NEW STOCK. I ' ? This is to call your attention to our new stock of Hardware recently opened up in cur new double story brick building WE HAVE stoves. Hollow Wore, car [tenters'Tools, BUILDING MATERIAL, Farm Implements Tinware, Crockery, Wagon and Buggy Material, Buggies, Harness, Mill Belting, and a full line of General Hardware. A full line of both WAGON AND BUGGY HARNESS. Several kinds of buggies with prices down cheap A solid car of stoves on band. Every one fully guaranteed. By get ting them in car lots we can sell very cheap. September 1st we shall open A General Wood and Blacksmith Shop FOR HORSE AND MULE SHOEING, Repairing Carts, Wagons, &e. Carts and wagons made to order. We are fully prepared to do any business in our line with you and ask your patronage. Sclma Manufacturing Co, SEL/V\A, FN C N. E. EDGERTON, M. C. WINSTON, C. W. RICHARDSON, President. Vice-President. Sec. and Treas. ? .... w.. ...-a.,.., : I A Cordial Invitation $ m $i jp Is given to the general public to call and examine our fall mi |f$ stock of goods. We have goods that will please and our |p tg prices are satisfactory. We have a large and complete Jp |P stock of i ? Dry Goods, A & Notions, lj Hats, Shoes j| . j*|* and all other goods in this line which we are selling at *1* prices to please. < We have a good stock of i Groceries :? and can save money to all who buy from us. ' 1 1 WE ALSO BUY jj-ig Country Produce' AND PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR SAME. GIVE US A TRIAL. i BENJ. HUDSON SON, | it- i4 % BENSON. N. C. NEW GOODS! INTERESTING PRICES! We have just received direct from the manufacturer two solid car loads of FURNITURE. Study These Prices Solid Oak Bed Room Suits SUIT NO. 1. Oak lied feet 2 inches high. Oak Dresser 18x40 inch case, double shaped ton, 18x20 inch French bevel glass; Washstand to match, $12.50 SUIT NO. 2. Oak bed 6 feet 2 inches high, , Oak Dresser 19x40 inch, double shaped top, .40x24 inch [ French bevel glass; ? Washstand to match, $16.50 GOLDEN OAK CHINA CLOSETS Swelled Glass Sides and Door, six feet d* f crk tall, 40 inches wide, 18 inchesdeep vF OAK BUREAU, 18x40 inch shaped top case, ? ^ A/4 18x20 inch A. W. glass 4^5.UU. A complete stock of everything in the furniture line at unheard of v prices. We positively will save you money if you see us before ^buying, Remember we are the up-to-date furniture people of Johnston county. \Organs and Sewing Machines of the best ( makes at low prices, JSMITHFIELD FURNITURE CO. CAN USER Sufferrr? from this horrible malady neaily u.ways inherit it ? not necessarily from the parents, but may be from some remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs through several generations. This ucat 11, poison may lay dormant in the blood for years, or until you reach middle life, then the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap pearance? or a swollen gland in the breast, or some other part of the Ixxly, gives the first warning. To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma nently all the poisonous virus must be eliminated from the blood?every vestage >f it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and s the only medicine that can reach deep seated, obstinate blood troubles like tkis. When all the poison has been forced out of the system the Cancer heals, and th? disease never returns. Cancer begins often in & small way, as the following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows: A small j impl* came on my jaw about an inch below the ear on the left side or my face. It gav? tince. and I should have forgotten about it had it not lu gun to in tiame and itch ; it would bleed a little, then scab over, but <fouM not heal. Tlus continue,1 for some time, v. hen my jaw began to swell, becoming very painful. The Cancer be ran to eat and spread, until it was as large as a half dollar,who 1t heard of S. S. S. and c- erniin ed to give it a t tir trial, r.nd it was iemarkih!e what a wo 'lerful effect n 11ini i: */11. i II* > y ucgimiiiJic ; i;ir ucgnn in heal andafter ta! .ing a few bottles disappeared entirely. Th's was two ye.