroyed. Much damage was done at Asheville and Biltmore; the beau tiful little City of Biltmore was flooded and great damage done to the railroad and other prop erty. Disaster In the West Permanent. "I have never conceived of such destruction and desolation as has come to the people of Western North Carolina by the recent storm," said Mr. .1. H. Tucker, of Asheville, who was here yesterday enroute to the Wake Forest commencement. "It was a cloud burst all over the mountains and no estimate can be given of the permanent dam age. In most of the Eastern bottoms, the damage, while great is temporary, for the earth has not been carried away, but iu the West the flood has carried away the soil to the depth where it had been ploughed, and the loss therefore is permanent and vastly greater than you can now estimate. It is not confined to any particular section. It is general and wide-spread disas ter. "The train can now get through frofn Asheville, but it had to feel itself along at the rate of ten miles an hour. Along the Ca tawba the water rushed with such power that it took 70-pound steel rails and bent them into the shape of horse shoes and carried ! them three hundred yards. Large trees were uprooted until in long stretches there is not a tree standing on the banks of the Catawba. "The losses have no return. They are heavy and will prove a | sore affliction to thousands of people."?News and Observer. Will Reach $75,000. Mr. B. F. Walters, manager of the Peanut Factory at the Cale donia farms, came up to Raleigh yesterday. He reports great ' damage resulting from the recent flood or freshet. He says that the people there state that the ' water was four feet higher than | it had ever been. Thenelds from 1 the camps to the river, a distance | of nearly three miles, were a solid sea of water, the water backing up in all the low places through out the entire farm. It was four 1 feet deep in the gin house at camp No. 1, and was within a few feet of the mule lot. The land between the two camps was flooded with hater so that there , could be no passing or repassing between the camps for a day or two. Some of theofficiulson rhefarm ' estimated that it will cost from $40,000 to $50,000 to repair the dyke and open the bridges, to say nothing of the destruction of the growing crops, which would increase the total loss t o .$75,000. The water hooded some of the wheat fields to a depth a twenty feet, nnd as it recedes the wheat ' is seen to have turned black, indicates ite total destruction. The dyke broke at both ends , and at several places along the ' river bank. The upper end of the dyke broke first, sending a per fect torrent of water into the ' farm nnd washing and drenching ( everything in its wake. Mr. Walters says it was a grand but a terrible sight. Think of a cyclone of water overhowingnine, miles of the finest farm on the Koanoke. the waves coming like ' the waves of the ocean.?News ] and Observer, 30th. The Supreme Court of the i United State has sustained Pres ident McKinley and reversed i Chief Justice Marshall. It has reasserted the right of taxation i without representation that the 1 colonies fought to overturn. It 1 would have been better to aban- 1 don our islands than our Consti- t tution, though it wns not neces- i sary to abandon either the one - or the other.?Philadelphia Rec ord. | < VETERANS CLOSED THEIR SES SIONS. The Confederate Reunion Will be Held Next Year at Dallas, Texas? J. B. Gordon Commander.' Memphis. Tenn., May 20.?A cloudless sky and cool western breeze were in evidence on the second day's ses-ion of the 1'nited Confederate Veterans. The exer cises in Confederate Hall were opened at 10:20 a. in. by the singing of the doxologv and the offering of a prayer. The report of theComniitteeon Credentials was called for and read by the thairmanof the com mittee, ,f. G. Guise, of Alabama. The total representation of 1,-J 350 camps was reported, with an aggregate attendance of 2,30!) delegates. Texas had the largest representation, with 12!) camps and 451 delegates. The report was adopted. The resolutions prepared by various delegates were passed up to the commander who read them aloud before returning them to the Committee on Resolutions. Among them was a motion that Congress be memorialized to erect in the capital of the nation, a monument to General Robert E. No action was taken, but there were a number of cries of "No," "No." rrn _ e ?. i_ _ r\ ? i - - ine lepori. 