His Sweetheart. ] Iih\ c met h little maiden. Coy an?l fair; On my heart, her face en rraN? n, Khiucth there. (irtoeful ** a kracious fairy, (it>od mk saints are thought to be, Chaiiinnjf many a homes . k lonjfiitK Into |>ansy though is for me. Would you meet this litt le fairy f II Merry <Jirl.> What: "Detest the litfht Mod airy'/" Senseless churl! Very well- you need not meet her. Unlike you she's not a bore. For she never comes unbidden; And she's sensible what's more! She's s" bright and entertaining. Sweet and dear. That my thoughts she is enchaining 1 do fear Though 1 swore ray heart were constant Though ray love all else forsook? She'll not even be my sister. For she's oniy In a book! ?A. It. Adkinson. Woman a Chronic Conundrum With out an Answer. "Woman," naii! an old eo. ip-r to a writer for Turk during one of his meditative spells, "is a per petual paradox, it chronic conun drum wiiliou an answer, an unknown qu unit y possessed of peculiar potentialities, a eonven ticleof characteristic contradic tions and oi on train hiae av.iiv {ration of other attributes which are not alliterative. "She is mini's greatest earthly blessing and the cans -of most of his ini- tv. SI-e soothes his tir.nl nerves with the coo of her gentle voice, but -lienl ways n is the Insi word in every controversy with him and incidentally an ut i)7 per cent, of the preceding con versation. She brings liiin in o the world and a few years later talks him to ileal h. -.\nis 01 man sirounieiscauscti by woman, but so del Iv does win* pile the load on him that when ever the burden of trouble i-> lifted lie wanders uneasily about, liun tiny for more; otherwise there would be very few second wives "She scorns all advice in the selection of a husband, but takes two other women along; to help her pick out a hat. The less actual comfort to be obtaiued from a thiug the moreenjoymeut a woman gets out its possession. At 15 she is a young woman; at 25, if still unmarried, she is a girl. She will face the grim spec ter of death without a tremor and swoon at the sight of a mouse. She is the dearest thing in all the world and the most aggravating. She is as she is, and that's all there is to do about it. The only man who ever fully understands a woman isthe man who understands that he doesen't understand her and has got sense enough to let it go at that." The Pride ol Heroes. Many soldiers in the last war wrote to sav that for scratches, bruises, cuts, wounds, corns, sore feet and stiff Joints, Bueklen's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for burns, scalds, boils, ulcers, skin eruptions and piles. It cures or no pay., Only 25c. at Hood Bros, diug store. The Bank ot England. The Bank of Kngland is a pret ty healthv institution, with a a capital of a littleover#72,000,- j 000 and a surplus of about | #16,000,000, yet the governor receives a salary of only #10,000 a year. Our smallest city banks1 pay as much as that to their! presidents. The pay of its twen-! ty-four directors is #2,500 each per annum. The bank is a vast building, one storv high and per fectly isolated. There is not a window to be seen in its walls. The offices are lighted from tin root or trom ttieuine inner court* and garden. At night a detach-1 inent of the Foot. Guard*, com manded by a captain, watches over the safety of the "< )ld Lady Threadneedle Street." During the day the private watchmen of the company itself suffice to maintain order. The bank is en trusted by the Tree usury with arrangements lor the interest on the national debt,consuls, annui ties, Ac., and receives from the government as payment. foriis services about ?1.1100,000.?New York Press. A Million Voices Could hardly ex press the thanks of Homer Hall,of West Point, In. Listen why: A severe cold had settled on his lungs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consump tion, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and writes?"it completely cured me and saved my life. I now weigti 227 lbs." lt%s positively guaran teed for Coughs, Colds and Lung troubles. Prii-e 50c. and fl.D0. Trial bottles free at Hood Bros. Oue on the Congressman. A buehelor member of (' mgress, whoisiiot ashmitfcomens Apollo, droD|H'(| into Clerk McDowell ?s l office the oilier day to .? ek sym pathy because the lady on whom lie li.it looked with favor was about to be mar lied to another man ?That reminds me," said Mr. .McDowell, "of t lie iin idem which hupjieurd wilt It (Sovernor D:ek Ogles by went down to Juliet to inspect tin Slate prison. In one ! of t lie cells was a very ugly man. '"How did .you get in here?' asked I tglesby. Vbduetioll.' was the reply. 