vWMVWWWIIUMMe* ' i THE GUNMAKER j 1 OF MOSCOW. - -?? By SYLVAHUS COBB, JR. $l?k4MWOMWrtMIW|]|IMWM CHAPTER VI. BKfORl: THK r.MPCBOK. "Is he dead?" asked Ruric, start ing quickly forward. "Hold, my eou," uttered the monk, latino his hand upon the yytmg man's arm. "Surely you have nothing to fear It was none of your work, no more than if you had ran vonr sword to the heart of a wild beast that had attacked you." "But I dkJ not touch his heart," quickly returned the youth. "I was cartful of that. 1 would have struck hira upon the head with the flat of mv sword, bnt I feared I might break his skull." "He is not dead yet," answerefl j the surgeon as Ruric pressed for ward and asked the question a sec ond tirur. "fie lui-s only feinted from the flow k of trie blow, coupleo wiiti lus own fears and Missions. "Bat will be die?" Ruric asked. koeeHng down by the fallen mta't ?id*. "I cannot ret tell," the doctor said, at the same time wiping the . blood,away, which was flowing free- j 1) "But why rot probe the wound eowf" suggested the monk. "Now is the best time, for the place is not jet inflamed, and white he is thus in ee -.lible he will be free from pain." The 'urgeon at onee law the b, lb end propriety > f tlii., and he proceeded to ta t upon the sugges tion. l'-r : 'eie tod u prni.o which j \ '.arid spalieal 1*, he examined the -. aorid. tluric v?tclwd h'im eq ftirlv and with a painfm vpr. ..ion "l t tl.iri tti-> w?nnn 1- ! surgeon reported as t,; i ttl-fullv fait i.i- way along th.j, ; ap^oii.iy'' asked It I z?"t "Y ??? v.\ re ready enough t ; a ? <*''t b'? chilleVg " "i e't f v. v ki.iild I ave. called | t - ' '? ret ir ed the gunrvd it" villi % flash rg "Had [ re- | f -ft to I..."' f i tl at fatal wor i ? :Jd ): ve net u.e at ev? ry tv.m. . k'trv tbat such a man a- he was r ? C' ye for me at any gim?- wheti r' en rth ?? * \n-: and *le?;-ht "f I ,j. v .re reqrirod So I meant to di a ? hi: i itv' tl C 2tv< ).fn cy hi It bel.cri- ? tl-r sue I a net.'' w nld em! ll ? combat. You kuov h..',- J ]?: to ?;.are hir>. But Tj ?? uld not VII would not have t!;. : I r* * f.betni a countryman i r,.r, pi hf.n.U ia auch a quarrel ' Jiy father <'i t r, coun try , ?r.d *0 would I dm if i.IV deal! ; t .it C'rt.o live: the hand I / ' r.' ! f-. to d.e ib a w .uM be f. c rs ?. toy cimo. anu to inflirt *iv! f i*. u]'oy. Tori. r would be a et;rs irt.ynH' <-ry." u) I1 v \ u. my ft>n," tl. n r'; ' ?- id. To.! it' th. vi_t:t d ma yo'.i (?'. i'.A lit allow tf fuling- g. yott mnr.tU't to overcome you. 11 I- , way *r yi u to Hanie for this." I "'True, father Yun a;>e*k truly." s kJ th.? aurtreoft. "The joutc. mac far art*:1 most nobly, st;d t ! thiwo ran he attached to him." Bury soured amuevhat relieve.! Vj tV?o ujrarar.ooa, ?cV having! *>:en th.-1 cr.ru; . wound drofscd ate! | ? -ris'ted Lr> bearag the iusenaiblu j f"ini t> rhe aledgc, ho took Alaricb ' jroffcrvd arxu aud proceeded to bi?ji ?vn P:am. "Who k tl-.ut rucrik ?"' atked the | lieute?w*>.t aa they entered their |i a ledge. 4*I eui> know that he i' railed!; Yladuiur," returnevi Rurie, "! hm ? to 'y ?CA;:I hut' cure liefttfe. IIHV yi u t-rer prcn hiui era thi*?" i 'l' ;??> t f our poor fellom-* have heeTi; ?i ?' ;tid c ? 1 ni: He seems to be u 1 pond beartcd limn nnd, 1 judjrr. tjiiire icteLijit nt." "I ^jfree with you there," our hero I l b 1 t..i::k lie ia n t;"od man, but i! them ?? neverthclesa ? mystery I ?bout him which 1 cannot solre.,' lii< C'luitfuon la familiar to in ? r nt! yet f rani: it toll where nor when 1 i 1 have rem him." 11 "Aye," added Alaric quickly and . ?ftgfilv; "that prerrwely tlv ens. !i wit r u . 