?!)C Rrralil price one dollar per tear. "TRUE TO OURSELVES. OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD." single copies five cents. VOL. 24. SMITHFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 0, 1905. NO. 14 BENSON COMMENCEMENT. Splendid Exesclses?Address by Superinnendent Joyner? Bible and Flag Pre sentation. (Rtgular Correspondence). On Wednesday evening, May :21th, the closing exercises of lienson tiraded School begun. Miss Neta Benny, the music and elocution teacher, gave a music and elocution recital. The event was enjoyed by all present. At 10 a. ni., Thursday the Reclaimers' contest begun, The contestants were W. 0. Royal, W. N. Stewart, 1). H. Creech, I. C. Hall, Festus Hall and T. J. Stewart. The successful contest ant was W. C. Royal. However, the decision was not unanimous. W. N. Stewart received one vote. At eleven a. in., Brof. Joyner begun to speak. He plead for j public education, drawing a con trast between North Carolina and Massachusetts and showing that the difference between the wealth of the two states was j directly due to public education in"the iatter. Brof. Joyner spoke { for an hour and a half as only he j can speak. When he ended all were glad that they came to hear ?hiin. After the address the ore lals aud prizes were delivered by I'ruf J. P. Canaday. The foUowiug were the winners: Scholarship prize for the school, Vada Boon. Scholarship lor l'rof. Allen's room, Heruiau Boon. Scholarship for Miss Ellen El dridge's room, Vada Boon. Scholarship in Miss Mary Hatcher's room, Jewel Hall. Scholarship in Miss Lottie Link's room, Alma Brady. Deportment prize which was awarded by Prof. Allen to tne one in any room except his was won by Vada Boon and Maud Hall. It being a tie, both re-! ceived a prize. Improvement medal iu music, j Lettie H.yals. Second best im provement in music, Bessie Duncan, a prize. At 3:30 p. m., the crowd re assembled tor the Bible and flag preseutatiou by the Junior Order, which was a grand success. Hon. G. E. Hood, of Uoldsboro, very eloquently delivered the ad dress of preseutatiou, explaining the principles of the Junior Order He showed the wonderful growth of the Juniors siuee organized; over half a century ago, also the promineut pnrt they have taken in patriotism and education. His speech lasted for about forty five minuites which was highly | complimented bv the audience. The" J uniors here have made rapid strides since organized last September, aud have doDe much ' good work. At 8:ir> p. m., the doors were open and soon the house was overflowing. The concert was| good, but the house was so crowded that the people did not enjoy it as well as they would had it been less crowded. How ever it showed that faculty aud students did not leave a stone unturned to make the exercises a success. It also showed that the students and faculty have taken the advantage of the better facil ities for the developing their own minds and the minds of those who come under their care. Twelve prisoners escaped from the Wilmington jail Sunday night. Three were recaptured. Dying: or Famine it*, in its torments, like dying of consumption. The progress of consumption, from the begin ning to the very end, is a long tortue, both to victim and friends. "When I had consump tion in its first stage," writes Wm. Myers, of Cearfoss, Md., "after trying different medicines and a good doctor, in vain, I at last took Dr. King's .New Dis covery, which quickly and per fee', v cured me Prompt relief and eire cure for- coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Pos itively prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed at Hood Pros, drug store, price 50c and $1 00 a bottle. Trial bottle fri e. SELMA NEWS. R. U. Whitley, Esq., spent < Wednesday in Clayton. Mr. C. P. Harper went to Ral eigh Wednesday on business. Mrs. H. H. Pearee, Jr., went to Clayton Wednesday to attend commencement. Robert Millard Nowell, Esq., was called to Raleigh Monday to see his brother who is quite sick Mrs. W. B. Driver went to Claytou Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Macon Harris, j Miss Emma Adams gave a party Wtdnesdaj' night in honor of her guest Miss Hines of (1 olds- ; boro. If Mr. Walter Moore Noble and , Mr. "Butler" Jeffries keep up their good work they will some ( day be good successful farmers. Boys stick to it. Mr. "Pat" Parker went to j i Clayton Monday and Wednesday I to attend commencement. Pat i must like commencements or is i there a young lady in the case? Miss Leone Nordan gave a de lightful birthday party Monday 1 night to her many friends. The 1 hours passed rapidly add it was! with much hesitancy, that they bid their hostess good-night. Mr. Walter Call and Mr. A. M. Noble went to Clayton Tuesday j to play ball with the Wilson Mill's team against Clayton.! Although the score was 7 to (i against them they report a pleas ant trip. We are very sorry to have to |, announce the death of Julius A. Blackman, Esq., which occurred on Tuesday night. His death j was not unexpected as he had i been confined to his bed for some time with cancer. He was a use-1 ful citizen and his family have the deepest sympathy of the en tire community. Mr. Robert P. Noble leftThurs day for Newport News, from which place, be, with some other of his school mates and Mr. William Richardson, will sail for i Liverpool. From Liverpool th^y will go to London, where after j spending a few days they will go on a tour through the western and southern parts of Europe They will return about the latter part of August. We wish them a successful and pleasant voyage. The Selma