fpjc Jsmitjjfirlii UrniliY i1 price one dollar per tear. "TRl'E TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD."' single copies tiirkk cents ? ? . - - - ? ? ? - ? ?- ; 11 - ? ? , ? VOL. 20. SMITH FIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1901. NO. 25. GENERAL NEWS. A Partial List of the Week's Hap penings Throughout the Country. Ex-Governor Stone, of Mis souri, has announced himself a candidate for the Tinted States Senate to succeed Senator Vest. Abe Wilder, a negro charged with the murder of a white wo man, was captured and burned by an angry Texas mob near Ked Ranch, Texas, early last week. Last week at Asheville, Ala., one man was killed and another seriously wounded in an attempt of a mob to secure a negro who had been convicted of criminal assault and sentenced to hang September 20th. John rugate, a negro, 21 years of age, was hanged at Wise, Va., Friday, for the murder near Toms Creek. Va., on .June 0th, of Mar tha Wells, a colored woman. Fu gate displayed great nerveon the scaffold and confessed his guilt. One person was killed, another was dangerously hurt and a building wrecked at Ashley, In diana, Monday, by the explosion of a soda fountain. It is sup posed that the explosion was caused by an error being made in preparing the gas with which the fountain was charged. J. M. Mercer, convicted last May of assaulting Jessie Taylor, a little girl, was hanged at Tampa, Fla., last Friday. His neck was broken by the fall. He died de claring his innocence. His last words were a request that his wife be taken care of. Mercer is the first white man ever legally exe cuted in Hillsboro county. John H. Butler, a negro, was hanged at Baltimore Friday morning. Butler killed his wife last October, by beating her with a cobblestone. He has always denied his guilt and several at tempts have been made to have his sentence commuted on the grounds that he was insane He was prominent as a Republican politician. Investigation by the grand jury into the recent lynching of a negro in Elmore county, Ala bama, has resulted in indictments against ten of the thirty persons alfcged to have constituted the mob. Several witnesses who re fused to testify when called were placed in jail foi contempt. These are the first indictments against lynchers in that State in many years. A dispatch from Stroud. Okla homa, says: "The desire to run all negroes from Territory towns, started at S<|ualpa, has spread to Stroud, and a mob of gamblers and toughs has driven all blacks from town. In addit ion they tore down the houses of two negroes, and burned the buildings and contents. The trouble started when a negro attempted to stab a white man. The officers so far have not interfered. Rev. George B. Harnington committed suicide at Oxford, N. J., by hanging himself in the l>el fry of the Methodist church, where he had of late been preaching. Mr. Harnington was 20 years of age, and was still a student at Drew Seminary, not yet having been admitted to full preacher's orders. Two weeks ago he was married in Oxford to the organist of his church, and, so far as can be learned, his married life was happy. No cause is known for his act. Sunday afternoon, August 18, at Pierce City, Mo., Miss Gazelle Wild was murdered. Suspicion at once rested on a negro. Will Godley, who was arrested and lodged in jail. Monday night a mob of 1,000 enraged citizens took him fiom the jail and lynched him. The mob later shot French Godley, Will God lev's grandfather, to death, and burned the houses of five negroes, cremating Peter Hampton. The enraged crowd seized the State militia rifles and drove dozens of negroes from the town. Nearly every negro has left the town and fears to return. POLENTA NEWS. Miss Dixie Young is much bet ter. Mies Addie Barber has returned from a pleasant visit to Smith field. Miss Alma barber, of Wilson's Mills, is visiting friends in the neighborhood. Regret to say Mrs. ,T. E. Jones is confined to herbed, being quite ill. Hope her sickness will be of short duration. Miss Mamie Johns, one of Wake's most accomplished young ladies, is spending some time visiting Miss May Young. The tobacco farmers are jubi- j lant. The good prices they re ceive for the weed stimulated them for greater efforts in the future. Miss Sue Edmondson leaves for Dunn to-morrow (Thursday), where she will teach music for the next six months, at least. Miss Sue is one of the most accom plished music teachers in the State. AVe have two colored men in this township bordering on to one hundred years old. In fact, one of them is said to be passed that age. They are both wAll thought of by the white people that live around them. Their names are Deter McDaniel and Sanders. Old man Sanders appears to be the older of the two. The meeting at Oakland closed Tuesday night. It was one of great enjoyment to our people, who showed their interest by at tendance upon divine services. The ltev. Dr. Morton, who did the preaching did it eloquently and powerfully, yet so plain that any could understand it. At times he became so earnest and persuasive as to sway upon his hearers to the extent of melting them to tears. Indeed his por trayals of truths