-rs ago ; then-are still no signs of the Cancer, and mv general heatlh continues good.?Mrs. R. Shiker, L.a Plata, Ma is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed I purely vegetable, bend for our free book on Cancer, containing valuable and interest ing information about this disease, and write our physicians about your case. \V< make no charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. H)UR OAKS ITEMS. (Crowded out last week.) Mr. L. B. Bissett, of Benson, was in town Mondaw. Mr. Willie C. Wood all, of the Benson section, was in town Sat urday. Miss Eva O'Neal, of Clayton, is risking the family of Mr. E. P. Baker this week. A good number of our people went down to Wilmington Mon iay with Hatch Bros. Mr. Thompson, of the firm of Johnson & Thompson, of Ral ?igh, was in town t riday. Mrs. J. Wm. Langdon, after spending a few days with her parents in the country, returned :tome Saturday. Miss Lida Adams, who has been spending a few days with her brother, Mr. B. B. Adams, left Monday for Dunn., Mrs. J. L Bridgers, after a very pleasant visit to friends and rela tives here, returned to her home in Rennert Sunday. Miss Bettie Creech and Mrs. Thomas Surles, of Benson, visited the families ot Mrs. E Creech and J. W. Sanders this week. Bev. J. W. Suttle will begin a series of meetings at the Baptist church next Monday night. Pub lic cordially invited to attend each service. Dev. Mr. Rowland, of Texas, who has been assisting Rev. S. A. Cotton in a series of meetings at the M. E. Church, left Tuesday for Raleigh to visit friends and relatives. Mr. 1). A. Ford, accompanied by Miss Lelia Baker, went to Kinston Tuesday to attend the funeral, services of Mrs. Manly Baker, who died early Tuesday morning the 17th. We learn that in the near future we will have a Free Rural delivery between this point and the Ben tonville section, which will add much to the convenience of those that are on this route. Rev. .1. W. Suttle preached a very interesting sermon for us Sunday evening at the Baptist church. There was not any ser vices Sunday night on accountof protracted services at Methodist church being in progress. Xkrxes. To Cure a Cold In one Day Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature on each box. 25c. WHITE'S BLACK LINIMENT. 2bc. bottles hem cf.l> to loc. "I have used White's Black Liniment and his other horse medicines with great success and found them to be as represented. "W. L. Fuller, "Smithtield, N. C." For sale by Allen Lee, Smithfield, N. C. Druggist, guaranteed $5,000 DEP0511 R-R*FARE PAI? jrr I I iH 200 FREE JfTA B V SctiolarsMpa offered 2^LziJE-JLLli* V rite quick to CA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE. Macon. Ga Two of Banner's "Most Promising Yourg People Wed. At the residence of the bride'i nitliei1, Mr. 11 S. Hyals. ;it It o'clock Sunday. Sept. N. 1001 whs celebrated the marriagenup tiids of Mr. -lames II. Lunglet and Miss Helen Hynls, Hew .J. \Y Snttle officiating. Seldom in the knowledge of tin writer has such a wedding oc curred in our community. Th? old time hospitality of earliet days was fully represented in tin bride's father?the whole coin inunity being incited to share ii the wedding dinner. And the\ turned out in full. The attendants were J. \Y Langlev and Miss (ieneya Allen F. Li. W'oodall ami Miss Eye Maddry, Judson Faveiiuugh am Miss Martha Writt, M.Y.Thomas and Miss Callie Strickland, .loin Mauconi and Miss Florence .lolm son, M. L. Stancil and \lins Ettti \Yheeler, I'. M. Pleasant and Mist Alice Henson. Edgar -fernigai and Miss Picy Lee. Immediately after tbeceremony jthe numerous party in carri ages, buggies, etc.. attended church services at the Henson Baptist church. They then re ;turned in multitudinous order to share the unbounded hospitality of the bride's father in the old , time way. Mr. Langlev is an excellent young man, being sober, indus trious and manly, and lias been very fortunate in securing as a partner through life, one of tht best young ladies in the county. \Y. F. J. Working; Nigtit and Day. The busiest and mightiest 1 ittic thing that ever was made is I?r King's New Life Tills. These pilIs change weakness into strength listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They'rt wonderful in building up tin health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Hood Bros. NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELEC TION. State of North Carolina, Johnston County. To Whom it may Concern. I!y a petition of one-fourth ol the free-holders of said section, there will be an election held in that part of Wilson's Mills town ship lying between Xeuse rivei and the main prong of Poplai branch, on Tuesday, October 8, 1901, on the question of a specia' tax for school purposes, as pro vided in Section 72, of the I'ublii School Law of North Carolina 111 qualified voters in said terri tory will be required to registei before they can vote. By order of Board County Com tnissioners. This Sept. ?'