CLAYTON NOTES. Mr A. Horne went to Raleigh Monday on a business trip. Miss Itertlia (iritfin, of Wake field, was in town Sunday visit ing relatives. Miss Annie Griswould who has been the guest of Miss Julia Rob ertson, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Martha MeUullers and Miss Bet lie Cobb, of Smithfield, were visitors to our town Sunday. I Miss Claudia Mitchell who lias, been visiting over m the Leach burg section, returned home Sun day. Miss Blanche Barnes who has been attending the Greensboro Female College is at home for a lew weeks. Rev. B. K. Mason, of William-j ston, X. C., in town Sunday. He preached an abla^ermon at the Baptist church, which was well received by the congregation. Prof. E. L. Middieton, of Carv, was in town Sunday. Hedeliv-j eredau address on Christian Edu cation Sunday night, making a fine speech which every one en joyed. Rev. S. A. Cotton who has been to Fayetteville to attend the an nual Conference, returned Mon day. He has been removed to Enfield. We regret loosing him , very much, but wish him much success in his new home. M. LEACHBURG ITEMS. Mr. Frank Wood and Miss Bes sie Coats visited Miss Fidie Par rish, of Itiner recently. The farmers have sown more wheat and oats this fall than j have been sown in many years. Mr. H. T. Garrard, of Norfolk. Va., is at home for awhile. We are always glad to see him come. Mr. Booker Wood has pur chased a piece of land near LeM ay and is having some needed repairing done before lie moves to his new home. That matrimonial affair that was to take place in December that "Typo" has had so much i to say about has been indefi nitely postponed. Mrs. Susan Johnson and family who moved to Haleigh about two years ago, have moved back to their old home. It seems that there is no place like "Home, Sweet Home." Son. AROUND SANDERS CHAPEL. Miss Edna Peedin was in our neighborhood last Sunday. Mrs. Emmie Parker spent last Monday with Miss Ludie Peter son. Miss Eillie Turlington spent Saturday and Sunday with Misses Clyde and Clara Smith. A number of our young people attended services at the Old Union church last Sunday. Messrs Willis and W.G. Smith, J. C. Whitley and Charles Powell, Jr., were in the neighborhood Sunday. .Miss .Nona rowt'll lett lor.Smith field Monday, where she will spend some time with Miss Minnie Lunceford. Messrs. (i. T. Whitley, of Princeton, and K. T. Whitley, of Sea Breeze, Flu., spent last Mon day' night in our community. Mr. and Mrs. \. Peedin, of Smithfield, and Mrs. Temple, of Wake, spent a few days with the family of Mr. 11. A. Peterson last week. The members of the Sanders Chapel Beading Club cordially invite friends to be present at their last regular meeting in this year tomorrow evening, Decem ber 14. W. Masonic Installation. At a regular coinmunica'ioti of Archer l.odge \o. 1 <>?"? A. F. and A. M. held on the 7th day of De cember. the folio wing officers were unanimously elected to serve for the Masonic year: W. M.?.1. B. Barnes. S. VV.?4. T. Barnes. -I. B. W.-J. B. Hood. T. It.?I. W. Barnes. N T.?J. K. Winston. The Lodge decided to install the officers the 1st Saturday in January. lf)02. Dr. Bell, of Wakefield, has lieen invited to tierform that duty. No public dinner w ill be given, but all visit ing brethren will be looked after so far as refreshments is con cerned. All masons in good ?tanding invited. J. W. Barnes. I SELMA NEWS. Mr. Loomisl). Deboam,ofClaj. ton, spent Sunday here. Messrs. II. I). Hood mid W. It. Driver spent Wednesday in Hal- i eigh The Baptist Sunday school here is making preparations for a grand Christmas. Mr. M C. Winston, went to Wake county last Sunday, re turning Wednesday. Mrs. Kufus Itattonhas returned to her home here after a visit to j her old home in Wilder's. Messrs. W. H. Hare, Thud If. Whitley and John II. Darker, spent Tuesday in Ualeigh. Mr. K K. Kichardson has moved his family here from Wendell. We fire glad to have them. Messrs. Clarence W. Richard son and Robert Millard Nowell, i went to Raleigh Thursday. All are pleased to know that j Rev. K. I). Holmes has been re turned to us for another year. Mr. R. R. Whitley soentSunday fit his old home in Wilder's; his j mother, Mrs. Martha Holder, re-j turned with him. Mr. Jesse W. Daily, of O'Neals township is the happy man now, for on last Wednesday his wife presented him with three girl babies At last accounts all were doing well. Hai ti weighed four pounds. MI'm. M. C. Winston gave u Book reception to her visitors,! Mrs. Carey Hunter, of Raleigh, Mrs. Ashley Home, of Clayton, Mrs. .1. 