1 am very sure that I havt j t sr. i. that man under different cir- i enm-Unce*. AbJ others of our com- | pasv hove thought the erne." The tro 'ucn watched tl.c move- i )u?." i nf t ? monk while tlvcy thia g) Ve. arid thev noticed that he en tered l is iledge and drove off to- : ward Borodino. "Ifuric," said the lieutenant after ' ti i v )md ridden some little Aistanc si I .it the aame time %nAag won '?? ri yly into his comngtnou'e fac^ i "ton baadlc the swora^like a ms/r- 1 c an. Hr my goul, I'd gtva all I own ??t tbi? r>rc?ent moment, RJS conaub aiou an i all, if 1 could hancie i;. sword ax you can." "1 do understand tlx; weepon paHsmjf wall," rcturtied fho yo.i modestly, "but 1 have worked hard to tain the science." "Ah, 'tis not e!l science," the olh ccr added. "That wondrous etrength of your is a host in itself." "And yet," said liuric, '"I liav* seen weaker men than icveeif wd.o would overcome me cc.-ily or, at leant, who might overcame i.ie." "ii.it they were not in tin - city," lucre.-'!d Or.-a, with a peculiar shako of*the head. "True. Alaric. I am not in the habit of mentioninp nr own powers, but yet I may say that there i.- no men in Moscow who is my superior in the use of any sort of offensive amis." The lieutenant readily admitted the truth of this, and then the con versation turned upon the subject of the count and the course ha had pursued with respect to the event which had just transpired. This conversation lasted until they reach ed the (' cr of Ruric'a residence, and. having thanked his friend for his kindness and expressed the hope that at some time he muht have opportunity to return eon* ade quate favor, the gunuiaker entered the house. The widow sat in her great chafr by the fire. She was pal ; and nnv ious. bier brow was supported by her hands, and at every sound from without she would start up with a frightened expression and listen. At length the sound of bells struck upon her ear. They came nearer and nearer, and they stopped at her door. SI i would lave ari.-en, bur! she could not. With her hands i clasped si c bent eagerly forward j and listened with a frantic interest. ' Soon t!.( door opened. Surely no one tit he world enter without1 ki.ork ;.g She si ricd to brr fee:. Tht cm door opened. A tns.e form steed K fere her. "Mother!" "Rune! My boy! Safet- ? S o tottered fers r.rd 6. . eat ?. unci' lb bs?r. of l or i d sou.: aid wt i!? eU vrov.rd bet sro* right- : ly iI? out hue s! t inuricurea tier tWkJ to Gtd. Bv nod lv the videw 1 evAi.-. ji.tro | csIh., t i t -till there v. i ?u eeri est, | eev:t 1oo.lt ct tea,t upr. t.cr face- ; Kerb? f?W it. ?v.d he knew *? .1 vti? ii . . T/# K) tliu COUflt 1- i ?TSor vouO't -rehe uttered i auiekl* ?Uib.Mger v ; I "Tee; Udty. But, lutc-u. I coulu . not htlp thereupon U re Utcd nil tl.t eircvi atat u? connect U ?1th tl? conflict. V.'hofi ht t-. t ocucJuded, hie mother i-r-c&wd ?, few i. - .re-i Js idttf.es el * **1? "Surely, n y eoj. I *m try to; BUffet UOthini fceiu tl.ia. , should ti e wl. b' u?vt die. Is. All youacted?;eror tbut Russia ha* taken nn husband fmm me. that !>? fell in hi? country's can-c. Tell him my boy w> not to Mame"? "Hu:!). mother." ini?T(>i em en as a , small affair.' s.isl one of the officers after they had storied on their way, *'la he dead, then;" Ilmie tjuitk ly asked. "The doctors tl ij 1? liis ease a crit ical one. But that is not the thing. You would have killed ltiin if yo could." "No, no. By heavens 'tis not so! All who were present will awer.r th 1 tried to spare bin " "Very well," returned 1' c oklce. "We shall stc about that wiicn w come to the palace l'srhaps you may go clear; but. upon toy soul.. 1 would net willingly occupy you. jik.ee." liuric cured r 11 -? aryv.e tre potr" with tl (.