CORRESPONDEiNCE. BENSON BUDGET. M iss J eiitiie Baucom, of M arven, is visiting Mi*. J. W. Whittenton. Mr*. R. T. Faucette is with her husband,the veteran tobacconist, at the Commercial House. There have already been several conv ersions and additions to the liaptist church and Hie revival meeting continue*. MissHpencei* visiting htc sis 'ttfc, Mra. Akinso Parrlto. when J. A. Johnson missed his hwycle and went in search of it JIV found a coon astride it. The riper denied any intention of ap propriating the property and spun such a fine story that he whs released. J,. F. Goodrich, of (Jonoho, and W. H. Croon, of Laiirange, are visiting J. T. (loodrich. After an absence of several weeks, John Langley is again among us. Mrs. Vinson,of Cla/ton, isvisit her daughter, Mrs. J. K. Johnson. Several of our people were taken J>y the excursion. It is said that the store recently vacated by W. H. P. Ivey will soon lie used for a music house, pianos and organs. The tobacco market here is the liveliest infant we have had any account of. Ittg breaks are be coming to tie a common thing and farmers are getting over their scare. W. T. Wilkins' mule could not make It in il'4, but tVilkins made itfl,45 and appeased the wratli to come. Moral: If you don't -run over anybody nor kill some child, the officer may get you just +be same Au unusually large batch of delinquent road hands were 011 trial Saturday. Most of them run up against an arruy of facts unfriendly to their cause, and Justices Suiles and Johnson did the rest. It is a hard year on the average darkey in this section. Water melons are not good ar. all. A hog belonging to J. W. Can ady died Monday, supposed to be rim'111 ad. Jt. L. Flowers pulled and housed all his fodder last week. AROUND SANDERS CHAPEL. Misses Irene and Etta Sanders, returned to their home in (iolfls bpro lust Sunday after spending several (laNTs with their cousins, Misses liey and Minnie Stevens. Mr. M. F, Hill, of Oxford, is vlPitJng his brother, Mr. Z. It. .Jim. Miss Ida E. Whitley, of I'rlnce tcsi, is visiting relatives in the ? neighborhood. Several of our young people at-1 tended the pic nic at Creech's niiN last Saturday. Messrs. Norman Williams and Henry Iteck, of Ooldsboro, spent last Sunday in the neighborhood. Mr. K. E. Hamilton, of Wis Ston-Salem was pivsewt at the club last Saturday evening and , made a few impromptu uemajhs which- were highly appreciated. Mr. Hamilton was at one time a ! successful teacher in this county and he has a great many friends1 who always gladly welcome him hju-k. W. AROUND GLENMORE. Mr. N. (E, Mrs. (). K. and Miss 1'herebe Rand, of the Four < >uks section, visited friends in our community last Friday. kffhs Emma Strickland visited relatives in the Four< >akssection last week. She returned home Sunday. Mrs. K. F. Sanders visiUd rela tives at Smithtleld Saturday. Mr. N. H. Strickhind left this wbek to attend school at Atlanta, (he Rev. Overton, of Newton Grove,' -will preach at Antlocli Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Miss Lizzie Sanders returned home last Thursday, after an ex tended visit torelutivesat Sinith Reld and in the Sanders Chapel neighborhood. She reports a de lightful time. The Sunday School at Sanders school house, under tlw superin ?tendency of Mr. W. N. l^ee.isnow in a prosjterous condition and continues to grow in members. J.fUst aH yf our tobacco grow ers have completed curing their tobacco. They continue to realize the good prices they get for the tveed at the Smithfield market. Mr. N. B. St rickluud tilled the afryointmeut of Rev. C. B. Strick Inira at Antiwck Sunday morning. The fleecy staple has com meneed ojiening in our community. A. U. S. Follow the rush to the River side and yon will be well please J wtWl your sales. hOUR OAKS ITEMS. Attorney .law. A. Wellons, of Smithfield. was in town Saturday 011 legal business. Misses Neva Hater and Marie Kakins returned to their homes in Haleigh Wednesday. A good number of our jieople went 011 the excursion to Nor folk. Washington City and Ifyilti , more, Tuesday. Mr. Willie (iuill left Sunday on a visit to frkuds and relatives ut Dm villa, Ya. Messrs. I?. W. AtWvms of oar town and Win. Honeycutt, of Kaleigh, left Monday to visit relatives in the neighborhood of