"T suppose they're coming to 6ee if we've finished the job," returned the other, "and, by the faicu. wi ought to have done it ere this. 15jt they shaH find it done!" The ponderous dub w.-j raised again, and, with a e ' drei !v movement, the nr. luu.aiieed. il: ric made a movemcn. cf the body a. though he would bow his head for the stroke. Every nerve uud muscle , of h is frame was set for tire trial, and for the instant his heart stood j still. Quick as though; his body bent?lis right knee was brought almost to his chin?and then, with all the force he ould command, he 1 planted his foot in the pit of the assassin's stomach. The effect was electrical. The wretch bent like a br< iken stick and sank down without u single sign of life. The secrud man uttered an oath and sprang forwuid with uplifted club, hut Rurie easily dodged the blow, and then, 11s the thought for the first time flashed upon his mind, he darted to where the lantern stood and overturned it. tie had noticed an open passage cjosc at hand wi ieh seemed t? lead to some sort of a j dressing room, and. guided by his I memory alone, for it was now dark | as Erebus there, he glided swfftiy Into it. When he knocked over the lantern, he had upset column and j al^ <ufd just as he reachpd the pas sage he heard a heavy fall, and he knew that his enemy had stumbled over the fallen column. He heard | the curses, loud and deep, which dropped from the lips of the baffled j man as he picked himself up, and in i a moment more lie was edified by a conversation between the two, for villain No. 1 had revived, though the tone of his voice plainly indicat- ! ed that he had a severe pain still lingering with him. "Michael, Michael!" groaned No. 1, and as he spoke Ruric sould hear hrm scrambling up on his feet. "Hi, Oriel W returned No. 5. "Hi**? you dropped him?'' "No!" cried Michael, with a curse which we do not choose to tran scribe. "He's a perfect devil!" "But where'g the lantern?" -"He put it out." "But jou ought to have knocked him down, you clown." "So had you." "Me? Why, he kicked me over." j "Well, lie dodged by me and kick- . ed over the lantern." "But where is he now 7" "He's gone. Hark! ITa, I guess they've caught him. Don't you Bear ?' l,Yes; they've caught somebody." ] "And of pourse it's him. die wont that way. Let's go and find"? He did not finish the sentence, for at that moment a voice came up in thunder torn*, ami it said-: "Ruric! Rurie!h "Good God!" gasped villain No. 1. ! "What is that?" "Htiric! Ruric!" "By the living gods, that is not ) from an-v of our men'!" littered the eerond ruffam. "11a, they use coin ing this way !" "Ruric! Rwric!" "There rs'but oi?e place," return ed Oriel. "IleT'e in t,ho little draw ing room. Come, let's find it. Oh, \ enrses cm t toil gunmaker'a head! If he be not the ?pry devil, then lie's a bound partner tif his. Have you founjl tr.e entrance, Michael ?" "5?. It's ncair you somewhere. Qttn't you-? Ha! in, ?!" ? /ft that moment tire glare of a flaming torch flashed through the gloom of thfc place, and the two vil lains stood revealeik A dozen stout men, all vyell armed, appeared in the only passage by which they could ^cape, for to have fled into the drawing ro<Jm of whrch they had spoken would ajrail them nothing. "t?e, villains!" shouted Vladimir, the monk, raising his (hinting torch lfi'gh above his ftead with his left hand, while in his right he waved a heavy sword. "Where is Ruric Xe veh?" "Here, hero!" cried our hoi?>. starting forward into the larger podm. "Wlkit! Safe?aW've?well?" ut tered Vladimir. ?"Aye, niv noblest of friends. But, oh, <awt off this accursed bond from my arms. It eats into the flesh?" lUe r<#pe was qim-Kly taken off, and'then the youth embraced his de liverer. No questions were asked there. Only a lew sincere thanks were uttared, apd Hum attention wns Uiriwd to the two villains, who yet Stood trembling Jjwar tlssw They had nwt aUenrpted aa escvipe, for the t^jtv blocked up T.hey were quickly secured, and then the party tamed a-wiry fi*>m she place, and as they went Ruric gave the monk an ?aocount of the rmtqner ia whjch he had b^en entrapped and of thp events which Fl?d transpired ?inie. "Merciful Iforfvens.1" ejacultaed V'iadimir as Baric ctosdl hi* ac count of the maimer in which hp had overcome the .wo mcu who had thought to murder him. "It was a na*nw escape." "But I" might not have escaped wit.nont votir coiwme." the vouth fcaio. "lor wuuiU bui?i) luunu me. \>-ilIi my tiatiu.