POLENTA NEWS. Mr. A. M. Harbour in doing a driving business with his saw mill. We are having a number of law suits hereabouts, mostly of aj frivilous nature. Mrs. A. M. Harbour experts to spend Cnristmas with her rela tives in Harnett county. Preaching at Oakland next Sun day morning and night by the pastor, Rev. II VV. Mines. As a result of poor crops and poor prices, the number of ten ants will be largely decreased the coming year. Mr. J. E. Jones has purchased a part of the Sim Harbour plan tation from Mr. E. N Hooker, its present owner Christmas is nearly here. To some it w ill doubtless be an enjoy able occasion; to many it will be anything else but enjoyable. So "Sol" has called off that matrimonial affair that was to have taken place in December, and indefinitely postponed it. Eh! Mr. J. A. Price has taken charge of the Harbour mill and will beat the helm for the next twelve months. He has the reputation of being a most excellent miller. The public school at Polenta opened 011 the 5)tli, with Miss Mabel Culbreth in charge. Kh is a teacher of extraordinary quali ties and has already created a favorable impression. Mr. Hvron Johnson, whoa year or so ago, left us, arid moved to Raleigh to live, has moved back to his old home in this section They leave us occasionally, but in nearly every case finally ret urn 4 i 1 n ^... t- /n Air. * imrit'N i <?.un, uj > i.iviuu township, has rented the Finch farm and* will engage in the cul ture of tobacco the coming year. He has a good deal of experience iu the cultivation of the weed and will doubtless succeed. Mr. Joel Iieighton, of Dunn. 8|>ent Monday night of last week in this community. Hecnnieto see one of the fair sex arul so much taken in was he by her fascinating wavs that lie was loth to depart the following morning. The Christmas tree at Sliiloh on Friday night of next week promises much enjoyment to the children of that Sunday School and community. Of course ''Old Santa'' will be on hand and su perintend the distribution of the presents. As this is my last for the year 19 >1, allow me to congratulate you on the improvement, you have made in "Thk Hkkalo" during the year, and to wish you a larger success in 1902. It has done a great work for the county, and deserves the support of the whole county. May it continue to grow in popularity and use fulness. The Township Sunday School Convention will meet at Shiloh on Saturday before the second Sunday iu January. Sunday School workers of note will be present and deliver addresses. The Convention will be called to order at Id a. m. and continue until 1 p. in., after which an hour for dinner will be had and then an evening session. Let all the Sunday School* be fully repre sented. On the second Sunday in De cember Rev. Mr. McLeod preached a sermon of great poweron Chris tian Diving at Shiloh. tie?] noted copiously fiom the lhble to show that Christians in this day and time were more or less derelict in their duty in this respect. Me put his whole soul into its pre sentation, and itevideutly proved an eye-opener to many. At the close of tiie services the reverend gentleman tendered his resigna tion to the church as its pastor to take effect on the second Sun day in January. It is likely he will accept a call in the eastern part of tiieSrate. We reluctantly part with him and congratulate any church in securing the serv ices of such an able, conscientious and hard-working pastor Typo. Turner's N. C. Almanac free. To every subscriber who pays his subscription one year in ad vance we will give a copy of Tur ner's North Carolina Almanac. Every subscriber who has already paid up to December 1st. 1902, can get an Almanac bycaliing at our office. Remember you must pay a year in advance to get the Almanac. W. A. Rarnes, Clayton, N. C., beats them all on Christmas presents and toys. If you go jou will find it so as I dia. SELMA NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. Looting D. Deb nam, of Clayton, spent Wednes- , day here visiting Mr. W. Rich ardson. Tliad H. Whitley, killed