as contained in God's word were beautiful and sublime. The interest manifested was deep. Many were led to in quire the way of peace; ten came out openly and avowed their pur pose to serve their Master and Lord in the future, and connected themselves with Oakland Presby terian church. The church people were greatly edified and built up and sinners were led to see the enormity of sin as never before, and the influences for good from this meeting will prove lasting. Let God be praised for the exhi bition of his matchless power in the meeting. On Tuesday Mr. H. T. Garrard who owns considerable real estate in this section, but who virtually lives in Norfolk, Va., being at his old home on a vacation, con-, ceived the idea of giving a dinner to his relatives, tenants and a few invited guests; and to say the least it was one of very great enjoyment to those who partici pated. By 11 o'clock a goodly number had assembled and were cordially welcomed by Mr. Gar rard. The table was erected under the spreading limbs of the large oak trees in the yard which gave ample shade. The table was loaded with that which satis fies the appetite?such as barbe cued shoat, barliecued mutton and baked beef, chicken,* bread, pickles, cakes and ice cream; etc. The whites present were invited to assemble around the table and after the blessing was implored all partook to their heart s con tent. Then the colored people, those who worked for or on bis land, were invited and enjoyed a good dinner. Mr. Garrard, him self, waited on the table, and left no stone unturned to cause all to enjoy the occasion; indeed he was lavish in his hospitality. When seventeen years old with a wid owed mother on his hand, he started out a poor lad, but by energy, attention to business, and honest toil he has gradually eliml>ed the ladder of success, until now he is the possessor of a large real estate property, and continues to prosper. A year ago he was very much depressed on account of poor health, but he is now* restored, and seems full of life, vigor and push. He left Wednesday morning for Norfolk. Tvro. STATE NEWS. Short Items of interest Culled From our State Exchanges* L. Acree, Secretary anil Treas urer of Jonesboro Cotton .Mills committed suicide Monday. The Charlotte Oil and Fertilizer Company has been sold to the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Com pany. The price paid was $425, 000. Wake county has in the past few days ordered public school houses to cost $4,000 tobebifilt. ()f these there is to be a $1,000 one at Wake Forest. During a severe electrical storm at Tarboro Saturday afternoon lightning struck the residence of Charlie Friar, a mill operative, instantly killing his sister, aged 25. (>ther occupants were severely shocked. It is rumored that H. M. Flag ler, the multi-millionaire oil magnate, has secured options on desirable property at Wrights ville and will erect a hotel on the island and one on the bay front, expending about $500,000 in that vicinity. The convicts in this State have in the past twenty-seven years built twenty-six railways, with a total of 1,437 miles, or about two-tifths of the whole mileage in North Carolina. The Estima ted value of the work is $2,000 a mile on an average. According to the report of the Corporation Commissioner there are now 70 State, 17 private and 13 savings banks in North Caro lina. The total resources of the State banks are $12,489,357.40; | of the private banks, $1,581, 755.21; savings banks, $16,501 , 368.04. The Bulletin says a crate <>i peaches were shipped irora South ern Pines last week to a gentle man in Europe. Last season some peiiches were sent to Europe to the same gentleman. They reached him in excellent shape and some of them came back to America, and were still in excel lent condition, after traveling over 7,000 miles by land and sea. The case against Gay Bryant and seventy-seven others charged with tearing down and burning a Sanctificationist church in Cherokee county came up for trial at the recent term of court at Murphy. Of the seventy-eight defendants, seventeen failed to appear; the indictment against eleven of them was nol prossed; fifty stood trial and were ad judged not guilty by the jury. The Chapel Hill News says that Mr. Tobe Henderson, while returning from Durham a few days ago, found i he creek very high and pastfording. Hedrove to one side of the road to wait until the water fell, and went to sleep. When he awoke he found himself on the oppositesideof the creek as wet as a drowned rat. His mule, Itecoming imputient, had plunged in and crossed the creek while the sleeper slept, giv ing his master a good ducking. Itoscoe Murrow, of a promi nent family in Guilford county, was convicted last week of the ruin of an orphan |girl, his adop ed sister, and sentenced to seven years on the chain gang. Judge Shaw, who presided at the trial, proposed to remit the imprison ment if Murrow would pay the girl and her child $1,500 and !?."> 00 to the school fund, but the offer was refused. The orphan girl was adopted into Marrow's father's family at the age of 0. At the age of IB young Murrow became criminally intimate with her and when her ruin became public the girl was turned out of tier home. After accomplishing his adopted sister's ruin Murrow married a respectable young woman of the neighborhood. Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores of all kinds quickly 1 healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for piles. Be ware of Counterfeits. Be sure you get the original?DeWitt's. Hare A- Son, J. It. Led better, | Hood Bros. SELMA NEWS. Mr. Richard ( diver has accepted a position as clerk in the post oltiee. Mr. C. W. Richardson and fam ily have returned from a visit to Wilders. Miss Hazel Waddell left Tues day for Kenly to teach music in Kenly Academy. Miss Mamie Tuck left Wednes day morning for Oxford, where she has a position as teacher in the Orphan Asylum. Misses Aaron and Hurley, who have been visiting Miss Fannie Jackson, left Wednesday for Mount Olive and*New Berne. Miss Mallie I'reston has moved to "Smith" house on Railroad street, having closed her board ing house to accept a position as teacher in the (iraded School. The first session of the Graded Schools will begin on Monday, September 2nd. The trustees hope that the parents will send their children promptly. They have bought new desks, made new rooms, and everything will be as convenient and up-to-date as is found in anv school. Some of our farmers are curing their fodder 111 tobacco barns. They take it from the field green, tie it up in bundles, lay it on to bacco sticks and run the heat gradually to 140 to 150 degrees. It will cure in 24 hours a nice green. A careful man can put nve stacks in a barn. With as many barns in the county as there are, there should be no trou ble in saving fodder. In putting fodder gieen in the barn care should be taken not to put the bundles on top of one another without sticks betweeu them. Si:.nkx. SPILONA SCRIPS. Mr. J. A. Wellons was out to see us Sunday. Several of the boys went to Wilmington Monday on the ex cursion. Miss Yessie ('oats has returned home from a long visit in upper .Johns* on. Mrs. J. A. Wellons and child :en spent last week with her father, Mr. R. I. Lassiter. Miss Mernice Ellington, one of Raleigh's highly accomplished and most beautiful young ladies, is visiting Mrs. C. A. Johnson. Crops in this section have im proved wonderfully after all the, growling about too much rain, the farmers are going to gather an average crop. L. R. Moore is very sick with fever. He had the misfortune to lose a barn of tobacco by fire Saturday night?a negro was curing; carelessness was the cause. Tobacco is bringing high prices and we fanners will ilo longer have to be drummed and told that Smithtield isoneof the high est price markets in the State Tor the sale of leaf tobacco. Almost everybody already knows it. Mr. A. R. Willinghain, Smith field's high price tobacco buyer, and one of the best judges of to bacco in the State, was out to see us recently. We were very glad to have him with us and hope lie will come again soon and siiend more time with us. F. L. T. Horses Dying: in Dare. Mr.B.G.Crisp, of Manteo, Dare county, the only member of the bar in that county, is in the city on business. He is here to argue some cases in the Supreme Court next week. Mr. Crisp says that the mosquitoes are not so bad as they have been, but that the horse epidemic in Hyde has got to Roanoke Island and is killing the horses. It does not attack the banks ponies. Asked if it at tacked the mules, Mr. Crisp quid there were only three in Dare county, and if the epidemic strikes those mules it will probably be the end of the mosquito epidemic. ?News and Observer 24th. Pay your subscription next ; week. MUCH RAIN LAST WEEK. Lands Badly Washed and Field Work Impeded?Cotton Shedding Badly and Not muting as Desired. The Weekly Crop Bulletin for North Carolina, issued by the Weather Bureau, says that the reports of crop correspondents for the past week indicate very unfavorable weather conditions for farm work, due to the con tinuous rains in all sections, which have not only washed the lands hardly, but have seriously impeded all field work, at the same time being most favorable for the growth of weeds. The temperature averaged about 2 degrees daily above the normal, the rainfall being also from half an inch to an inch above. Such cotton as is well cultivat ed is doing nicely, but as a rule it is shedding badly and not fruit ing as much as could be desired. Rain has injured the top crop and on Hat lands it is rusting. Farmers are behind in hilling on account of the death of so many horses in the miasmatic regions. Turnips are coming up to a good s*and,butthe wet weather has hindered sowing. The fall crop of potatoes is doing nicely, but the second crop of Irish potatoes is coming up badly. More sun shine is needed. The reports of fruit indicate that the crop is a failure. Apples are dropping, and peaches and grapes are rot ting badly. Tomatoes are rot ting. More sunshine is needed for peanuts, which are not doing so well. Field peas are in tine; condition. There has been too much rain for tobacco, although some curing has been done, t ne color being very good. Fodder pulling has begun, although re tarded by the rain. Late plant