- !a.-*,ieu behind me as they were 1 Could uot have escaped." "True, true," renin rd VI.- ditnit thoughtfully. "It wa> a narrow cltance. Hut it is over tso*.' "And how gained ;?* ft. ? hoowl edge of tnv whereabout*?" ashed 14m ric. "I'll explain it to you when we have time. Hut did 1 under-iaud you to say that the humpbacked priest was there?" "lie came to my dungeon with the rest, and 'twas he that I knocked down. Have you not found him?" "No; we have seen notliinu of him. We found two tuen in the hall, and that was all." The place was searched all through for the priest, hut lie could not he found, anil when Vladiinu was assured that thearch villain had made his escape he prejnmsii to fettvt the building. The prisouo**, four of them, were led out lir-i tuai taken away by the monk's follow*** When Rurie reached tfae street, the stars were all out, and the cool, frosty air struck gratefully upon hi* ' brow. He turned toward fiTss myste rious companion, and wilder the grateful impulse of the ninment he stopped, lie raised his hands to ward heaven, uttered one fervent sentence of thanksgiving to God and then moved on agairw TO UK CONTINUED. W ? _ JLnd Yet S lie Scowled. Customer?Have you any cheap serv iceable shoes suitable for servants? Salesman?Yes. ma'am: u-tx/t size do you wenY ??Ctaieago Ne\m' In Time ni Peril. IMnite Chief?W-hu*. ho, jJmvos! Arm yomselyvs to the ttVtU aikrf ?aJI forth the full strength of our vt)f?ii?t' bund! Lieutenant Chief?What Moody work do we prepare for now, Otfljlk <Siief 7 Piimte Cbidf?We tuw goto* to tire that blooming cook!-.Km Voiik Even ing Journal. It Wan " -jit.EV ?? V?UI ^ "Get out of this! Ton'Se no business In here. Couldn't yon sw the boardV" "Aye, we seed- booa'H." "Well,'what did it s?y^ ' "It nlver spoke!" Wnt*d k-w** "See here, waiter, I'fle W-ija catling ? for baj'f an hour, and y?? Save stood there without movlngj f)yvfr Jou pa ralysis?" "I, don't know, si*. whittle* there's any left, but I'll inqnir^" A nice line of visiting eartls at The IIekaed office. Northwest Wheat Crop. Duluth, Aug. 5.?Harvesting the wheat crop in Minnesota and North Dakota is in full progress. This is about ten days ah< ad of the usual date. The crop is all made, and with dry weather for thirty days there will be not only the largest crop ever harvested in the spring wheat region, but one of the best in quality. It will take thirty days longer to ma ture the vast flax crop of these States. Conservative judges put the crop of Minnesota and the two Dakotns at not less than 200, 000,000 bushels, worth to-day more than #100,000,000 on the farm. There are 2,000,000 per sons in the three States, and t here are other crops than wheat. There are 18,000,000 acres of wheat in the three States, and the average yield per acre is ex pected to be high. There have Iteeu a few sections of the Ked River Yrallev where the crop has been drowned out, but hail has hewn a trifling disaster, and hot winds have done no damage. Iitiwton, O. T., the town that was built in a night, continues to grow at a rapid rate. Much suffering has already resulted. There is little water to be had and it sells at 50 cents a barrel. Ice, which has to be brought twenty-five miles over land, is scarce, and sells at 8% cents a pound. Stops tbe Cough ana Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo-lluinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents Cuba's Agricultural Resources. The island of Cuba is a gigan tic farm of 28,000,000 acres of marvelouslyfertile soil. Thirteen million acres remain as virgin forest. Her present population is a little above one anu a hall millions. Were Cuba as densely populated as Massachusetts, her eensus would show 11,000,000 inhabi tants. An equal density with