1'. Winston,of Louisburg, j ami Mrs. Vlial, of Raleigh, last Friday night. Mrs. -I. P.'Win ston and Mr. Candler won the' prize, a beautiful gold pen, and | Mis. M. I). Bright ami Mr. Robert j Millard No well won the booby j prize, a large lead pencil. After the prizes were awarded delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Ashley Home entertained the guests wit h several choice vocal selections. Senkx. 1 have a full supply of lime and cement. Also brick, plaster paris and hair. W .VI. Sanders. ATFA NOTES. Mr. Charlie Johnson visited our section Sunday. We are sorry to learn that M rs. S. G. Auston is quite sick. Mr .1. O. Funis, of Smithfield, spent Sunday in our midst. A great many of our farmers will plant tobacco next year. Mrs. W. H.Coats, who has been quite sick is slowly improving. Mr. Willie H. Stephenson made a business trip to Four Oaks this week. Mr. J. L. Stephenson and family spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives near Smithfield. Mr John A. Stephenson,a Jus tice of the Peace, performed his first marriage ceremony lasf Sunday morning. We all think in our section that Dan's pie must have given out for he has to work to the ail vant age of his friend in getting a post office. Speak. ompan? d bv f?V:vJ luj'C muc^s patches i.i the mouth, erup ITo?? *> tiotis on the skin, ESuSS b Uiid ^ ttroat. cowvt colored Fplotch s, />Tgr# swollen glands, Aching tm?s . ni? ] and bones, the disease making rapid headway, and far worse ivmptoms will follow unless the Mood is promptly an l effectually cleansed of tlii9 violent destructive poison. S S. S. '.s he only safe and infallible cure f ?r this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures the worst casts thoroughly and permanently. r:y CMfflfea Co;::J i?,fd^oo5 ? !?' ison. I tried Lave eccb N# TVorsc. ???"* doctor*.!,.* t li e i r treatment did me no go**! ; I was get tin z worse all the t'me : my hair came out. ulcers appeared in mv throat a.i 1 mouth, my body was almost covered with cop: t colored splotches and offensive ?ores I >1 lTered severely tr m rheumatic p-tint in my shoulders and arms. My condition cou'd have hern no worse ; onlv those afflict e t as 1 v i? can understand my ?ujTeriugs. I h <1 alxuit lost all h i?e of ever bciug well ayiiu uhe* i ' ? i->i nv r?. o. but must confess I had little faith le*t in any medicine After taking thethir 1 bottle I noticed a change in mv condi tion This was ? mlv en couras;!:"I. and I deter mined to itivc S. S. S a thorough trial. From that time on the improve ment was rapid ; S. S. 5?. f seemed to h ve the dis- ? ease completely under . control ; the *<>re* and jf ulcers healed a ad I was flj| soon fr?-e from all signs'j' of the disorder: I have '? been st'on* an.i healthy ever since I,. W. Smith. Lock Boa 611, Noblesvillc. I ml /Qkh >am is the only purely v<"ct LT. ^ table blood poiifier V\ Tkl?o*n, ft, oo > is off''"d for proof that SJie IQP it contains a particle of mercury, potash ar other mineral pois m. Send for our free book on Blood Poison ; it contains valuable information alxmt this disease, with full directions for self treatment. We charge nothing for medi cal advice ; care yourself at home. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. KICK A DOG Kick a dog and he bites you. He bites you and you kick him. The more you kick the more he bites and the more he bites the more you kick. Each makes the other worse. A thin body makes thin blood. Thin blood makes a thin body. Each makes the other worse. If there is going to be a change the help must come from outside. Scott's Emulsion is the right help. It breaks up such a combination. First it sets the stomach right. Then it en riches the blood. That strengthens the body and it begins to grow new flesh. A strong body makes rich blood and rich blood makes a strong body. Each makes the other better. This is the way Scott's Emulsion puts the thin body on its feet. Now it can get along by itself. No need - of medicine. This picture