'I tried to rtin off with a girl aud ! they caught me.' '"I'll pardon yon as soon as I g"t back to Springfield,' said the governor. 'I don't see how yon could expect; to get a wife iu any other way.'" The homely bachelor Congress man laughed loudly. Then, us the application of the story dawned upon him, t hesmile fa It d from his face and he walked out. of Mcltoweil's office without say ing a word.? VVasiiuigt m I'ost. Saved at Grave's Brink. "I know I would long ago have jeen in my grave." writes Mrs.S. II. Xe.vsoui. of Decatur, Ala.,''if it had not tieen to Kleetrie Hit ters. I'or tin a years I suffered untold agony from the worst loruis of lndi,"stion, Water Orash, Stomai h mid Dowel Dys iepsia. Hut this excellent medi cine did me a world of good. .Since using it I can eat heartilv and have gained JJfi pounds." Cor indigest ion, loss of appetite, stoniaeh, liver and kidney trou bles, Klectric Bitters are a posi tive. guaranteed cure. OnlyoOc. it Hood Bros. drugstore. Two Girls. "If ten men should ask you to marry them, what would that be?" "What would it be?" "A tender." "And if one should ask you, what would that be?" "I don't know, what?" "A wonder."?Ex. The Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever is a bottle of drove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Nocure?no pay. Price 50c. Ordinary Tears. Old Gentleman?Why do you shed such bitter tears, my boy? Boston Child (pausing in his sjriel')?Really, I cannot conceive that my tears differ as to their brackish quality from other lach rymose emissions. I have never heard of saccharine tears.?Phil adelphia Press. Knowledge and Forgiveness. If I knew you and you knew me? If both of us could clearly see. And with an inner sitfht divine. The meaning of your heart and mine, I'm sure that we would differ less And clasp our hand in friendliness: Our thoughts would pleasantly a^ree If I knew you and you knew me. If I knew you and you knew me. As each one knows himself, we Could look each other in the face And see therein a truer jrrace. Life has bit many hidden woes. So many thorns for every rose: The "why" of things our hearts would see If i knew you and you knew me. Nixon Waterman, in Good Cheer. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Hromo Quinine rabletn. All drutrgists refund rtie money if it failstoeure. K. W. Grove's signature ison each box. '2o cents. The late Governor I'ingree of Michigan had in his serapbooks over 45,000 columns of news paper comments about himself. Walter F. Howe, for fifty years postmaster at North Leominster, Mass.. resigned on Monday, llisi present ottlce has been in use for the past thirty-seven years. Don't tie the top of your ?l!y and preserve Jars in icold fashioned way. Seal tliCin hy the new, quick, absolutely sure way?by a thin coating of Pure Refined Paratfine. lias I no taste or odor. In [ air tight and acid I proof. KaMly applied, ij Useful in adoreu other / wars at out tlie house. Full directions with each cake. Bold everywhere. Made by STANDARD OIL CO. >ii-i ? m iu ???? i L Sufferers from this horrible trr-dad* nearly always inheiit it ? not tiece ar lv from "the parents, hut may be from soma remote auc >tor, for Cancer often runs through several generations. Tliisdeadly poi-m may lay dormant in the blood for years, ot until you reach middle life, then tl.e ' r * little sore or ulcer makes its up pear..'ice ? or a swollen gland in the ore . t, or some other part of the body, gi-res the fin t warning. To cure Cancer tliorot ghlv and p r.u> orutly all the poisonous \lrus must be :1 ui?. ted from the bloo<l?every v stage >f it driven oat. This S. S. S. does, ami a the only medicine that can reach deep, rested, obstin. te bloo<l troubles like this. VVh. n all the poison has been fore. 1 out of the system the Cancer heals, and the disease never returns. Cancer begin often in asmall way, as the following !e *er from Mrs. Shirer ..! ows: A ? a.ail li "I tame on my Jaw about. i inch b* av r : c rarem the l< ft aide or wy lace, it u'ave ueno; tia or inconven- . ?fin< ?