01 tneoommitieeon Confederate Memorial was read by Chairman C. A. Evans, of Georgia. The report showed a total cash in hand of $81,290; there are $81,307 in good and collectible subscriptions; there is an additional $60,000 still due from Charles Broadway Rouss, of New York; other items bring the total resources of the organi zation at present to $228,174. Appended to the repoit was a resolution that the members of the memorial committee be ord ered to meet within ninety days in Richmond, Va., to make final arrangement tor the laying of the corner stone of the Battle Abbey. Adopted. There was a short delay, wait ing for the report of the Commit tee on Resolutions, which was entirely ready. A partial report was presented, however. The first resolution was that the Con gress of the United States be re spectfully requested to mak? suffi cient appropriation for the care of Confederate dead in the ceme teries of North. The second resolution moved 1 that thanks be extended to Con gress and the President of the United States for the passage of an act making an appropriation for the re-interment of the Con Federate dead interred in the Na tional cemetery at Washington. These resolutions were passed without debate. As his gavel fell announcing the adoption of the resolution, Gene ral Gordon said: "My comrades, at last 1 congratulate you that the day has finally come when foes as well as friends are ready to pay tribute to the valorof the men of the South." General A. P. Stewart offered a resolution asking that members of the 1'nited Confederate Vete rans each to give one dollar for the purpose of erectinga suitable memorial to the women of the ^outh to commemorate the hero ism shown by them during the war. The motion met with gen eral approval and one delegate who announced himself us "Jim Crow" from Ixmisiana, handed up the first dollar. The report of the Jefferson Davis Memorial Association was ; then read bv Mrs. N. 11. Han- ' Jolph, of Richmond, Va. The 1 financial report of the associa tion showed a total of cash in I liand of $.'12,672 with outstand ing subscriptions of $10,727. Mrs. Randolph made an urgent ippeal for more monev. At the conclusion of the read- < ing of the Memorial Association ] report. General Gordon an nounced that at last the hour had come for the holding of the i sacred services in memory of that i well loved daughter of the South i -Winnie Davis. 1 Rev. Dr. Terry delivered an elo quent invocation. After the adoption of reports came tdie election of officers. The name of (fen. John If (for , don was placed before the con vention and instantly somebody I shouted: '"Let's make his re-elec tion unanimous.'' With a mighty burst of voices "Aye" thundered through the hall. With the same thunderous unanimity the re-elections fol lowed of Lieut, (ien. W. L. Cable, of the trans- Mississippi depart ment; Lieut, (ien. S. I). Lee, of the Army of Tennessee, and Lieut, (ien. Wade Hampton, of the Army of Northern Virginia. A resolution from the commit tee on resolutions was presented to the convention and adopted, "that neither the commanding officer nor the ieparment of the division commanders, nor any j official of this association, nor 'our host,' shall have the right to invite any one to a Confeder ate veterans're-union other than Confederates, and this right shall rest alone with delegates in con vention assembled. Such re union is to be held only at points in those States which furnished bodies of troops to the Confeder ate army." A resolution was adopted ob jecting to those who served through the war being addressed as "general," "lieutenant colo nel," or "colonel," when they were known only as "captain" or "major," during the war, and should so be designated now. O 1 ------- oevertu iiwiuuuun 01 minor importance were offered and adopted and then came the con test for the next meeting place. Mrs. Kate Cabel Curry, of Dallas, Texas, daughter of Gen. Cabel, extended a hearty invitation to the convention from Dallas. She bore a message from Governor Sayres, urging that the conven tion select Dallas as its next meeting place. Mrs. Curry was followed by Gen. Dennett H. Young, of Louisville, who ex- i tended an invitation from that city. After an hour of tumult the vote was finally counted, re- 1 suiting: Dallas, 1,268; Louis ville, 1,046. Gen. Young then 1 moved that the vote for Dallas l>e made unanimous, which was 1 done. The convention then, at o:o0, ajourned sine die. 1 An Encounter With a Snake. Mr. M. K Matthis, of Taylor's Bridge township, was in town J Saturday. He told the Demo- ' crat about an encounter with a coach whip snake. Mr. Matthis I was out walking last Thursday ] with his little son. The boy saw 1 a snake and called his father's . attention to rt. Mr. Matthis saw 1 that it was a coach whip and lie- < gan to lay plans at