Agumaldo Makes TrouH:. Manila, Dec. 1.? (ieneinl Chaffee has ivconum mled that Aguinaldo be sent to America. It i* stated that he haw been detected in carrying on treasonable corre spondence and trying to stir up strife. Aguinaldo is a close cap tive, but Chaffeebelievesthe lead er's presence in the island is re sponsible for the insurgents' recent activity. Mr. Patterson, the Englishman acting as secretary to Sixto Lopez, Aguinaldo's agent, who refused to tnkethe of allegi ance to the United States when he landed at Manila, is awaiting deportation from the islands as a result of this refusal. Saved His Life. "1 wish to say that I feel I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure," writes 11 C. Chrestenson, of Hav field, Minn. ' For three years i was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could hold nothing on my stomach. Many times I would be unable to retain a morsel of food. Finally 1 was confined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live I read one of your adver tisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and commenced its use. i began to improve from the first bottle. Now I am cured and recommend i it to all." Digests your food, i Cures all stomach troubles. Den-1 son Drug Co., J. 1!. Led belter, | Hood Bros., Hare A Son. Troubles of a Bashful Young Wan. A bashful young man of Grants ville was invited out to dine last Monday evening, lie was very much agitated. He sat opposite a mirror and discovered that he had forgotten to comb his hair. Then he dropped his fork onto the floor, and as he stooped to! pick it up he upset his coffee. Mat ters went from bad to worse, until j finally in despair the young man quit eating and put his hands under the table. The loose end of the table cloth was lying in his lap. When he touched it he turned pale. He thought it was his shirt, and in nervous excite- ( ment while dressing he had for- j gotten to put the garment inside j his trousers. That accounted for the smiles and his embarrass ment. He hurriedly stuffed the suppossd shirt inside his trousers. Afterward, when the family arose from the table, there was a crash. The dishes lay in a broken mass on the floor. The young man pulled three feet of table cloth out of his pants and fled to the woods. ? Grautsville (W. Ya.) Signal. An Evangelist's Story. "I suffered for years with a bronchial or lung trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until I commenced using One Minute Cough Cure," writes Rev. James Kirkman, evangelist cf Relle River, 111. '"I have no hesitation in recom mending it to all sufferers from maladies of this kind." One Minute Cough Cure affords imme diate relief for coughs, colds and all kinds of throat and lung troubles. For croup it is un equalled. Absolutely safe. Very pleasant to t ake, never fails and I is reallv a fa vorite with the child ren. They like it. J. It. I.edbet ter, Hare & Son, Benson Drug I Co., Hood Bros. Rev. Irl R. Hicks is not Dead. Notwithstanding a widely cur rent rumor that the Kev. Irl It. Hicks was dead, he never was in better health, and never did a harder and more successful year's work than that just closing. He has just completed his large and splendid Almanac for 11102 and, with his staff of able helpers, has brought his journal, Word and Works, justly forward into inter national reputation. Fora quar ter of a century Mr. Hicks has grown in reputation and useful-j ness as the people's astronomer, and forecaster of storms and the character of coming seasons. I Never w< re his weather forecasts s ? sought now. his timely warning of a serious drouth this year having savnd the ueople from loss and suffering. Millions j of bushels of wheat were harvested j through hisadviceto plant crops that would mature early. The Atneric.iu people will certainly stand by I'rof. Hicks, when il costs them so little a id the bene fits are His ti le Al manac of 200 pa res is only 2 V. and his splendid family journal; is only one dollara yearincluding I t he Ab lanac. ?H"nd to Word and Works l'ub. Co., 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Stors tbe Cough and Works oft tfce Cold . I laxative Uromo-tluinine Tub lets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No I'ay. I'rice 2"i cents. I Good as Money [ I Return to your dealer I I five Virginia Brights | I cigarette FOIL