THE HERALD. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. t#-('opy for changes in advertise ments must be received by 2 o'clock p. m. Wednesday, or the change will not be Bade until the next week. This rule srlll be strictly observed. Business f.ocals inserted at 5 cents pel CTC?*/ ?Teachers' Institute July Nth. iton't forget it. ?The next session of Turling ton Institute will begin Septem ber 53 rd. ?We have just received u copy of the handsomely illustrated catalogue of the Bingham School .at Mebane, N. C. ?Yesterday tit 2 p. m. at the residence of Mr .I.e. Bingham Mr. J. 1). Bice and .Miss Laura Ballenger were married by Bev. J. W. Suttie. ?The eastern section of this county w is visited by a hail storm Sunday night which did nttich damage to crops and espe cially tobacco. ?People coming to town should not get frightened at the solitary sentinels wiio stand by the road side, guarding itasitwere. There is no dunger in them. ?Yesterday cotton was put in the machines at the cotton mill here. All the machinery is about in place and the mill will begin work regularly in a week or two. ?Little Henderson Cole, son of >our townsman, Mr. Henderson Hole, bad the misfortune to fall from a ladder Tuesday and get his left arm broken just above the wrist.' ?We call the attention of the public school teachers of the county to the letter of Prof. Tur lington found elsewhere in this issue. Look it up, read it and act accordingly. ?The baseball fever lias got ten to be almost an epidemic in Smithfield. The old men and the voung men the fat men and the lean men, the sin it men and the tall men, are all interested. ?Mr. Frank Short has return ed to Fremont after spending a few days here with friends Mr. Short is a splendid ball player and did some fine playing in the Smitnfield-Pnnii game here last Friday. He held lirst base. ?Last week at the annual meet ing of the North Carolina Phar maceutical Association at Win ston, Mr. George K. Grantham, of Dunn, a brother of our towns man, Mr. X. 15. Grantham, was elected Third Vice-President. ? Last Friday evening at the Farmers Warehouse the Just-Fun Flub entertained the Zigzag Club by giving them an ice cream sup per. Despite the rainy weather Respect full v, \V. F. Gi-:itai.i), Chin a Co. B. 10. Ira T.Tcki.inoton. Sec. Co. B. E. June 20, 11)01. Try n peach, strawberry, ban ana or pine apple sherbet as cold as ice, Ac at Snipes' Foun tain, Selma, N. C. PERSONAL. Mr. Jump* H. Pou, of Raleigh, was here this week. Mr. Thou. S. Ragsdale went to Oxford Saturday, returning Sun day. Mr. N. It. Grantham made a business trip to Richmond this week. Congressman 10. W. Pun made a visit to Washington, L). 0., this week. Mr. II L. Skinner returned Monday from a short visit to (txford. Rev. J. W. Suttle went to Ren son yesterday afternoon to marry a couple. Dr. S. 1'. J. left Saturday to spend a few days at his home in Sampson. Mr. I . G. Patterson returned Tuesday from a business trip to Oxford and Raleigh. Messrs. Allen K. Smith and Allen went to Charleston on the excursion yesterday. Mr. A. J. IOUis, of Raleigh, was in to see us \ esterdav and renewed his subscription for another year. Mrs. .f. W. Suttle and children left Wednesday to spend some time with relatives in Shelby. Mrs. .lames M. Harris and daughter, Miss Reulah, of Ral eigh, were visitors to Smithfield Saturday. Mr. \Y. M. Sanders and family left Saturday for Wnghtsville Reach where his family will spend the remainder of the summer. Mr. Sanders returned Tuesday. Miss Hattie Wharton, of Greensboro, is spending a few days here, the guest of her broth er, Dr. I.. D. Wharton. Dr. Whar ton's little son William, is also here. Mrs. Dillard, of Spartanburg, S. C. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Cumnock, at the cot ton mills. Mrs. Smith, of the same place is also a guest of Mrs. Cumnock. The Game a Tie. I.ast Friday afternoon Dunn an 1 Smithfield played theirsec ond game of ball on Turlington Institute grounds. The game was a very interesting one from the beginning. At the end of the! seventh inning the score stood s'x to six. In the latter half ofj the eighth inning the umpire called the game on account of! the rain, and, according to the rules of baseball, the score revert ed to the end of the completed inning. in the eighth inning, when the game was called, Dunn had made ! t wo runs and on this account the Dunn boys claim that they won on a score of S to Plln.s " 6 to IS Tallow Bees* a* ' 2( Meal, per sack $1.80 to 1.4( Flour, per sack *2.00. 