that of England would give her upward of 22,000,000. Her abil ity to support a population per square mile equivalent to that of England, so large a per centage of which is dependent upon man ufacturing interests, is somewhat doubtful, from the fact that Cuba presents little or no possibility of ever becoming a manufactur ing center. In a measure, the comparison with Massachusetts is also faulty, for the same reason. Yet. in the latter case, the vastly greaier fertility of Cuban soil would offset the manufacturing f eature, and there is little doubt that Cuba, along the line of her particular agricultural advant ages can provide a comfortable and reasonably profitable living for a population of 10,000,000 of moderately industrious citi ?Review of Reviews for An pfnst. Mrs. S. H. Allpert, Johnstown, Ra., aavs: "Our littlegirl almost strangled to death with croup. The doctors said shecouldn't live but she was instantly relieve d by One Minute CoughCure. Hare & Son. Hood Bros., J. R. Ledbetter. Turned Down Five. "Miss Ada Corl, the Lamar young woman who was so fortu nate as to find tier name in the list of those who had won an early drawing in the I .aw ton dis trict, is well known in Carthage, Mo., where she ran a millinery establishment several years, j says the Kansas City Journal. "Her purpose is, she tells inter viewers, to live on her land and teacb school, although she is re ported to have had already five proposals of marriage." Representative lfartlett, of Georgia, who is at Washington says that the three leadingissues the Democrats will present in 1904- are: 1. Low tariff. 2. Sup pression of trusts. 3. The ex tension of a constitutional gov ernment to all portions of tlie I'nited States, or, he added, "to all places subject thereto." In deciding the insular cases the supreme court, he said, made a judicial amendment to the con stitution, and since by this judi cial legislation congress has the power to extend constitutional provisions to acquired territory, it is the duty of congress to see toTt that there#! a constitutional government wherever the flag floats. This signature is on every hn? of Iftfe genuine Laxative BromoQ ikiine T*hi*? tbs reajcdjtjrhr.t. crjrcc? a ctT.d iu ,otw Foreviarnod, Forearmed. The liability to disease is greatly letseued When thehlood is hi gotxlcon dition, and the ciiculation healthy and vigorous. For then all refuse matter 1 is promptly carried out of the system ; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate ? fermentation would take place, the blood become polluted and the consti tution so weakened that a simple malady might result seriously. A healthy, active circulation means good digestion and strong, healthy nerves. As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. has no equal. It is the safest and best remedy for aid people and children because it contains nos'r'i!;, but is made exclusively of roots and herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of im Pur*t'es- At the JT ? same time it builds up the weak and de hilitated, and reno sltSr QSJBr vates the entire sys tem. It cures permanently all manner of blood and skin troubles.. Mr.. E. E. Kelly, of Urban a, O., writes: MI ha.t E.aema on my hands ana face for live joe n. it would break oui m little white pustules, cruets would form and drop oft, leaving the skin red and inflam ed. The doctors did ftad no good. I used ! all the "nci.e.ift-d soaps and salves without bcne.lt. S? S. 8. cured me, aid my ek.n is as clear and smooth as any one's." Mrs. Henry Siegfried, of Cape May, N. J., savstnat twenty-one bottles of 8. 8. 8. cured her of Cancer of the breast. Doc tors and friends thought her case hope less. Biohard T. Gardner, Plorenoe, B. C., suffered for years with Boiis. Two bot tles of 8. 8. Si put his blood in good con dition and the Boils disappeared. Send for our free book, and write our physicians about your case. Medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. The first rain of any conse quence in the vicinity of 1'alias, Texas, since last May, fell Mon day. This is the section of the great Texas cotton belt and owing to the lack of rain the cot ton is ruined. (). 