{, 1901. J. W. Stephenson. Clerk B. C. C. m je SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived bv those who ad vertise a ?'>0. 0 Kev. dig Machine for $20.00. Tli is kin d of a mat bine can be bought fro" i nsorany of our dealers f.o.nci -.J.)to 818.U0. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE KEW H3SIZ IS THE BEST. Tiie Feed determine;! t!ie strength or weakness of . eving Machines. The Double Feed <? mtbined vith other | strong jioints makes the \ev ITimie I the bi t Hewing Machine to buy. WrtsIifCiSCMSSSS | we manufacture and prices t>ciore purchasing the v.:s'.v wr.i sr.7rs machine go. OFUNOC, lr.M<iS 28 Union Sq. > ^.. ufo. 111., Atlanta, Ga, BL lx>u>,Mo., D ;"as. fox., Ban Francisco, Cal f *"0.T SALE BY J. 7V\. BEATY, SMITHFIELD, S. C. THIS IS The New Number 8 Domestic Sewing Machine, FOR SALE BT J. M. BEAT Y, SMITHFIE1.D N. C. / A Short ocean Trip The most Delightful Route to NEW YORK and Northern and Eastern Summer Resorts J 18 VIA THE OLD DOMINION LINE AND RAIL CONNECTIONS l Desirabh -ufe to the Pa" Amtricvn | Exposition Buffalo N Y. as the liiouot , onv if long rail Journey is brnk? n ' I Express feteamsoips leave Norfolk, Va., I daily ex ept Sunday. at 7 p. in., and Old Point Coinfoit at Hp in , tor New York , < inct, affording opportunity for through pass n ers Irom the south, Bcuthwest and West to visit Hi htm ntl Old Point i Comfort and Virginia Beach en route For tickets ami general information aprlj , to railroad ticket agents, or to M. It. CKOW Fl.l.. (leneral agent, Norfolk, Va.. .1. F. . M A V KK. Agent. I :lMain St , hit bmond, \ a. , H. It. \\ A OK Kit, Tratlin Mgr. 1 J. J. HKOW.N, Gen. Passenger Agt. New Turk, N. V'. PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION. BUFFALO, N. Y. MAY 1st TO NOVBMUEK 1st, 1H01. ! ltound Trip Tickets will tie sold to Hutt'alo, N. V.. account Pun American _i \|>ositlon, at ? j following rates. * - j A j B 1) 1 , Fayetteville 35 90 22 40 4190:? 40 , (Joidsboru 8340 .u HOW 75.87 HU 1 i Selma .83 46 20HO 87 90 ?' wilsoti :$2 'JO 20 00 87 :?:J7 00 Column A. Routes \ ia Washington, Haiti-j more. Harrisburg and Emporium Junction or ('unundaigua via Washington, lialtimore. : Philadelphia and Pennsylv ania Road. Tit kets sold Sept. ?ith to Sept. 80th, inclusive, final limit October 81st. 1901. Tickets to be good going and returning nme route and limited ) 4o continuous passage in each direction. Column Same routes as column A. Tick ets sold daily Sept. 0th to Oct. 20th. inclusive, ; with linai limit twenty < ayr from date of sale, except from Fmporia and Petersburg final , limit will Vie fifteen days from date of sale. To be good going and returning same route, ' with tinal transit limit of five days in each j > direction, requiring v alidation by Joint Agent at Itulfalo. This ticket will pc mit stop off ? within transit limit. I Column C. Routes via Norfolk, Old Pomin I ion Steamship Line, New York, thence rail. Tickets sold daily Sept. 5th to Sept. 8uth, in clusive, final ifnit Oct. 81st. ISOl, and to be restricted to continuous passage in each direction. Column P. Route via Norfolk, Old Pomin ion Steamship line. New York, thence rail. Tickets sold daily Sept, Sept. 6th to Oct. 20th, final limit twenty days from date of sale, to bear transit limit of five days in each direc tion. Stop < vers allowed within transit limit. Approved: Issued by T. M. Emerson, 11. M. Emerson. Traffic Munagcr. Gen. Pass'gr \gt notice! i i The undersigned having qualified as adm'r on the estate oi Mrs. Harriet Woooali, do ceased, all persons hav ing claims against said . estate are hereby notified to present the same | to me duly verified on or before the 18th day ' of Sept.. 1902, or this notice will be pleaded in ! I bar of their recovery and all persons indebted 1 ? j to said estate will make immediate payment. I Ih is 10th day of Sept., 1901. 