THE HERALD. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. H^Copy for changes In advertise ments must be received by 2 o'clock P. M. Wednesday, or the change will not be made until the next week. This rule will be strictly observed. Business Locals Inserted at 5 cents pet line Hrst insertion and 2J cents per line .?sack succeeding Insertion. Rates for display ads made known on application. .Friday, October 18, 1901. TOWN AND COUNTY. ?"The II. H. & B. Co." ?The Smithtield Hardware Co. ?J. H. Kirktnan, Fire Insur ance, Smithfield, N. C. ?Special attention is called to our farm department on the third page of this paper. We want to make this department interesting and helpful. ?Rev. B. W. Hines will preach at the Presbyterian church here next Sunday morning, it being tne time for the regular com munion service. , ?Rev. J. W. Suttle has an nounced that he will begin a series of meetings at the Baptist church here Monday night after the third Sunday in November. ?Dr. Hall, of New York, gave his famous lecture "How to Get, Married aud Stay So," lure last Friday night to a good audience at Sanders Hall Those present thoroughly enjoyed it. ?On the first Sunday in No vember the Four < >uks lodge will hold Masonic honors over the grave of Mr. C. R. Adams at' Four Oaks. Masons of other lodges are invited to attend and take part. ?Mr. .James Daniel Darker, Fnited States Commissioner and editor of the late Smithfield Cou rier, went to Greensboro last week to be present at the confer ence of Republican office-holders so-called the Republican Execu tive Committee. ?Mr. W. T. Johnson and Miss Evie Barnes, both of Cleveland township, were married Wednes day, October 9th, at the residence of Squire J. J. Lee. The knot which bound them together for weal or woe was tied by Squire Lee. The groom is 33 years of age and the bride 14. ?Note change of date of the H. H. & 15. Co.Y* Biscuit Baking Contest for the Buck's Junior Stove from Oct. 20th, to Tues day Oct. 29th. The representa tive of the Buck's Stove and Range Co. who will conduct the ? contest, advises that it will not I be possible for him to reach here by the 26th, hence the change. The little girls will commence baking promptly at 2 p. m. ?Tobacco continues to bring high prices on the Smithfield market and much is being sold here. Tuesday Mr. R. E. Lee sold a load here that averaged 40 cents a pound. This is the high- j est average load we have yet heard of. The lowest price re- j ceived was 3.1 cents per pound. I The highest 50 cents a pound, j Smithfield has three large ware houses, all managed by as clever and polite tobacconists as ever went on any market. By their fair dealings and honest efforts | to get the highest price for the; farmer's tobacco they have made j friends aud brought tobacco here from far and near. From the be ginning we have had great faith in the Smithfield tobacco market. It has been a success and a splendid future is before it if it remains lp the hands of such popular and capable managers as at present. ?Neuse Lodge, No. 125, Knights of Pythias, held a very appropriate memorial service in honor of the late President Mc Kinley at Sanders Hall here last Thursday evening. (Juitea good crowd was present. The Lodge in a body was seated on tne stage. Rev. Mr. Mines, a mem ber of Neuse Lodge, offered prayer, after which "Nearer, my Hod to Thee," was sung. Vice Chancellor F. H. Rrooks, then read a communication from the Grand Chancellor of the Supreme Lodge, calling on the Knights throughout the country to hold fitting services in honor of Presi dent McKinley, who was a Knight. After reading the com munication Mr. Rrooks intro duced Rev. Mr. Hines, who deliv ered an address touching the life of Mr. McKinley. It was a splen did effort, well prepared ana im pressively delivered. Lack of space forbids a synopsis of the address. Neuse Lodge K. of 1'. is flourishing, new members being added every week. PERSONAL. Mr. L. G. l'atterson spent Sun day in Raleigh. Mr. J. 11. Hines, of (Joldsboro, was in town Monday. Hon. C. \V. Smith, of Hreens boro, was here Friday. James A. Wellous, Esq., made a trip to Maxton this week. Mr. Wade 11. llowell, of Kin ston, was here last Monday. Miss Lillie Deans, of Greenleaf, is visiting Miss Alice Radford. Elder \V. J.Stephenson made a trip to Wilmington this week. Ed. S. Abell, Esq., went up to Archer Tuesday on legal busi ness. Miss Addie Massev returned yesterday from a vist to tiolds boro. Col. John A. Narrom made a professional visit to Raleigh yes terday. Mr. T. R. Blake, Jr., went up to VVeldon Saturday, returning Monday. Mr. Si^n Honeycutt and Miss Lily Benton spent Sunday in the Polenta section. Mrs. Jno. 0. Ellington and lit tle son Jesse, are spending this week at ("apt. J.J. ^ oung's. mrs. vv. m. zanders leit r riuay for a two weeks' visit to relatives i in Caswell county and Danville, Va. Capt. T. H. Blake, of Atlanta, Ga., Southern