-o who k:.ev.' i tl.ii>' a bo;; ? ; the circur/st ?a?v?, sr- ho r;i::nii:e-i; siki.t dtirii .* rb. iv;r of i '>c- rile I vr:.s i est v.t whet. ?h?y roach es! the i: puid f -.lac. . d Riixi was r-.-r.d:.ct<-l ?? or. ? into tie percr's pr lco. The !?;. ] .I. r ! jter v. as ir cr.e .. the QpwUer trcrfierxe ctiwmLtr*, sit ting >* nu-g-*- tai u e< tered wit pur; velvet i.cavil;-- ?.. -ugVt wit.'i' gold, nr.1 upon i-i;i;rr hand sic.') ?cne e? i ;s | mate itU?:r carta. Hi; wa: r. v:ui> mar., r et yet so c!d e.? Furis by *.;-i three v?*rs, tat hi? ? face already * ore - utaiir- lock. I hit trsr :t it.-h #oI but.no* largo, being miser (light that: otlltfnN ir pt.yricol bulk. His dfs? LetrayeC negligence- and e ;r -mew a" ' was ir. marked contrast v;th vb. -"eh . garb., ;f his attendant!. S > V3 j Peter c? Russia, ye* a yo.i'.l', -mail ; ir. frmt.e a ltd car. !a?? of tkosi jjraecs which ?C tr irah-r tip t!.c sua. 11 court lire, tut st; iblo to l-o.'r th.;-' aft a us tf a grr.r .-miou upon 1-x ?houlders. nltnis that btw woalr ed a mighty train, and it: tiis. b'.i oia host ? I,cm vUrrtivjf r.-.crt for the- g?d cf Ra>.;e t!;?: for self *r kiiii-e'L Kttric *-yr Step hot: I'rzeit ?nd t: .* SMTgeoc there, ar.d he ai.-p *?vr the Duke of Tula rhcrr IT ret the j duke's eye, and a peculiar i<.uenn) ; of fssac rat- through bis i !"tl ?& b" ; sav the sr. r:i, thrcattricg exprcs- . ?i>.? that rested s.i.?-3 Oles's face. "Sire." spoke the Imee.' of thcee ? who I... 1 c<;.ducted the prisoner. thither, "J'uric Nevel Hand* before you." "All," uttered Ruhr, e-jitlrg I i eaglc eye over tL. forms before Dim j "hievol, advfince." Witb a hold yet uiod.ut step Rurie ' advanced tc the tabic, and, with vj low, bovy, he awaited the ei*. >er< r's pleasure. 'I.'bo.T> vrtw a shudder pei- ; e?;Oil.!i} ip the fnuiKus of thoee-who i wished the prisoner well, fox wall - thoy knew their mishty ruJer'a iron will and Bternness or le^al purpose. : CICAFIEE VII, a siAarntwi TSTAU lu order to .understand tlie eir-, cunistancos under which Rurie was - brought before ilia emperor it will be necessary to jjo back a few hours. The autocrat had occasion to fetid for tlie surgeon, Kopnnl, who had attended at the duel, and 83 he was some titae in answering the sum- ? mons ho was (jucstiotied when he did come concerning his tardiness His answer was that he had been uttend big the Count DsmonotT. * And what ails the count ?" ashed the emperor. "He was ivel! yeater da v." "Yen, but he met with an accident j today." "Look ve, Kopani," the younj: ruler cried, who saw in an instant tha: something unusual had Imp- j penod, "tliink not t-o conceal anv- l thing from me. What is it, now?'' j "Sire. I meant rot to hide anv-1 thing from < on The en in: has bee; i engaged in ? due. "Ha! \\ as i.e clui ?t'ri.'.'d "No, aire. He was tin- el.rl.-ttrer " "So, *o. And who was the other party ?" "A htimhle gjnmaker, sire, nam- , cd Rurie fCevel." "Navel, Novel," aoliloquired Fe ter. "The name is familiar.*' "Hie father was a captain la the last vnar with the Turks. He rose from the ranks under Feodor and was arw of the latest of the bravM" "Ci? |?t? in XV ?\ Wl ye?y ? i*? member new fShe and Valdni vrwa the two ft *10 rtrwt m<5,rtmsl the ram part# at Dium, So in* old dhypatcb es read " "Yes, fire Pre* Nevet was shot a month afterward whfle loading his braae company u^airtst a whote squadron of TufktMi Infantry. while Valdai cam* home trail got a colo nel's coin tin Asian.'