wrap= | 1 persy and he will give I 1 you one package of | i j I Virginia Brights I I Cigarettes | I FREE FREE FREE | Our Delegation Youngest and Hand somest. A Washington special to Tues day's News and Observer, says: "North Carolina fared pretty well in the lottery of seats in Congress to-day. "Messrs. Kluttz, Small, Dou and the Kitchius got seats near together about the centre of the Democratic membership of the House. Messrs. Bellamy and Thomas did not fare so well, as their names were among the last called. Messrs. Moody and Black burn got good seats on the Re publican side. Senator Simmons, being a new member of the Sen ate, has a back seat, but it is well located near the center aisle. "Among all the State delega tions North Carolina's is the youngest and handsomest. We have strong, vigorous men both mentally and physically "and the State will be heard from in this Congress.' WW. . SUIFI A really healthy woman has lit- I tie pain or discomfort at the 5 menstrual period. Ivo woman 1 needs to hare any. Wine of M Cardui will quickly relieve those V smarting menstrual pains and H the dragging head, back and. S! side aches caused by falling of tj the womb and irregular menses. ?? WlHE???3DUlj has brouglit permanent relief to ? 1,000,000 women w ho suffered j every month. It makes the men- $ Istrual organs strong and healthy. ? It is the provision made by Xa- n ture to give women relief from'A the terrible aches and pains which U blight so many homes. M GaKKmvoon, La., Oct. 14,11100. ft H I have boon very tick for time. E 1 I waa taken with a severe pain In my m ? tide and could not get nay relief until If & I tried ab-utloof Winn of Oardui. Be- S* B fore I had taken all of it I was relieved w B lied it my duty to aay that you have a a ? wonderful medicine. U MRS. M. A. Yount? I ForadTlrf?ATKJ1Hf?Tftttirr.ii(l<!r?ss,frIvlnRSTmp- f ? 0-ois."Tlie Ln li.- ' Advisory l>;>i|artmerit,'* W m Chattanooga .Medicine Co., ClwUtoDougu, 'i t tin. R NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Ad ministratrix on the estate of W. 1). Urown, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 22d day of November, 1902, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all per sons indebted to said estate will make imme diate payment. This 19th day of November, 1901. Mas. Mollis (). Known. Administratrix. John A. Narron, Att'y. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Admin tratrix on the estate of C. K. Adams, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the sameto me duly verified on or before the 1st day of No vember, 1902, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons in debted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 1st day of November, 1901. , SO I'll IK H. ADAMS, Administratrix. Kd S. A hell. Attorney. NOTICE. By virtue of the authority contained in a certain mortgage deed executed to Mrs .-a rah .1 Whitley on the 15th day of January, 1891, by K. Creech and wile. I.aura Creech, and by Mrs. Ha rah .1 w hitley sold and transferred to J. 'P. Pool. Said mortgage duly recorded in the Kegistcr's office of Johnston county in (took H, No. ?i. pagi 481, I shall sell at auction tor cash at the court house door in the towrl of >mithfield. N. on 21st day ol December, 1901, the following real property, to-wit: 1st tract, beginning a; a point in the west , side ol* Adams street where the old corpora j tton line crosses said street, thence with Adams street 280 feet to J. (\ Jernlgan's enr ncr, thence with Jernigan's line back 150 feet, I thence to the old corporation line 280 feet, thence with the corporation line to the begin ! ning. 2nd tract. Beginning at J. H. Johnson's cor ner on Kail road street and runs with his line back 110 feet, thence nearly west parallel with i Kuilmad street 30 feet, thence in a line para ! lei with J. H. Johnson's line 110 feet to Hail ? road street, thence along said street to the beginning;'with the store house on said lot, all of which is in the town of Four Oaks. N. C? all of which is fully described in said mort gage. this 20th day of Nov., 1901. .1 T. POOL, Assignee of Mortgagee, j wf.llorr & mono an, Attorneys. "Winter Homes in Summer Lands." The above is the title of an at tmotive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the I Southern Railway. It is beauti fully illustrated and fully d? | scribes