represents the Trade Mark of* Scott's ^ Emulsion and is on the g wrapper of every bottle. I Send for free sample SCOTT & BOWNE, 0 409 Pearl St? New York, u 50c. and f 1. all druggists. NOTICE! By virtue of authority contained in a mort gage deed executed by W. K Lee and w it*, Martha Lee, to Ben Hudson February 16, 1901, which mortgage deed has been dulv trans ferred to t'haries F. N?ighlntrs and registered in Hook 1", No. 7. page 510 in the Itegister's office in Smith tic id, I siiali sell at auction for cash at the court house door in Sraithneld, N. C., on Monday, the 6th day of lanuary, IWfcJ, the following real property: One town lot in Benson, N, C. Beginning at a stake in street at a ditch and runs N .17 K HO feet to a stake at street: thence 8 58 E 153 feet to a stake in M,C. Benson's line; thence S 70 W 76 feet to a stake at street in M. <Ben son's line at a ditch; thence as said ditch N 53 W 114 feet to the beginning, containing a frac tional part of sn acre. CHAKLRS F. NEIGH BOHS. Assignee or mortgagee. Dec. 6th. 1901. Small crops, unsalable veg etables, result from want of Potash. Vegetables are especially fond of Potash. Write for our free pamphlets. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. FARM FOR RUNT. I have a two-horse farm at rny White Opk plantation, to rent. Can furnish 20 acres of good to bacco lands, sevt ral barns ami a pack house. \\. M. Sanders. I ! Axes, Axes, Axes, at Cotter,1 Underwood & Co. NOTICE 1 The undersigned having qualified as Admin | tratoron the estate of Isaac W. Jones, dee'd, ! all persons having claims against said estate j are hereby notified to present the sarneto me ' duly verified on or before the 18th day of De-1 eember. 1902, or this notice will be pleaded | in bar oi their recovery and all perst ns in I debted to said estate will make immediate pa> mcnt. Tills 9th day of December, 1902. ISAAC W. JONES, Jr., Administrator. NOTICE! I am overstocked with John- j ston County Corn Whiskey and have SOO gallons which 1 am sell-i j ing at -SI .40 per gallon,' or about icost, lc is bound to go. First ! come, first served E. E. COLE, Four Oaks, N. C. The Third sessh n of twenty weeks at Preston Academy, Brasley. Johnston Co., N. C., (Old Bentonville.) Will begin January It'll. 19l>2, Mits S. Anna Pa>ker, of Benson, N. C., a graduate of the State Nor mal College of North Carolina, Teacher. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. directors. I J. II. Lassiter. J. M. B aslev. iS M. Weaver. E. T. West brook. Joon Stephens, Sr The Problem solved. JOHN, Dear John, we owe much of our happiness to that new merchant, L E. Watson, at Smith field. We might have married long ago if some other merchant had sold us goods cheap like he does He has only one price, but thai suits me. No one else can touch him. His xmas Goods will be in next week. And John, old boy, I'm going tc? buy you a present, and you must buy me one. Do likewise and be happy. L. E. WATSON, Smithfield, N. C. The Herald s Clubbing Offers. Beginning with January 1st, 1902, THE HGKALI) will club with other papers as follows: The herald and Home and Farm, .... $130 The Herald and Atlanta Constitution, ... 1.85 The Herald and Thrice-a-week World, . - . 1.75 The Herald and Southern Cultivator, . . . 1.75 , The Herald and National Magazine 1.60 The above prices are for one year's subscription to both papers* named, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. THE HERALD, BMITHF1ELD, N. C. When in need of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE call to tee us. We carry Dress Goods, Flannels, Ready Made Waists and Skirts. CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, Pants, Hats, Caps, Shirts. Collars. Cuffs, Ties, AAA Boots, Shoes and Rubbers;. We have a line of Rugs from 75c. to $2.50. Trunks from 65c to $8.00. We Carry F^uirniture^ UP ST/AIRS. Before buying, call on us. We will make prices very low. Yours for business, z^^ETHEREDGE & HATCHER, D12-2W SEL/V\A, IN. C. H I Return to your dealer 1 I five trginia Brights | I cigarette FOIL wrap= I ?"?** ^^Trra^riagaaw | pers, and lie will give | I you one package of | I Virginia Brights I 8 Cigarettes I S j| There is no better "Bright Virginia" cigarette |]

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