Little I fiver Academy, ''utnber land oounty. Messrs. ('has. II. Wellons and J. A. Keen, went down to Ifen tonvllle Tuesday on business. Mr. If. If Adams, who has been on several days visit to his sister. Mrs, CainnlaII, of Waldon, lia., returned Tuesilay. Misses Minnie ltaiford and Mary Summerlin, of Mount. Olive, are guests of Miss Lelia Ifaker. The work on Mr. J. T. Cole's I residence jost out of the town limits is progressing nicely. Her. S. A. Cotton preached two. very interesting sermons here Sunday. Messrs. C. H. Wellons and J as. If. Creech went over to Smi hfield on business Monday evening. There will be services at the Baptist church Sunday evening at if o'clock and at night by the j pastor, Kev. J. W. Suttle. Messrs. J. K. Kxum and Han som Durham went to Suiit'hfield Tuesday 011 business. Capt.W. A. Andrews and family, after an extended visit to their relatives in eastern Carolina, re turned Saturday. Capt. Andrews reports crops looking Hue and not ns much rain as we have had in this section. Mr. W. K. Stanley went up to Kim City Wednesday, returning Friday. Attorney J. I>. Parker was in town Wednesday on business. Xkkxks. POLENTA MEWS. (Too late for last week.) The condition of Mr. C. C. Young, who hue been quite low with typhoid fever, continues to improve. He will soon be out ! again, unless a relapse taikes place, which is not probable. Capt. J. J. Young is very much bet tor, and with proper caution and attention it bow seems liis recovery is certain. The social at the residence of Mr. E. It. Johnson's, given in honor of the visiting young la-! dies, Misses Stevens and Coats, I last Friday night was quite an J enjoyable affair. Sttveral of the young gallants of Smithtield weie on hand and seemed to be be witched with the fair ones pres-! ent. All report a most pleasant time. Mrs. J. W. Green and children, of Pine Level, are on a risk at j her lather's home near LeMay. We learn that Mr. Babe Coats has some fine tobacco. A barn recently cured, is said to be the tinest text are, and some of it will sell for as much as fifty uents per pound. The crops have improved but little of late. The prospect now is for only half a crop, with chan ces of it not being over a third. In our personls last week we omitted to mention that Miss Virginia Stevens was visiting her Aunt, Miss Addk> Barber. It was simply aw oversight. Mr. W. (?. Parish, wife and daughter, of Jonesboro, are vis iting relatives in this section. Thanks to Treasurer Lacy for his kind opinion and utterances about our section in a recent is sue of the Raleigh News and Ob server. We value the good opin ion of visitors to our section, es pecially is it. pleasing to us when it comes from such a source as it did on this occasion. Mr. Lacy is one of the purest and best men in North Carolina. Our people have always been strongly at tached to him. Come again, Brother Lacy. Ilog cholera is playing havoc with the prospects of tile meat supply for another year. Hogs arc dying by the score. Mr. W. T. Johnson alone has lost twenty | one head. Others have lost niim-' bers. The d:s< ase seems to be bard to conguer. The road supervisors of this township met at the shelter last. ? Saturday. Each overseer made1 I his report; Rotr- -('porting good | ! roads, others not so good; all promising to Bee that their roads' j were put in good condition at an II aTly day. < far overseers are all i good men and arc to be coai f mended for their oversight of the mails under their charge. Tvro. SELMA NEWS. See here, Mr. Sporting Editor, ih it time for us to laugh? \V( II, our boys went to Smith Held lust Friday to have a game of hall, and, the "unusual" thing happened again. Selrna just wiped up the earth with them to the tune of 1"? to S. We were verv much surprised to hear that so few of those who could "really enjoy" seeisg our crowd laugh at winning a game, as it was such an unusual thing for us to win, were out to sew as enjoy it again Now, is it not strange thut the cluh "composed of all trades and professions except baseball" can play ball like they do? Please tell us when to laugh? As a cer tain citizen of Smithfield said on one occasion, "this thing is get ting to be bonotonons." Three straight games! Say, Mr. Sporting Editor, is it; not about