SatRtWW.nStKgKr**KK*? * ? WklHO The National Period : of American Literature I IT LISENZfl SE IRS, LIT. B? i J*rofiw>r n< American Literature in C ftrmcn University. <5 X.?Edjjar Allan Poe. fN 1844 a poem sppeared which commended Itself to many readera by the mystery and sadness with which It was tilled, combined with a certain grotesiiueucss of fancy and singular ity of phrase which caught the popu lar car and pleased the Imagination. Its title came to be associated so In timately with the author that "The Raven" was usually the next word after Toe. To this "Annabel" "Tlie Bells" and "The Lost Lenore" were sometimes added and other poeins which, like himself, seemed to belong ts some outer world far from the practicality of everyday life and from the usual deflniten-'ss of American literature In the first third of the century. This period was Just closing when John P. Kennedy did for I'oe what Willis hrd done for Bayard Taylor in bringing a writer of promise before the public. Tlie young aspirant hud met with both good and ill fortune from the start. lie was born In Boston Jan. 1!). 18)0, but of parents who staid there ouly long enough to complete a theatrical engagement, wandering ofT oil a southern circuit and both dying within two years, leaving three children to the compassion of such friends as they might happen te find. Edgar was fortunate In being taken up by the wife of a well to do trades man ot Hlrhmond. himself generous In his treatment of the precocious lad, who soon became the petted showpiece of the family. This was hie second misfortune. Five years at an English school were followed by six more of preparation for the University of Virginia in a school at home. In both he was active in athletics, a good boxer and swimmer, with one rival in scholar ship. prominent In debates and a versifier of repute, yet without intimate friends and inclined as a spoiled boy to be imperious, capricious and self willed. At the university the pursuit of knowledge in those days was relieved by punch and card playing for money. His good fortune be managed to turn Into evil by contracting gambling debts to the amount of about $2,500, which Mr. Allan, his foster father, declined to pay. and, taking tlie wayward youth borne nt tlie end of the year, he placed him In his own counting room, from which Toe broke loose and went to Boston. He took with him as capital with which to begin life once more In that city at the age of IS a bundle of short poems, which lie persuuded another young man to print in a tliiu volume of 40 pages, entitled "Tamerlane and Other Poems, by a Bostonlan." During two years In the army and six months at West Point the other poems. Includ ing a revision of "Tamerlane," were composed, to he published in 1831 in New York. Among these were "Helen," "The Doomed City," "The Sleeper," "Lenore" and "The Valley of Unrest," not all of tlieni as they now appear, but a long stride ahead of his Boston book. The forthcoming power of his weird Imagination and the enchantment of his unique dietiou begin to show themselves. He might truly say: a I have reached these lands but newly From an ultimate dim Thule, From a wild, weird clime that lieth sublime' Out of space, out of time. And he suggests rather than describes: Bottomless vales and boundless floods And chasms and caves and Titan woods. With forms that no man can discover For the dews that drip all over; Mountains toppling evermore Into seas without a shore Seas that restlessly aspire. Surging unto skies of fire Lakes that endlessly outspread. This Is the dreamland, ghoul haunted and demon peopled, where his sad eye wanders, seeing shapes and visions which come only to one who is afflicted with intellectual delirium tremens. Then, again, he would catch glimpses of seraphic splendor and soar to the zenith in his song of "Israfel:" In heaven a spirit doth dwell WhOBe heartstrings are a lute. None sings so wildly w ell As the nugel Israfel. And the giddy stars, so legends tell. Ceasing their hymns, attend the spell Of his voice, all mute. Then he feels the dragging of the earthly ball and chain and descends to this; If 1 could dwell Where Israfel Hath dwelt, and he were 1. He might not sing so wildly well A mortal melody, While a bolder note than this might swell From my lyre within the sky. The verse Is the type of the