mm m ' i 8 A Porto Rican Romance. 8 : . ? ] BY WILL LEYIXIiTUX COMFORT. | Two months after the squad of a dozen troopers rode into the moun tain town of Coronal, far in the high interior of Porto Kico, big Darby was doing his trick at stable guard. It was that wonderful half hour at the close of a tropical day when the hush of twilight rests upon the mountains and the dark is climbing silently, steadily up from the valleys and gorges. The troop horses were buried in their nose bags. Darby sat upon a bale of hay, with his car bine lying across his lap. He was at peace with himself chiefly because five weeks had passed since a pay day. A little native girl was ventur ing shyly toward him. He said "Good evening" in Spanish, and a queer tingle crept up from his boots when he beard how sweet and low her voice was. She reclined daintily upon a bale of hay and rolled ciga rettes for the big fellow to smoke. Never in the history of military men did a trick at guard duty pass 1 so quickly. The days which followed were strange ones for Trooper Darbv. Often the senorita watched him from a balcony or walked past his quarters in the evening. She was j always in the plaza when he was. It was in Darby to treat her as he would a little girl, and yet an in stinct hidden somewhere forbade. Since Darby's first enlistment j long ago he had shunned women. He was a quiet fellow usually and had more manner and far more mind than were needed for a soldier. He had killed a grown man's ambi tion with the feeble satisfaction of j being a clean, obedient soldier, but j he had so much time and energy left over that despair sometimes crept into the vacuum. Then it was that Trooper Darby went to the canteen, in which case lie fell short of his single ambition. The stripes j of a noncommissioned officer were j removed so often from his sleeve 1 that he finally refused to have them replaced at all. So, in spite of in- 1 tervals of fine soldiering, lie remain ed Private Darby. The last four months of his en- i listment were passing quickly in the high l'orto Itican town of Coroxal and passing strangely too. The days were full of troubled thoughts, and the evenings ? the evenings were beautiful. Queer indeed are the little l'orto Rican maidens. They know nothing of the world except their own fruit laden, rain shower ed hills, but they are moved by the hearts of women. They arc without 1 education, yet posse-sed of woman's art. They drink wine in their joy and rum in their de-pair. They light a cigarette in their babyhood. It is still lighted in their dying. For breakfast they have coffee ami ciga rettes; for dinner a fried plantain, with cigarettes before and after; for ?upper they drink the juice of an orange, followed bv an evening of cigarettes and native wines; hence they are ready to die at the age when a northern woman is looking for a husband. They adore music. They are fairies in the dance, grand mothers at .10. The genius of ro mance lives in their land. Marie, who ventured shyly down to the picket line that night, was one of these. A little above the town, in the very heights, was a little bamboo shack, where Marie and her old mother lived and wove white straw into hats and delicate bamboo strips into matting. After retreat in the evening big Darby would be seen ?triding up this steep trail. It was very beautiful to sit up there beside the little hill maiden. Far below the lights of the town twinkled, and ?ometimes when the breeze was i right the voices of the soldiers could be heard singing dreamily of their native land. All about rose the ; cliff shadows, and on their tops the j moon flung a veil of misty gray, ( ?nd Marie would turn her great dark i eyes upon big Darby. Those eyes ] of bo* shone through the dark, for , th' i- : \'bt was in them, and he- 1 hind, in the doorway of the shark, ?at the obi mother, humming like ofie who had lived her life and now cflly bides. Darby would have liked to take the little jrirl upon his knees and talk to her as he might have done to a ( hild of her age and size back in the States, bnt every time this thought eanjc the heart within hun throbbed a warning. Marse was not a child. She was a woman who *'nuld h?ve K en made hapny indeed had the big soldier followed the sug ... u mi. 1. Darby could nbt quite understand for a time why be.alsavt, sought the shack of Marie in the evening* A n f thane was alwava another via n i itor. This was Juan, who drove ox en all day from the coffee planta tions to the town. Juan was not a brother. In the natural course of events he would have married Ma rie and become master of the little shack in the heights. Juan always smiled when the soldier came. It is the way the poor I'orto ltican peon had been taught to smile in the presence of a white man, even though one's heart be breaking. The fathers of Juan had learned this les son well years ago when the Span iards came. For a long time big Darby did not understand about J uan, since the i latter gave not the slightest hint that he would be a rival, and Marie never noticed her native lover, after the white soldier had reached the top of the trail. Her ardent heart could contnin no subtlety, nor was it large enough for more than one ] romance. One night while the soldier and Marie were talking softly together poor Juan forgot the outer