KENI Y ITEMS. Mix. Lloyd Godwin is visiting relatives in Smithtield. Miss lin/.t'l Waddell spent Sun day with her jieople in Seliua. 8everd people from here are attending court at Smithfield this week. Miss I'ennie Outlaw, of Golds boro. is visiting her sister, Mrs. J C. Grady. Mrs. It. II Alford spent Thanks giving Day in Hinithfield with the family of itev. Mr. Mines Miss I toss Harden, of Little River Academy. N. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. It A. Hales. Miss Clyde Smith, of Turlington Institute, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss I Jessie Martin. The stock law ques'ion seems to be giving some of our citizens some trouble. They go to Smith-J field every first Monday with a petition against it, only to find that there is not one for it. The debate at the academy Thanksgiving night was enjoyed by a large audience. The ques tion was decided in favor of the negative. All the young men did themselves credit. While the! judges were out Miss Hazel Wad dell was called for and gave us two recitations that brought down the house. Judge II. G Connor, of Wilson, rendered the decision of the judges in a very graceful manner. lie then spoke 011 the subject of education for u few minutes which was enjoyed by all. Pop. CLAYTON NOTES. Mr. W. 1). Lindsay was in town Sunday. Mr. Ed. Stalling moved to Raleigh Tuesday. Mr. It. 15. Whitley, of Selma, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. I).('.Adams,of Pour Oaks, is here visiting relatives. Rev Mr. Cotton preached his farewell sermon Sunday night. Capt. J. J. Young, of the Po lenta section was in town Tues day. Mr. D. 11. McCullers and Sheriff J. T. Ellington went to Raleigh | Sunday. Rev. Mr. Tippett iscarrying on | a protracted meeting at the fac tory hill. Mr. Will. H. McCullers and Mr. Can Pool, who have been to New Hern on a hunting trip, returned Sunday. Rev. Mr. Cotton and his brother who were cal ed home last week on account of the death of their father, returned Friday. Mrs. W. H. Brewer, of Raleigh, and Mrs. Sallie Surles, of Four Oaks, are in town visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.I).Adams. Mr. Ed. Smith, of Emit, was in town Monday to meet his wife, who has been receiving treatment in the State Hospital at Raleigh for several months. She is now well. Hon. W.C. Douglas, of Raleigh, was in town Thursday (Thanks giving Day) He delivered an ad Oress Thursday on Odd Fellow ship. He made a fine talk. We hope that he may visit our town again some dav. M. AROUND SANDERS CHAPEL. Miss Clyde Smith spent last week with relatives in Kenly. Misses Lizzie and Leona Whit ley spent last Tuesday in Raleigh. Mr. Thomas Faison of Faison is m the neighborhood this week. Miss Ludie Peterson spent a day or two in Smithfleld last week. Messrs. J. C. Whitley andChas. Powell Jr. were in the neighbor hood Sunday. Captain and Mrs. C. 11. Keel of Apex spent last week with rela tives in the neighbor lood. Little Miss Alice Sanders gave a birthday party last Monday evening and all the little folks report a pleasant time. There will be a called meeting of the Sanders Chapel Reading Cluli on next Saturday evening December 7, all members are requested to be present. The Graphophone entertain ment, at Creech school house, on Friday night November 22, given by Messrs J. P. Smith and J. I). Wellons, was a decided suc cess and a nice little sum was realized for the purpose of ceiling the school house. W. Tbe Best Prescription Tor Malaria, Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure?no pay. Price 50c. j Car fresh salt just received at s Cotter, Underwood & Co. McKOY NOTES. Mr. M. 0. Hintoil, of Kiuit, is viKitiu^r t liiis community. Mr. i'ious Hudson, of Menson, was in this vicinity Sunday. Elder .fosiuh Eldridge preached at I'oplar Grove last Sunday. Miss Marv Smith spent last week with Miss Isabella Johnson. Mr. B. It Lee and brother made a trip to Upper Johnston last week. Miss Louesther Lee is teaching at J ones bo ro, near Dunn, this winter. Regular services will be held at Calvary next Sunday by Rev. Mr. Townsend. Mr. Mordicai barefoot is fast improving, alter being ill with typhoid fever. Messrs. Xure Lee and Wesley barefoot made a business trip to Clinton Monday. Mr. Westbrook Lee will move from his old home in Johnston to near Newton Grove