1 W. K WOOD ALL. | S18X Administrator. notice; The undersigned having qualified as Admin istrator on the estate of Jerry ('amnions, de ' ceased, all persons having claims against said i estate are hereby notified to present the same j to me duly \ erifled on or before the 80th day . of August. 1902, or this notice will be pie ded in bar of their recovery and al persons in debted to said estate will make immediate j ! pay merit. This 23rd day of August, 1901. A. F. IUjLT, Administrator, ? Princeton, N. C. ] Aug.30?fivv. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Execu tor on the estate of W. it. .loyner, deceased, all persons having elftims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me i duly verified on or before the 13th day ol' Sep tember. 1902. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their r eovery and all rersonsindebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This loth day of September, 1901. .1. II. LASS I r Kit, Executor. 813 X NOT ICC. The undersigned having duly qualified as Adm'r on the estate of Mrs. Lfna Bailey, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the same to present the same to me for payment on or before the 13th day of Sept., 1902. or this notice wi 1 be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate pay ment. This Sept. ICth. 1901. N. B. (J It A NTH AM, Administrator. ? NOTICE! The uudersigned having qualified as Admin istrator on the estate of J. Si. Dodd, deceased, all persons having claims against said estatet are hereby notifli d to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 13th day of Sep tember 1W2 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons indebteu to said estate will make immediate payment. This 12th day Sept. 1901. N. It. Pool, Admr. 8-13-X . NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Admin istrator on the estate of David Lee, de ceased all persons having claims against said estate areherebv notified to present the same to me du y verified on or before the 20th day of Sept. 1902, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate pa ment. Thl* 17th day of Sept. lmi. S-20-X I). H. Lr.t. Admr. NOTICE! By virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court, rendered at September Term, 1901, in a I certain civil action wherein Augustus Wright was plaintiff, and 1). A. Fields and wife, Jeru I sha Fields were defendants. I shall sell, as Commissioner for cash, at the Court House | door in the town of Smitnfleld, Johnstohcoun I ty, N. C.. at public auction, at 12 o'clock no on Saturday 12th day of October, 1901. the fol lowing property to-wit: One lot and store house situate thereon, adjoining the lot of B. Crocker, and known as the B. Crocker lot, run ning west 40 feet, south 00 feet. In the plan of the town ot Pine Level, Johnston county, N. C. This Sept. 11th, foil. JOHN A. NARBON, Commissioner. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Admin istrator on the estate of James H. Pearce, de ceased, all persons having claims against sai< estate are hereby notified to present the sam to me duly verified on or before the 27th daj of September, 1908, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery and all persons in debted to said estate will make immcdiati payment. # 1 his 23th day of September, 1901. E. L. PEARCE, 8-27 a Administrator. y Southern Raitoatj. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OK THE SOUTH. The direct line to all points. Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equipment on all Through and Local Trains; Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fast and Safe.Sched ules. Travel by the Southern and you art assured a Sale. Comfortable antf Expeditious Journev. ^ Apply to ticket agents for Time Tables. Hates and General Information, or address, R. L. YERNON. F. R.BARDY, T. P. A. C. P. & T. A, Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. NO TROUBLE TO AM W* R QUEST ICNB. S. H. HARDWIGK. G. P. A. WASHINGTON, D. C. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD And Branches ANI> FLOHKNCK KAILROD. ? (Condensed Schedule.) TRAINS GOING SOUTH. t 8 >. s?J $k Dated August ~ o .? .= 4.1901. ?* 1 I ! A M P M P M AM P M Lv Weldon 11 ;">0 8 68 Ar Rocky Mt... 100 9 52 Lv Tarboro 12 21 7 22 Lv Kooky Mt . 1 05 10(12 7 62 6 15 12 52 Lv Wilson li)0 10 41 8 81 5 56 2 40 LvSclmu 2 56 1125 .... Lv Fayetteville 4 30 12 48.?... Ar Florence 7 35 2 50 P M A M Ar (ioldslK)ro....i 9 20 Lv Goklsboro 0 45 3 31' Lv Magnolia 7 51 440 Ar Wilmington. 9 25 6 15 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Dated July ?>=* P. J 3> 22,1899. e = c-'i c w T, > - ? ? ,w X w X 5" 6." fe-o X-c /. Z~ Lv Florence 9 50 7 l Lv Fayetteville 18 2' 9 44 Lv Selmu | 150 19 55 At ".Tiiaon 2 55 11 341 P M A V Lv Wilmington 7 OUL 9 30 Lv Magnolia 8 30, 11 5 Lv Goldsboro.... j 7 35 9X 12 23 P y, A M P M P V Lv Wilton 2 35 8 20 11 34 10 45 1 '8 Ar Rocky Mt 3 30 9 00 12 10 11 25 1 53 Ar Tarboro j 9'm! Lv Tarboro 181! j Lv Rocky Mt ... 330 1 12 0 A r Weldon 4 32 lit! P M A M Wilmington and Weldon KailrOad, Yadku Division Main Line?Train lea\ ea WilmiQgtOL 9 00 a m, arrives Fayetteville 12 05 pin, lc&vea Fayetteville 12 25 pm, arrives Saniord 1 43 p m Returning leave Saniord 3 05 p in~arrive Fay etteville I p m, leave Fayetteville 4 30 j> nu. arrives Wilmington 7 15 p m. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Dennetts i ville Branch-Train leaves Bennetts\ ille 8 10 am. Mflxton 9 05a m, Red Springs 9 32 h m. Parkton 10 41 a m. Hone Mills 10 55 a ni. arrives Fayetteville 1110. Returning leaves Fay ! etteville 4 46 p m, Hope Mills 5 00 p m, Reo Springs 5 43 p m, Maxtonti lrt ?? m, arrives Ben nettsville 7 15 p m. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. I 78, at Maxton with the ( arclina Central Rail road, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bow mo re railroad, at Sanford with the Sea board Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 3 15 i> m, Halifax 3 29 p ar rives Scotland Neck at 4 10 p m. Greeny ill* ! 5 47 p m, Kinston 6 45 p m. Returning leave* Kinston 7 30 a m, Greenville 8;io a m. arriving Halifax at 11 05 a m. Weldon 1120a in, dail? except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leaves Wash ington 8 00 a m ami 2 45 p m, arrives ParmeU 8 56 a 111 and 4 10 pm. Returning leav Par mele 11 10 a m and 5 22 p m. arrive Washing ton 12 30 a m and 9 15 p in daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro daily except Surday at 4:i5pm, Sunday 4 15 p 111, arrives Plymouth t5 35 p ?u. 0 10 p m. Returning leaves Plymouth ^daily except Sunday, 7 30 a ni and Sunday 9 Ot *a m, arrives Tarboro 9 50 a m. 11 00 a in. . Train 011 Midland. N. ('., Branch leave* Goldsboro daily except Sunday 5 00a m, arrive Smithtield 6 10 a m. Returning leave Smito tield 7 00 a m, arrive Goldsboro 8 25 a m. Trains on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 9 30 a m, 3 40 p ni, arrive Nashville 1 10 20 a m. 4 0:1 p m. Spring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 Jb p m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11 20 a n. 4 55 p m, Nashville 11 45 a m, 5 25 p m, arri\ e at Rocky Mount 12 10 a m. 6 p m, daily ex. Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily except Sunday 11 40 a in and 4 p m. Returning leaves Clinton at 6 46 a 111 and "2 50 p m. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Web don for all points North daily. All rail vis Richmond. H. M. F.MMF.RSCN, Gen'l Passenger Agt J R KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMMERSON Traffic Man'r. SI5.00 to $18.00 a Week salary for an intelligent manor woman in each town. Permanent position. 80cents per 1 our for siwre time Manufacturer, Box .8, Phiia . delphia. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS r.?' 1 C?? U ? r.. 11 sari r?. uW T>?n??lrt C .a I I I Ml< IIKNTCK-M It. Rrl all.) ? ????!?? metallic boxaa, ap*l?n| with blue rbho V'nke no olher. K?'ho?> rfniiKi niu* ?ul??(l 'I inilonaand iMlUllona. Ifaiy of your l>ni?ic?~' I or wn?1 4r. In ntamn* for Parilrular*. Trail maalala and *? Keller for in l*t*rr h> rrlurn ?lail. IIMMIO Teatimoulals. K id by ail hruniiu. CH1CHB8TVR CHlfe OAL CO. Tladlaon Hquarr I'lllLA., PA, ? ?aliaa Uli HM?

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