0. Buck. Beirne, Ark., sa^vs: I was troubled with constipation until I bought I>eWitt's Little Early Risers. Since then have been entirely cured of my old complaint. I recommend them. Hood Bros., Hare & Son, J. R. I^edbetter. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Execu" tor on the estate of Adam Richardson, de ceased, all persons having claims agaiust said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 16t.h day of August. 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons in debted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 9th day of August, 1901. JAS. A. WELLOVS, Executor. &chutl^rw guaranteed |?'UNDER A $5,000 DBP051I q. R. FARE PAID 200 FREE Scholarships offered \Y riu> rf.iir-V CA.-ALA. BUSINESSCOLLCCE, Macon.Oo We are skill clubbing The H'crai.d and tbe New York Thrice-a-week World for ?> 1 .(Id cash in advance. if i iiE gYTJP " " ' (S.fflf w u ?% k.t vJ* i . <-? o fe< ... kill ji*? I>0 Hot bo ('< i ? 1 ' l :? )! . wilo ?rk verti*- u >?*'. csv <? >i u-l.!n? for $20.00. 'l'lti!- glial >,-t miu liiue cnu . Wc bo'";',it ,r , o i. iy of our d?;t ft from "lo ,.)lt ?JS.UO. vrt rtAftr .1 vmoety. THE KtrV H'.KZ IS THE BEST. Tlip 1> .t t doin -? (lie ftrwigth <rt wealtucs , t- o'.. 11? r Mut hlii'-t. The Itonbl. frVetl *? ?iuMmkI with other atronjri'/t. - in k - i1"' Se.r Hume the Ix-l , OiyUi-j JMaei.iae to buy. NriMBUBSa&S we manufacture kiid prices bctoitparcinuing TOE N?7 iIC"8 SET/lliS MACHINE 69. OrlANSE. MAST5 28 Union s**|. > Y.. Oiirajzb. HI., Atlanta, Oku, m. L?u?fl,Mo., r>z"44.p.Tox.,.?*iAn tr:iiMteof,C?l r-jl *A'.E OY J. AA. BEAT Y, SXITHFIELD, R. C. I have used Dr. F. K. White's Worm and Condition Powders as a blood purifier for horses. It improves the appetite, fattens the horse, expels worms and gives a glossy coat. Poi.iil Gardner. Guaranteed and sold bv Allen Lee, Druggist, Smithfield, X. C. itKUHtSTER'S ENGLISH ^NYMYAL PILLS ,eo* !?*?? 00*" r* 1UM. Drnertt ftot . MlrJIrVl I K H KMil.iMI hi ?lrd and fl-1 hoTW, iN?aI"d "v th b'"e rlM???n. iMkvkao?li?r. ilabtfrivuk *alrtll lulinnaaad Imifarton*. lUiyidjuur ,? or *tid tr. h? stamw for Pattlralara. ?**?!? moidnfc and - Krllrf fbr I ndies." In Uttrr. I T I*?nrn *1*11. 10, CO* I eatloloultte. bold bf ail Lw4Vt>u. CHi^nRfiTBm CUBICAL ro. %10d "I^thsn ?iow\ CffHA., PA. Htauta Uu 4 Schedule of the RALEIGH & CAPE FEAR RAILROAD. IN EFFECT JUNE 2. 1801. SOUTH BOUND TRAINS. No. 5 No. 8 No. 1 STATIONS. ? !Monday, Monday, I Wednes- Tuesday Tuesday, day and Th'sday Th'sday Friday. I and and Saturday Satu'dav A. M. P. M. A. M. Lv. Raleigh 7 00 4 00 7 (O Caraleigh June 7 06 I 4 06 7 05 I Oaraleigh Mills 7 15 4 10 7 10 Sylvaola .... 7 20 4 16 7 15 I llaruea 7 27 4 22 7 22 i Hobby's 7 37 j 4 28 7 2* | Mcrullers 8 UU 4 40 7 47 Banks 8 03 4 45 7 50 Austin 8 OH 4 48 7 53 Willow Springs 8 25 6 00 8 05 Sextons 8 40 5 10 8 20 Ar. Sipjmliaw | 8 50 5 15 8 25 NORTH BOUND THAI INS. i j j No. 2 No. 4 ( No. 8 STATIONS. N?nd*y- Monday, Tuesday Tuesday, Wednea- \ Th'sday Th'aday day and ] and and Friday. Saturd'y Saturd'y A. M. I' M. P. M. Lv. Sippabaw 8 40 5 80 , 8 30 Sextons 8 45 ft 85 8 85 Willow Springs 8 55 5 45 8 50 Austin 9 05 5 50 4 o0 Banks 9 10 5 58 4 05 McCullers 9 25 6 05 4 30 Hobby's 9 80 8 25 4 35 Barnes I 9 35 6 30 4 40 Sylvaola 9 45 6 40 4 50 Caraleigh Mil Ik 9 55 6 55 5 00 Caraleigh June 10 05 7 ?'0 ft 10 Ar. Raleigh 10 10 7 b5 ft 15 All schedule trains carry passengers. Ap proved: JOHN A. MILLS, Pres. and Gen. Man. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA. I In the j0hnt8on County, f Superior Court. J. A. Morgan vs. W. R. Ilarbcr and Nancy Harbor. The defendant, W. R. R&rber above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Johnston County to foreclose a mort gage on the lands of defendant W. R. Harber, situated in the town of Benson, Johnston County, N. C., and said defendant will further bike notice that he is required to appear at next term of the Superior Court of said coun ty to be held on the tirst Monday in Septem ber. 1901, at the Court House of said count.