THE HERALD. | NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. arcopy for changes in advertise ments must he received by 2 o'clock e. vt. Wednesday, or the change will not be made until the next week. This rule will be strictly observed. Business Locals inserted at 5 cents pet Une first insertion and 21 cents per line ?ach succeeding Insertion. Rates for display ads made known on application. Friday, August 9. 1901. TOWN AND COUNTY. ?"The H. H. & B. Co." ?The Smitliiield Hardware Co. ?J. H. Kirkman, Fire Insur ance, Smithfield, N. C. ?In the month of July the Register of Deeds issued fifteen marriage licenses?eight white and seven colored. ?Mr. E. W. Poumade atrip to Washington this week in the in terest of new postottices and rural free delivery in his district. ?Rev. J. W. Suttle went to Benson Monday where lie is en gaged in holding a series of meet ings at the Baptist church. ?The County Commissioners at their session'Monday awarded the scholarship given by Kenly Academy to this county, to Miss Ruth Jones. ?Mr. J. A. Stephenson, of Atfa, was in to see us Monday and re newed his subscription, lie says he has one of the finest fields of cotton in Pleasant drove town ship. ?The County Commissioners met in regular session Monday No important business other than the regular routine of allow ing accounts, etc., was trans acted. The Finance Committee will meet August 81st to settle with the Treasurer. ?Rev. J. J. Harper, assisted by Rev. J. D. Waters, of Wash ington, N. C., is holding a series of meetings at Wilson's Mills Christian church. Morning ser vice at 11 o'clock, evening service at 8 o'clock. The public cordi ally invited to attend. ?Mr. I'. G. Smith, of Cleveland township, Johnston county, was here Monday to see the Commis sioner of Agriculture regarding a peculiarcliseasethatbas caused the death of several cows in John ston. He thinks it the result of sating poisonous weeds.?Ral eigh Times. ?Owing to the very rainy weather this week tobacco sales have not been as large as they otherwise would have been The sales yesterday were large and the prices good. The farmers who sell here go away well pleased. There is no better market in this section of the State than Smith field. ?Mr. J. E. Edgerton, who spent the past three years at Vander liilt University at Nashville, Tenn., was here yesterday repre senting theNorthwestern Library Association of Chicago. Mr. Ed gerton will soon return to Nash ville where he will complete his course, graduating with A. B. next year. ?The Chamber of Commerce has been called to meet to-night in the Court House. It is hoped that the representative business men of the town will be present. Those of our citizens who are in terested in our town's welfare should lend a hand and make the Chamber of Commerce a power for Smithfield's progress. Other towns have been greatly helped by commercial organization, and why not our town? ?The people of Elevation town ship have nonored our towns man, Congressman E. YV. Pou, bv naming a post office after him. The new post office is a few miles above Spilona and will be called Pou. Mr. YY'm. II. Coats is postmaster. Thoseof oursub scribers who want their mail changed to Pou will please notify us. We suppose the office will lie opened in a short while as the post office department has al. ready ordered its establish ment ?Smithfield's second nine went down to Dunn last Thursday to play Dunn's second nine. They played two games, one Thursday afternoon and one Friday morn ing. The Thursday's game was I won by our boys, the score st and-' ing 14 to 12. Friday morning's game was a very good game up till near the end when so many people rushed on the diamond that our team refused to play. So the game was forfeited to Dunn. Howard Radford and Al-j bert Noble both did tine work in the box. personal. Mr. \\. P. Rose, ui Raleigh, was here Saturday. Mr. Hugh Lane, of Dunn, was in town Tuesday. Mr. B. B. llrou^hton, of Ben sou, was in town yesterday. Mist. Katie Tatnai. of Mount Olive, is visiting Miss Cullie Graves. Mr. Zeh Jenkins, a tobacconist of Rocky Mount, wus here Wed nesday. Mr. C. H. Randall, Manager ofI the Dunn telephone Co., was here Tuesday. Mr. W. M. Sanders spent Sun day with his family at Wrights ville Beach. Miss Annie McGuire left Satur day to spend sometime with rela tives in Oxford. Or, L. D. Wharton and Mr. Allen K. Smith spent Sunday at Morehead City. Mr. Owen Page, of Wilmington, silent Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. Ed. S. A bell. Mr. P. B. Huff, of Carson, Va., spent a day or two here this week with friends. Mrs. Thomas J. R&uti has re turned from an extended visit to relatives in Wake. Mrs. Ira T. Turlington re turned Saturday from a visit to relatives in Graham. Mr. J. A. Narron and family have returned from ? visit to relatives in Scotland county. Miss Bertha Stevens has been spending a few days with Miss Nellie Jchnson near Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Guy, of Richmoni, Va* have been spending this week here with relatives. Prof. R. R. Eason, of Elgin, Texas, recently spent a few days here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Ellington. Mrs. V. 0. Parker left,yesterday to spend a few days in Raleigh before joining Prof. Parker at Clyde, Haywood county. Miss Lucy Bryan, of Hender son, after spending a few days here with Miss Mattie McGuire, returned home Saturday. Miss Mary Lassiter, who has been spending several days with Miss Aggie Massej returned to her home in Greene county Mon day. Mr. J. W. Step lenson went down to Wrightsville Saturday. He returned Monday, accompa nied by Mrs. Stephenson and children who have oeen spending a few weeks at the seashore. Death of a Child. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Johnson have the sympathy of the com munity in the death of their lit tle son, Aldis, which occurred at their home here last Saturday morning. The interment was made in the Smithfield cemetery Sunday morning, Rev. K. D. Holmes, conducting the funerai services. Though only a few months old the little one will be sadly missed in the home. A BRAN NEW HOUSE And \ acre lot on Oakland Heights for sale. At the court house door at la M., the first Monday in September we will sell to the highest bidder, on easy terms a four room house, yard all nicely fenced, with new stalls, chicken house and yard, with every convenience ready to live in. This house and lot be long to S. S. Holt, Walter Rand and W. J. Stephenson and we want to sell for a division. W. J. Stephenson can be found most of the time at the new hotel and will be glad to show the proper ty. If you ever intend to own a house in Smithfield now is the ac cepted time, for we mean sell. W. J. Stephenson. Skinner & Ragsdale try to pro tect farmers against pin-hookers; read their sign over the scales at Ranner Warehouse. LUMBER FOR SALE. I have 0,000 or 7,000 feet of lumber at J. Ben Howell's saw mill, and a two-horse wagon for sale cheap. W. L. Bkawv, Smithfleld, N. C. OFF FOR A TRIP. Hatch Brothers will run their last excursion for the season from Smtthfleld by way of Wilson to Wilmington and Ocean View Ranch on Monday, 30th, 1001. Train leaves Smtthfleld at7:.'!0 o'clock. Fare for round trip only $1.7">, children under 12 years $ 1.00. If you want a pleasant trip go with them AG-2w. Index to New Advertisements. V\ i' call th?' ntunitloii of our render* to tlw following im*w advertMeineiita which limy be of inteiiwt: Allkm Iak?I>rui(H. medicines and hIh tiouery. S M ITH KIR LI> II A ROW A RRl'o.?Ruck lead, belting aud Stolen. R. I Lahhitkk, Sjiilomi.?lieueral uier cliaudia?. A. Ki.awanhkv, Kenly.?Clothing and other ir?"ids. Hati h Bros.. Mount Olive.? Excur sion. W. I,. WooiiAi.l..?bargain Counter. To Cure a Cold In one Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature on each box. 2.'AO Lit tie ton Female College is do ing a great work for the church and the State. Ex-Go v. T. J. Jakvis. Skinner & Itagsdale are anxious for tobacco to fill orders. Ifring it along; it is selling high. Question seems puz/.lii g to some how the Smithfield Hard ware Company sell so cheap. We buy right and divide our profits j by short division. You can get your tobacco well graded for 7.">c. per hundred at Skinner & Ragsdale's and it will j pay you well to have it giaded. If you want your tobacco graded by first-class graders, let Skinner & Itagsdale have it done. If you want to sell your to bacco where the majority of the best farmers do, come to the Ban ner Warehouse at Smithfield. Skinner & Itagsdale do not move, but continue to sell to bacco for high prices at the Ban ner Warehouse. 'un77ersTty college I OF MEDICINE - T=S?| ! MEBICINE-DENTISTRY? PHARMACY. I mm. . mm. i STANDARD, ? First-Class IM ) ( clinics. r Lanterns, extra globes, ther mometers and twine for sale at W. M. Sanders. A full supply of fruit jars and extra rubbers. W. VI. Sanders. Follow the hand signs across the streets and come to the Ban ner Warehouse, Smithfield. The Best 10c coffee in the world at N. B. Snipes & Bro., Selma, N. C. Heal Thyself. Ninety-nine of every hundred people suffer to some extent from indigestion, heartburn, nervous ness, constipation and dyspepsia. "Coleman's Guarantee" positive ly cures such cases. "Take it, eat what you want and be hap py." Price 50c. large bottle, at druggists.. For sale by Hood Bros. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore ex isting between C. W. Allen and J. Y. Narron, under the firm namfe of Allen & Narron, is dissolved by mutual consent. All obliga tions of the firm will be assumed by J. Y. Narron, and all accounts due firm must be paid to him. This July 1st, 1901. C. W. Ali.en, J. V. Narron. Aug. 9?3w. Now is the time to buy a feed cutter and 1 have them from 13.50 to $15.00. W. M. Sanders. Try a peach, strawberry, ban ana or pine apple sherbet as cold as ice, 5c at Snipes' Foun tain, Selma, N. C. SMITHFILLD MARKET OORBCTED BVEHY THURSDAY. Cotton 8 to 8i Kggs 10 Chickens 13 J to 15 Granulated Sugar 0J to 7 Corn, per bushel 85 to 90 Potatoes, per bushel 45 to 50 Feed Oats, per bushel 55 Fresh Pork 8 to 7 C. R. Sides, per pound 9 to 10 Hams, " " 18 to 18} Lard. " " 10 to 11 Cheese, " " 15 Butter, " !' 