world, forgot everything but the pain in his heart anil the hopelessness of his life. When Marie had been only a wee maid, toddling about in the sun clad in a single garhient, he had searched the hills for hours to find the largest, choicest oranges for her. Long before the white man came he hail saved pennies until they grew into pesos?each one the price of j many days of toil from dawn till dark on the hot trails?saved them for her. He did not hate the white man, but the wound in his heart hurt desperately, and for a moment the law and the lessons of his fa- j thers were forgotten. His face 1? came the mirror of his heart. Ago ny, not rebellion, was reflected there. It was a strange moment for big Darby. The perfume, the starlight, | the sweet torrid air, had put a spell of romance in his brain. His years had long been bitter and lonely. He saw nothing ahead except more such years and then a soldiers' home in which to brood and wither and die? unless? Here was a young girl who had made him her hero, her king. There was no one yearning for him back in the northland?no one who cared for him, not even an old mother to bless him. Long ago he had killed all ambition. He need never again go north. His enlist ment would be finished in a month, and then he would have money. He might live in these beautiful hills until the sun had burned him black, j like the others, and his furoff dream [ of a home and a woman would be a dream no longer, and the wander spirit within him would give way to perfect rest and his brooding heart to peace. Itig Darby was breathing hard. The eyes of the hill maiden. Marie, were strained toward his. Now lie knew that she was a woman, not a little girl, llis thought had laid this fact bare. He need only to lean over and touch his lips to hers, and the great change would be wrought in an instant. The years had been long and lonely since a woman had turned her face toward his. Big Darby's eves were dry; an aching lump filled his troat. A kiss that moment would have destroyed the monotony of the years. It would j have fixed a bright vision in what 1 had been a desolate future. It would have been the cornerstone upon which nature could build a great white castle of romance. That moment big Dnrby saw the face of Juan, the ox driver. It was turned toward the low southeast, where a great pale moon was rising, and upon that face of Juan, the ox driver, big Darby saw the tragedy of a breaking heart. The seal was not affixed. The trooper arose to his feet, shook himself like a great beast that has slept under the weight of an ugly dream and moved slowly down the trail. Juan started to his feet quickly, but he did not under stand. Senorita Marie would have followed, but the trooper spoke: "No, no; manana." The manner of his words was con vincing. Big Darby turned on a cross trail and walked and walked. At length he came to a river?the tinv Coroxal, which was tinkling noisily over the stones and down the mountain to the bosom of its parent, the Rio Grande. Darby sat down upon a rock at the river's edge. He had done no wrong. The face of Juan had sent the crushing truths borne in time. Ilis dream of a life in these fruit laden hills with Marie was beautiful, but not according to the law. In the memory of the :roop he had drunk when the mood ras upon him. The thirst was burn ing him now. He would always Irink. nnd, like an old cavalry horse if parted from his troop, he would 'rave for it. Besides, he had not mrt Marie deeply yet. He would show her the right way. Rut there were no lights ahead. That night big Darby did not re urn at "taps." The troopers smif :d and told each other that he had ?ome down the pole. They wonder id where he got the price. They rcre very wrong. Darby was not ' trunk. He was out in the dark, fighting a splendid fight?at the edge of a mountain stream. ? ?????? To some men life is a continual nagging skirmish; to others it is a single decisive engagement won or lost; to still others, and these are legion, life iB a long, drowsy sum mer camp. The men who deserve the medal* of honor are the hard and haggard fellows on the skirmish line who have to fight to live, who get their training under fire, who keep the small of their backs to the fields they have won and who make the history for the campers to read. The second class have mortal forces superior to their infirmities. They surround their natural enemies in the beginning and slaughter them once and for all. These men are to be praised. They are also to be en vied for the admirable balance of brain and sinew which their fathers gave them. They are the successful, the happy, the admired, men. But the evil insurrection within them was never whole hearted nor unkill able. But you want a hero? Go, pick one front the lean, panting, worried fellows who are forever on the skir mish line, whose foes are themselves. These have mighty virtues, but their weaknesses are mighty too. These know no peace. Their foes are as stubborn as the incoming tide, as virile as poison, as relentless as granite. A man indeed is he who systematically starves a host of ugly passions. In the last month big Darby made many trips up the trail to the shack of Marie and her mother, and Juan, the poor Porto llican peon, clutched at the belief with all his simple mind that the white man was an angel