poet himself, in whom aspiration was always contending with limitation in bitter strife, like Ormuzd and Ahriman, the good angel and the bad of the Persian myth, and sometimes it must have seemed lo him like the single handed warfare of Michael the archangel against the devil. There will always arise the temptation to Join the party of accusers or of apologists so soon as the element of the personal life mingles with the litera ture which an author has created. How far the balance will list to one side or the other depends in such a case as this upon belief in heredity on the one hand and in the abil ity of the inheritor of evil bent and bias to strengthen the brain as be grows up and lives on. It', however, a moral weakness to resist be added to strong appetite in the inheritance, it would seem that the child should have large allowances made for an almost inevitable wreck. Perhaps in Poe's Instance the lapses Into inebriety were not so culpable as the seeming perversity with which he threw away those opportunities and advantages which would lrave gone far to retrieve a false start in life, for which he was no more responsible than for the good fortune of being boru in Boston. Indeed throughout his checkered career he displayed remarkable facility for snub bing main chances. Nevertheless lie contrived to foe. live jjy his pen for 17 years. It Is the work of that period more than his manner of life that is of present concern. It began in Baltimore with winning a prize of $100 offered by a weekly paper for the best prose tale. This was accompanied by a poem which would have taken another prize if two premiums had been allowed to go to one author. The recommendation of the committee of award that he should print such stories as he had on hand was a compensation and gave bim an encour aging start with the paper above mentioned. Magazine editorship soon fol lowed. with an apprenticeship in story writing. "Llgela," "The Haunted I'alace," "The Fall of the House of I'slier," some "Literary Small Talk" and book notices, with a textbook on eonchology, be long to tlds period. Ills stories soon amounted to 2."i In number and were pub lished as his installment of prose. The same characteristics are prominent as hi ids verse, but even more pronounced. lie deals witli the realm of the im probable bordering on the Impossible. To this he sometimes gives the appear ance of likelihood by attempts to account for his invented occurrences on ?cientilic principles, lie also employs a direct and explicit style, in itself tarrying an impression of truth, but it Is only to give reality to shadows and the similitude of fact to that which in the nature of tilings could not be. As hi his verse, the titles of his prose tales are full of dark suggestion and the fascination that goes with It. "The Facts In the Case of M. Valdemar," "Mesmeric Revelation." "The Black Cat." "The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Premature Burial," "The Mark of the Red Death, I'lie Murders In the Rue Morgue." "The Mystery of Marie Roget"? all these and others like them are suggestive of enigmas, disasters and crimes. They are dark cotnplexioued themes, shadowy with twilight forms gliding on unholy errands. They give glimpses of an outer limbo where the inhabitants of another world hover on the borders of this with fell intent or sad remi niscence. The stories themselves fullill the promise of their titles. They reek with horrors. Delusions that prove fatal, remorse that follows involuntary crime, tombs that are prisons, vaults for those who cannot die. low hanging clouds, j starless glootn. trees swaying in windless air. cold, slimy walls, vermin haunt ed dungeons, despair and death?these are the lurid points In a symphony of black and red. Sometimes, ns in "The Domain of Arnheim," there Is lavished a profusion of oriental color?melodies, odors, shrubberies, birds, flowers, sil ver streams, pinnacles and minarets flashing In red sunlight, the phantom architecture of fairies. Poe has bad numerous imitators, especially in the line of the detective story, who have shown at least how dangerous It Is to walk the narrow wny which he chose to trend and by his careful stops keeping himself from top pling over Into the depths of ludicrous pathos. Such followers have not been < born to be mystics, alchemists and Jugglers in the Mack art. like Poe. In whoso Blind, as In the seven chambers of his Prospero's castellated nbbey, there stalked a multitude of weird dreams in the cnniival of "The Red Death." But If one wishes now and then to get far out of the highways of literature Into the land whloh lies neirt to the unseen and the unknown, whither only ?ne^r two in a eentury have gone and returned with even a plausible account ?f What they have seen, then this gloomy, wayward, but second sighted spirit will be K?e most satisfactory guide. fPoucrlrtt. 