30 to 25 Dried Apples, per pound 7| to 10 Coffee, per pound 10 to 15 Sheep Skins, each 10 to 80 Salt Hides, per pound 7 to 8 Hides? Green, per pound 4 to 5 Hides?Dry Flints " 6 to 12 Tallow 5 Beeswax 20 Meal, per sack f 1 00 to 1.05 Flour, per sack *2.00, 2.25 Fodder, per hundred 90 to 11.10 Hay, per hundred f 1.00 Wool, washed 20 ; iHARDWARE TH?)s. It. CHOC'KEU. WAGONS 8 BUGGIES (5K.NL.McMt. HARNESS * I SHtX OF THE SAW71 | IMaTfl I * 1 SMITH FIELD, N. C. I % CROCKERY ? D. ELLINGTON. Blacksmith and 5 GLASSWARE Mob. Buggy Dkpt. Repair Shop. A: J *********** BUCK LEAD ? K Makes the hest paint, and yet the best painter cannot paint out the prices and <[ualities we have been giving our customers. The money that we have saved them counts as a priceless pearl. ' v J BELTING. | Y Now is the time you should put your cotton gins in order. We have the beltings, pipe fittings, etc. You need them. Our prices are right. O K STOVES AND RANGES Are still leaders. We have just received a large shipment and our prices can't be excelled with lower grade Btoves. Remember that we have sold upwards of a hundred of these and have never had a complaint. Ste them and you will surely use an O. K. We thank you for your past patronage and ask a continuance of the same. w,? Smithfield Hardware Co. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. 1 have for sale a valuable farm of 542 acres three miles south west of Smithfield. Well timbered with four-horse crop cleared. Suitable to raise cotton, tobacco or any other crops grown in this section of country. Houses and everything in good condition. It is an extra fine place for stock raising. Could be made in three tracts if buyer so desires. Will sell nart cash and balance on good time. Call to see me or write to me. ALEX MUNS, Smithfield, N. C. Aug. 1?2m. FARMERS look to your inter est and remember that the Farm ers Warehouse always leads in high prices. It gives us pleasure to say since we opened we have given entire satisfaction to all of our customers. We want to sell your tobacco. Come to see Boyett Bros, when you arc ready to sell and we will send you home happy. IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE. I offer for sale my highly im proved farm containing 230 acres with 110 acres cleared, 25 acres in a good fish pond. Two miles east of Smithfield on the Golds boro road. The land will grow any crop that can be grown in this part of the country. Remem ber it is highly improved. Will sell part cash and part on time if so desired. Come and see it. B. 1$. YELVINGTON, Smithfield, N. C. Aug. 1?tf. Treatment Horses?Pneumonia and Colds. Give White's Fever Medicine every half hour and apply White's Black Liniment. Colic and Kidney troubles, give White's Colic and Kidney Cure. Staggers: Give WhitevsPurga tive and White's Fever Medicine. Worms: Give White's Purga tive and White's Worm and Con dition Powders. Allen Lee, Druggist. TOBACCO FARMERS, We cordially invite you to make our store your headquar ters while in town. You can leave your packages, etc.. with us to lie taken care of during to bacco sales. Grantham, Austin & Co. NOTICE! The Auburn Wagon Co., has consigned to me one car load, one and two horse wagons which I will sell cheap for cash or on time. Come to see me before buying. Respectfully, W. L. Fi ller. Remember the Old Reliable Auburn Wagon. For sale by W. L. Fuller. ' With the new life and upward grade of the old tdwn of Smithfield HOOD BROTHERS, (On the Corner) the old Druggists, Book Dealers and Seedsmen, greet you. For about thirty years we have been identified with the town in the DRUG BUSINESS. We feel that we are well and favorably known to you. We thank you, one and all, for your liberal patronage. We appreciate your trade. We keep the goods. Our prices are right. We carry the best. Call on us for anything in the idOPFJ SODA WATER 5 SODA WATED Drug Line, Books, Stationery, Seeds, Toilet Goods, Rubber Goods. OUR COLD DRINKS are as good as ice and fine syrups and crush ed fruits can make them. Special Line of Trusses and Spectacles and fresh supply Wood's Turnip Seeds. JjCas^Prescriptions a Specialty. HOOD BROTHERS, SMITHFIELD, N, C 3 IN ANOTHER STORE, f 4 1* * We have moved to the corner store, Alford & Thomas' ^ |ji old stand, to fret a larger house for our stock. We shall ^ m continue to deal in * Dru Goods, Notions, Shoes, ? tff GLASSWARE, MEDICINES AND GROCERIES. * i|| Thanking you for the lil>eral patronage given us, we tf\ jjj ask your trade in future. jj| jjj Turley & Stallings, $ f CLAYTON, N. C. m J July *9-2m. A FIRST-CLASS J OR PRINTING* DONE AT The Herald Office. Smith field. N. C. Hkll ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION.

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