- ana I ?r?oui nave forgotten about. had it not begun to intii.n eaud itch; it would bked a little. then scab over, hut arould ii -t heal. Tliis continued for some t itue, When my jaw began to swell, bcromin^ very pain! 111. The Ca ncer bc ijan to e it and - oread, until it was as large as a hair dollar,when 1 heard of S S. S. and determin ed to give it a fair trial, ?ind it was ietn ark able it had from th< . <-ry begitininp'; the? ^rebffran to ?ie; 1 andafter ta! ing a few i ttlcs - i-wf.' ? red entirely. This was two ye, .s.ivo ; then- art ? <1 n<> siu'.a of the Cancer, and my ;r neral heat lb wOjJtitiues trood.?Mrs. R. :-':ifci-K, i,a Plata, Mo. i\uii /- V ii the Rita', st <>f all ? . "t fct "V 'ijfv ^ blood purifiers, an,1, the VV toN >-SK only one pnar ,1 A.*J , h-JKVJa purely v,v .uble. b, trd **?> He *V ?w for our tree book on Cancer, containing valuable and iriurc t ing information about this disease, and write our physicians aU"it your u se, Vic make no I'll rge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Georgia Editors Eat Heartily. Colonel list ill, publisher of the Savannah Morning; News, re cently entertained tile (Jeorgia Cress Association at hi} palatial summer home on the Isle of I lope. One of the (Jeorgia editors tells what they had to eat, as follows: "That crowd of editors con sumed H(K) oysters on the half shell, 2."t0 dressed tish, 100 "Cl inch diamond back terrapins, j worth *20 a dozen, 225 bell pep- j pers staffed with shrimp, 225 deviled crabs, 1,000 individual I loaves of bread with a Southern twist made for the occasion, a small barrel of pickles and a few j hot rolls and toothpicks. There were alsc refreshments," the edi J tor said, "in liquid form." Of Benefit to You. 1). S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md.: "During a long illness I was troubled with bed sores, was ad vised to try DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and did so with wonderful results. I was perfectly cured. It is the best salve on the market." Sure cure for piles, sores, burns Beware of counterfeits. Hood Bros., J. R. Ledbetter, Hare & Son, Benson Drug Co. During his residence in India Rudyard Kipling was long re- j garded as one of the best ama-1 teur actors in that country. He often took part in theatrical per formances in Lahore, being par ticularly effective in comedy parts. You Know What You are Taking. When you take Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic because the torin ula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. oOc. Buy yourself a talking machine for a Christmas present. A iuce| one all complete for -Si 0.00, for | sale by Ilobb. K. Snipes, Selma, N. C. I wish to buy corn and peas and will yive highest market prices lor them. W. M. Sanders North Carolina's Forrmost Newspaper, Re CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Every Day in the Year. CALDWELL & TOMPKINS. Publishers. J. P. CALDWELL, Editor. $8.00 PER YEAR. THE OBSERVER Receives the largest Te'ejrraj lite N ws Service delivered to any paper between Washington and t Atlanta, and its special service ! is the greatest ever handled by a North Caioilna paper. THE SUNDAY OBSERVER Cor slsts of 16 or more pages, and is to a large extent made up of original matter. THE SEMI-WEEKLY OFSERVER. 1 Printed Tuesday and Friday, 11.00 per year. The largest paper in North Carolina. Sample copies sent on application. ' Address THE OBSERVER, Charlotta. M. C. NEW FALL GOODS. My new stock of Dry Goods. Notion.* Millinery, Cloaks, ('apes, Shoes, Hats (Japs, Clothing nud Gents FuniiHiieg Goods is now complete utnl up-to-date in each depa tmei t ? * IN DRESS GOODS, " I have a full line of the latest weave and c 'or- in dress goods. Abo a full line of trimming ia silks, velvets, gimps, braids, jets and applique. SHIRT WAIST GOODS. My line of shirt waist goods is ' bang-up." I have a nice line of silks, flannels, all wool Albatross, I'erfnles. All in beautiful shades. MtpMillinery Department ts Ful and Complete. I have put in a full stock of the latest shapes and colois I fall and winter. Also full line of CAPS for misses and ehil dren. Ladies wishing anything in this depai tin nt will fine Miss Beckwith at her jost leadv and willing to servi them in } strictly i p-to-date style. SHOES, SHOES. SHOES SHOES. 