once to kill ] it. lie ran after the snake which < turned and showed fight. It thrust its head up in the air and came siding at Mr. Matthis in a ( way that made cold chills creep ( up and down his back. Hehurled a piece of rotten pine suppling at | the serpent. This missed the ( mark?a coach whip is a powerful . floilo'pr. I?vr this; tiinp cnul-o was within four feet of the man J who could look into the wide open jaws of his dangerous com batant. Another object thrown at the snake struck him and only made him madder. The human , participant in this dangerous , diml t !:en resorted to another | plan. He took quick but good , aim ami brought his heel square- f Iv down on his enemy's head. | then he seized the snake by the ] tail and gave hissnakeshipa jerk , that ended the struggle in a , hurry. The little boy who fol- ] lowed his father in thechasenfter ? the snake was in two feet of him , while the struggle was in pro- , stress.?Clinton Democrat. Atavism Run Nad. < Christian Science furnishes the only example of a great body of people who, with fervent emo tion, cling to a belief in that which they know is untrue. This is literally, atavism run mad; for it is more than atavism, in that i it embraces o pronounced natho- ! logical element unique in tne his tory of mental aegeneracy.? i Everybody's Magazine. GENERAL NEWS. A Partial List of the Week's Hap penings Throughout the Country. Light corporations of the Fall Hirer cotton mills have signed an agreement to reduce wages 10 per cent. President McKinley and party left San Francisco, homeward bound, Saturday. They will go to Washington direct. Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease has tiled a petition in bankruptcy in the I'nited States District Court. The liabilities are $3,347, and assets $2,293. The Supreme Court of Texas has decided that the franchises of railroads and corporations known as intangible property, are not taxable. Former (iov. John Riley Tan ner died suddenly Thursday after noon at the Leland Hotel, in Springfield, 111., from rheumatism of the heart. Consolidation of the Northern and Southern Presbyterian Sem inaries in Kentucky was assented to bv the Southern General As semiily Thursday. The steamer Ohio, from Hull, which has arrived at Hoston, re ports a collision at sea with the Norwegian bark Elise. The bark went down with 14 men. One sailor was saved. rn. * * ? * - i i?e .Manama constitutional convention unanimously pledged itself to keep the pledges of the Democratic party and submit any constitution framed to the people for ratification. Marthinus Wessels Pretorius, the first [iresident of the Dutch African republic, the title of which was changed in 1858 to theSouth African Republic, died May l!>th at Potchefstroom, Transvaal Colony. The work of the Alabama con stitutional convention Thursday was the seating of delegates. A motion to admit Gen. Joe Wheeler to the privileges of the door met some opposition, but was finally adopted. The State Department at Washington has been advised that the German government regards the present time as op portune for the withdrawal of Field Marshal von Waldersee, rommander of the international iorces in China. The two Senators of South Carolina, McLaurin and Tillman, tiave tendered their resignation to the Governor to take effect on Vov. 15, they during the mean time to go before their constitu ents and allow them to decide in primary between the two, the one defeated to retire. Aguinnldo will probably come to the Pnired States earlv next fall. He has already informed Gen. MacArtbur of his desire to visit this country and hopes to leave Manila not later than tne first of September, when condi tions in the island will permit his jnconditionnl release from cus tody. The Governor's Appointments. Governor Ayeoek thin morning appointed Mr" Walter H. Neaf. if Scotland county, as judge of the new eighth judical district, md Mr. L. I). Robinson, of Ali son, as solicitor of the same. Judge Neal is well known in Eastern Carolina. He is an ar dent Democrat. He served as chairman ot the State Board of Elections in the last campaign. The new solictor is a young man md represented Anson county in the last General Assembly. Governor Avcock also today nv.pointed thefollowing members of the Stale Board of Elections to serve for two years: Wilson G. Lamb, of Martin Uot>ert T. Clay well, of I5urs?' R. A. Houghton, of Alleghany. Clarance Call, of Wilkes. A. B. Freeman, of Henderson The first three were appointed on recommendation of .Senator Simmons, and are Democrats, while the last two are Republi cans, recommended by .Senator I'ritchard.?Raleigh Times.