the winter resorts of the South. A copy may be secured by sending a two-cent stamp to 8. H. Hardwick, (i. P. A., Waab j ington, D. C. , Reliable and Gentle. "A pill's a pill," says the saw. Rut there are pills and pills. You want a pill which is certain, thor ough and gentle. Mustn't gripe. DeWitt's Little Karly Risers till the bill. Purely vegetable. Do not force but assist, the b< wels to act. Strengthen and invigorate. Small and easy to take, llood Bros.. .1. R. Ledbetler. Hare A Son, Reason Drug Co. Town Lota for Sale! ! Cheap, Choice. eoBtml locdiion in jrroxvintf town <>! Itoeehill, N. C. Heart ? f Stran ben y belt: la*t seaann shipment* over 40.WI0 era tea. | Call on, or address, C. M. Steinmetz. aa above. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Execu tor 011 the estate of Matthew Casey, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 15th day of No vember. 1902, or this notice will be pie ded in bar of their recovery and al persons indebt ed to said estate wi'il make immediate pay ment. This 14th day of November. 1901. BENJAMIN CASEY. Executor. N.15-6X NOTICE! The undersigned having qualitlf d as Exec utrix on the estate of Hillary Hinnant, de ceased. all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same tome duly verified on or before the Wh day of November, 1902, or this notice will be p end ed iu barol their recovery and all persons in debted to said estate will make immediate payment. FhisTth day of November, 1901. * MBS. MAltV J. HINNANT. N-8-X Executrix. X< >T1CE! NORTH CAROLINA, ( In the Superior Johnston County, f Court. \V. F. Gerald, Administrator of i'atsey Jones, dee'd vs. [ LAND SALE Mary J. Pickle. Alexander i Jones et ais, j By virtue of an order of the Superior Court ol .tohuston co.iuty. ina in thisc on-.',on the lttth day of November, P.iui, 1 wi I well i< r cash at the court in use door in >mith!ield at 12 o'clock on Saturday, the 21st day of Decem ber, 1901, the following describeu tract oi land: That tract of land lying and being in Beulah township, in said county and state ol North Carolina and beginning at a stake on the run of Great Branch, where Little hiver road I crosses the same, thence with said road s S : E 82 i*oles to u stake, corner lot No, ti in the division of the lands of ? - ?, thence line of lot No. ?>, K 128 poUs to a pine in Solo mon Watson's line, thceo with his line N 145 W 5s poles to a nine, another of Solomon Wat son's corner*, thence with his line N -'{fi E 18 poles to the canal on the Great Brain h. thence with said canal and run of said branch to the beginning and containing 71 acres, except 20 acres heretofore conveyed by deed, i This the 16th day of November. 1901. w . ! . GBHA LD. Ed S. Ahull, Commissioner. Attorney. I ? ! ! . NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as admin istrator on the estut of Htephen i'. Holland, deeeuscd, all persona having claims airainst said eat ate are liereli.\ notified to present the same t in- sami t ? me duly verified oil? r nefore the rSJnd day of Nov?mi?er, ll#"J, or this notice be pie. ded inharof their ripcoxerv and all persons lijnebted t-? said csUilv will make immediate payment. This lath day of Nov., IPC!. JiNO. A. NAKIfON. N2MIX Administrator. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. This preparation contain* all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives Inst ant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to cat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. Ry its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. Cures all stomach troubles Prepnrd only by K. 0. DeW itt& Co Chicago The tl. bottle contains2Vi times tbt aOc. size. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Execu tors on the estate of John.VI. Wilson,deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are nereby notified to present the same to us duly verified on or before the 22d day of No vember. 