1 carry a full line of Zeigler Bros ' tin shot s loi ladi< s. missci and child en. the best shoes made for wear Every pi r war ranted I also <? arry a fullitockot other makes ol line show for men. ladies, misses aud.children, which arc; lirst qua it y anc you ear buy them very cheap: CLOTHING! CLOTHING! ! have put in a full stork of clothing of newest make-up styles ii all sizes for men, youths and children. Prices from ?1 to $12 ot per suit . Also a nice line of PANTS from $2 to So. Aso 1 have i good line of FINISH ATS, all colors, and a good line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Don't buy your goods until you get niv prices, as I am sure tha I c an save you money, as 1 discount allot my bills and will give my customers the benelit of it. W. G. Yelvington, SMITttFIELD, N. G. Silverware. 1 wish to call your attention to the fact that 1 have just added to ray stock a complete line oi tilverware. It is ROGERS BROTHERS' 1847 GOODS and consists of Knives, Forks Table and Tea Spoons,JCJCJCJC Soup Ladles, Sugar Shells, Etc I Carry a Full Line of Spectacles and other Optical Goods. A large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry always on hand. Repairing a specialty. Call'and see me in my new place in the Professioal Building. T. C. JORDAN, 017?tf Smithfield, N. C. JOHN A. MeKAY. E. F. YOUNG. THE JOHN A McKAY M'F'G CO. lodged Tool, Foundry and Machine Works. One of the very besi equipped plants in the State. Machine Repair Work of Every Description f\ioh Grade Saw-Mill, Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty. THE rAEQUHAE, All Kinds Ircn ekq Brass Castings. Store Front Irons and other Heavy Work to Order. we are agents for A. B. Farquher Co.'s Machinery. j Engines Boilers, Saw Mills. &c. We are also agents for the Southern Saw Works an.i have a good stock of their (mill) saws on hard. ENGINES JL2T1D V BOILERS / Of all Styles fron 0.- 4 to 600 horse powet A We Handle All Kinds of Machinery and JV Machinery Supplies Steain Fittings, Pipe, Inspirators, Shafting, Pulleys, Post Hang ers, Grate-bars, &c., &c. WE DO HIGH GRADE WORK ONLY. GET OUR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. The John A. ]\flcK,ay JVH 9 Co., dunn. n. c. Poor 1 Soils I are made rich- jjk cr and more ^ | productive and I I rich soils retain I 1 thei r crop-pro- I | ducil. pm : ' 8 I by t:ie u>.i of I , I fertilizers with !a 11 Deri; I percentage 01 Potash, Write for our lxx>ks?sent free? which give all details. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York City. DR. S. P. J. LEE, DF.MTIST, . OFFICE ON SECOND FLOOR OF PROFESSIONAL BUILDING on Mai ket St, SMITHFJELD. N. C. Dr. J. W. Hatcher, DENTIST, Selma, N. C. Of kick in iIakk A- S' >n s Drnn Stoic. DR.H. P. UNDERBILL, Physician and Surgeon, KENLV, X. C. Office at Mr. Jesse Kirby's. 1 B S SMITH. M K HATCH EH. W D SMITH Smith, Hatcher & Smith, Attorneys - at - ILaw, BE.iSON, N. C. OFFICE OVER 11 "1. BKADY'8 STORK. Prompt attention g.ven to all matters entrusted to them. Treasurer's Card. 1 John W. Futrell, Treasurer of JohnstOt. County, will b? in Smithlleld every ' Monday and Saturday and Court Week* Office in back room of the Hank of Smith field. In his absence county orders will b? oaid at the Hank Houses for Rent, If you want to rent any kind of a house in Smith field please let me know it. J. M. BEATY, smithfield, n. c. FLOYD H. PARRISH, 8MITHFIELD. N C. Fresh Meats, Beef and Ice Hiohrst Priors Paid for Hides. Piflleef cattle #anted. || I 1 At mv market will l?e MqrKPT. found (or sale Fresb mill nun Pork, Beef Sausage, Fish an>l Oysters. I want to buy Fat Cattle and Fresh Pork ^aml will pay highest prices for same Cattle bought by the pound or at prices agreed on for eachone. J. IAJ. LILES. O.l-Sm SELMA, N C. We have on hand a few single entry l/dgers and Bay Books which we will sell at a bargain. Call and ask for prices. Beaty, Hoi.t & Larsiter. t Axes, Axes. Axes, at Cotter, ; Underwood A Co. ' I i We i :? :.ii ily obtain 3. .:.'l ! ) fe||p * ?] / Send model,sketch or photo c J in v. tit i? tor \ / free report on pnhiunbifitv. Fcr fiie book, f J ^\ ? ' 1 % X V^-C -v'x X -V^x'x * ?. -, v ? >, I M Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Ia unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. Cure* all sftomaoh troubto* Prepared only by E. O. tat Witt A Oo.. OhtcafW Tostl.boMl# contains 1ft tlnjialtieSOc. alas.

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