a hog Monday morning which weighed did pounds. Let's hear from the ; next biggest. i The triplets of Mr. Jesse W. Bailey are doing nicely. Healthy j and growing They are receiving ( the very best attention. , Is it worth while to say that it is cold over here? Mondav the \ highest temperature was 27 de- ( grees; the lowest 1 (J degrees. ] Olive Branch Lodge, No. 37 j' 1. <). O. F., will confer the initia tory degree next Monday night December 23rd, after which oys ters will be served. Mr. C. N. Peeler and Miss Stella Passmore, teachers in the graded school, will spend Christmas at ' their homes in Cleveland county and Cary, Wake county. ] Mr Robert Millard Nowell, ' celebrated his birthday Wednes day. He was the happy recipient j of many beautiful and useful presents. We wish hi in many re turns of the happy day. Guess how old he is? Mr William G. Whitley and 1 family, who have been living at '.heir place near Mr. T.T. Oliver's} ''Whitley's place," I ft here1 Thursday for Durham, which! they will make their future home, j They have the best wishes of all. ( Mr. .1 ames G. Itaper, one of| Wilson county's most prosper ous fanners, lias bought Mr. K. I S. Moore's Coonsboro farm and will next year put in a large crop of tobacco. If Mr. ltaper works it is he does his Wilson county farm lie will make a fine farm 01 it. it is splendid tobacco land. Senkx. CI.AY ION NOTES. Dr. .T. It. Robertson, who has been sick for several days, is im proving, we are glad to state. Mr. M. E.Cotton, who has been here for some time wit h the Clay-: ton Hardware Co., left Sunday night for his old home. The severe wind Sunday night did some damage to the new! school house. The rafters were! all blown oft and the front was i torn to pieces. Miss Lillie t!ulley,the daughter of Mr. M. G. Gulley, died at her home near here Sunday evening, after an Illness of sometime. Mr. I I Sam It. (iulley and wife, of Dur ham, came down to attend the funeral. Last Thursday night twoj houses of Mr. H. W. Mitchell and one barn and stable of Dr. .1. M. Robertson were destroyed by fire. It toox hard work tosaveseveral otiier buildings from burning. McKOY NOTES. Mr Ilasmal Smith spent last Sunday with friends near Hobton. Mr. John lb Lee and Miss Ara bella Gilbert will be married Wed nesday. * Misses Prilla Gilbert and Clvda Lee made a pleasant trip to New- ? ton Grove last Sunday. \i_ i /-! 1 .xr.ti. vi. nittiiii, iiavruu^ {man of the Benson Organ Co..' will move to Benson in .the near future. Monday Mr. 1' II. Tart had ihej misfortune to lose his dwelling house and contents by tire. The' | tire was discovered on the inside j of the building in the early part j of the morning. Every effort was ma le to save the house but the i flames had gained too much head way to be checked. A few articles were saved from the dining room, j Mr. Tart is a progressive young farmer and had just completed | his house. The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss of the building and property amounts to several hundred dollars. I*. AROUND SANDERS CHAPEL. Mr. Thos J. Holt, of Chapel Hill, is at home for the Xrnas holidays. Miss Ludie Peterson left for Raleigh Thursday, where she will spend the holidays. Little Miss Alice Sanders left for Raleigh Wednesday to spend the Xrnas holidays. Mr. W. 0. Whitley and family left for Durham Wednesday where they will make theirfuture home. Mr. Will C. Smith arrived Sun day from Guilford College, where he has attended the fall term of school. W. ROtlE RIPPLES. Much pork is til ing killed this ivtf k in thin scctii n. A pood many of our farmers will plant tobacco next year. There were no services at New Zealand last Sunday, owing to the infavorable weather. Mr. I alius Kldridge. of Durham, is home for the Christmas holi Javs. lie has a pood pos tion in i Durham drug store. Mr. D. IC Tart had the misfor tune to lose his dwelling and its contents by fire Monday. The oss is about $ 1,000 with no in-1 m ranee. BENSON BUDGET. Hugh Royal is with Beiiaon Drug Co. Benson is to have a telephone exchange. G. W. Cavenaugh now occupies tiis new residence on Market street. Julius Eldridge, of Dunn, is greeting his friends here this week. W. D. Boon and Misses Nellie I'airish and Esther Smith left Wendesday t'orHaleigh t o attend Charles Boon's wedding. Miss Sidlie Whittenton, of Har nett., returne 1 to her home Tues day, alter i Week's visit toller brother, J. \X. Wait .rent > n. ltev. 1'. D. Woudall, of Rocky Mount, has been visiting relatives here. ilo preached a splendid sermon id ttie Metho li.