1000.1 woMAiiiiyEFj A really healthy woman has lit- I tie pain or discomfort at tne I menstrual period. No woman fi needs to have any. Wine of ? Cardui will quickly relieve those I smarting menstrual pains and ? the dragging head, back audi side aches caused by falling of I ? the womb and irregular menses. I IW!NE"CjU3Dyif I has brought permanent relief to it ? 1,000,000 women who suffered I I every mouth. It makes the men-1 I strual organs strong and healthy. I ? It is the provision made by Na-I ? ture to give women relief fruml I the terrible aches and pains which 1 ? blight so many homes. ? ? Grsinwoos, La., Oct. 14, 1900. ? I I hat? been very sick for some tima. ? ? I was taken with a severe pain in mr R ? side and could not jret any relief until flf ? I tried a bottle of Win? of Cardui. Be- H ? for? 1 had taken all of it I was relieved W ? 1 feel it mr duty to say that you have a t R wonderful medicine. T H Mrs. M. A. Youtrt. f, I For adVlre and literature, address, girlnsrsTmp- ? ? toins, "The Ladies' Advisory Ivpartmeut, The W m Chattanooga Medicme Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. n "Winter Homes in Summer Lands." The above is tho title of an at tractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the southern Railway. It is beauti fully illustrated and fully de scribes the winter resorts of thf?, South. A copy may be secured by sending a two-cent stamp to S. II. Hardwick, G. P. A., Wash ington, D. C. Health and Beauty. A poor complexion is usually the result of a torpiid liver or ir regular action of the bowels. Un less nature's refuse is carried off it will surely cause impure blood. Pimples, boils and other erup tions follow. This is nature's method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels failed to remove. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are world famous for remedying this condition. They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action of t he bowels but never cause griping, cramps or distress. Safe pills. Hare A Son, Benson Drug Co., Hood Bros , J. R. Ledbetter. NOTICE! Notice is hereby given that the charter of the Clayton Cotton Mills has been amended so that 1st. That the corporation can borrow money and secure the same by mortgage or otherwise, as the stockholders may direct. 2nd. Capital stock increased to $120,000. 3rd. Theword "seal" inascroll to be written atter the signature of each corporator. W. S. Stevens, C. S. C. Town Lots for Sale! Cheap, Choice, central location in growing town of Rosehill, N. C. Heart of Strawberry belt; last season shipments over 40,000 erates. Call on,or address, C. M. Stein metz, as above. Christmas and New Yr ar Excu-sion via The Southern Railway. On account of the Christmas ami New Year Holidays tic Southern Railway has arranged to sell round trip tic ets upon a liasis ot one and one third tirst elm s lint ted fares to ad points t-ou'h of the Ohio and l'otomac and East of tl e Mississippi rivers: tickets to be plaeed on sale De cember 23rd, 24th and 25'It ar d again on December 80th. 3 st and January 1st with tinal return limit January 3rd. 1902. Tickets for students of schools and col leges can he purchased on December 16th. to 22nd. in lusive limited to Janu ary 8th. 1902, upon tettificate Irom Prin cipal, Prcstil nt or person in charge of | the school. Eor further information please call on any Agent of the Southern Railway or write, R L. VERNON, T. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. J M. Cui.r T. M . W. A Tckk. A. P T M , 8. H. Hardwiok G. P A , Washington. I>. C. NOTICE! By virtue of authority contained in a mort deed executed by W. E Leeandwfft, Martha Lee, to Ben Hudson February ]?, loui. which mort*ravre deed has i>cen dufv tran* ferred to Charles F. Neighbors and registered in Hook r. No. 7, |?a#re 510 in the Register's office in Smithfteld, I shall sell at auction for cash at the court house door in Smithticld. N\ C., on Monday, the 6th day of January, 19US, the following real property: One town lot in Benson, N, C. Beginning nt a stake in street at a ditch and runs N .17 E 60 feet to a stake at street: thence S E 168 feet to a stake in M,C. Benson's line: thence S 70 W 76 feet to a stake at street in M. C. Ben son's line at a ditch; thence as said ditch N 68 W IU feet to the hejrinninx. containing a frao tional part of an acre. CHARLES F. NEIGHBORS, Assignee or mortgagee. Dec. 6t h. 1901. ItPflllM rorAIN[ '"WHISKY fe N I lUlvl Ha hits (a ai ??ir kuwa i';5 ar a* aaatlorlam BmI at L\f H Rank oa Haa* T-iatatai taai FREE Mum. R M WOOI BT /H U.. Bti M, ASatt, \!oimi.\<;i: s\i,k of land. i ndci the pnwcrof h.ii?? gi\??n to imby 1). a. fields mid ? ne jcrtishu field*. by inntirakc deed executed on man h l&lli. 101, ami record 1 tl in kt k'itotei-ol' d a ds'ott cc of john: um county. n. ? . in liook u, no 7, pane 411. to secur the sum ot eixhi hundred ?l??l urs ishuolmd hi i interest from man b i5ih 1001, and due decern -i 1st, ikol default of puyment ha\ inir been made we w ill noil tor cash at the court lioute door in siudhtleui, johnston county, n. ( .. to iho highest tddder, on mon day ilu i>tli day of .luouary. 1dus, the lands therein com < ye i and deacrtoed an follow*: first tract in the town of jerome. n. c., and eompri-os all of the town iota conveyed by the east t uiollna l.imd and iuiprov eiaent company to jcrnsha fields by deed, dated december 1st, and recorded in hook x, no. 7, |?a?re^ joj, etc., h hich description in said deed is made a oart of this eomeyance: from theoper tion ot this mortiruifi-is excepted one town lot deeded to martha e. ward on the sird day of a pril, isorecorded in llook k, no. 7. patfe 530 oi the liekinter ot deeds of johnston count v. \. c, eiz.e of said lot la h<j\ feel by 1511 feet. also one other lot deeded to n f. harden on the 30th day of d?vcint>cr, limi, roooideil in hook v. no. 7. page liti thia is a part of liloek (i. and is so .. uv 150 feet. hoth lota are on maine mreet. second tract one town lot which was deeded to jeritsha fields on the 33nd duv of may. it**), bi charles hlackmun. said deed re i eo ded in hook v, no. 7, paaozui, and com prises all of the lot no. i in hlock d, in ;?uid town terms ot sale cash. time 13 o'clock. december ii, 1001. ii. weil & bros rale of land. fy virtue of four executions in my hamu. I shall x ii *>t au tion at the court [housedoor in the town of smitliticld on monday, juint irv titli 190*2. at 18 o' lock m to ihe hie lo st bidder for ca*h to satisfy cor a incurred iti the division of the lands of ben dixon deceased. {be following tial is'at lying in Pie. rant grove township to wit : lot no. 2 in said division cont !? log ivif a? r s. which was asmgiei to edgar dixon. lot no ii in siid division containing 40 2 5 acres, assigned to john dix ?n lot no. 4 in said division contaifpg 02 15 5 acres, assign ?1 to p.crick dixon, forty live acres ^signed to b tsv d.xou. widdw or bi n dixon, deecasi d is dower. this dec. gib. 1901 j. t. ellington. Pberiff notice of aiiministra tion. Having qualified us administrator on the estate of It. K. Black man. dcccused. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make iin tied lute payment and settlement,Mid all persons having elaims against said estate will present them for pa.wnent within the time prescribed bylaw or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This 14th day of Noverubt i*. 1901. O. 11. ill. \< KM AN, James 1). Pakkkk, Administrator. Attorney. NOTICE. By virtue of the authority contained in a certain mortgage deed executed to Mrs Sarah J Whitley on the loth day of January, 1894, by E. Creech and wile. Laura Creech, a rid by Mrs. Sarah J Whitley sold and transferred to J. T. Pool. Said mortgage duly recorded in the Keg.ster's office of Johnston county in Hook H, No. 6. page 481, I shall sell at. auction for cash at the court house door in the town of Smithtield, N. ('., on 21st dHy of December. 