THE HERALD. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS! OTCopy for changes In advertise meiUs must he received by 2 o'clock f. m. WwTnesiiay, or the change will not I* i made until the next week. This rule ?will be strictly observed. Business Locals inserted at 5 cents pet line tirst insertion and 21 cents per line ?ach succeeding insertion. Rates for display ads made known on application. FiuitAY. AUOL'BT 30. 1901. TOWN AND COUNTY. ?"The H. H. & B. Co." ?The Smithtield Hardware Co. ?J. 11. Kirkman, Fire Insur ance, Smithtield. X. C. ?Rev. J. W. Suttle is engaged in a protracted meeting at Pisgah church this week. ?The fall session of Turlington Institute will begin next Tues day, September 3d. ?The Board of County Com missioners will meet here in regu lar session next Monday. ?ijuite a number of Smithtield people attended the baptizing at Swift Creek bridge, Sunday. ?The postoftice department at Washington has appointed Mr. Joseph K. Kxum postmaster at Four < laks. ?Mr. Seth Allen,of Benson, has recently returned from the north ern markets where he has been to buy goods. ?Mr. A. L. Sasser, of Golds boro, was in to see, us Monday and renewed his subscription for another year. ?Mr. John It. Denning has moved to Benson and engaged with Messrs. J. II. Boon & Son as salesman in their store. It rained every day in this sec tion for 15 dais preceding last Sunday. Since then there have been three days without rain. ?Court will convene here next Monday, Judge VY. S. O'B. Rob inson, of Goldsboro, presiding. There are nine prisoners in jail at present. ?Court will be in session here next week. We would remind all of our subscribers and friends that we will be glad to have them call and make themselves at home in our office in the Holt Building, upstairs, next door to Hank. ?Rev. J. W. Suttle adminis tered the ordinanceof baptism to ?Jo persons at Swift Creek bridge, near Mr. R. R.Jones' last Sunday afternoon. Those baptized be came members of Bethesda Bap- J tist church. Several hundred' people were present to witness the interesting services. The following item is ? taken from last week's Wake Wide awake, a newspaper recently es tablished at Raleigh: "Mr. Jas. H. Dupree, of Stephenson, John ston county, had some very nice peaches on the market Tuesday. II is best peaches sold readily at $2.00 a bushel. Others sold for 35 cents a peck. Mr. Dupree said the peach crop was short and in ferior." ?A correspondent writing from Hillsboro to the Raleigh News and Observer concerning the Orange county Teacher's Insti tute, has this to say of one of Johnston county's best teachers: 'The address of Prof. Canaday Tuesday night was a gem and was highly complimented. His appeal to the publicschool teach ers to prepare all the boys for 1908 was thrilling." ?One day this week W. F. I'ar risli and a negro had a little dis turbance here. They were tried before Mayor Bingham and found guilty. Judgment was suspended on the negro upon the payment of one-half the costs. Farrish was fined one dollar and half the costs; whereupon he became angry and talked insultingly to the court. Mayor Bingham then sent him to jail 10 days for con tempt. He has since been re leased. ?There were more than 100 disappointed people at the depot Monday morning when the Hatch Bros, excursion train had passed without stopping. They had come, some quite a distance, with i fond anticipations of aday pleas antly spent by the seaside. But when the train sped by at 30 i miles an hour their hopes fell and i they had to return home much I disappointed. We understand 1 that the Messrs. Fdgerton, of Kenly, will run an excursion from Dunn, by here, to Ocean View ( Beach next Tuesday. So those who were disappointed Monday w ill have an opportunity to yet i visit the seashore. t The Protessional Building. The handsome pressed brick front building on Market street almost opposite post office, erect ed by l>r. E. T. Dickinson