in Samp son. A 'phone line will extend *o Mr. Moore Wood's, which will be in connection with Benson and other points. Misses Nora Eldridge and Azulah Gainey made a pleasant trip hist Saturday night visi ing Miss Azulah Lee. Several of the young people are contemplating attending the singing school celebration next Saturday at New Zealand. May the good work continue, and the people be the reapers of the vic tory and cast an unforgotten in finance to the Giver who doeth all things well. IJav VI ?? rl\ itrnuonrl / if Itnio'u lim'k Academy, will give u lec ture to the young people at Pop lar drove Academy next Satur day night on the subject of '"Young Men." Let all go out and hear him as he is a very promising minister and an excel tent young orator. May his lec ture exaggerate the cogitations of any person who may be called a young man. Leu. I Don't! I Suffer with nuUqMtlonor B I TAKE | I Coleman's I I Guarantee 1 H Eat Wkat You Want and ka Happy. N A Cured Man Saya \ "I had been Buffering for a lumber ft of years with Indigestion, and tried ? almost everything that I saw recom- ft mended for it. ana Commas ? Oiab- ? ani kh In the only thing that taa ever [j given me any relief. I took twi bot- W ties of it and now feel entirely well." ? ?J. D. Koblnaoi. Danville. Vi_ }- ?> Price 50 Cents. ;/ SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. | g^^Colem^an^Rrjmedj^C^^Danvllle^^^^ For Sale by Hood Brothers. And Bei son Drug Compan). NOTICE! By virtue of the authority contained in a mortgage deed executed to Ashley Home on the 2rtth day of March, 18HH, by I. w. Johnson and wife, K. K. Johnson, which mortgagedeed has been duly transferred to,the Clayton In vestment Company and duly registered in the Register's office of Johnston county in Hook I'. No. 4, J?ages 57, &c.. I shall sell at auc tion, lor cash at the court house door in the town of Sinithtield, N. C., on the Hth day of January, 1902, the following real property: L> ing and being in Johnston county. State a foresaid, in Clayton township and described and defined as follows, to wit: In town of Clayton, commencing 011 Fayetteville street running soulli east to 70 yards thence north east 35 yards to B. K. Yelvington's corner; thence north west 70 yard* to Kuyettoville street: thence with street '15 yards to begin ning, containing one-half an acre, being one town lor in said town and known as my home stead near the Academy. And fully de scribed in said mortgage. This 5th day of Decern ?er, 1001. CLAYTON IN HSTMKNT COMPANV, C. W. Home. Presideut. Nssignee of Mortgagee. Sam T. Honevcutt. Attorney. SALE OF VALUABLE LAM). Mrs. Mary A. MoCullers, Plaintiff, vs, Mary Ianna Jones, P. P. Jone-, Delia Jones. Porrin M.Jones. Mary P. Jones aud Alonzo Jones. Defendants. IIv virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Johnston < ounty rendered at the Decem ber Term. 19UI, thereof, in the above entitled action, i ^ it' sell for oMb, at the Court House door in the town of Sinithtield. Johnston County, N. C., on Monday. December 30th. 1901, the fol ewing descritied tract or parcel of land : A certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Johnston County, State aforesaid, in Smithtield Township, and dc scribed and de fined as follows, to u it: That tract of land ad joining the lands of B. H.Jones, N. L. Barnes an<l others, and known as the land sold by \V. H. MtCu lers. Sr., deceased, as administrator of H. Turnage, deceased, and further known as the place whereon the said Turnage lived up to the time ol his death, and further known j as the place whereon Perrin Jones family then resided, and containing 240 acres, be the same more or less except acres conveyed by the said Perrin Jones and wife to P. P. Jones, by < eed dated October 17th, 1M95 and re corded in the Registry of Johnston County in Book V, No. 7, page 374. lsuinded as follows, to-w it: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and I?eing in Sndthfield Township, Johnston County, adjoining the lands of Perrin Jones, deceased, D. W. Fuller and others: beginning it a stake runs 8 6 W 44 to a red oak; thenee 8 18% B 1-6 to a pine; thence NK 40 to a stake; thence N 36H E 24 to a stake; thence N 21 ?