1902, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 20th day of November, 1901. J NO. A. WILSON, W. G. WILSON. Executors. NOTICE! Ily virtue of a decree of the Superior Court in a certain special proceeding, wherein I. W. Pittman, executor of Harrison Pitt man. de ceased, was plaintiff, and II. P. Bailey, Sinithie Hailey. Ira Blackmail and Frances Blackmail, Chas. K. Kirby and Diauna Kirby and others, heirs at law of Harrison Pittman, deceased, were defendants, on Monday, Decern tier 9th, 1901, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door in the towb of Smithfleld. North Carolina. I will sell, as commissioner, a certain tract of land, hereinafter described, to the highest bid der for cash at public auction, the following lands, known as Lot No. 5 in the division of the lands of Harrison Pittmun, deceased, de scribed as follows, viz.: Beginning at a stake in the run of big branch, Betsey Pittman's corner, and runs with her line N 3 E 52 poles to a stake, Francis lilackman's corner; thence with said line 8 87 K 70 poles to a stake; thence N. E. Irt poles to a stake thence S s7 E 122 poles to a stake in John II Parker's line; thence with Parker's line 83 W 34 poles to a dead pine: thence 8 80 W 49 poles to a stake in the run of big branch; thence down the run of said branch to the be ginning, containg 00 acres. Terms of sale cash. Object of sale to create assets to discharge and finally settle the estate of the late Harrison Pittman. This November 4th, 1901. J NO. A NAB BON. Commissioner. DISSOLI" HON NO TICE. The drug firm of Voung Ilros., by mutual j consent, has this dav dissolved copartnership, , Dr. J. i. Young having sold his interest to his , brother, ('. T. Voung, all maims against above . firm will be presented to T. Voung, Drug- I gist: all owing said firm will please call and settle with C. T. Young. DR. J. J VOUNG, C. T. VOUNG. Nov. 12,1901. NOTICE! By Virtue of the authority contained in a mortgage deed executed to nie on the 24th day of December, 18M4, by S. 1> I,cc and wife, ami duly registered in the Register's office of Johnston county, in Hook 1*. No. ??, page 111. etc., I shall sell at auction, for cash at the Court House door in the town of Smitbfleld, N on the doth day of 1 >eceml>er. 1W1 the follow itig real property to wit: Beginning at a pine the corner of Lot No. 2 in the division of the lands ol J no. A. Smith, deceased, also Henry Smith's corner, runs thence Smith's line north nr. W 8w poles to a stake, thence S 511 poles to a stake, thence K 151 polos to a stake, thence N 5!l poles to a stake in the line of Lot No. 2, thence that lino N hh W :ki poles to tin- Begin ning containing 4*.' acres more or less, and known us Lot No. I in thedivision of the lam s of Jno. A. Smith, deceased. and deeded to <1.1. Smith by the other heirs of said Jno. A. Smith ai d adjoining the lands of Henry Smith heirs , J. <*. >n ith and others. And fully descrihed in said mortgage. This 28th day of Novcniber. WOL ALLKN K. SMITH. Mortgagee. NOTICE!_ By virtue of the authority contained in a mortgage deed executed to rue on the Irtib day of May. WH, by I". H. Thornton and wile, and duly registered in the Register's-office ot . Johnston county in llook <j, No. 7, page l"4, I i shall sell at auction, for cash at the Court Iloiie door in the town ot Mmthticld, N.C., on th. :# th dav of December, UDl, the tollow Ing tract or parcel of land lyiiufand being in Johnston county, State aforesaid in Meadow township, doneriled ami defined as follows: That tract on which said T. H. Thornton and v iff now H\#?, adjoining the lathis of D (;. Johnson,.) ohn lie; sl?.v et uis , and coutaining 25 acres. Saul snle will be made subject to a mortgage executed to A. K. Smith I KM ling date of ik*c 1"?. IWW, and payable l)ce. 15th, ltsij, amount oi mortgage principal and interest i<? I??-?-. l*?th, IMl^, beinK and fully described in said mortgage This 2tith day of Novctnlirr. 1W01. J. K. BRA8L8V, Mortgagee. Sam T. Honeyoutt, Att'y. The Southern Railway ANNOUNCE* THE OPENING OK '1IIB WINTER TOURIST SEASON AND Til K PLACING ?ON BALE OF? Excursion Tickets TO ALL PROMINENT POINTS IN TUB south, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico and California, including 8t. Augutitine, l'alm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Poit Tampa, Brunswick, Thomasville, Charles ion, Aikin, Augusta, Plnehurit, Asheviile, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis ami THE LAND OF THE SKY, perfect dining and sleeping car service on all trains bee that your ticket leads Via Southern Railway, v Ask any Ticket Agent for full in formation. or ink ris, 11. L. Vumbos, C. w. v?"kvi bcllt, lYvlIng Pubs. Agt., l)is. Pass. Agt. Ousr.olte, N. C. Iiichitiond, Vh. 8. IT. IIakdwkk, General Passciigcr Agent. J. M. Culp, vV. A. Tuiik, Tratlic Man. Asst. Pass. Trallic Man. Washington, I>. c. ? WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD And Branches AND FLORENCE HAILKOD. (Condensed Schedule.) TRAINS GOING SOUTH. r, . ? v ??. fijgg 5 J 5* Dated Nov. vis ,w? ??i ?4,1901. -%S l5!c"fcg H 2.2 [^?OCCi A M P M P M A >1 P M Lv Weldon 1160 i ?38 Ar Kooky Mt.