* "And afterward reertued a tkle." added Peter. "Yes, sire." "And this gummier is this ciy> taln's fc-o ?" "Yes. sire." "Ami metliinka ValCsi left a rhild." "He did. site; a daughter, who la now with Olga. She is his ward." "Yes. yea. And the count fought a duel fttth young Nerd and got bfeaten. eh ?" Before the sui^reon conld enssver a page entered tlie chamber anil an nounced that the Duke of Tula Wished to see his imperial muster. The emperor directed that ha should I* adgiftted. and en- lor** afterward the proud deke entered the apartment. lie was a tall, stout man, with light hair and blue eyes, end not far from five and forty years1 ( of age. tin bearing was haughty, ' though he war forced to a show of | respect now that he was before hi1 i master. "Sire," spoke the duke after the : usual salutations hud passed, "1 have come to demand justice at thy 1 hands. My young friend the Count I Conrad Datuonoff has tec. most brutally murdered." "lie* Say ye so, Olga?"* "Yee, sire." "? '* "Tut how was it?" "TLU3 it was, sire: Oc the isy 1? ! fore yesterday I err.t tl* count vri i ? u mcssr.-, to cne Funic Neve], wh< .?j ! ft gunntktt in Slob da. lis west f<* I r wi,1 ed, and while there the gun ? maker, *?!.? U a huge fellow, provok | cd r c, unreel unit knocked tl % to' le l- it. down CEccur?f tuft<".ia;t w< ? <;l"rv.tlt."'": null &S li.t' -,l?W. 1 lTtl! or.ed t" r^neat the oftenee tm*- s1 i fnrtii'.-trrere g.'ossly insulted ft e. : 1 lg K i: *t.em II * ccui t he'd ic- ?' der.r eouM h-rdly let;1 ?' -l'-:... j : iag him. The fellow * *? opted In J: challenge ; 3* ' i. ' . ui<-> cowardly i .siietfv -T'. ? i" ' llictJ:;;{ up.-? Lb .? ttnrt*! wet; \ "Th'i .i * M>rier.s atfe '' - Hi tl emperoi. who had not fui'citc r."t-i the ast.oni.-ih.''. If ? c?f ?' ?_? rgecu, while the d> ks ?i- tolling Hi story. ; "It i 8 d serious, sire, and ftiue-; ly the rv.f ,? ?b .?!?* be -t "He? or- ? ctfed." "But did you not e.ty that tb-ii count i! ulleugcd him?" "I did, sire, 1 -t you 'o'-t remer - U? that ii a** en iwtii. ?' of - hi' ftr^iemati' i with the noble c 'tiu ; The fellow would hare vmdo?bto% murdered bnn had I t c<- . tike" ? coiirj?." 'TMera you presctm ul the ? eh * ? lord V j "No, sue, lut I hare a f iend j without who ?bi prtaeat. '-Then you may bring Hr. in * The d'.'.tw departed, auC. When v.e returned Stephen Trrea bore or: cow nan v "thi-' ii the irita, stre." Otja -ah* m he led Ms companion for* ard. The ejnper< v gazed upon C.xcc a few moments iu silence end then] said: ? j "You were present at this dual, were you not, sj r ?" "I was, sire,1' the ftiui* bowing low. < "And he was at their Mint meet it g also, sire," interposed the diike. "Ah, yes. Then you know *11 about the elfair?" "Yci, sue," answered Cfiea. "Then teiJ roe about it." "First, sire," comcuenred the men. j casting a sort of assuring glance at the duke. 'Tbe count went to the I gnriCiakeFs shop to get kia tw to" "I.et nie explain hero, tire," inter-, rupted the dtiKe as his puppet hesi-j liiteii "tl is man may not know ! properly about that mi?iion. Li\] u-g with me is a voung fin, a ward, of mine, e senile, timid beieg, whoj ha? Won somewhat a comfort to m?i in my loneliness. In childhood she; was acquainted with this Huric he ; vol. ar.d now the fellow has pacsum , ed thereupon several times to iDsult' her of late with his dFguating f? nii'isrity. blip dared not remon , stiate with him for fear of violence, j so sie referred the matter to me The count has keen anxious to win her for a wife, so I thought hira Dot ao improper person to send on tin del lea tr mission Accordingly J w rote a sort of promise in the form of