and Mr. T. C. Jordan is now com plete. It will be known as the Professional Building and will be occupied by Dr. Dickinson, Mr. Jordan, Dr. S. P. J. Lee and Mr. W. W. Cole. It is a two-storv brick building with live rooms on first floor and seven on second. It is a well ap pointed office building, tfierooms being large, well ventilated and conveniently arranged. It has wide, spacious halls and a broad stairway. The three rooms on the left of entrance on first floor will be occupied by Dr. Dickinson, as office, consultation and operating root's. On the right of entrance Mr. T. C. Jordan, the jeweler, will occupy two rooms, store room ana work shop. On the second floor Dr. S. P. J. Lee has his dental offices and re ception room. There is no town of this size in this State that has such well appointed dental par lors as has Dr. Lee. Mr. YV. \\'. Cole, lawyer, has offices well ar ranged on thesecond floor. Both these gentlemen are to be con gratulated upon having been able to secure such well arranged and convenient offices. The Professional Building will be tenanted by four as popular and clever gentlemen as live in Smitkfield. , Sudden Death Near Town. Mr. N. H. Gnrlev died suddenly at his home near here Monday morning. The following account is taken from Monday's Golds boro Argus: The news of the death of Mr. N. H. Gurley at his home in John-1 ston county this morning was received with genuine regret bv his many friends in this city to day. In saying that this community regrets to hear of this good man's death is But mildly ex pressing it. Genuine and deep sorrow pervades the hearts of his many friends and acquain tances throughout this county, where he was well known and where he had lived all his life un til about two years ago, when he married the second time and changed his residence to Johnston county. We might go on and sum'up j his virtues and excellent traits of | character if they were not so well known. They need no intro duction from this source. We could say nothing that would be more to his credit than to tell! that he was a brave Confederate; soldier and carries with him to j his last resting place wounds | that he received 011 the field of battle, lie was a prominent character at all gatherings of the Democratic party while he was a citizen of this county and did the excellent service* which will j not soon be forgotten. ?The Confederate Veterans of this county will have their annual reunion in Smithfield Thursday, September 12th. ?Messrs. Skinner & Ragsdale have 500 receipts for curing hog cholera which they are giving away free to their customers. ?Messrs. W. J. Weeks and M. C. | Lamb, of Keener, Sampson! county, were here a few days! ago, looking at the high prices j on our tobacco market. ?The Old Maid's Convention will be held in Sanders Hall next Friday night, September 6th. Everybody, and especially old bachelors, are invited to be pres ent. ?Work is progressing very rapidly on Sinithfield'snewhotel, before many months have passed Smithfield will have one of the best hotel buildings of any town of its size in the State. ?Large sales, high prices and pleased farmers tell the story of the past week on the Smithfield market. There is more demand now than a few weeks ago for the better grades and tobaccos worth from 20 to 50 cents a pound are bringing fancy prices. Marriage Here Wednesday Evening:. Wininesdayeveningat the resi lience of the bride's mother, Mrs. Laura Massey, Mr. J. Wayland j Allen, of Thk Herald force and Miss Agnes Pauline Massev were 1 married in the presence of a few 'riends. The ceremony was per oimed by Rev. J. W. Suttle. They will reside in Smithfield. The Herald wishes the young xmple a long and happy life. Don't fail to attend the Moy- . ng Picture Show at Opera house :o-night, admission 15 and 25. PERSONAL. Mr. Rattle ilocutt was in town Sunday. Mr. \V. P. Rose, of Raleigh, was here Monday. Mr. J. M. Turley, of Clayton, spent Sunday niglit here. Miss Bertha Stevens returned from Uoldsboro Monday. 