THE HERALD, I'rHI ISUI I> IAKN? Kkiiiay RH'l kRI IMllCf) 1HH2. BK4TY. HOLT k LAH8ITEB, HKOI IUKTOUS. T j laJw'tkb, i to""? K|.U c?l at t It* At ftmithfleld, ?Jol^?t?ni ' omity N. I'., h* t#*con?l-fliiwn na^ltr. IIATKH OF MI'liM KIPTION: On?)var. rank in tdvtiline, fl.OR .Six, months, cauli in h'Ivimmw, - - .50 Tlirw month*. onkIi in advanco. - .*2.% ?fw Tlio ?xi*PWHion? of the neveral oorro ?poodeiitHof this jwi|* rflonot no<*?*sMHrily r?H4iri the vi?*M> of t lie management of TiQ: Hkbalh 1 editor* are not there fore rvM|M)nHil.l. for tin1 view* or uttor anQt* ApfH*iiriiifc in any communication. FRIDAY, Augi ST 0, 1901. LET US PULL TOGETHER. \ century after the town of Srpithfield was incorporated but little progress hud been made. The sleepy old town on the banks of ttu- Neuse was but little larger than it was in 1800. Its people bad ever been slow and conserva tive. content with their lot, each for himself, never looking to, or caring for, t h?-flit are, when a large nuB prosperous town might take th# place of the sleepy village of the past. A few years ago things changed ai^d the town took on new life. T&p? in a short while this progress w&? checked, through fires and ot;))arcauses, and the town lapsed into its old-time lethargy. About the close of 185)7 and the begtnning of 1898 a new revival of the material and commercial interests of the town broke out, a new spirit controlled its citizens and a strong and healthful grow th has been maintained ever siflpe. This new spirit of enterprise aijtl energy was lirst s?s?n in the young men who organized the Kflftithfield Tobacco Warehouse Company. This was followed by the organization of another warehouse company, the organi >n and e ?' ub'ishmenfc of the Bank of Smithfield.the Brooklyn Manufacturing Company, the third warehouse, and later The Smithfield Cotton Mill. And just ; Hi the cotton mill was nearing completion some of our enter-1 prising citizens organized the1 Smithfield Improvement Coin pgmy. Tbi s company is now build-1 itlg a largely nd commodious three sttorv brick hotel which will bean oBraunent to the town. The establishment of a tobacco market here has done much for the town and we feel justified in stating that no market in North Carolina has held up and main tained higher prices than have otrr tobacconists. They deserve praise and should receive the encouragement of our citizens for their untiring efforts to build up a lively and strong market fibre. While the town is growing and its enterprises thriving is the best time to lay the solid foundation fflfv future success and prosperity. How can tnis be done? is the question that confronts our citi zens to-dav. This question has fjj{fc>n partially answered in the 1.1st few weeks, by the organiza tion of The Smithfleld Chamber of Commerce. This organization is designed to further the com mercial and manufacturing inter estsof the to .vn, to unite the busi ness men of th town into a solid body to w or . for the general im provement of our thriving little 1 city along all lines. One of the ( truest of adages is "United we sbrtrid, divided we fall." J/et us , bear this in mind and let every 1 businessman of the town unite with the ( hamber of Commerce and work lor the town's upbuild ing. forgetting self for the time being. The Chamber of Commerce, or ganized less than 30 days ago, has already been productive of good to our commercial interests, and yet onlv a few of our busi- ' uess men en active in its i \ 1 organization. Much more can l>e accomplished by united effort. So let ewer/ man who has the welfare of Suiithfield at heart go out to the court house to-night and become an active member of the Chamber of Commerce. Some of the Cubans are anxi ous that (ieneral Maximo Gomez should lie first President of the Republic. General Gomez, who has done so much for Cuba, is content for others to hold the ollices. He positively declines and recommends that Estrado l'alma be made President. CLAYTON NOTES. Miss Alice Carter, after spend ing several days with her broth er, Mr. Clem Carter, returned to her home at Apex Wednesday. .Miss Lena Mitchell, of Garner, is visiting her cousin, Miss Claud- j ia Mitchell. Col. Ashley Home, with a num ber of Confederate Veterans is attending the re-union at Wrightsville this week. After a week of excellent s> rrices the special meetings at the Hap- j tLst church closed Monday night.' Quite a number were added to the church. Mr. Ed. Stallings returned Sat