* in Smithfleld, N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the p aintitl will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This July 10. 1901. W. S. 8TEVKN8, Clerk Superior Court. We 1.lows & Morgan, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA. ( In the Johnston County, j Superior ourt. I W. . Lassiter, Adm'r of A. Barber vs. Clifford Vinson. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Johnston County, to foreclose a mortgage on the lands of defendant, situated in Smithtteld Township, Johnston County. Said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to l?e held on the tirst Monday 111 Sep tember, 1901, at the C-ourt House of said coun ty in Smithtteld, N. C.. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff' will apply to the Court Cor the relief demaqd ed in said complaint. This July 11. 1904. W. S. STEVENS, lerk Superior ourt. Weluonb A Morgan, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as execu tor on the estate of James Creech, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 12th day of J uly. 1902, or this notice will tie pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This6th day of July, 1901. HARISES ( PEK( H. Bxeeutor. NORTH APOLINA. 1. In the Johnston County. I Superior Court. Claudie Surles) vs. - Notice to H. Surles. B. Surles. \ B. Surles. the defendant in this action, will rake notice, that an action entitled nsat>ovc, has beeu commenced in the Superior Court of Johnston County to dissolve the lionds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of John ston County to be held at the Court House in ttmtthfield, on the first tlsti Monday in Sep tember, 1901. and answer or demur to the com plaint filed in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein de manded. This July 15,1901. W. 8. 8TF.VP.NR. , Clerk Superior Court. En. 8. Vbrll, Attorney for Plaintiff. N0TICE1 The undersferned havlBtf qualified as admin istrator on the estate of A. K. Duncan. <1< ceased. all persons having claims against said estato are hereby notified to present the same to mo duly verified on or before the 29th day of July. 190B, or this notioe will be pleaded 1> bar of their recovery and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 1Mb day of July, MRU. F. T. DUNCAN, Administrator. NOTICE. The undersigned havittir duly qualified as Executor on the estate of Nancy F.. Wilson, deceased. hereby notifies all peitons havin?r claims a>fmitist the same to present the same to me for payinsnt on or before the 1st day of August. lWti. or this notioe wil be plead in bar of their aacovery,and all persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate pay meat. This July 27th. 1901. JOHN D. DUPRBB. Exec a tor. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is hereby aiven that the Secretary of !?tate has issued a certificate of incorporation to J. H. Johnson, C. T. Johnson, 0. w. Oave rmitfrh, Preston Woodall, and others as fol lows: b*. Name- The Ren son Tobacco Ware house Company. 2nd. Principal plaee ef business?Benson, n. a ?sd. The object Is to build and operate To bacco WAi*hnuss^>rize Houses, etc,, and buy and seUtobacco^K 4th. The capi(S ook is SL098, divided into 20D share*. Mtj, The stodkheideve shall not be fndivid ually lithie. )tlh. Duration, thirty years. w. 8. STFriws. Clerk Superior Coftrfc Auf. Southern Railicaij. - 4.A THE STANDARD RAILW AY OF THE SOUTH. The direct line to all points. Ttziis, California, Flt-rida, Cuba aiid Porto Ricc. Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equipment on all Through and Local Trains; Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars cm al Night Trains; Fast and Safe^Sched ules. Travel by the Southern artdjron art aeatm'd a Sate, Comfor ano Expeditious Journev. Apply to ticket agents tor Time TuK<*L, Kate% and (jeaeral information, or address, R. L. YERNON, F.R.BARDY, T. P. A. C. P. ? T. A, Charlotte, N. C. Ashevilhfc N. C. NO TROUBLE TO ANf WE R QUESTIONS S. H. HARDWIGK. G. P. A. WASHINGTON, D. C. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD And Branches AND FLORENCE liAII.liOD. (Condensed Schedule.) TRAINS GOING SOUTH. S3 > 5>, 5. Dated January p ^ -s 18.UW1. ??, .