from heaven, and because it was the right way, because he had made up his mind, Trooper Darby had strength to lead Marie into the right way. When he journeyed to San Juan to get his finals cashed, all the American soldiers in the capital city were talking about a new war in China. Big Darby took no drink, though there was much money in his pooket. On the way back to Coroxal he wondered if the war in China would mean much action. It was evening when he walked up the trail, and by his side was the old priest of the district. Silent ly they walked together upward? upward toward the heights. Marie was there, Juan was there, and in the doorway the old mother sat in the deepening twilight mumbling old refrains. The moon beamed down upon the mountain tops, while the priest ut tered softly the words of the old, old story, and the moon played in the depths of the running rivers and whitened the great cliffs?and the soul of one of Uncle Sam's cavalry men. When it was all over, big Darby paid the priest and placed a roll in the trembling hands of Juan, the poor ox driver?a fortune away up in the mountains of Porto Rico, where pennies are dollars. Then hig Darby kissed Marie, the bride?for the first time?and held her fast in his arms an instant, be cause she was sobbing a little. Then he hastened down the trail to the town?for the last time?and at the canteen he bought a round of drinks for the boys and told them that he would start for the States in a cou ple of days to enlist in one of the new cavalry regiments which were being equipped for Chinese service. ?Pittsburg Dispatch. A Row In the Lords'. It may be true that parliamentary life is degenerating, but it is a mis take to suppose that parliamentary Hooliganism is a modern growth. All but three centuries and a half ago the Marquis of Dorchester and the Duke of Buckingham quarreled in the house of lords, and the im mortal Pepvs tells that, "my Lord Buckingham leaning rudely over my Lord Marquis Dorchester, my Lord Dorchester removed his elbow. Duke of Buckingham asked whether he was uneasy. Dorchester replied, 'Yes,' and that he durst not do this anywhere else. Buckingham re plied, 'Yes, he would.' Dorchester said that he lied. With this Buck ingham struck off his hat and took him by his periwig and pulled it aside and held him. My lord cham berlain and others interposed and upon coming into the house of lords did order them both to the Tower!" , 4 Modnt Rfqnfit. ?A. "Excuse me, conductor, but I wlsb you'd run the trsln rather slowly ?? far as MeadrlUc. You see. I'm a Jar ?f preserves here, and my wife told m* t? be sure that It wasn't shakeu!" MICRO NOTES. We are sorry to note that our guard house was burned last week. Mr. C. A. Fitzgerald who has been (juite sick, is better at this writing. Mr. Bishop of the firm of R. H. Lunceford, of Petersburg, Va., | was in town to-dav. It is reported that Mr. A. J. Fitzgerald is to open up a stock of general merchandiseheresoon. Messrs H. I). Mozingo and T. ?I. Batten, attended the pie-nic at Harp's school house lust Sat urday. A. C. Stancil who has been teaching here for some time, closed his school with success this week, satisfactory to all. Mr. Oscar Mozingo has accept ed a position with the firm of Woodard, Anderson A Jones, tobacconists of Wilson. He left Monday to take charge of the position. Jim. Gilman's Deal In Coffins. When the late George F. Gilman, the tea store man, whose millions are in dispute, became old enough to go into business, his father arrang ed a partnership for him with a Mr. Miles, who had been a successful leather merchant in the Swamp. Young Gilman did not care for the leather business, but he obeyed his father's wishes. Mr. Miles, his partner, was a much older man, and, as Gilman soon discovered, he was inclined to devote most of his time to outside interests, among them being a new cemetery. One day Mr. Miles came down to the office and said: "Mr. Gilman, 1 did a good stroke of business today. 1 bought ten cemetery lots and then sold nine of them for what the ten cost me. That leaves me one lot clear profit." ; Gilman didn't see that this meant any profit for the firm of Miles & Gilman, and on the following mora- 1 ing when he reached the office he i said to Mr. Miles: "I did a good stroke of business myself this morning. I stopped at i; Broadway undertaker's and bought ten coffins. 1 sold nine of them for what I paid for the ten, leaving one coffin clear profit. I have saved this coffin for you, Mr. Miles, thinking that you might use it in your cem etery lot." ; Mr. Miles glared at the young man and then retired to his own of fice. When he reappeared several ; hours later, it was to announce thai the copartnership was dissolved. , How to Get the Water Out. In the fall of 189G Admiral T1 >b ley D. Evans was in,command of the , Indiana. The squadron started u; a storm from Fort Monroe for N> >? York. "At 1 a. m." says the admi ral, "the ash shoots on the gun de<k had their covers torn off, and lui deck was flooded, and there was no way to get the water out except hailing with buckets. The carpen ter, who was in a great funk, tame to me on the bridge, white in th face, and reported in a tremblinc voice: "'Sir, the gun deck is full of wn ter, and 1 can't see how we are ev.