ed corn is doing well,* although the indications are that the crop will be late; that planted on high lands has improved, while on low lands it has been much in jured by wet weather; replants not earing well. Hay is doing well, but the rains are giving farmers trouble in covering*!hat. which is cut. Rice is promising, although, as with all other crops, there has been too much rain tor a favorable growth. Wheat not threshed is injured in the shock. Turning land for planting is going on rapidly. Reports about oats are conflicting, rotting be ing reported in some sections and in others the reports are favora ole. Winter oats are said to be turning out well. Pastures have improved and the second crop of clover is coming on finely. BENSON BUDGET. Miss Callie Strickland returned from a visit to Favetteville, Mon day. W. S. Utley takes a few days off and visits his family this week. A large crowd of our people went on Hatch Bros, excursion Monday. Kfforts are being made for two rural free delivery routes from this place. , Mrs. It. W. Cavenaugh and Miss Nellie Parrish returned Tuesday from a visit to Clayton. Rev. T. H. Leavit, a favorite with the Holiness congregation, preached two sermons here Sun day. Misses Eva Madrin, of Orange county, and Addie Hardee, of Elevation, enterrd school here this week. C. F. Neighbors has rented Richardson & Aikin's music house and is putting in a stock of as sorted clothing. J. H. Boon & Son moved into their new store Thursday. J. It. Denning will be with them after September 1st. The Misses Mangum, of Ral eigh, returned home Tuesday after spending several days with Mrs. J. P. Canaday. No fence law is being agitated aud it is proposed to extend it from Hunter rpad to include Ele avtion, most of Banner and In grams townships. Section 29 of the newly printed ordinances need give no alarm. It has never been enacted into law, and crept in by mistake. Hill & Broughton,barbers, will, after this week, open a branch office at Dunn. This course be comes necessary for the reason that they cannot serve their Dunn patrons by mail nor tele graph. Among the visitors here are Willie Pearsall, of Wilson, Mrs. W. H. Dixon, of Kim City, Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Bryan, of Clayton section, H. K. Boykin, of Rich mond. Mr. and Mrs. D. L.God win, of Kenly. A bogus telegram straightened out the recollections of two citi zens Tuesday and they had not done any such things as at first they thought they had. What they did on the excursion reads like a different book since the tele gram came. Farmers are discussing the ad visability of assembling in mass meeting to express their disap proval of tobacco drumming. They are finding out who pays the freight, and are bold to de clare that they have sense enough to sell all the tobacco they can make, and that this so> t of self constituted guardianship comes too high. Among the many farmers who have realized fancy prices for to bacco, since our last, we mention H. Massengill, A. Altman, Ulius Eason, J R. McLam, E. Johnson, Amos Johnson, J. I. Jones, W. E. Massengill and Luther Allen, at the Farmers; P. L. Hayes, W. B. Massengill, R. L. Weaver, Thomas Barber, B. F. Langdon, and J. E. Allen at the Banner. The farmers are showing proper appreciation of our home mark ets. It was the pleasure of your cor respondent Tuesday to travel over a goodly portion of the Southern part of our good coun ty, and it was acontinualdelight to mark the crops, one after an other. so much better than we had even dared hope to see. Good land carefully cultivated .makes a good crop almost every year, and that's what these peo ple have. They are industrious, honest, law-abiding, Democratic, and when you go among them you feel like you are in the choice section of God's country. CLAYTON NOTES. Mr. Carson Durham is quite sick. Miss Yerta Garvis is visiting Miss Nellie Pool. A number of houses are being built in Darktown. . Mr. & Mrs. J. C'. Ellington, of Raleigh, are guests here this week. Mr. M. E. Cotton has accepted a position with the Clayton Hardware Co. Mr. Floyd Harris, who has been relieving an agent at Mor risville, is at home. M is. Geo. L. Walker, of Savan nah, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ashley Home. Mr. W. H. Stallings recently purchased a fine pair of horses. His rig is a "dasher". Mr. and Mrs. John S. llarnes and John, Jr., spent a part of the week at the home of Mr. Barnes' mother. Prof. Archie Jones spent a few hours in town Tuesday, return ing to his father's home, accom painied by Miss Eula. Mr. D. L. Barnes is preparing to build a beautiful residence preparatory to locating here, jiermaneutly, we think. Everybody we have 'heard speak of it likes "forv, "The Gunnmker of Moscow.'' Hojie you will give us another as good. Our boys experienced a slight surprise Monday; a game had lieen arranged between them selves and Shot well's team; on reaching the Shotwell grounds they found the pick of \\ endell's team and three of the Shotwell boys arranged for the game, our boys were defeated, the score i standing 5 to 2 in favor *of the ? other teams. Ray.

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