urday from a business trip to Winston. Mr. and Mrs. <). G. Smith, are spending the holidavs with Mr. and Mrs. Hansom l'cnny, Mrs.! Smith's parents. Mrs. Ashley Home left Thurs day for an extended visit to her mother, Mrs. BecEwith at Troy, N. C. Miss Pearl Itobertson returneJ from .Jackson Springs Saturday, where she has been spending holi days. Miss I.essie Barnes is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. John Robertson. Joy to "one," the floods have subsided. Mr. E. P. Baker, of Four Oaks, Is m town, the guest of Mrs. M. Holland. Miss Eula Jone, of Ijeachburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. X. B. Hales. l?r. Nat T. Holland, after a two weeks professional trip in the country returned Sunday. Mrs. Nannie Myatt, of Myatte Mill, stopped a short while with her sister, Mrs. N. B. Hales Tues day. She was 011 her way to Wilson. The big engine of the Clayton Cotton Mill was started Monday Aug. 12, at 2:30 o'clock, p. 111. The steam was turned on by Miss Swunnanoa, the charming little daughter of Mr. Ashley Horne, the President. A large crowd of our townsfolk were over to see the perforance. Our town is still booming. A handsome conveyance meets each train and tranfers passengers to any point in our burg. \> e tiave had the pleasure ol reading cards as follows: "Mr. Dennison Worthington requests t lis pleasure of your presence at the marriage of his daughter, Alice Elizabeth Herbert, to Mr. Herman Harrell Ilorne, onThurs day evening, August 29th, 1901, at half past nine o'clock, Baptist church, Wilson, N. C. While the new school building is in process of erection. Miss Nannie Elizabeth Leach will teach a private school for a limited number of small children, in the rear room of the McCuller's drug store, beginning the first Monday in September. Ray. ? We call attention to the ad vertisement of the University College of Medicine, Richmond, Va., which may be found in this issue, and to the continued suc cess of this first-class institution. A terilficelectricnl storm visited South Carolina Tuesday, doing considerable damage in the mill village of the American Spinning] Company near Greenville, S. C., a six room house was struck and Miss Victoria Levi and Miss Busbee were almost instantly killed. Clingham Ward was also struck, but is still living, although his condition is serious. Four | children of the Russell family who were occupants of the house were iilso shocked, remaining uncon scious several hours. house and lot for sale. The new house recently occu pied by Prof. V. O. Parker is for sale. Good large lot with out houses. Apply at once if you want it. J. M. BEATY, Smithfield, N. C. The place to have your tobacco trraden is nt the Riverside. They have the best basement and best grader. , 1 $2.00 IN GOLD FREE | M iff M FOR THE LARGEST TURNIP GROWN FROM WOOD S SUED BOUGHT AT LEE'S DRUG STORE. S *j GOLD FOR A TURNIP. I ? K m BUY YOUR SEED FROM US TO GET THE GOLD. SIXTEEN VARIETIES. 3 S 'V EVERYTHING X FRESH X A IN D X UP-TO-DATE. X ? E ? av y Wood's Fresh Turnip Seed 35c. per pound. ff Wood's Cabbage Seed, two papers for 5c. Sf White's Black Liniment, 25c. bottles at 15c. ^ Barker's Horse and Cattle Powders20c a package. St, Allan's Borated Talcum Powder, 10c. fig Atlas Sursuparilla, f 1.00 bottles at 7."?c. ag Atlas Kidney and Liver Cure, $1.00 bottles at 7oc. yw A fu 1 line of I)ruf;s, Patent Medicines, Ac., at riplit prices. W -c^-^LARGEST STOCK STATIONERY CARRIED IN THIS SECTION. ?ffi IF We guarantee our drugs to be the purest and also guarantee you to get the benefit of low prices at If J X XLEE'S DRUG STORE, X * J PRATT'S FOOD. SMITHFIELD, N. C. Farmers, Look and be convinced. Below we give you account of sales made on the Hoor of the FARMERS WAREHOUSE. August 9, Mr. George Jordan sold 36 lbs. at 20c, 29 lbs. at 18 1^2c, 33 at 13c, 30 at 9 l'2c, 27 at 8c, 18 at 23c, 11 at 11c. Aug. 13, MR. E. O. BEASLEY sold 23 lbs. at 101c; 31 lbs. at 10; 41 at 91; G7at 121; 44 at 191; 29 at 71. Not only these, hut every man who fells with us is getting the very highest prices for his tobacco They go home pleased, leaving with us the promise of their next load. Kindly give us a trial load and we will save you money. Yours to serve, BOYETT BROS. THE GREAT OCEAN! 