-l conisre lation Sunday evening. Jerry Smith, co)., is ouly nine years old, but he is 110 novice in i,he art of appropriating oilier peoples' property to ids own use. He was liiiallv caught robbing l'ostinaster lioyKin's monej drawer in i lie pos. otlice. [Thai cough] i Hangs On j You have used all j sorts of cough reme-! dies but it does not 1 yield; it is too deep j | seated. It may wear j J itself out in time, but j fit is more liable to! j produce la grippe, j ! pneumonia or a seri-1 j ous throat affection. J You need something j that will give youj strength and build ] up the body. SCOTT'S j EMULSION I ? ? | will do this when everything j | else fails. There is no doubt ] j about it. It nourishes, j ' strengthens, builds up and J j makes the body strong and j ; healthy, not only to throw j { off this hard cough, but to \ | fortify the system against | I further attacks. If you are j | run down or emaciated you * i should certainly take this i j nourishing food medicine. j 150c. and $1.00, all druggists. 2 SCOTT \ BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ? ??Ill Ml III 1 "i III (H?J Axes, Axes, Axes, at Cotter, Underwood A- Co. ANOTHERAAA CAR LOAD O TWO STORKS?At the old stand the n?\v hotel building next door the Furniture line positively chea X X OUR S15. consisting of n <5 ft. 2 in. b"?l. lar] wash stand to match, can't be be While at the factory, our buyi COTTAG in sj)lit, cane and rattan seat, Yours for low prices, The Smithfield BY JUCKS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Ponipev,.Squash and Paft have just arrived at Watson's, the peanut man. They have been on a long voyage to South America ' gathering up fruits for Watson, such as Cocoanuts, Banannas Oranges, (irapes, and otfier tropical fruits. Patt, in your speech, why do you say ladies before gentlemen? Why, Pompey, because ladies is first, bejazer. Not that tliev came here first, but soon after 1 Adam came live come; that i made the man first. They open ed a school and Adam stood head, but the first word given out to spell was Constantinople, Adam could not spell the word; Eve spelled it and cut Adam ' down. So, since that time worn- < en have stood head. So, ladies and gentlemen, when you come out to Smith field call to see us. We can amuse you with our lion, tiger, and a nice line of performers, such as tight rone walkers and horseback riders, bejazer. i STRAYED. Strayed from my place one large red Jersey sow with white face, marked with a slit in right ear. a crop from left ear with a half moon from the underside of left ear. One red pig with black spots strayed with her. Any per-1 son finding them will please! notify me. R. D. DUNN, Overshot, N. c. An Evangelist's story. "I suffered for years with a bronchial or Inns trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until i 1 commenced using One Minutej rough Cure," writes Rev. .lames; Kirktnarj, evangelist ( f Helle River, 111. '"1 have no hesitation in recommending it to al sufferers from maladies of this kind." One Minute Cough Cure affords imme- j diate relief for coughs, colds and all kinds of throat and lung troubles. For croup it is un equalled. Absolutely safe. Very pleasant to take, never fails and i is reallv a favorite with the child ren. They like it. J. It. Ledbet ter, Hare A Son, Benson Drug Co., Hood Bros. If you should go where I went and see the beaut iful 1 ine of Ch rist mas presents at W. A Barnes' store, Clayton, X. C., you would be surprised and would say as I do that he is headquarters for presents and toys. He has a large table loaded and packed with ten cent goods. 