* W 13 to a stake; thence N 32 W 3314 to a stake; thence 614 W 28 to the beginning, containing Wk acres, more or less. This December 2nd, 1901. F. H. BROOKS, Commissioner. Pe?s33 cak[ Psisca Ivy^ are among the best know n of the many dangerous wild plants and shrubs. To to li or handle the:n quickly j r<?du< -s s\vlli tig and iu i iuiTuation w :th in tense itching and burning of the j kin. The eruption soon disappears, the suf ferer hopes forever; but airr-'M as soon as ine iiiue unsierv ana pu !'s appeared the had reached 1 the hi'>o<l, and v !l break out at regular j interval# and each time in a mora aggra vated form. This poison will loiter in the , system for years, and every atom of it 1 must be forced out of the blood before yoa 1 can expect a perfect, permanent cure. . /ys f-p ISaiurc'i Ash<?K- \ Poisaes. i ia the only cure for Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, and all noxioua plants. It ia com* , posed exclusively of roots and herba. Now is the time to get the poison out of your ??stem, as delay maUcs your condition worse. Don't experiment longer with aalres, washes and soaps?they never cure. Mr S. M Marshall, bookkeeper of the Atlanta (C.a ) C'.aa bight Co., was poisoned w k Poison C>ak. He took Sulphur, Arsenic and various other drugs, and applied externally numerous kati<>as and salves with no benefit. Attnusthe ' rweiHnr and iniammati ? i waaaaaavere he was altnoat Hind. For eight yeara thep-iis* nvnld ' break out every season. II.a condition was much i inmrove 1 after taking one bottle < f S. S. 8 , and I a few 1 Kittles clt. red his Mood of the poison. aud all evidences of the disease disappeared. . People are often poisoned without knowing when or how. Kxplain your case fully to our physicians, a id they will cheerfully give such information and ad vice you n qv.ire, withmt char ye, a .<1 we wili send ?' t the same time an rest ing bock on Bk? u\ ? id Skii DI? >M?. TH& t?V?i:*T Sf'CClFIC CO.. ATLANTA. CA. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of four executions in my hands. I shall sell at an h ion at the court house door in the town of Smithth id on Monday, January 6th 1902, at 12 o'. lock M.. to the highest bidder for cash, to stiisf? cos*?incurred in the division of 1 I the lands of Ben Dixou deceased, the following real estat- lying in Pleasant Grove township to wit: Lot No. 2 in said division cont i ing 32f a- res, whicn w as asGgr ed to Edgar Dixon. Lot No 8 in said division containing j 40 2 5 acres, assigned ?o John Dixon Lot No. 4 in said division containing i 82 3 5 acres, assigned to Patrick Dixon, Forto five acres assigned to Betsy Dixon, widow of Ben Dixon, deceased as dower. Tills Dee Bill, 1901 J T. ELLINGTON. Pberiff. XOTICB! By virtue of an execution in my hands in favor of J. M.Tlsdale and agaiust J. H. Glover I and others. I will sell to the highest bidder for | cash, at the Court House door in Smithtteld, ; on Mouday. January 6th. 1902, at 12 o'clock in : ail the right, title, interest and estate of J. li. Glover in and to a certain tract of land lying in O'Neals Township, adjoining the lands of it. H. Creech and others, described as follows : Beginning at a black guru on Little Kiver B. B. Creech's corner, runs as his line S 87 E 9.65 chains to a stake; thence N 3 K 30.50 chains to pointers on Little Kiver; thence down said river to the beginning, containing 20 acres. This being excess over homestead laid off to J. H. Clover, November 15th, 1901 , This December 8. 1901. J. T. ELLINGTON, Sheriff. MOKTUAUK S\LF.~OF LAND. I'nder the power of sale given to us by I). A. ! Fields and wife Jerusha Fields, by mortgage deed executed on March 15th, 1901, and record el in Kegister of Deeds'office of Johnston' County, N. C., in Book U, No. 7, page 414, to j secur* the sum of eight hundred dollars ; ($800.00) and interest from March 15th. 1901, and ! ! due December 1st, 1901, default of payment [ having been made we will sell for cash at the j ! Court House door in Smithtield, Johnston I j County. N. C.. to the highest bidder, on Mon day the bth day of January. 