time for those who laugh Inst to laugh now? l'lease tell us; we are so anxious to have out- term at laughing. It seems to our boys that they are enjoying the last laugh and therefore are laughing best. Boys, nint that so? Well, this winds up the ball game for this season and we would suggest that when the Smithfield club selects its players next year that they take them from some of the "trades or pro fessions except baseball," and then perhaps they 1 ay laugh last. Ta, Ta! Say, we are laughing now. Miss Blanche Peacock,of (lolds boro, is visiting Miss Emmie Par ker. l)r. J. W. Hatcher has returned from a professional visit to Ken ly. The first session of the Selma graded schools will begin on Monday, September 2d. The trustees have secured a most ex cellent faculty, and ask the pa rents of the children in the uis-1 triet to send them in promptly and to make an effort to keep them at school. It will l?e im possible for the children to make the advancement they should unless they attend regularly. The trustees offer to the citi eeiis ot the surrounding county the advantages of the school at the lowest rates possible. Messrs. Clarence W. Richard son and Millard No wall visited friends in Clayton Sunday. Miss Jimiuie Button is visiting friends near Arc lie r Lodge this week. Mrs. C. W. Richardson and children are visiting relatives near Wendell and Bwrpsboro this week. Mrs. W. 11. LUirtH^re ami Mis* Stella, are visiting ker brother, j Torn W. Winston at Oxford this week. ilr. S. W. Barker is at home this week. He got overheated at a tobacco sale at Rocky Mount h*t Friday, lie wiH be alright in a few days. Mr. Cieon Parkew, who lias a good position wtt.h the So. Ry. Co., at Norfolk, is visrfcing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Bar Miss Mary Orrell is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jenkins, at Rocky Movnt. Mrs. B. H. Massey and Mrs. L. C. Orrell nre visiting- rbinfives in Wilson's Mills. Mr. Robert P.Noble wee t to Wilson Sunday to attend the funeral of Ins college-mate, Clias. B. Aycock, Jr. Miss Mattie Roundtree, of New Bern, who has linen visitor Miss Rosa B. Richardson, left for.her home Wednesday. Miss Clyde Peacock, of GoJds boro, who has been visiting the Misses Richardson hit for her borne Tuesday. Mrs. Allen and Mis? Nellie Allen, of Raleigh, arw visiting Mrs. J. W. Vick. Srnex. AIFA NOTES. Mr. .1. W. Stephenson, of Smith Held, one of our largest wheat growers, has just had his crop threshed, getting .'120 bushels. Mr. Willie H Stephenson at tended the marriage of Ills broth er at Raleigh last week. Mr. James H. l'arrish and Miss Liddie Ban ish were married last Sunday. Sipiire lv S. Coats, performed the, ceremony. Miss Mattie Temple, of Wake county, spent last week with rela tives in tnis section. Miss Mary Smith and Mrs. S. I), (knits, > f Wake county, are visit ing in the community. Some of our farmers havp ls? gun pulling fodder. Rerun. Follow the hand signs across the streets and come to the Ban ner Warehouse, FOR SALE. One O-horse Eclipse engine, 45 wiw pili and condenser and cot ton press, all in pood runniug order, l'rice #175. ROBERT SANDERS, Smithfield, N. C. H>R SALE. One lot in Smithfield 90 feet front by about 200 feet deep on Street, wewt of Spring itrunch, and known as the powder maga zine lot. Will lie sold to the high est bidder. Address H. P. COLLINS, Apt., Baltimore, Md. Why do you get such high prices for ycur tobacco? "Because I sell at the Riverside." Paylor A Lassiter will always work for you. If Fair Dealing, hard work, hon est weights and high prices will get your tobacco, we want it. lioyett Bros., Fanners Ware house. You can get your tobacco well graded for 75c. per hundred at Skinner & Uagsdale's and it will pay you wall to have it giaded. The .Magistrates will please send in what cases they have for Court. W. S. Stevens, Clerk. For good accommodation, good weights and fair dealings, go to the Riverside Warehouse. Our sales are good, prices high and all of our customers are per fectly satisfied withsales. Boyett Bros., Farmers Warehouse. The Best 10c coffee in the world at N. B. Snipes & Bro., Sehna, N. C. If you want to sell your to bacco where the majority of the best farmers do, come to the Ban ner Warehouse at