4>r. G.J. Robinson spent Sun day with ids mother in <ioldsboro. Miss Mattie Hudson has re turned from a visit to Apex and Cary. Miss Marv Monk, of Wilming ton, is here, the guest of Miss Mollie Morgan. Mrs. R. I. Lassiter and daugh ter Nellie, of Spilona, are visiting Mrs. J. A. Wellous. Mr. W. I). spending a few days with Mr. Cleon Austin in Clayton township. Misses Mary Johns, of Auburn, and May Young, of I'olenta, are visiting Mrs. John 0. Ellington. Mrs. J. D. Spiers returned Saturday from a visit to rela tives in New Hampshire. She also visited Boston and New Y'ork. Mr J. S. Edwards, of Lindell, Green County, a former student at Turlington Institute, has been visiting friends here this week. Died. Mrs. E. J. Snead, wife of Mr. Thomas I). Snead of Bentons ville township, died last Satur day night. She had been in poor health for some time. She was buried Monday evening at Antioch Methodist church. She had been a consistent member of this church for many years. Her j funeral was preached by her pastor Rev. Mr. Overton. The Moving Picture Show at Opera house to-night is one of the best on the road, admission 15 and 25. With Our Advertisers. Several new advertisements ap pear in The Herald this week. We call the attention of our read ers to the following: Allen Lee, druggist, advertises the new school books, giving the j prices of same. The H. H. & B. Co. have justta- j ken out license to sell guns.pistols, j Ac. Read their large advertise ment and see what they have to! say. hood Brothers announce that! they have the new Public school books and school supplies on hand. Boyett Brothers, tobacconists, have a new ad which will attract j attention. Our Benson friends are liberal users of printers ink this week. R. F. Smith advertises Furni ture, Housefurnishingsand other useful goods for the home. Benjamin Hudson & Son take a large space. Watch for their ad later. ' Seth Allen & Bro. also believe in advertising. Read their hand- j some ad and see what they have ' to sell. The Selma Manufacturing Co. have a large ad calling attention to their complete stock of hard ware. The Kenly Bargain Store ad vertises some special bargains in this issue. S. Klawansky, the proprietor, has just returned from the northern markets, where he bought a large stock of goods. W. J. Stephenson has a nice house and lot on Oakland Heights, he which will sell to the highest bidder at the court house j next Monday. Then our business local columns j are filled with interesting matter.' Don't skip them, or you might ryiss something that would inter est you. Meet me at Opera house to night. Dr. Clarence Porter Jones, will be in Dunn, N. C., Saturday, Sep- ' tember 14th. Benson, Monday 1 the 16th. These days only. GO WITH rs. We will run an excursion from Dunn via Wilson to Wilmington and Ocean View Tuesday Sep- 1 tember 3rd, and will be prepared 1 to carry all wish to go. Fare for round trip $1.75. Passen gers taken at all points from! Dunn to Pikeville. Train passes p Smithfiold about 7:30 o'clock. H. F. Eduerton, 1 Dk. J. C. Uraiiy, J. T. Kdokkton, Managers. ? Our clubbing offer of The Her ald and the Atlanta semi-weekly Journalfor$1.50 is withdrawn.! No more subscriptions will lie taken at t his price. j ? 0 U?r z ml Q 03* M E vi ? s CO 15' CO ? ??. JC" h THE H. H. & B. CO. Sign of the Saw, Smlthfeld, IN. C. T T "C^Q< "tp The laws o! North Carolina now OAJ require every dealer who sells We have taken GTTT T pistole to pay out this license A ^ $20 for license. and can sell you any kind of pis- "pTO^P/^T G tol you wish at very low price. "A AO A V/AJO* GUNS, S11 ELLS Those who enjoy shoot n * DTDnwrL! ing find here a first-class Alt 1 111 J )GES quality of hunting Not only POWDER, SHOT guns that are LOADING TOOLS, dependable but all the HUNTING SUITS, needfuls for a day's shooting. LEGGINGS, Etc. H cT 3(1 O g*1" w ? W CO GO a A | CD