1902, the lands therein conveyed and described as follows: First Tract?In the town of Jerome. N. C., and comprises all of the town lots conveyed by the East Carolina Land and Improvement Company to Jerusha Fields by deed, dated I December 1st, 1899, and recorded in Book X, ' No. 7, pages 202. etc., which description in said : deed is made a part of this conveyance: from ; the oper <tion of this mortgage is excepted one town lot deeded to Martha E. Ward on the 23rd day of April, 190?, recorded in liook K. No. 7. page 520 of the Kegister of Deeds of Johnston County, N. C, Sixe of said lot is M feel bj ISO feet. Also one other lot deeded to N F. Harden on the 20th day of December, 1900, recorded in Book V, No. 7. page Lit. This is a part of Block G, and is 80% bv 150 feet. Both lots arc on Maine Street. Second Tract - One town lot which was deeded to Jerusha Fields on the 22nd dav of May. 1900, In Charles Blackman. Said deed re co ded in Book Y, No. 7, page 273, and com prises all of the lot No. 1 in Block D, in said town. Terra* of sale cash. Time 12 o'clock. December 3, 1901. H. WEIL & BKOS HA I j ft <>| \ ALA AIM.hj Alien K.Smith, Plaintiff, vs. Corneli:i A *ernigun, Edgar Jernigan, Estellu Kayner and husband P (' Itayner, Cora Belle Jernigan, Mamie Oertrude Jerni gan. Lidti liermm Jernigan, Eu gene Pari Jernigan, Jesse I Jer nigan, Mary Floren; e Jerni gun and Ernest rasper Jernigan, Defendants. B> virtue of authority contained in a dee roe of the Superior Court, rendered at the lie comber Term tin reof, in the above entitled action, I will sell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Smith 1leld, N C, on Monday Deeerabet 30th, fan. at 12 o'clock m, the following described land, to wit: First Tract That tract or parcel of land sit uate in Banner Township, Johnston County, adjoining the lands of J L Jernigan, deceased. Visoii Ivev, deceased, and others, bounded as follows: Begi ning at a black guin in the Driving Branch and runs E 'rf! poles to a stake in the old held; thence N lis poles to a stake; j thence VV 114 poles to a corner (not made) 011 ; east side of said branch: thence 'with said j branch on the E side to the ditch, thence with saui ditch to the middle croM ditch; thence cross ditch runs straight to Hiram Holmes'j 1 line; thence with said Holmes' line to the be ginning. containing sixty-five tttfb acres more or less; kno* 11 as that tract whereon Seany ! Itayner formerly resided, lying about one | mil north of the town of Benson and being ' the tract of land conveyed to said Beany Bay ' oer by her father. Je<se L Jernigan. by deed dated October 4th. !Sft2, and duly recorded in ! the Kegistry of Johnston County, in Book B, I No 3, page 570. and thereafter conveyed by the | said Beany Kayner to Cornelia A Jernigan ami J J Jernigan. tier husband, bt deed dated .ian uary 3d, 1H95. and registered in Book M. No fl. page 330, Register's office of Johnston County. Heoona Tract Bcir:g part of the tract or 1 parcel of land conveyed to.i j jernigan. de ceased, by his father. Jesse L Jernigan, by ( deed dated October 17th, 1879, and registered In Book O, No 3, page 552, Register's office ( Johnston county, and described as follows Beginning at a stake on the Benson road, runs . 8 2 W 32:50 chains to a stake: thence K 18:50 1 chains to a stake: thence N 9:50 chains to a stake: thence K 15:75 chains to a stake; thence 1 N 5 E 9 chains to a stake; thence N 34 W 15:75 chains to a stake; thence N 84 W 00 chains to the beginning, containing ninety seven W7 acres, be the same more or lews, and known rh the home place of the aaid Cornelia A jerni gmn. December 2nd, 1901. F. H. BROOK8. Commissioner. XOTICK! Having reined out my farm and going to iiiovh to Clayton, I will hell at publicuuction for cash >r good notes on ten months time, on the lHtli day of I?ecem Iter, 1901, one 10-horee steam engine and boiler with inspirator ill complete, one 50-saw I'ratt cotton gin with feeder and con Jeuser, belting, etc , two 2-horse wagons, one 1-horse wagon, one Jump cart and several sets of liarness, two cotton planters, two buggies and harness, one sow and eight pigs and fiveshoats and tiie finest Jersey stock beast in the county two years old, also three head of good young mules and one horse and all farm imple ments, also corn, fodder, shucks and hay and quite a lot of mer chandise. I will sell privately from nowT until day of sale. Also 75 bushels peas and MOO bushels cotton seed, and one new 1 leering mower and rake. J. W. TALTON. 