~. 100 It 82 Lv Tarboro 12 22 7 22 Lv Rocky Mt... 105 10 02 7 52 6 15 12 52 Lv Wilson 150 10 10 8 31 5 58 2 40 LvSelma 2 55 11 59 Lv Fayetteville 4 30 112 ^. Ar Florence 7 35 315 1 P M A M Ar Goldsboro 9 2o' Lv Goldslioro 6 45 3 15 Lv Magnolia 7 51 4 25 Ar Wilmington 925 6 00 TRAINS GOING NOKTII. Dated Nov. ,x- ? g I 8 * S * ? 24,1901. v= cxc r--= -*:= v= p x S' -P p cc p as P at fe ?D ^ T3 A M P M Lv Florence 10 05 8 5 Lv Fayotteville 12 4i? 10 09 Lv Selma 2 10 1125 Ar Wilson........ 267 . . 12 07 P M A M Lv Wilmington 7 <K> 9 Lv Magnolia 8 30 11 Lv Goldsboro.... 7 36 9 37 12 P M A M P R P V Lv Wilson 2 85 8 20< 11 34 10 45 1 18 Ar Rocky Mt.. 3 30 9 00 12 10 1123 1 53 Ar Tarboro j 9 34 Lv Tarboro 2 31 j Lv Kocky lit.... 3 50' I IS IS Ar Weldon 1 4 53 , 1 37; P M 1 A M Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin I)i\ ifcion Main Line?Train leaves Wilmington 9 ,0 a m, arrives Fayettev ille 12 20 p m, loavet Fayetteville 12 42 j> in, arrivesSanford 1 58 p m. Returning leave Sanford 3 05 p m, arrive Fay etteville i 20j j? m, leave Fayetteville 4 30 p m. arrives Wilmington 7 15 p m. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Bennetts ville Branch Train leaves Rennettsville 8 10 a in. Max ton 9 05 a m. Red Springs 9 32 am. Parkton 10 41 a m. Hoi-c Mills 10 66 a m. arfivea Fayetteville 1110. Returning leaves Fay etteville 4 45 p ni, Hope Mills 5 00 p m, Kea Springs 5 43 i? m, Max ton 6 16 ?? m, arrives iter nettsville 7 15 p m. v. w 1111 <_ v 11UI1C1 ? I m;i Willi IM1II I*" 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Rail road, at Red Spring's with the Red Springs and I tow mo re railroad, at Sanford witn the Sea hoard Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on the Scotland Neck lira rich Road leaves Weldon .'1 15 p m. Halifax 3 29 p m. ar rives Scot la mi Neck at 410 p m, Greenville 5 -17 p m. Kinston t? 45 p m. Returning leave? Kinston 7 30 a rn, Greenville 8 30 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 05 a m, Weldon 11 20 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leaves Wash ington 8 00 a in and 2 46 p ni. arrives Parmelt 866 a m and 4 Np m. Returning lcav Par mele 11 10 am and 6 22 p tn, arrive Washing ton 12 30 a m and ? 15 p m daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro daily except Sunday at 4 36 p m, Sunday 4 36 p m, arrives Plymouth f? 35 p m, t> 10 p ni. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 30 a m and Sunday Uil a m, arrives Tarboro 9 55 a m. 11 00 a ni. Train on Midland. N. C., Branch leaves Goldsboro daily except Sunday 5 (it)a ra, arrive Smithlield 6 10 a m. Returning leave Smith Meld 7 00 a rn, arrive Goldstarro 8 26 h m. Trains on Nashville Hrtfhch leave Rocfcj Mount at 9 30 a m, 4 00 p m, arrive Nashvil' 10 20 a m, \ 23 p m. Spring Hope 11 00 a m. 4 45 p m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11 20 a il. 5 15 p m. Nashville 11 45 a ra, 5 45 p m, nrri\ e at Rocky Mount 12 10am,6 20 p m,dail> ex. Sun day Train on Clinton Branch teawv W?? Clinton daily except Sunday 11 40 a m and 4 21 p m. Returning leaves Clinton at i? 45 a m and 8 60 p rn. Train No. 78 makes * lose connection at Wel don for all points North daily. AH rail rir Richmond. H. M. KMMKRSON, Gen'l Passenger Agt. .1 K KF.NLY, Gen'l Manager. T. M. KM M K UseN 1'rafflc Man*r. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRA TION. Haying qualified as admini-trutor on the estate of It. R. Black mar. deceased, all I ? r*on? indebted to said estate are hereby not I Led to make immediate payment and settlement, ami all persons having claims n gainst > id estate will present them for payment, v 1thi! I he time preseri led bylaw or this notice will bo plead in bar of their recovery. This 14th day of Novembi r. 1901. o. II. IIL.\? HMAN. Jamks I). PARKKR, .r. Attorney. cocaine I Br luffl' ? Honk on II. m. T . 'IN ... U FUKI Ad.irM t?. M. v, , 'UI I V. Hit* )J, AllaaU, Cc

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