1901, the following real property, to-wit: 1st tract. Beginning at a point in the west side of Adams street where the old cor|>ora tion line crosses said street, thence with Adams street 280 feet to J. C. J em i trail's cor ner, thence with Jeriiigan'f line back 150 feet, thence to the old corporation line 280 feet, thence with the corporation line to the begin ning. 2nd tract. Beginning at J. H. Johnson's cor ner on Kail road street and runs with his line back 110 feet, thence nearly west parallel with Kail road street 30 feet, thence in a line para' lei with J. H. Johnson's line 110 feet to Kail road street, tlienoe along said street to the beginning; with the store house on said lot. all of which is in the town of Four Oaks. N. C.. all of which is fully described in said mort I gage. This 20th day of Nov., 1901. J T. POOL. Assignee of Mortgagee, wii.loss a mokga n. Attorneys. NOTICE! By virtue of an execution in my hands In favor of J. M. Tisdale and against J. H. Glover and others. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Smithtield, on Monday, January 0th, 1902. at 12 o'clock in all the right, title, interest and estute of J. H. Glover in and to a certain tract of land lying in O'Neals Township, adjoining the hinds oi K. K. Creech and others, descrioed as fellows: Beginning at a black gum on Little Hivcr It. K Creech's corner, runs us his line S 87 E 9.05 chains to a stake; thence N 3 E 30 60 chains to pointers on Little Kiver; thence down said river to the beginning, containing 20 acres. This being excess over homestead laid off to J. H. Glover. November 15th, 1901 This December 3. 1901. J. T. ELLINGTON. Sheriff. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Ad ministratrix on the estate of W. 1). brown, deceased, all persons having claims against nicest iterate hereby notified to ? n sent the same to me duly verified on or beiore the 22d day of November, I9U2, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all per sons indebted to said estate will make imme diate pay meat. This lyth day of November, 1001. Mas. Mollik (). Riiowv, Administratrix. Jolin A. Narron, Att'y. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Allen K.Smith, Plaint ill, vs. Cornelia A Ternignn, Kdgar .lemignn, Fstclla Kavner and husband i' C Kayuer, Cora belle Jernigan, Mamie Gertrude Jorni gan. Lid i Herman Jernigan, Fu gene Carl Jernigan. Jesse L Jer nigan, Mary Florence Jerni gan and Krnest Casper Jernigan, Defendants. Ry virtue of authority contained in a decree of the Superior Court, rendered at the De cember I'erm thereof, in the above entitled action, I will sell at public auction, lor cash, at the Court House door in the town ol .smith Held, N C, on Monday Rcceiubet 3Uth, 1901. at 12 o'clock m, tho Col owing described land, to wit: First Tract That tract or parcel of hind sit uate in I tanner Township, Johnston County, adjoining the lands ot J Jernigan, deceased, Vison Key, deceased, and others, bounded as follows: Hegi ning at a black gum in the Driving Hruuch ami runs F. "si poles to a stake in the old Held; thence N lis poles to u stake; thence W lit poles to a corner (not made) on east side of said branch: thence with sawl branch on the R side to the ditch: thence with j said ditch to the middle cross ditch; thence as cross ditch runs straight to Hiram Holmes' line; thence with said Holmes' line to the be ginning, containing sixty-tive (85) acres more or loss; know n as that tract whereon Scany i ltavner formerly resided, lying about one mil- north of the town of lienson and being tlu? tract of land conveyed to said Scany Kay , ner by her father Jesse I. Jernigan. by deed 1 dated October 41 h, 1*12. and duly recorded in the Registry of Johnston County, in Book R, ? No 3, page 57b. and thereafter conveyed by the ; said Seany ltavner to i orneiia A Jernigan and j J J Jernigan, her husbund, by deed dated .ian i uary .'id, 1 and registered in Rook M, No 6, j page .'km. Register's officeof Johnston County. Second Tract -Reing part of the tra? t or parcel of land conveyed to j j .lerntgan. de feased, liy his father, Jesse L Jernigan, by 1 deed dated Octotier 17th, 1H79. and registered 1 in Rook O, No 8. page 552, Register's office i Johnston county, and descril?ed as follows: beginning at a stake on the Renson road, runs 8 2 W 38:54) chains to a stake; thence K IS-.faU chains to a stake; thence N 9:50 chains to a stake; thence K 15:75 chains to a stake: thence N 5 F. 9 chains to a stake ; thence N M W 15:75 i chains to a stake; thence N M W ? chains to the beginning, containing