p0 o <? ?o *NJ 'PI^UmiLUS 4/v\es am jo uSjg OD a H H 3H? BUCK LEAD Makes the best paint, and yet the best painter cannot paint out the prices and qualities we have been giving our customers. The money that we have saved them counts as a priceless pearl. BELTING. Now is the time you should put your cotton gins in order. We have the beltings, pipe fittings, etc. You need them. Our prices are right. O K STOVES AND RANGES Are still leaders. We have just received a large shipment and our prices can't be excelled with lower grade stoves. Remember that we have sold upwards of a hundred of these and have never had a complaint. Ste them and you will surely use an O. K. We thank you for your past patronage and ask a continuance of the same. Smithfield Hardware Co. K1BK>1H You can get your tobacco graded for 75 cents per hundred at the Riverside by b> st graders. Ladies, Misses and Children Ziegler Rros. fine shoes sold by, \V. (jr. Yelvington, every pair war ranted to give satisfaction. It you want advertising of any kind done, excursion or fair bills posted or distributed, very cheap, call on, or address: Robert E. Snipes, Selnia, Y. C. If you want good Cook Stoves at very low prices, go to Snipes Bros., Selma, X. C. Brick! Brick! Brick 1 1 have' a plenty of them now. W. M. Sanders. For something cold and deli cious, call for a glass of ice cold "Coca-Cola," good the year round at Robt. E. Snipes' Fountain, Selma, N. C. . TOBACCO FARMERS, We cordially invite you to make our store your headquar ters while in town. You can leave your packages, etc., with us to be taken care of during to bacco sales. Grantham, Austin & Co. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The new house recently occu pied by Prof. V. O. Parker is for sale. Good large lot with out houses. Apply at once if you want it. J. M. BEATY, Smithfield, N. C. I have 3 or 4 pair of good wagon and farm mules for sale. W. M. Sanders. FOR SALE. One milch cow with heifer calf; also one yearling 3 years old, 3 nice pigs, will weigh 50 to 75 lbs. lvlrs. I). T. Lfnceford, Smithfleld, N. C. EGGS WANTED. We want to buy eggs and will pay the highest market prices for them. Smith & Powell. Smithfleld, N. C. dinners please see me before rou buy bagging and ties. I have i large lot of tics bought before the advance. W. M. Sanders. UNIVERSITY COLLEGEl OF MEDICINE - MED'CINE - DENTISTRY?PHARMACY. 1 mm? ? mm ? 4 STANDARD, L/ First-Class ,N I ( CUNlCs jjjl FoMO^pAr^AtAlo*n?\?ddrfA^h^PnKlon Look! dixie plows 88c Each IVAJ& Sell = Hardware and Furniture Regardless of Cost. Our Furulture Is made in Dunn and we can save you the freight. We carry th' largest line of Iiubber, Gandy and Leather Belting. Engine and Mill Supplies is this part of North Carolina, and can fill your orders promptly. Write us for prices Dunn Hardware and Furniture company, DU IN IN, IN. C. Goods at Reduced Prices. I have a large stock of Spring and summer goods on hand and I have decided to mark down the prices on a good many of the lots to close them out at bargains. 5c. Lawns for 4c. 6c. Lawns, fast colors, 5c. 10c. LAWNS, NICE STYLES, Tic. 4 A Beautiful Liine of Percales For men's shirts, boys' waists and ladies' shirt waists 10c. and 12ic. CRASH?a nice line in plaids and strips, 10, 12i and 15 cents. DIMITIES. LAWNS AND ORGANDIES, A beautiful line at 10, 1 21, 15, 1 9c. A nice line of Suitings for Suits or Skirts, good Styles, wear well, 10c. for 8c. TRIMMED HATS. for ladies, misses and children, large stock on hand and trin> med up in the latest styles. Prices from 25c up to ?5. A FULL STOCK OF Mens' and Boys' Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Shoes and Hats t at reduced prices. Come to see me if you wish to save money. W. G. YELVINGTON, Smithfield, N. C FIRST-GLASS JOB PRINTING DOSE AT The Herald Office, Smithfield. N. C. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION.

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