%? ?3 ! A M P M A 3dT~P M Lv Weldon. .. 11 r?e- 8 58 j Ar Rocky Alt-... ld.il 9 52 ' : f Lv Tarboro 1U til 6 (w I Lv Rocky Mt.... 1051 1002 ti ;J7 51* 12fc Lv Wilson I V.' r U) 7 1.J 5 57 i 41 I Lv Selrna 2 55 11 le .. ... Lv Fayetteville 4 30. 12 35 J, i Ar Florence 7 25 2 41' 1, I? M | A M I I Ar Goldsbovo... | 7 55 | ; Lv Gokisboro..- 0 45; 331 Lv Magnolia j 7 f?J 4'?{* Ar Wilmington. | 9 20' ftOti TRAINS GOING NORTH. Dated July 22 ;J2 ? Q 5 ^ , - ? ? r 2 ' ? a "C X ?*. -c Z-C A T A M P M Lv Florence . ? 7.15 Lv Fayetteville 12 15 9 il Lv Seiinu | I - 11 V> Ar Wilson.. j i2 id ? j I' M A M Lv Wilmington ..... 7 <K> 9.1b Lv Magnolia .... .... 8 :iu Il if Lv Grtclsboro... ! 4 50. 9 3! 13 qr P M A M P M P M Lv Wilson . 5 33 I-.' 15 l'M5 1 l* ! Ar Becky Mt ?'..?> 17 45 112 It* I Ar Tarboro 7 40 i Lv Tarboro.. 2 51 Lv Kooky Mt? > :>0 12 ( , j I Ar Weldon i 1 I__ I ? A >1 ; Wilmington and Mr:..on Railroad. Yadkin Division Main Line I rani lean- W ilniijigtQii \ I 9 00 a m, arrives i'uyit ,-\ille i:.''j. i>i lotfvet ^ I Fayettcvilke 12 25} m, ai ri\cs.siniord 1 tiua. | Returning leave Santord u5 p 11. arriv Fav etteviUe 4 2<| j? m. lea\ ? Fajetteville 4 30 y m. I arrives Wilmington 'a ? p m. Wilmington and V. .Idem Railroad. Ileuuetts I vflle Rruneh?Train leaven l>< etts\ . R am, Maxton 9 06a m. Led Spring's 951 an*. Park toil 10 41 am. 1 Mills . ? a :n. arrives Fayetteville 11 10. L turuining leaves Fay etteville 4 45 p ni. Hope Mills 5imp m4 Red ; Springs* 43 p hi. Ma., ion610 ?> ?n,arrives Rod nettsx tile 7 15 p nt Connections at Favettevllle with train No. 78, at .VlaxtoN with n e ? urolina < Mitral Rab road, at Red Springs vi ith the Red .springs and Uowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Sea board Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham ami Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Siotl, i;d Neck Branch ItoaC leaves Wetdon 3 55 u in, ILuiiax 4 17 pm.tr* rives Scotland Neck at 6 08 p m. Greenville 6 57 p m, Kinston 7 ? put. in turning Ivavea Kinston 7 50 a ni. Groom ille 8 52 a m, arrlvfnjr Halitax at 11 18 am, Weldon 11 03 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on 'Washington Branch leaves Wash ington 8 10 a m and 2 '10 p m, arrives'Parmele "'9 10 a m aud 4 (XI p m. Returning leave Parmele 9 35 a m and 8 30 p m, arrive M noting I ton 11 00 a m and 7 80 p m dally except Sunday. | Train leaves Tarnoru daiiy e.vopt ^undayai 5 30 p m, Sunday 4 15 p m, arrixes Plyraontl 7 40 p m, tt 10 p m. Returning leaves Plj ri.otttfe : daily except Sunday, 7 50 a m and Sunday 9(* 1 a m, arrives Tarboro 10 10 a m, 11 00 a ni. j Train on Midland, N. ( .. Branch leaves I Goldsboro daily except Sunday ? oOu nt. arrive 1 Smithtleld 8 W a ni. Returning leave Smith ; field 7 00 a ra, arrive (ioldsboro * 25 a m. I Trains en Nashville Branch leave rtocfcj Mount at 9 30 a in, 3 40 p ni, nrri\e Na.-thvilrv 19 20 a m, 4 03 p m. Spring Hope 11 00 a ni. 4 3* ( p m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11 20 an.. ' 4 55 p ra, Nashville 11 45 a m. 5 25 p m, aj 'ice at Rocky Mount If 25am.? pw. daily ox. Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Wai- iw to? Clinton daily except Sunday 11 k's m au i 4 it i p m. Returning leaves Clinton at tf 4o u pi fud 2 50 p m. Trail No. 78 makes close connection at >V cn doa for all points North daily. Afl rail via I Richmond. H. M. EMMBKSON. Gon'l Passenger Agt J R KENLY, Gon'l Manager. T. M. KMMLRSON Traffic Man'r. Kc I Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature la siretaptheniug aud rcvMi* structlng the ei id di < itive oa gans. It fsthe latoatohcoyeredd'ueei ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It Jn ?lantly relieves end permanently cure* 'Dyspepela, lud-^.s.u<. n, He* "*ujn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Musea. Sick Headache, Oastraigla Craropsand all other results cfl.-nc 'feet digestion. PieortOc. and n law-ter'-oeralBSJH thaw imallalee.Boeki..... ?d(m> Prepared by C. C Z'.\T~7 1 CO, ChUMO.

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