ninety-seven (97) | acres, be the same more or lews, and known as the home place of the said Cornelia A jernt I gan. Daoasshar tad, 1?1. P R. Bmooii. towasiaaleaat. ISALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Mm. Mury A. MeCullers, Plaintiff, y a Mary lanna Jones, P. P. Jones, Delia Jones, i Porriu M. Jones. Mary P. Jones ami Alouzo Joui'H. Defendants. | By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Johnston < ounty rendered at the Decem | bcrTerm, 1W)1, thereof, in the above entitled i action, 1 * ill soil lor cash, at the Court House door in the town of Smithtiold, Johnston County, N. on Monday, Deccmk>er JUth, j lUul, the fol awing described tract or parcel of ! land: A certain piece or tract of land lying and being in JohnstonCounty, State aforesaid, in Hmithtield Township, and d? scribed and do lined us follows, to wit : That tract ot land ad joining the lands of If. It. Jones, N. L Barnes and others, and known as the land sold by W. II. MvCu lers. M* . deceased, as administrator of H. Turnage. deceased, and further known as the place whereon the said Turnage lived up to the timeot his deuth, and further known as the place whereon Perrin Jones' family then resided.and containing 840acres, be tke same more or lees except 2B.\ aeres conveyed by the said Perrin Jones and wife to P. P. Jones, by ? eed dated October 17th, 1HU5 and re corded in the ltegistri of Johnston County in Book V. No. 7, page 374, bounded as follows. t> wit: A certain tract or parcel of land lyiug and being in Smithtield Township, Johnston County, adjoining the lands of Perrin Jones, deceased, D. VV. Fuller and others; beginning' i at a stake runs S 0 W 41 to a red oak; thence 8 ' (iiCS, E 1 ft to a pine; thence NE 40 to a stake: j thence N 2fiS E -'4 to a stake: thence N 2144 W 13 to a stake; thence N 32 W 33 S to a stake: 1 thencetiS W 28 to the 1>ckinning, containing acres, more or less. | This Decernuer 2nd, 1U01. F. H. BROOKS, Commissioner. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Execu tors on theestateol John M. Wilson,deceased. I all persons having claims against said estate j are hereby notified to present the same to us duly verified on or before the 22d day of No j vcmber. 1BU2, or this notice will be pleaded in . bar of their recovery and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 20th day of November, 1WU1. J NO. A. WILSON, W. G. WILSON. Executors. NOTICE! I The undersigned having qualified as Execu I tor on the estate of Matthew Casey, deceased, all persons huviug claims against said estate are herebv notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the Iftth day ot No vember. HMJ2, or this notice will be pie ded in bar of their recovery and ul persons indebt ed to sai^ estate w ill make immediate pay ment. Thfs 14th day of November. IfiUl. BENJAMIN CASEY, Executor. N.lft-tiX I tr/ vrn* en'i -M.J I 1UI1?X NORTH CAROLINA, In the Superior Johnston County. \ Court. W. F. Oekald, Administrator! ol i'atsey Jones, deo'd vs. [ LAND SALE Mahy J. Pkki.k, Ai.exanoeu I Jones etuis, J By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Johnston county, ma o in this cause, on the loth day of November, 1901, I wi 1 sell for cash at the court house door in smithlicld at 12 o'cloc k on Saturday, the Slat day ol Decern ber, J 901, the following described tract of land: That tract of land lying and being In Deuluh township, in said county and State of North Carolina and beginning at a stake on the run of Great Branch. where Little River road crosses the same, thence with said road S 9 IB82 poles to a stake* corner lot No, s in the division of the lauds of .thence line of lot No. ti, K 128 polts to a pine in Solo mon W'atsou's line, thence with his line N 35 W 58 poles to u pine, another of Solomon Wat son's corners, thence with his line N 30 E 18 poles to the cunal on the Great Branch, thence with said cans I and run Of said branch to the beginning and containing 71 acres, except 20 acres heretofore conveyed by deed. This the 18th day of November. 1901. W. F. GGHALD, Gd S. Auei.l, Commissioner. Attorney. NOTICE: By virtue of the authority contained in a mortgage deed executed to me OQ (be 24tfa day or December. 1804, i?> s. i>. Lee and wife, and duly registered in the Register's office of Johnston county, in Book P, No. 6, page 18.etc., I shall sell at auction, for cash at the Court House door in the town of Smlthfield, N C., on the 30th day of December. 