0% miles west of Smithfield. N. 20?Mw. Ladies, go to Mrs. \V. U. Yel vington's Millinery Store for your nice dressed hats, at reduced prices. Winter Goods, I carry a full line of Dry Goods, Shoe*, Notions, Hats, Tinware, Groceries, . Canned Goods, and will sell cheap for cash. Good Shoes a Specialty, JV' Country Produce bought for cash or barter. Don't forget me I when you come to town. ). W. CANADAY, N24-1 in BENSON, N. C. STORE AND DWELLING FOR SALE. A desirable store and dwell ing house and lot for sal , orj will exchange for a farm. The j store room is 20x36. The dwelling attached has four rooms all well finished. The house is situated in a desirable j part of the town of Selma. Apply to Mrs, J, E, Creech, ()30-2m Selma, N. C. FURNITURE SOLD FOR CASIl OR ON THi: INSTALLMENT PLAN. BUGGIES . Sold for cash or on one or two years' time. Next door to Cot ter. Underwood & Co. J, A, Morgan, 02btf SMITHFIELD, N. C. Ell's Park Nursery, FOUR OAKS. N. C.. Offers to tlie trade and public j generally for fall planting all kinds of FRUIT TREES. Strictly first-class and home | raised, also Shrubbery, Hoses and Ornamentals, and especially the j new and highly prized Winnie Davis Rose, of Southern origin, should be in every collection. Mail orders and enquiries will receive prompt at tention. Thanks for past pat ronage. Respectfully, E. P. Baker, MANAGER. BEARING OUR PART. We are sharing the reverse of short crops and low prices' with our customers by selling goods at less profit than any furniture house in this part of the State. Better Goods for Less Money, OUR MOTTO, thereby enabling 'he people to buy the same goods for the same; quantity of their produce. See our Ladies' Rockers at * Oak Bureaus, A *1 EJ French Glass, ?P ? ? * & One hundred other things propi rtionately cheap. Yours for business, The Smithfield Furniture Co. HU/inter Goods. E 8 ? 3 jjj Big stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods and Trimmings, J*j NOTIONS AND HATS. * jri Shoes to fit and suit everybody. Dress Shoes a S Jfj specialty. * % ?!o!riln? for Men, Dogs en<l cuiKfren; St\ M JJj It will please you in quality and price. 2 d The ladies are invited to examine our new millinery. ? For the next 60 days we shall sell many goods at *j cost in ordi r to reduce our stock. All goods sold at reduced pri es Now is your time to get bargains. : sETii mm & brofhir, I 8 BErNSON, N. C. S ffl X28-1m NEW FALL GOODS, My new stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Cloaks,. Capes, Shoes, Hats Caps, Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods is now complete and up-to-date in each depai tmenU IN DRESS GOODS, 1 ha\e a full line of the latest weaves and colors in dres<? goods. Aleo a full line of trimming' in silks, velvets, gimps, braids, jets and applique. SHIRT WAIST GOODS, My line of shirt waist goods is ' bang-up." I have a nice line of silks, flannels, all wool Albatross, Percales. All in beautiful shades. My-Millinery Department is Full and Complete. I have put in a full stock of the latest shapes and colors for fall and winter. Also full line of CAPS for misses and chil dren. Ladies wishing anything in this departmt nt will find Miss Beckwith at her post ready and willing to servt them in &? strictly^op-to-date style. SHOES, SHOES. 3* SHOES. SHOES. .V 1 carry a full line of Zeigler Bros ' fin? shoes for ladies, misses and child en, the best shoes made for wear. Every pair war ranted. 1 also carry a full stock of other makes of line shoes for men, ladies, misses and children, which are tirst quality and you can buy them very cheap. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! 1 have put in a full stock of clothing of newest make-up styles in' all sizes for men, youths and children. Prices from $1 to $12.50 per suit. Also a nice line of PANTS from $2 to $">. Aso I have ? good line of KIN Iv HATS, all colors, and a good line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Don't buy your goods until you get my prices, as I am sure that Lean save you money, as I discount all of my bills and will give my customers the benefit of it. YA/. G. Yelvington, SM1THFIELD, N. G. COTTON IS HIGHER' BUT PRICES ARE AWAY DOWN AT Hail's Hardware House. f Ses them opening their new line of Hard^ ware, Stoves, Ranges, North Carolina Made Harness, Rubber and Gandy Belting, Pure Buck Lead, Paints, Oils, Varnishes* Etc, Thanking you for your custom, E. L. HALL, B n*? c!"'

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