a voluntary assurance pledging tin ?igner not to make himself fa mi'i r with the ladx anv more And ill the same time he received the n s innwe that hi- presell;tti but refused to si^n it. l^ie count urged him to sign in mild, persuasive language until the fellou bttcarae insolent. Then be used tome stronger terms, and I think he marie %pme threat of what he would do if hie insults to the Ud\ | were repeated, and theaeupwi tht gunmnker struck him a furiou. blow in the face and knocked him down. I cannot remember til the threatening language which the fel- I low used, but it was fearful." "And how about the duel?" asked the emperor. In answer to this Crzen went on and related what he tiad prepared on the subject, and it need only be said that the report was about on a 1>ar with what we h.ue already lescrd. He even went sp far as to swear that the count hISl tried re peatedly to compromise matters aft er the conflict had begun, that he begged of Nevel to give up the bat tlcTnut that the hitter, tfcirsting fo* the yoi'iu rm jk-tuan's bViod, Ifeph Irotlyl mailiv at it. It w#l stood be fore hie emperor. Peter gaied upon him for some moments, and then he i said: ".Sir, thy bearing is bold." '? uv should it not be, sire, yhen ' I stun" before one when 1 honor' find re<;>ect and do not fee r ?" 8 ? rpc-ke Euric calmly and with ceou tar dignity. ? 7';1 ?I*8ted the auto : crat sternly. "No, sire ?vmr of i. not * 1 Ran to be feral by th.. ;.c lov, i and honor hi '' '?Insolenceuttered the duke The eiupcr. r looked up ink hi, face. f,rd lie s.Ved: "Voir. air, , ,cu can a,>? f. - vf?r...: rf bis traits cf c5.rrf.et>-"! " Aye/ r.;tur:.?.4, Peter, ' f They are vofidfrfuL ! ?^..v - ? it ajnotfk u.) artu.ii* thftro wen mat if such toliiucu." Th.- d: k k iw not h- y tj t.-. | terprct this. and be moved beck a pace. . ; " ?'^od Peter, turn ' . . 9 ?''?<'ma* t. "Low dare you strike a ..r.iusj-u, r.cHfiraJi i i ^d ? t, siw. Cosrad LVr.cum*j to ,r. ?b. r, ^ j brou -t.t i ?e a jw i.*. n-ki.-! t was rec.uin f! t tr!;f .lU^au::,; to to. hard .'hi, sire." P?Uvi yon would have I GOL.C tne Bam? to m? u l 'w V^V'"er?dJhe 7nuth quick t.-; ? her. Da mo nod tried fct threat., to muse mo sign his paper I toiil! . ,i;er? vr9y but 0..? 0>, earth at whose order T would dy; that things The man who has the right to crmmand ,hali rarer fcavy occwion-to arrike me." | There ? u something in this foplv ami w>re tE tl.e tone end bearing of ' him who spoka it that made the f. * trw-m? Ha hw plainly that m?f?fP * I7** ,*"k ?* ?d : miration as they rest*! upon the gunrjaier. 1 ? "But now about this dneL'' r Burned the emperor "?<*, dare,. fh7"X', ,be -???" i? rcn'r C' DlS he n0t' StCP,,?n Ur" | "pM"" "*"? "And which of the two do von call the boat swordatnao ?" Peter asked or *?? antrDfl W,8t 887 7QX tiT lioutan fluke wa? atudwa to crush his wrltl ^ faBrefl *? fl,aw tbc jraft of tbat powwfwj uohl?m?., hl? Sit a happy thought came to bis aid. ^ would father you would judge of that for your thi??" MTe? And ho* 1 to do "Let Runs Nevel's skill be tried here before yon. If I mista|t# ^ you have some good swordsmen near ? * ncmrtl 'u^ the (Continued dn Sev, mlj , For Sixty Days. For the next sixty days we shall iv)l goods very cheap for cash In order to run down our stock as we ei[MITHFIEJ"Jl>. N. C YOU NEED IT. It ia (jooti to nave on hanti A. mSW Liniment Nerve and Bene Mado etrictly r.y an oM 1c? ttatolerfurnuiifc. ftiiH 1 ?or sax,p. ti J B MOZINGO. Si:rithflel b.M. wool bV. M. D? be* 33. Atlanta. Qa We ni-e ft ill clubbing The Herai.d and the New York Thrice-a-week World for $!.(>."> raf.li in advance.