?- /~3. A RUSH lO THE ALTAR Teachers for Philippines Greafly Embarrass Uncle Sam. Washington, Aug. 8.?The rush la the nuptial altar and the rush far the Spanish grammar are two of the distinctive feature* of the wholesale appointment of teach ers for the Philippines as devel oped by the correspondence lie tween the appointees and the Insular Division of the War De partment. Thenumberof talent ed youngcollege graduates whose first act after receiving their ap pointments was to enter the matrimonial state and forward to the department requests for transportation for wives was al most appalling. The accommodations on board the transports were strained to their capacity when thepassenger -list of teachers alone were made up. Ingeniously worded letters began to come in, however, di rectly after the appointments were sent out, the newly made teachers set,ting forth that in view of their expected long ab sence ui a foreiga country they had concluded to marry the young women to whom they were engaged, and desired to have their wives accompany them to their new posts. The regulation in this regard is that the person directly dependent upon the teacher may he furnished pass age upon the transport only if practicable. In Spite of thestraits to which this new condition re duced the service, none of the brides was left at home or com jM'lIed to cross the Pacific 011 other than a Government vessel. Nearly every appointee wrote to Col. Clarence 11. Kdwards, chief of the Insular bureau, to ask If a knowledge of the Spanish language was imperative as a qualification for a teacher in the Philippines. All were informed, that it was desirable, but not ab solutely a necessary requisite. The ambition of the teachers has led them to engage most indus triously in the study of the lan f uags, however, and reports from lonoiulu state that one trans port loaded with teachers sailed into that port en route to Manila with notices posted in every cabin to the effect that conversation in "Spanish except upon the forward deck would be regarded as mutiny and punished with confinement in tbfi ship's brig. Prof. Kdrqund 11. Ilriggs, of the Catholic Pniverslty of America, has been appointed a division I superintendent of schools in the Philippines, and, togt ther with six or eight teachers, will sail from New York for Manila by the Sue* canal route 011 Saturday next*, Augm* 10. Two other divisional superintendents and n Targe number of teachers will sail' from San Francisco about Sep tember 1st. Jail** White Rryantsville, Iml., j Bays jWAYitU'* Witch Hazel Salve heater! running sores on both legs. He had suftered (j years. Doctors failed to help him. (Jet ItaWirtV- Accept no imitations. Hood Bros., Hare & Son, J. H. Led bet. tier. Things Lively in the Philippines. Manila. August 7.?The steam ship Legaspi, which has arrived here from the island of Mindora, reportcs that on the appearance of tiie gunboat Annapolis which was conveying an expedition against the insurgents there the rebels fled to the hills. Later the troops landed at Calapsn, the oapitaloftheisland. Lie*tenant Weeks, with a detach ment of the Thirtieth infantry, engaged the rebel entrenchments in t-be mountains behind Calapnn wftkont result Aitliur Howard, the American who deserted from a California volunteer regiment and joined the ?*heis, and thu insurgent colonel who was sick at Calapan, but escaped before the arrival of the Mbops. The Americans are cha4ng the rebel band. I'. T. Thomas, Humterville.Ala., ,,I was suffering from dyspepsia whs* T commenced taking Kodol Dyrpejmia, Cure. I took several hottfee aud can digest anything." Koted DyswepsiaCnre is tlie only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. Itgives weak stomachs entire rest, re storing their natural condition. Hood Bros., J. R. Isslbetter, Hare & Sot* Plans for a central railroad station iu Chicago, estimated to cort are being pre pared to submit at a meeting of railway officials to be held Aug ust 15th. Kigkteen of the twenty two railroad companies with CliMpn tcruilnalshaveappmved thotwrsie. The Philosophy ot Simon Prost. < When v? hear a feller rattlin' somethin' in his pocket ye can't tell but it may only