-r going to get it out!' "1 replied, 'Go down and drill 6ome of it out, sir, and don't bother me again with your whining,' whit-a sent him on his way, and I saw n more of him." ^ Young Women The entry into womanhood Is a ( critical time for a girl. Little men strual disorders started at that time soon grow Into iatal complications. That female troubles are tilling graveyards proves this. Wine of Cardui estab lishes a patnles and natural menstrual flow. When once this important func- ' tion is started right, a healthy life will I usually follow. Many women, young < and old. owe their lives to Wine of Cardui. There is nothing like It to give women freedom from pain and to tit young women for every duty of life. 1 $1.00 bottles st druggists. ( 1 Miss Dells M. Strsycr. Tulty, Kan.i "I have suffered untold pain at menstrual pe riods lor a long time, was nervous, had no appetite, and lost interest in everything, in fact waa miserable. I ha?e taken four ? bottlea of Wine of Cardui. with Thedford's Black Draught, whan needed. and to-day I am entirely cured. I cannot expreaa the thanks I feel for what you have done t for mo." I 1 I roe aOelao ta iwoea teoairleo auoeSnl aieoo- i Uoee. eOOreaa. sines ira-po at is# ;ae o 1 AStluifl [wrartaa -l TS-e 'a at tee ?wa Mae laiaa (eeapnar. CSalsanuupa. Tana. EME: With the new life and upward grade of the old town of Smithfield HOOD BROTHERS, (On the Corner) the old Druggists, Book Dealers and Seedsmen, greet you. For about thirty years we have been identified with the town in the DRUG BUSINESS. We feel that we are well and favorably known to you. SODA WATER 5 SODA WATfR We thank you, one and all, for your liberal patronage. We appreciate your trade. We keep the goods. Our prices are right. We carry the best. Call on us for anything in the Drug Line, Books, Stationery, Seeds, Toilet Goods, Rubber Goods. OUR COLD DRINKS are as good as ice and fine syrups and crush ed fruits can make them. Special Line of Trusses and Spectacles and fresh supply Wood's Turnip Seeds. IJCasr^Prescriptions a Specialty. HOOD BROTHERS, SMITHFIELD, N. C, Remember the Old Reliable Auburn Wagon. For sale by W. L. Fuller. Rig lot Wood's Turnip Seed, just received at J. R. Lkdbetter. If you want your tobacco sold for the highest market price, stop at the Farmers Warehouse with Boyett Bros. Skinner & Ragsdale do not move, but continue to sell to bacco for high prices at the Ban ner Warehouse. Go to W. G. Yelvington's store for your fine Shoes, Furs and Straw Hats, for Men and Boys. | Remember what Baylor & Las siter did for you last year. They will do just as much for you this year at the Riverside. Try a peach, strawberry, ban- j ana or pine apple sherbet as j cold as ice, He at Snipes' Foun tain, Selma, N. C. When you have a load of to bacco ready for market, stop at the Farmers Warehouse with [ Boyett Bros., where you will al-j ways get the highest market | price for your tobacco. Follow the rush to the River side and you will be well pleased with your sales. If you want to sell your to bacco where the majority of the best farmers do, come to the Ifan ner Warehouse at Smithfield. (>nr salt's are good, prices high and all of our customers are per fectly satisfied with sales. Boyett Bros., Farmers Warehouse. Skinner it Ragsdale are anxious for tobacco to till orders. Bring it along; it is selling high. Question seems puzzling to some how the Smithfield Hard ware Company sell so cheap. We buy right and divide our profits by short division. Skinner & Ragsdale lead be jaust they haven't any pets but sell every farmer's tobacco for its value. The place to have your tobacco graded is at the Riverside. They have the best basement and best grader. Warranty Deed, Mortgage Deed, Mortgagee's Deed, Quit claim Deed and Commissioners' Deed blanks for sale at The Herald Office. Why do you get such high prices or your tobacco? "Because I iell at the Riverside." I'aylor A I .assiter will always work for you. If Fair Dealing, hard work, hon >st weights and high prices will jet your tobacco, we want it. [toyett Bros., Farmers Ware louse. You can get your tobacco well rraded for 7.r?c. per hundred at Skinner & Ragsdale's and it will >ay you well to have it graded. BUY THE CELEBRATED AUBURN WAGON. The Auburn Wagon Co. have consigned to ine one car load one and two horse wagons which 1 will sell cheap for cash or on time. Come to see me before buying. Respectfully, W. L. FULLER. SMIThFIELD, N. C. THE AMERICAN COTTON CO.'S Round-Lap Bale Press WILL BE READY to do business just as soon as the cotton season opena Those who have had their cotton put up ROUND, we thank you for your patronage and trust that you have all been satisfied. So don't forget us. Those who have not had their cotton put up ROUND, give us a trial, and we shall do our best to satisfy you. Yours truly, THE AMERICAN COTTON CO., Per T. B. B., Jr. We want a good ginner. OUR Turnip Seeds ARE READY, Bought direct from the most rclia? ble growers, carefully selected especially for our patrons. They satisfy others, They will satisfy you. A complete stock of all things a Drug Store should keep always on hand. MONTAGUE Druggist, GARNER, N C Follow the hand eigne arrows the etreeta and eonie to the Ban ner Warehouse, Smithfleld. The Best 10c coffee in the world at N. B. Snijtee A Bro.. Selmn, N. T

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