Manager of the American Cotton Co., was here Monday. Mrs. W. L. Brady and Miss Bessie Phillips spent Saturday* and Sunday with Mrs. G. W. Wiggs, near Princeton. Mr. Oscar C. Gregory, the popu- j lar buyer of the American To bacco Company on this market, j spent Sunday at his old home. ?Rev. K. I). Holmes is engag"? in a meeting at the Methodist church here this week. W. L. Woodall has secured an up-to-date milliner from Balti more. Call at his store if you want a hat trimmed in the latest style. HIGH PRICKS AT THK BAN-' N Kit. Tuesday the Banner Warehouse made the highest sale ever madei in Smithfield. They sold 17,327 pounds for $2,030.72, making an average of $11.72, including scrap. Below we give some sales made on that day. H. M. Johnson. 12%, 11% 18?i 15), 13, 25, 25), 37. R. K. Kee, 35, 42%, 45, 50, 40, 40. Average $40. W. A. Smith, 25)%, 40, 25, 21, 11%. Average $24. Skinner A Ragsdale. Paylor & Lassiter wants 100 thousand pounds of wrappers. They are anxious for tobacco, and I tell you farmers, it will be to your interest to carry your tobacco to them. High prices at the Farmers Warehouse at all times. Dont fail to see our nice line of shoes before buying we have the best line ever offered for the money. Peedin Bros. Stanrfard Sewing Machines, all styles, at J. R. Ledbetter's. The old reliable Piedmont Wagons. I am now unloading j a car of these wagons and invite wagon buyers to call and see! them. I will sell them cheap. W. M. Sand Kits. Big stock Battle Axe Shoes, at lowest prices. J. R. Ledbetter. W. G .felvington has the best Kip Tie Shoe for men at $1.25, and the best Ladies Dongola lace and button dress shoes at $ 1.25 in the city. If yoy want fresh flour and meal at lowest prices dont fail to call and see us. Peeiun Bros. A break of about 7,000 pounds tobacco was sold on the floor of Farmers Warehouse at an aver age of 9.90 scrap included. Give us your next load if you want a high average. Boyett Bros. Carload extra fine dairy salt i just received. J R. Iiedbetter. $.",.00 REWARD. Last June two heifer yearlings,! near two years old. strayed from 1 the farm of S. H. Brady, near Princeton. One is a Jersey and the other ml and white spotted. I will give five dollars for their return to me at Srnithtield. W. L. Brady. LAND FOR SALE. Rose Land Near Tur lington Institute. 1 herebv offer for sale the tract of land situated sooth of Smith field adjoining the town on road leading out towards Turner's Bridge across river. This tract is known as the Stevens place and belongs to the estate of the late Or. J. (1. Rose. For particulars and terms see me. Ika T. Turlington, Trustee, j [ C. M. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt., says his child was completely cured of a bad case of eczema by the use of lieWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, ltewareof all counterfeits. It instantly relieves piles J. 11. Ledbefer, Hare & Son, Hood Bros., Benson Drug Co. I have the McCormick mowers and rakes for sale. W. M. Sanders. J. T. Cobb has 15 building lots for sale at the Cotton Mill. See him and buy one. The Celebrated Parian Paints' in all colors, turpentine, pure lin seed oil, varnishes and paint brushes for sale by J. E Paob, Clayton, N.C. Something' new, suitable for brulal presents, just received. Aij. ex Lke. Smithfield, N. C. Try our yellow meal for feed only $1,8") pel'sack. I'eeiux linos. Mr. Joseph G. Smith and Mr. It. F. Smith have formed the Benson Organ Co. and have taken the agency for the Estey Organ. There is no better organ made than these. They can be seen by calling at R. F. Smith's Furniture Store, Benson, N. C. Examine my stock before you buy bridal presents. Ai?i,ex Lee, Smithfield, N. C. Full line latest style furs, jack ets, children's reefers, etc., just re ceived. Spiers Bnos. l'aylor & Lassiter will take great interest in all who sell to bacco with them. They take pleasure in showing the tobacco to the buyers and they get a good price for it, by taking plen ty time in selling. Believing Br. Seth Arnold's Balsam a reliable remedy for all bowel disoi ders, we hereby guar antee every 2oc. bottle sold by us to give satisfaction or money refunded. Hood Bros. Allen Lee. SMITHFIELD MARKET CORSCTRD EVERY THURSDAY. Cotton 8 Cotton sceu, per bushel 20 Eggs 15 Chickens , 12J to 25 Granulated Sugar 6 to 0( Corn, per bushel 85 Potatoes, per bushel 45 to50 Peed Oats per bushel 55 to 60 Fresh Pork 6 to 7 C. R. Sides, per pound 9J to 10 Hams, " " 1ST to 14 Lard. " ' Hi to 12% Cheese, " " 15 Butter, " 20 to 25 Dried Apples, per pound 7i to 10 Coffee, per pound 8 to 10 Sheep Skins, each 10 to 30 Salt Hides, per pound 7 to 8 Hides?Green , per pound 4 to 5 Hides?Dry Flints " 6 to 12 Tallow 5 Beeswax 20 Meal, per sack #1.65 Flour, per sack ?1 85 2.25 Fodder, per hundred 90 to #1.10 Hay, per hundred ; #1.00 Wool, washed 20 Blood. We live by'our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutri ment in it. Hack of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again?man woman and child. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, i - agreeable tute will surprise you. SCOTT & BOW N K, Chemist# ?09-4*5 Tearl Street, New York. 50c. and 11.00; ail druggist*. 1 i Jyp* I *j We Furnish Everything. It won't cost #f] you a cent. Invite your ffi friends to come in and %\ watch you *2t?c?(?iSc?cf5?(3i?59i35%?k .V A FOR A A S Qirls Under i 4 I 2 Y irs of aire. A handsome little Buck's dr., Range 3 in the prize and it goes to the girl who can bake M the best pan of biscuits at our store M ON A REGULAR BUCK'S STOVE. g Contest takes pla< e Tuesday, Oct. 29th, and every 3 girl wishing to enter must come in before then and ?. register. jg I ^SIGN^OF^^S^ ^jl S*JiSSXS?StS<siSiSiSiS?SiSiStStScSSStSis2 0 K KIING, QUEEIN and PRINCE. \0 Don't buy any more Backs.j^They are actually guaranteed to the customer for 15 years. See those Hods?and that Damper on top? no more burnt hands hunting for Damper. Over 100 sold last season. Our prices are right. See them, buy them and make home pleasant and happy. A large lot of the prettiest design and quality of BUGGY ROBES just received, at most any old price. ? Our stock Collars and Harness are just what you are looking for. Mid* I Buggy Harness from #5.50 to any price you want. Guns. We are always Headquarters for them. Try us. Respectfully, Pho?.?. Smithfield Hardware Co. FOR SALE. My Model Farm. The best and healthiest place J in the county. One and a-half miles from Smithfleld on Clayton road. A good home and a great ha* gain for the purchaser. See Polie Gardner, Smithfield, N. C. EGGS WANTED. I We want to buy eggs and will I pay the highest market prices for | them. Smith & Powell. Smithfield, N. C. DeWitt's Little Early Risers never disappoint. They are safe, I prompt, gentle, effective in re I moving all impurities from the liver and bowels. Small and easy j | to take. Never gripe or distress. | Benson Drug Co., Hood Bros.,} ?J. R. Ledbetter, Hare & Son. PINE WOOD WANTED. Bids are invited on pine wood : to be delivered at the Smithfield Cotton Mills on and after Dec. 1st. Full particulars can be ob-1 tained by applying to 8. S. Holt, Sec. & Treas. | Smithfield, Oct. 3,15)01. I I | Mothers everywhere praise One ] j Minute Cough Cure for the suffer-} ings it has relieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved, i Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws out theinflammation.! The children's favorite Cough | Cure. Benson Drug Co., Hood' Bros., Hare & Son, J. It. I.ed better. A CONVERSATION. First farmer:?"Where did you sell to-day?" Second farmer:?"At the River side, and that old man Pay ! lor " First farmer:?"How did you j like your prices?" Second farmer:?"I got $21.9(51 more than I expected and I just tell you when that old man Bay lor gets through and that man, Eassiter quits showing it, there j is enough done. I am going back to-morrow with another: load." First farmer:?"I am going to carry all mine there. I tell you,! I like them fellows." W. (t. Yelvington has put in a| nice line of Clothing for Men and Boys, in all sizes and prices, give him a call if you wish to save money. Tiik Hkhai.ii ami Home anil Farm one year, $1.25. ; oooooooeooooooooooooooooo; > YOU CAN SAVE MONEY < > < > < ? ()n every article j ou buy from COTTER, UNDERWOOD 1 > < > & CO., for they buy for the cash and give all their dis- < > < > counts to their customers. So when you are in town get < > % 1 their prices on { * ; ; Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware, Tinware, x < , HARNESS AND OROCERlES X and you will be convinced. They are now receiving car if ( ^ loads of fall goods daily. Fresh and Fine. Come and see L < , them and you will be convinced that they have good goods, , % i > low prices and the right kind of men to deal with. < i ( * Yours for business, < # ! ! COTTER, UNDERWOOD & CO,, ' \ 1 | SMITHFIELD. N. C. * New Goods and Low Prices. We cordially invite the public to call and examine our stock of goods, which we have just received from the Northern markets. We have one of the nicest stocks of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots, SHOES AND CLOTHING Ever shown in Selma. We have a line of Dress Goods that we can sell at a price to please you. Also we carry a nice line of Ladies' Shirt Waists and Skirts That we will sell very cheap. Don't forget to call on us for your NICE SHOES. WE WILL SELL YOU A NICE SHOE AT A LOW l'RICE. We have just received a nice line of /Wen's Clothing And can sell you a suit from 92.50 to $12.50. We have a large lot of Trunks that we offer to sell from $1.50 to f 8.00. If you are in need of any FURNITURE Call and examine our line Oefore buying. Also we carry a line of GROCERIES, and will make it to your interest to see us before buying. ETHEREDGE & HATCHER, SELMA, N. C.

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