2.2-' Fodder, per hundred 90to$l.l< Hay, per hunured fl.0( Wool, washed H For 25 Cents A We will sell you a Guaranteed cure for Chills. . Hood's Chill and Malarial Pills will do the work. ,, HOOD BROS,, H Druggists Bug and worm poison, spray ers, ike. 1 have a full supply Paris (ireen. I also have several hundred pounds of Black Death. , Also Blowers for applying the poison in powdered form, and in ' liquid. I have nitrate of soda J i and standard fertilizer in stock, j \V. M. Saxdkrs. . I FOB 40 YEABS. ' Dr. Wortliington's Southern 1 Remedy has been sold on a strict guarantee to cure cramps, colic, 1 cholera, cholera morbus, diar- , rh.ea, dysentery and all pains of the bowels and has stood the test. Price 25c. at llood Bros. SPECIAL BARGAINS. .lust received 10 dozen si.00 shirts to sell at 85 cents each. 10 dozen 75 cent shirts to sell at AO cents ea !i. Grantham, Austin & Co. T< >R RENT. A dwelling house in southern part of town belonging to Mr. .1. I?. Spiers. The dwelling house now occu pied by Mr. It. H. McGuire, to be vacated about July 1. Apply to i i Beaty & HOLT. Ladies, Misses and Children ? 1 Ziegler ltros. tine shoes sold by W. (i. Yelvington, every pair war runted to give satisfaction. ; A large stock of Summer j Coats, extra length, at Gran , thani, Austin & Co.'s. , | A car of fresh Michigan Flour J now in stock. A better car of | hour has never been received in i this town. W.M.Sanders. > ' Grantham, Austin A Co. have j a nobby line of Ties. The prettiest ) | you have seen. LEND US YOUR EARS. ARE YOU BUYIN j YOUR HARDWARE FROM US? IF NOT. WHY NOT? TWO REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD. 1. WE meet ALL legitimate competition. 2. WE can and do sell MANY THLNLS MITCH CHEAPER than ANY of our competitors. We etui do this because we buy in large quantities and get lower prices. These are FACTS and we stand ready AT ALL TIMES to prove them. the noil Hardware and Buggy Co., THOS. R. CROCKER, H. D. ELLINGTON, Genl. Mgr. Mgr. Buggy Dept. ft. G. SPIERS. J. D. SPIERS. Weldon, N. C. Smithfleld, N. C. SPIERS BROS. When you anticipate buying in the line of Dry Goods, Millinery, Notions, Shoes. House Furnishing Goods, &c., be sure to examine our stock. We now have the most complete line of such goods that we have ever carried. Embroideries, Laces, Belts, Novelties, &c. KICKS FOR WAISTS, LAWNS, Organdies, Fculards, Lansdowo, Zephyr Ginghams, Percales, and numerous olber articles in Dry Goods, Notions, &c. Ready-to-wear Skirts and Waists. "Nel son's" Men's Shoes. "Duttenhoffer's" Ladies' Shoes. Fverv pair warranted to give satisfaction. M1LLIN ED Miss l'uckett,1who has charge of this department, has returned from the North, where she has secured the latest styles ror the spring and summer. THK W. It. COIISET IS CONCEDED by many to be the leader. Men's up-to-date FANCY SHIRTS and Neckwear?the prettiest we have ever had. Carpetings, Mattings, Art Squares, Rugs, Window Shades, Curtain Rods, Curtain Swiss, ChenMIe and Lace Curtains. Centerpieces, TABLE. BUREAU AND WASH STAND SCARFS. BATTENBURG SUPPLIES, EMBROIDERY SILKS, ETC. Remember we guarantee to be undersold by no one in any department. SPIERS BROTHERS, SMITHFIELD, N. C. LLJ ? ? - - " - ' 11 " ?? " '.'1 ? Look! Ihxie iM.ovrs $QC Each. ?IVe Sellz^r = dardware and Furniture Regardless cf Cost. Our Furniture is mad* in Dunn and wc can gave you the fitielit. We carry tL# irgest line of Rubber, Gandy and Leather Dclting. Engine and Mill Supplies In liis part of North Carolina, anil can flil your orders promptly. Write us for prices Hardware m Furnlitire Compaq, DUNN. N. C. Furniture, Furniture, ? *1 X M ? m We have lieen in the furniture business in Smithfield ?** %4 for several months and are well pleased with our pat am oA ronage We h ave been selling good goods at rea ona- 13 ^hle prices and our customers are well pleased. 3 jS Our Terms are Easy, x y Wc sell for cash or jg Jf cxi installment plan. -jg Sfi X g We have the space to mention only a few of the ^ jg numerous articles we carry.' ? * BED^ROOM SUITS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, * gj ROCKERS, WINDOW SHADES, TABLES. g ?3 Wardrobes, Trunks, Carpets Mattings, Sewing Ma- X St. chines, and a great many other things needed in the X $? home. We want your trade and will guarantee to X jSt please you. Give us a call. t? it Yours for the Home, X ^ The Smithfield Furniture Co THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. Literary, Classical, Scientific, Commercial, Industiial, Pedagogical, Musical. Annual expenses $100 to f 110; for non-residents of the State $100. Faculty ot members. Practice school of about 250 pupils. To securo board in the dormltorios all free tuition applications should be made before July 15(h. Session opens Sept. 1$. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenog raphers. For Catalogue and oth? r lnformat ion address President CHARLES D. MclVER, June 21-6w \ QBIZXMSORO, N. C.