1 I Hatch Brothers will run their last excursion for the season FROM S/WITHFIELD (VIA WlLSOX) To Wilmington and ocean View Beach On Monday, August 26, 1901. Train leaves Smithtiehl at 7:30 o'clock. Fare for round trip only $1 75; Children under 12 years old, $1.00. Come and go with them. Don't Sutter. The languishing tortures of Dyspepsia, you can't stand it. Take "Coleman's Guarantee," a positive cure for all forms of dys pepsia and constipation. A cured man says: "I take 'Coleman's Guarantee,' eat what I want, and am happv." Price 50c. large bottle, at druggiste. For sale by Hood Pros. lumber for sale. 1 have 6,000 or 7,000 feet of lumber at J. Ben Howell's saw mill, and a two-horse wagon for sale cheap. W. L. Brady, Smithfield, N. C. OFF FOR A TRIP. Hatch Brothers will run their lastexcursionforthe season from Smithfield by way of Wilson to Wilmington and Ocean View Beach on Monday, August 26th, 1001. Train leaves Smithfield at 7:30 o'clock. Fare for round trip only $1.75, children under 12 years $1.00. If you want a pleasant trip go with them a 6?2w. tobacco farmers, We cordially invite you to make our store your headquar ters while in town. You can leave your packages, etc., with us to be taken care of during to bacco sales. Grantham, argrrn a Co. NOTICE! The Auburn Wagon Co.. has consigned to me one carload, one and two horse wagons which I will sell cheap for cash or on time. Come to see me before buying. Respectfully, W. L. Fuller. A full supply of fruit jars and ?xtra rubbers. W. \1. Sanders. | THE AMERICAN COTTON CO.'S Round-Lap Bale Press WILL BE READY to do business just as soon as the cotton season opens. Those who have had their cotton put up ROUND, we thank you for your patronage and trust that yon have all been satisfied. So don't forget us. Those who have not had their cotton put up ROUND, give us a trial, and we shall do our best to satisfy you. Yours truly, THE AMERICAN COTTON CO., I'er T. B. B., Jr. We want a good gtnner. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore ex isting between ('. W. Allen and J. V. Narron. under the firm name of Allen & N.iiron, is dissolved by mutual consent. All obliga tions of t he lirm will be assumed by J. V. Narron, and all accounts due firm must be paid to him. This July 1st, 1901. C.-W. Allen, J. V. Narron. Aug. 9?8w. Treatment Horses?Pneumonia and Colds. Give White's Fever Medicine every half hour and apply White's Black Liniment. Colic and Kidney troubles,give White's Colic and Kidney Cure. Staggers: Give Whitens Purga- i tive and White's Fever Medicine. I Worms: Give White's Purga-! tive and White's Worm and Con-1 dition Powders. Allen Lee, Druggist, j] \V1 BROUGHT WITH US FROM THE NORTHERN MARKETS SOME RARE BARGAINS, And they are yours as long as they lavt. We have 227 SAMPLE BELTS FOR LADIES in every style, shape and color. Those that usually sell for ,, ? nfl . J Pn irose that usually sell loi ?1.00 our price 50c J Those that usually sell for - >e- our Pnce < oc. our price?~ ?15c TJ10ge that usually sell for These that usually sell for 1A K 50c our price L 25c 10? ourPrlce 60 A Sample Line of Hosiery FOR LADIES. The 50a quality 30c j The 15c. quality 10c The 25o quality 15c The 10c. quality 5c ONLY ABOUT 500 PAIRS OF THESE. We also have an unusually attractive line of Dress Goods and Trimmings at very low prices. JY FOR MEN. JY We have a sample line of Shirts, Pants and Neckwear, at about 5 per cent, less than regular Wholesale prices. 1 Yes Clothing; we have it for the boys, youths and men at from 50c. a suit upwards. WE HAVE AN EXTENSIVE LINE OF NOTIONS, HATS, SHOES, FURNITURE And most everything else. We style ourselves k'The Buyers of Anything and the Dealers in Everything." From a yard of "bird eye" along life's journey to a coffin or casket, we can eupply your every necessity. G. G. Edgerton & Son, KENLY, N. C. SUMMER GOODS /\t Reduced Prices. ? BOYS' 75c. SUIT FOR 60c. BOYS' 0 1.00 SUIT FOR 75c. BOYS' 1.25 SUIT FOR $ 1 .00 BOYS' 2.00 SUIT FOR I .60 BOYS' 2.50 SUIT FOR 2.00 BOYS' .3.00 SUIT FOR 2.50 BOYS' 4.00 SUIT FOR 3.00 MENS' $3.50 SERGE CO A TS FOR $3.00. MENS' ?U>0 SERGE COATS .1.50. MENS' .<">.()(? SERGE COATS FOR *4.00. Alapaca Coats, Duck Suits and Cotton Coats at greatly reduced prices. Sixty men's Suits at cost and less than cost. These are all very good values. One, two, three and four of a kind. a: shirts, a SLOO SJaii*ts for 75c, 75c. Shirts for 50c, Straw Hats at Cost. We w;u* to ?lean up our summer fronds to make room for fall and winter stoc k. Remember we clothe you, we feed you and we feed your stock. grantham, austin & co,, SMITHFIELD, N. C. Next to Bank. A

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