1901 the follow ing real property to-wit: Beginning at a pine the corner of Lot No. 2 iu the division of the lauds of Jno. A. Smith, deceased, ulso Henry smith's corner, runs thence Smith's line north 80? Wf 89 poles to a stake, thence S 53 poles to u stake, thence E 123 poles to a stake, thence N 58 pole* to u stake in the line of Lot No. 2, thence that line N 8t5 W 3d poles to the begin ning containing 42 acres more or less, and known us Lot No. 1 in the division of the lanes of Jno A. Smith, deceased, and deeded to G. I. Smith by the other heirs of said Jno. A. Smith and adjoining the lands of Henry Smith heirs J. G. Smith and others. And lull/ described in said mortgage. This 28th day of Novc ruber. 1901. A LI.EN K. SMITH, Mortgagee. NOTICE! By virtue of the authority contained in a mortgage deed executed to me oil the 18tli day ot May. 19'Jl, by T. H. Thornton and wife, and duly registered in the Register's office ot Johnston county in Book G, No. 7, page 174, I shall sell at auction, for cash at the Court House door in the town of Smithfleld, N.C., on th. 30th dav of December. 1901, the follow ing tract or parcel of land lying and being in Johnston county. State aforesaid in Meadow township, described and defined as follows: That tract on which said T. H. Thornton and wife now live, adjoining the lands of D. G. Johnson, John Bcaslcy et als , and containing 25 acres. Said sale will be mane subject to a mortgage executed to A. K. Smith bearing date of Dec. 15, 1898, ami payable Dee. 15th, 1902, amount oi mortgage principal and interest to Dec. 15th, 190;, being$192.20. and fully described in suid mortgage. This 26th day of November. 1901. J. K. BEASLEY, Mortgagee. Sam T. Honeycutt, Att'y. NOTICE! I By virtue of the authority contained in a mortgage deed executed to Ashley Home on the 26t h day of March. 1886, l?y I, W. Johnson arid wife, K. K. Johnson, which mortgage deed i has beet) duly trantfeired to the Clay ton in vestment Company and duly registered in the Register's office of Johnston county in Book I No. 4, paves r,5i?. f57, &c.. I shall sell at auc tion, tor cash at the couit house door in the town of Smithrield, N. C., on the 6th day of January, 1902, the following real property: Lying and being in Johnston county. State aforesaid, in Clayton township and described land defined as follows, to-wit: In town ol | Cls vton, commencing on Fayetteville street j running south east to 70 yards thence north east :i"> yards to B. H. Yelvington's corner; thence north west 70 yards to Fayettewlle street; thence with street 35 yards to begin 1 ning, containing oue-half an acre, being- one | town lot in said town and known as my home | stead near the Academy. And fully de scribed in said mortgage, j This 5th day of December, 1901. CLAYTON I VESTMENT COMPANY, C. W. Home, President, Assignee of Mortgagee. Sam T. Honeycittt, Attorney. NOTICE! | The undersigned having: qualified as admln ' istrator on the estate of Stephen P. Holland, i deceased, all persons ha\ ing claims against said estate are hereby notitied 'to present the same the same to me duly verified ou or before i the 22nd day of November, 1002, or this notice w?U be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons innebted to said estate will aaki immediate payment, i This 16th day of Nov., 1901. J NO. A. NAKUON. N22-6X Administrator. NOTICE 1 The undersigned having qualified as Admin tratoron the estate ol Itsno W. Jones, deoHl, all persons having claim# against said estate are hereby notified to present the samot ? me duly verified on or before the 13th day of \h> cember, 190*. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery and all persons Ir debted lo said estate will mako immediate 1 payment. This 9th day of December, 19U8. 