lie nails. A busy man ain't got no time to be afoolin' with other folks' (loin's. Maybe a rollin' stone don't gather no moss, but one thet sta3Ts still soon gits covered up. ft pays to t?e hard o' hearin' sometimes. There's some folks thet work harder a-tryin' to git out o' workin' than they'd hev to ef they done the worK itself. The hottest fire don't always make the most smoke. Diplomacy's only a polite way o' tellin' a lie so's the ether teller won't dare not to believe it. It's best, gen'rally, to take ev'rything ye kin git, except chances. Broken promises hev caused more men to fall than broken ladders. Success is gittin' to the place ye start oat. fer. It's better to fight an'git licked in a good cause than to fight an' win in a bad 1111. \ man's tongue's harder to ' hold than the friskiest pair o' horses that ever come down the road. The longest way round ain't always the shortest way home. The feller that takes the short cut gits there first. A man's a patriot when he wins ' an' a rebel when he loses. I Nobody's useless in the world; some uv 'em was put in it jest so's to show the rest what they ] hadn't oughter be. Money ain't worth nothin' ex- j | cept what it'll buy. Onet in a wfdle the best o' men } \ feels like bein' a barbarian jest 1 fer a few minits. There's two kind o' vices, an' | both o' 'em pinches hard when | ye git ketehed m 'em. r It's a wise politician that kin t make his own tools. [ i The feller thet says he kin read men like he kin a book often loses ! his place. When ye can't see nothin' but . the bad part o' somethin' it's better to look somewhere else. It's a misfortune to some folks | to hev a fortune left 'ein. When a feller tries to git some thin', an' then don't git it, he most always thinks he's been : swindled. A watched pot may not boil, j but lookin' at the clock won't never stop it frum tickin' off the minits, jest the same.?Philadel phia Record. To save Her Child From frightful disfigurement < Mrs. Nannie UaUeger, of Fa-J <i range, (ia., applied Bucklen's j Arnica Sal\''> to great sores on uer head and face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hopes, j it works wonders in Sores, Bruis ?s, Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, i Scalds and Files, dec. Cure guar- j I an teed bv Hood Bros., druggists.1 ? Howison is Chosen. Washington, Aug. 6.?The va i cancy existing on the Schley ! court of inquiry sinceRear-Adnii J ral Kimberly declined to serve lias been filler! by the assignment of Bear-Admiral Henry L. Howi son, retired, after the whole list of retired officers of commensu rate rank had been considered by Secretary Long. The appointment of Real-Ad miral Howison will be aflreptabk' to Rear-Admiral W. S. Schley, and is regarded favorably in the navy. His name was in a list submitted by Schley's counsel from which se.lection could be made that would be agrwable to him. Admiral Howison has been notified of his selection and will unquestionably accept. If the action of your bowels is not easy and regular serious com plications must be the final re-1 suit. DeWitt's Little Early Ri-J sers will remove this danger.; Safs, pleasant and effective. J. R. Led better, Hare & Son, Hood Bros. An Irishman, in speaking of an ' acquaintance, said he was con demned to tie hanged, but saved his life by dying the day before! ne was executed. To Cure a Cold tn one Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine, Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to wire. E. W. Grove's signature on each box. 25e. I 1 tnnual Meeting ot Farmers' Mutual Insurance Association. The Farmers' Mutual Fire In lurance Association of Johnston ?ounty held their annual meet nj< in the court house last Mon lay. After transacting the reg ilar routine business, the follow ng old officers were re-elected for he ensuing year: President, ('has. F. Kirby; Sec retary and Treasurer. J. C. Bing lam; Finance Committee, J. A. iVellons, Jas. 11. Smith, and I>r. I. D. T. Wellons. The old Hoard of Sujiervisors vas re-elected, there being one nemlier in each township in the :ounty. The report of the Finance Com nittee snows that since the last innual meeting there has l>een >ne assessment levied and $ 540. 