1 never saw such bargains before. FRESH OYSTERS. Fresh oysters received at Smith's Bakery, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Oysters served anyway you want them. Eggs wanted. W. G. SMITH, Prop. HEAL THYSELF. Xinety-nine of every hundred people suffer to someextent from indigestion, heartburn, nervous ness, constipation and dyspepsia. ! "Coleman's Guarantee" positive ly cures such cases. "Take it, 1 eat what you want and be hap py'. Price 50c. large bottle, at druggists. For sale by Hood Bros, and Benson Drug Co. WANT HD. One thousand bushels cotton j seed at ihe Kd. Moore plantation near Seluia. Will pay Selma market for same. J. R. Raper. 1)20?41. For shoes of any style, grade orquulity, or sizes, light or heavy weight, in or out-door wear, very cheap, go to W. U Yelvington's Store. We have on hand a few single entry Ledgers and Day Hooks which we will sell at a bargain. Call and ask for prices. Beaty, Holt & Lassitkr. f furniture Opened this Week. , next door to Dispensary, and in to W. M.Sanders. Hverything in per than you can buy elsewhere. 00 suit, a; a ge bureau 24x30 French Glass, aten for the money, pr picked up a bargain in e chairs will be sold at reduced prices. 1 Furniture Co.. FARMERS WAREHOUSE. Notice below and you can draw some idea of what we are doing at this late day in the season at the Farmers Warehouse Our sales for December, with the exceptioii of one day, have not fallen under three thousand pounds. Our daily avenge has run a little above four thousand. Our Prices Have Been Good AND UERV GOOD. One of the best and highest sales ever made in Smithfield was made by us last Friday, December 13th. Our break of 8,510 pounds brought $1,199 93, an average of a little above 18 cents per pound. One barn of tobacco sold at the Farmers Warehouse by R. R Creech on Friday, December 6th, brought $166.80. One barn sold by him on December 13th, bi ought $230.46. One load of tobacco sold at Farmers Warehouse by Stancil Bros, on Friday, December 13th brought $386.86. tJCar-Sell with us. <^BOYETT BROS. me Problem Solved. ? i" .1 ? ? JOHN, Dear John, we owe much of our happiness to that new merchant, L E. Watson, at Smifhfield. We might have married lo,ng ago it some other merchant had sold us goods cheap like he does He has only one price, but that suits me. No one else can touch him. ills Xtfias Goods have arrived. And John, old boy, I'm going to buy you a present, and you must buy me one. Do likewise and be happy. L, E. WATSON, Smithfield, I\. C. Look! dixie plows 88c Each 11 ^ yale- Sell 1 11 Hardware and Furniture Regardless of Cost* Our Furniture is made in Dunn and we can gave you the fieight. We carry the largest line of Rubber. Gandy and Leather Belting. Engine and Mill Supplies h: this part of North Carolina, and can 811 your orders promptly Write us for price? Dm Hardware and furnilurc Company, DUNN. N C. REDUCED Prices of Clothing c^.aciEagti'scKiffjt JMIWIB aggrcaran iiaKiymiiia\u? In order to move our stock of Clothing, we will give the following CUT PRICES: $17.50 SUITS FOR $15.00 15.00 SUITS FOR 12.50 12.50 SUITS FOR 11.00 10.CO SUITS FOF 9.00 S.50 SUITS FOR 7.50 7.50 SUITS FOR 6 50 Youth's and Children's Suits Reduced in Same Proportion. JY JY Nice Line Gverccats, $3.50 TO $15.00. RAGLAINiD CUT. Positively no goods charged to a.iy one at cut pri< es. BATTLE AXE SHOES. They sell easier and stay sold better than any staple shoe made. L M. Reynolds' fine shoes for men and boys, $2.( 0 to 14.00. HATS. Our line of Hats is complete. Stiff and felt. "PRINCETON SackSutt Uumr GRANTHAM, AUSTIN & CO, SMITHFIEL-D, N. C. S. R. Morga n, Cabinet Maker rmith field, n. c. and Undertaker, will repair furniture and frame your picture*. Full line of Casket* and CoBm Men's, Ladle*' and Children's Burial Robe* and Shoes, Hose, Glove*, Ac. Thanks to my friends and patrons for past patronage. Hope to serve you In future

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