Smithfield. Now is the time to buy a feed cutter and 1 have them from $3.50 to $15.00. W. M. Sanders. Remember the Old Reliable Auburn Wagon. For sale by W. L. Fuller. Rig lot Wood's Turnip Seed, junk received ab J. R. Ledbettkk. If yom want your tobacco sold for the highest market price, stop at the Farmers Warehouse with \ Boyet.t Rros. Skinner & Ragsdale do not , move, but continue to sell to bacco for kipii prions ait tlfoc Ran ? ner Warehouse. Go to \T. (?. Yelvington's store j for your fine Shoes, Furs and Straw Hats, for Men and Boys. Remember what l'aylor & Las siter did for you las*, year. They will do just as much for you this year at the Riverside. Lanterns, extra globes, ther mometers and twine for sale at W. If. Savueks. Try a peach, strawberry, ban ana or pine apple sherbet as oold as ice, Sc it* Snipes' Foun tain, Sclmn, N. C. When you have a load of to bacco ready for market, stop at the Farmers Warehouse with Royett Rros., where you will al ways get the highest market I price for your tolwceo. NOTICE! The undersigned having Qualified as Execu tor 011 the estate of John Johnson, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby netitiad to present the same ta> mc j daly verified on or before the kith day of An | gust, 1U0S. or this Boticc will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons indebted to ! said estate will make immediate payment. This 18th dt?f of August, 1W1. JNO. II. JOHNSON. Executor. J OUR Turnip Seeds ARE READY, Bought direct from the mott relia* ble growers, carefully selected especially for our patrons. They satisfy others, They will satisfy you, A complete stock of all things a Drug Store should keep always on hand. MONTAGUE, Druggist, GARNER. N C X Cotter, Underwood & Co, a * ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS. 9 O They have several different kinds to select from and will O 9 give you the rigtit price on 9 Hats, Caps, Dry Goods, Harness, A A ?tool cry. Hardware and XX 6 | GROCERIES. | A Wo mean basinecs, and when jo? are Iti town, see us X A and get our prices before you buy and you will save I 1 ? money. Yours for business, C > v COTTER, UNDERWOOD & CO. j; | > SMITHFIELD, N, C, | , SEE OUR BARGAIN COUNTER. WE HAVE LOTS OF STI FF WITH PRICES CUT IN HALF. ON THIS COUNTER YOU WILL FIND Pant Goods, Calicoes, Latons, GINGHAMS, TOWELS, BELTS, Napkins, Table Covers, Suspenders, Hosiery. Twenty-five pairs of LAMES' TAN SLIPPERS AT ONE-HALE PRICE, A And Lots of Other Things. A, We will for the next twenty days sell all low cut shoes at cost. Fruit of the Loom Bleaching, 7 l=2c. ONLY 10 YARDS TO A CUSTOMER. Best ?Calico at 5c. Light Galico at 4c. All Fancy Lawns at Gost. A vlsft to my store will convince you that we have used the knife vefj* fcvel.v in our priees. Remember these pricas will lnrit only twenty days. W. L. WOODALL, Smithfle-ld. IN. C. ?! " - ?-' Peacock's Big Racket Store. SMITHFIELD, N. C. Good Lot tf WINDOW SHADES, different kinds, cheap. Bargains i?? Ditamtwers' Samples?any tiling from two ecu* itp. Tfnware and Glass warn, Oil Cloth. Hlroes *"1 Cloth. In the Waekot Line I lsave Needles, IMns, Thimbles, Buttons, Hair llht Haters, Soape, Braids, Ties, Belts, Thread, Baskets. I keep A MJce Line of Jewelry all the Time. B?wh made Skirts. White llomisspnu by the Bblt 4j?. Fifty Geatet NeglijpJe Shirts 3ftc. Candy, Lemons, Cat:at and Chewing Gnm. lonae *o see me w4re? in town. -ss^W. H. REACOCK. With tlx* new life and upward grade of the old town of Smithfield HOOD BROTHERS, (On the Corner) the oM Drtggists, Book Dealers and Seedsmen, greet yon. For about thirty year.s we have been identified with the town in the . DRUG BUSINESS. W* frel that we are well and favorably known to yon. msi >ODA WATER ? 5 Ot>A WATER We thank you, one and aUr for your liberal patronage. We appreciate your trade. We keep the goods. Our prices are right. We carry the best. Call on us for anything in the Drug Line, Books, Stationery, Seeds, Toilet Goods, Rubber Goods. OUR COLD DRINKS arc M good as ioe and fine fiyrups and crush ed fruits can make thalv Special Line of Trusses and Spectacles and fresh supply Wood's Turnip S?e<fe. tJUBTv Prescriptions a Specialty. HOOD BROTHERS, SMITHFELD, N. C

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