45 collected, of which the dis airsernents amount to $-184.85), eaving a balance in the hands of he Sec.-Treas. of $(>1.96. The ?laims outstanding and unpaid 1 ire tht- officers' salaries amount ng to $80, and two losses by ire and one small loss by wind, ill amounting to about $175, eaving a small indebtedness of ' ibout $111. The Association the past year , las sustained six losses by fire, ? j>800 being the heaviest loss. The ' Vssociation has 800 members in ' he county, representing about . J215,000 of insurance. By proper nanagement there is nothing to < irevent it from becoming a large ? md useful benevolent organiza tion. The Board of Supervisors { vill be asked to meet on Septem >er 2, 1901, to devise a better ? >lan of organization and work. J. C. B. Their Secret is Out. All Sadieville, Ky., was curious to learn the cause of the vast im- - jrovementin the health of Mrs. , i. P. Whitaker, who had for a ong time, endured untold suffer ng from a chronic bronchial trouble. " It's all due to Dr. Iving's New Discovery," writes ler husband. It completely cured ler and also cured our little ^rand-daughter of a severe at tack of Whooping Cough. It lositively cures Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bronchitis, all Throat md Lung troubles. Guaranteed :>ottles 50c. and $1.00. Trial jottles free at Hood Bros, drug store. Killed by Mosquito Bites. Crisfield, Mil., Aug. 1.?William Maher, aged 70 years, was stung to death by mosquitoes in a dense swamp near his home at) Nanti coke last night. Maher had been very feeble for some time, and seldom left his! home, bat last night he went to) the village for a package of to bacco. On his return, desiring to lessen the distance, lie made a short cut through a chaise swat- p and lost his way. Swarms of mosquitoes settled upon him, literally encas- j mg his face and hands. The aged man was soon ren dered unconscious by their stings, and was found in a dying condi tion by a searching party about ] midnight. His face was swollen, beyond recognition. Don't be satisfied with tempo-; rary relief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure perma nently and completely removes this complaint. It relieves per manently because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Diet ing won't rest the stomach. Na ture receives supplies from the food we eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to nse Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which di gests what you eat and can't f help but do you good. Hood Bros., Hare & Son, J. R. Ledbet ter. A town of 10,000 people, to be known as Lawton, has grows up just outside the limits of Fort Hill, O. T., composed mostlv of home seekers w ho drew blanks at the recent government land lot tery. Already Lawton has 400 temporary business houses, in-! eluding a grocery firm and a newspaper, and three streets have been laid out. A national bank Was been projected. Every ? form of gambling known on the frontier is being run wide open, side by side with fake shows of various descriptions. To add to the picturesquenem of the scene, I a thousand Comanche Indians have pitched their bents nearby. | In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and hare"! no fear. The child will he all right in a little while. It never fails, l'lemsant to take, always safe sure and almost instantane ous in effect. J. R. Led better,! Hood Bros., Hare A Sob. Mayor Suffered 12 Years with dyspepsia and found relief only in the marvelous remedy Coleman's Gvi0Li-0Lntee, A positive cure for all forms of indigestion and dyspepsia. What he sayi?: "I have suffered with dyspep sia for past 12 years, have tried various prescrip tions and remedies with little or no benefit The testimonials of well known people induced me to try "Coleman's Guarantee." and it is the only medicine that has given me relief, and 1 believe it will effect a permanent cure if I continue ks use." J. W C^KKINGTON. Mayor of South Boston, va PRICE 60?. A BOTTLE. At Druggists. EOIEMM REMEDY CO.. Oanvlltt. Vl.. 0. S. * Fop Sale by hood Brothers. Saved His Lite. Hon. J. A. Oates, Mayor of Diinn, N. C., says; ' I am sure Dr. Worthington's itemedy saved ray life It was prescribtd for me in a very severe case of cramp -olic liy Armstrong, of the Confederate army in 1-08, and it gave me instantane ous relict. Since that dai I have used it continually, and think it the greatest remeuy on earth and it should he kept in every home." Price 35 cts at Hood Bros. Here is the Place To Save Money. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY GO TO R. I. Lassiter, SP1L0NA, N. C., to buy your goods. He has a big stock and sells cheaper than any one we know of. All who owehimfor fertilizers can settle with Will H. Las siter, at the Riverside Ware house, Smithfield, N. C. cash counts. 1 want to remind you that I earry a full line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions, Hats, Tinware, Groceries, Canned Goods, And will sell ohoap for cash. #v A. ?%. GOOD SHOES A SPECIALTY. Country Produce bought for cash or barter. Don't forget me when you come to town. J. W. CANABAY, July 24-3m BENSON, N. C. Fine Painting. I am in the painting bus iness and want to do your work. Am Fully Prepared t? do it. Prices low and all work guaranteed. Frank F. Holmes, Smithfield, N. C Smith's JJV Bakery, At Smith's Bakery vol will find Loaf Bread, Roll*, Cakes and Pies. Also Fruits, Confectioneries, Canned Goods and Fancy Groceries, Mybr*ad is handled by J. W. Liles. Selma; K. E. Creech, Fsar Oaks; J. W. Canaday, Benson. Your patroage asked. W. G. SMITH, J13?lm. Sm.lhtetd, M. G. OUR LIINE! I 1 We carry the largest, best selected, most varied, |3| I cheapest line of is 1 ....FURNITURE.... | ever carried in stock in Johnston county. We carry jj| * in stock ORGANS from two of the most famou man- ft ' ufacturers of the United Stat, s. We carry tie O < WHEELER AND WILSON No. 9 f| AND THE NEW ROYAL ft SEWING MACHINES. || i; We guarantee to meet any and all competition in M ; goods and prices. We will sell you a good sewing ma- ?& i ; chine with a guarantee for $20. We will sell you a M ; good organ 784 incites high, 45 inches wide with a' M ; guarantee for $50 cash. fi K We will take cows, hogs, sheep, horses, mules, corn, fod K der, or any marketable country produce in payment for Wf any of oi* goods. We will sell to good parties ON INSTALLMENT PLAN. 1 K (EASY PAYMENT) Is Call and see us. We will please and save money for you. Sk The Smithfield Furniture Co. w NOW JY READY. A MODERN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKING PLANT IN DUNN. Metal Working in all its Branches. Ten thousand feet of floor space, crainined with brand new and ponderom* machinery dftect from the manufacturers. WE ABE AGENTS FOR THE 7AHQT7HAH, ENGINES JEL2TZD BOILERS i Of ail Styles from vi to 600 honee powen ALSO Threshing Machines, Saw Mills, Etc. |?\\ RITE FOR Catalogue and Prices, All Kinds Steam Fittings Constantly on Hand. TOBACCO FLUES, ALL STYLES. Everything Guaranteed, Freight rates equalized with other points. We are in it. Don't forget us. The John A. JVIcI^ay ]VITg Co., dunn. n. c. WE KEER A HARDWARE STORE WITH A WELL ASSORTED HTOOK OF HARDWARE. CONSISTING OF Stoves, Ready Mixed Paints, Oils, Lead, Guns, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, TINWARE, GLOBE CULTIVATORS, WAGON MATERIAL, NAILS and HORSE SHOES , POCKET andTABLV CUTLERY, FIRST QUALITY BELTING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, LAMPS, Extra tcavy Team Collars, etc. I levoe's Old Reliable Paints and Colors in Oil. Every Gallon Guaranteed. Also Slierin Williams' Paint. Osborne Mowers and Reapers for Sale. 14-FINGER GRAIN CRADLES. DP&lf'C Fflftri ^ 're Poultry and Fish Netting. rlQll O I Wvlli Wire Screen Doors and Windows. Acme Powder Guns for Tobacco. Clayton Hardware Company, flk W. CARTER, Owner and Proprietor, DID?<1 CLAYTON, N. C. ?MVf.A ? aap 9: *9 2-5H3333 3?3 253^ | NSW BAR! COME!! t 5 tit f* FOLIjOW TIIE RUSH TO R. K. CREECH'S FANCY Vfc ft\ BAR ANI) GROCERY STORE. THERE YOU il, m WIUi GET X * ?? ifc ? ICE COLD BEER.J ^ And Fanay Liquors of All Kinds. ife I ? | ? My Line of Groceries is Complete, U* The Freshest yon Ever did eat. jijj Forget me When you Come to Town. Vfc I FL E. CREECH, * J FOUR OAKS. N. C. & i Jt

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