18 A AC W. JONK8, Jr., Administrator. The Southern Railway ANNOUNCES Til E OF EN VUG OF 1IIB WINTER TOURIST SEASON AND TUB PLACING ?ON VALE OF? | Excursion Tickets TO ALL PROMINENT POINTS IN THE South, Southwest, West Indies, Mexico and California, INCLUDINO St. Augustine, Palm Beach, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa. P?it Tampa, Brunswick, Thomasville, Charles ton, Aikin, Augusta, Pinehurst, Ashevillc, Atlanta, New Or leans, Memphis and THE LAND OF THE SKY, PEKPKCT DINING AND SLEEPING CAK s UK VICE ON ALL TRAINS SEE THAT YOUR TICKET HEADS Via Southern Railway. j Ask any Ticket Agent for lull in j formation or adtress It. L. Vernon, C. VV. West hurt, ! Tr'vling Pass. Agt., Dis. Pass. Agt. Charlotte, N. C. Richmond, Va. 8. II. IIaudwick, General Passenger Agent j J. M, Culp, iV. A. Turk, Traffic Man. Asst. Pass. Traffic Man. Washington, D. C. | WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD And Branches AND FLORENCE RAILROD. (Condensed Schedule.) TRAINS GOING SOUTH. a J ?Js? s. Dated Not. ?? ? -?=; ~ ? ?? ?? Zz &?=>*? *?? x<om A M P M P M A M 1' M Lv Weldon 1150 9 38 Ar liocky Mi... 1 00 It 32 Lt Tarboro 12 521 7 23 Lv Rocky Mt ... 10T? JO 03 7 53 6 15 12 63 Lv Wilson 150 10 10 8 31 6U> 2 40 LvSelma 2 55 1150 Lv Fayetteville 4 30 1 12 Ar Florence 7 35 3 1"> ... .. P M A M ArGoldsboro. 9 20 j Lv Goldslx)ro 0 45 3 15 Lv Muxnoliu 7 51 4 25 Ar Wilmington 9 25 6 00 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Dated Nov. S ? 3 Ik $J ?k U. 1M1. oj?? 05 o-J Lv Florence 10 05 8 5 Lv KayettevRie 12 40 10 00 Lv Selma 210 1125 Ar Wilson 2 67 12 07 P M A M Lv Wilmington 7 00 9 Lv Magnolia 8 30 11 Lv Goldsboro.. 7 35 9 37 12 P M A M P !S P V Lv Wilson 2 36 8 20 11 34 10 45 1 18 Ar Bock> *14 3 30 9 00 12 10 1133 1 63 Ar Tarboro 9 34 Lv Tarboro 2 31 Lv Rocky Ml . 3 50 12 43 Ar Weldon 4 53 1 37 P M AMI | I Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkin Division Slain Line?Train lcuves Wilmington 9 )0a m, arrives Fayetteville 12 20 p m, lodve? Fayetteville 12 42 p m, arrives San ford 1 58 p ra. Returning leave banford J105 p m, arrive Fay etteville 4 20| p m, leave Fayetteville 4 30pm. arrives Wilmington 7 15 p ni. i Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Bennett# ville Branch?Train lea\es Bennettsville 8 10 a m. Max ton 9 06 a in. Red Springs 9 32 a m. , Park ton 10 41 a m. Hope Mills 10 66 a m. arrives 1 Fayetteville 1110. Returning leaves Fay etteville 4 45 p m, Hope Mills 5 00 p m, liert j Springs 5 40 p m, Maxtor 0 10 p tu, arrives Ben ! nettsvilie 7 16 p m. Connections at Fayetteville with train N*v | 78, at Maxton with (he Carolina Central Rail road, at Red Springs v ith the Bel Springs and j Bowmore railroad, at San ford with the se? : hoard Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf | with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. ! Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road j leaves Weldon 0 15 p m, Halifax 3 29 p ni, ar ! rives Scotland Neck at 4 10 p m, Greenville ! 5 47 p m, Kinston 0 45 p m. Returning leaves Kinston 7 30 a to, Greenville 8 30 u ra, arriving Halifax at 11 05 a m, Weldon 11 20 a rn, daily j except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leaves Wash ington 8 00 a m and 2 45 p m, arrives Parmel# 18 55 am and 4 10 p ni. Returning lea v Par mele 11 10 a ni and 5 22 p m, arrive Washing ton 12 30 a in and o 15 p m daily except Sunday. Train lea\ es Tarboro daily except Sunday ax 4 35 p ra. Sunday 4 35 p m. arrives Plymouth 0 35 p m, 8 10 p in. Returning leaves Plymouth i daily except Sunday, 7 30 a m and Sunday 9 (*? a m, arrives Tarboro 9 55 a m, 11 00 a m. Train on Midland, N. Branch lei. e? Goldshoro daily except Sunday 5 00a n?. arrive Smithtield 6 10 a m. Returning leave Smith Held 7 00 a m, arrive Goldslioro 8 25 a ni. Trains on Nashville Bran- ?) leave Rocky Mount at 9 30 a in, 4 00 p m, arrive NashviP 10 20 a ni, 4 23 p m. Spring Hope 11 00 a in, 4 45 p m. Returning leave Spring Hope 11 JO an.. 5 15 n m, Nashville 11 45 a m, 5 45 p ni, arrive at Rocky Mount 12 10a m, G 20 p m, daily ex. Sun day. Train on Clinton Branch leave s Warsaw fo? Clinton daily except Sunday ll mi a i I P m. Returning leaves Clinton at 0 1 ... d 2 50 p m. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail viy Richmond. H. M. EMMERSON,. GenT Passenger Agt. J R KENLY, GenT Manager. T. M. EMMERSON Traffic Man'r. ^CHESTER'S ENGLISH KHYROYAL PILLS ? -e. Alwars r?llabl?. I?nigr ?r ?" ? UXMTkl ? MCUtfif IB t mrUkUic boxes. bnUmI wi\M bin* r -- . liaao oth?r. fUftu* ?nh? ? ."oBA tad lnlliitl*Ba. feiy of four l>r . > -t, r le. tu ^'anipB kjr PartlwulM* 1 monlnl* mid ** tUitrP Iter Lb4Im," ? ? . ?> r?lTB ??!!. lO.tHM T?BinBtBla UuW b# CHIOIMTIR CH1MIOAL OO AIM ?qBBi?. MULL, PA.

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