base ball team went to Bunn last Friday for a game of base Pall. The game although of owe and exciting at time?, was made unintcrestiug by the con-" tinued unfair decisions.! of the Dunn umpire in favor of his home team. Dunn also played 10 men, allowing oue man to play in t4ie field ami another to bat for him because he was a poor batter.1 This was discovered by some of the Selma players and one of the men forced to quit the game. This showed that players as well' as umpire wanted the game, and with all this in their favor they won by the score of 4 to 3. May 7. Sen ex. Recovered Speech After 59 Days. Elizabeth City, N. C , June 3.? j Mrs. R. E. I'erry, who lives on! Peach street, recovered her pow ers of speech after 59 days, dur-1 ing which time she "could not utteraword. About two months ago she was protracted by an j attack of the grip, one of the most severe cases ever known in this section, and the loss of ! speech was one of the ways in which it affected her. When she had recovered from the sickness still she could not utter a word, her tongue seemingly being para lyzed, and her people had almost lost hopes as to her ever speak iug again. However, she sud denly regained the use of her J tongue and can now speak as well as ever and she is happy. No Secret About it. It is no secret, that for Cuts, ! burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore { E.yeft, boils, etc., nothing is so effective as bucklen's Arnica j Salve. "It didn't take long to cure a bad sore I had, and it is | all O. K. for sore eyes." writes I it E. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 25c | at Hood Pros. drug store. CLAYTON HIGH SCHOOL. Sreat Sermon by Dr. Ivey.?Splen did Concert Tuesday Evening ? Miss Annie Fitzgerald Wins Medal. (Regular Correspondence.) Clayton, N. C., June 7.?The dosing exercises of Clayton High School begau Sunday with cue uermon by Rev. T. N. Ivey, 11. 1)., , editor of the Raleigh Cnristiau ' Advocate. His sermon was one of great force and power and should teach all who heard it a, uever-to-be-forgotteu lesson. j Cvery member of the vast audi- j snce could get some lesson o$ j help from tms most excellent discourse. Monday afternoon the music jiass rendered an elegant pro- 1 ^rarn. Each piece was a chartur lug evidence of tne superD train* ing received. The teacher is td be congratulated on her superior tutorage, and the students for - tneir aptitude. The general concert was givi? Monday evening. This consisted in a nuinOer of admirably delijt rfied recitations and ueclamft nons iuterspersed by delightfll musieal selections. The judgjt were iu sore perplexity as to tfe j winner of the medal. Finally a small count, it was deciditi J that Miss Annie Fitzgerald wjje winner. This decision every pde received with applause, even i& unfortunate contestants join ing in quite heartily. Tuesday evening, was held the entertainment by Frimary and Intermediate departments. Words are inadequate to express tue universal approval 01 the rendition oi tne several -ui#ieult plays by these small folksy it is more freely appreciated when we consider the immense patience and perseverance re quired to thoroughly instruct tuese young ideas. To the teacuersof these depart- j meuts we most reverently re move our hats. hue exercises will be continued tonight and tomorrow night' wheu Governor liobert tl. Glenn I will deliver the annual address. CLAYTON NOTES. When shall we have the pleas-1 ure of announcing that mar-! riage? Miss Lillie Watson, of Ben nets ville, S. (J., is the guest of Miss S.vauiiaoa Home. I)i (iritfiu is speudiug this! week with his wife who is being1 treated at Richmond, Ya. The visitors here this week are so many we are obliged to omit their names until next week. Monday.I une 26 th decides the question, shall we have prohi bition or shall we have dispen sary? Mrs. E. It. Gulley is at the Wil son Sanatorium for treatment and, we are glad to note, doing nicely. Messrs. Ashley Home, J. E. Page, J. T. Ellington, Riley K. Gulley and others went to Ral eigh Wednesday. Clayton's farmers have practi cally annihilated the grass. They have had a terrible struggle and should nave credit for the victory won. On Tuesday afternoon Wilson's Mills, assisted by Selma's pick players, played Claytou's invin cibles. It was a very pretty game. Roth teams combined giving Clayton boys amusement for a while. The finals was as usual?a victory for Clayton, 7 to 0 was the score. Yeuh A Bad Scare. Someday you will get a bad scare, when you feel your bowels, ..uu lear appendi citis. Safety lies in Dr. King's New Life Pills, a sure cure, for all bowel and stomach disease, such as headache, biliousnet..-; costiveness, ets. Guarantee j at Hood Rros. drugstore, only 25c. Try them. KENLY NOTES. Vise Mary Hollowel! returned to Smithtield Monday. Mr. McNeal, of Benson, is visit ing his daughter, Miss Janie McNeal. Mrs. \V. J. Hooks, of Benson, is visitinir friends and relatives here this week. Messrs. J. T. and W. H. Kdger ton made a business trip to Smithtield Tuesday. Dr. J. C. Grady and Mr. (J. W. Edgerton made a busintss trip to Soiithtield Tuesday. Mr. W. T. Bailey went to Siuithfield Monday to attend the meeting of county commissioners. We are sorry to note the Biek ness of littie Cora Adams, the daughter of Mr. and Mis. Jno. Adams. Rev. R. W. Horrell, of Selma, i will preach here in the academy next Sunday, June 11th, atj eleven o'clock. Mies Annie Strickland, of Louisburg, who has been visit ing friends here the past week, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Rales left today (VVednesdav) to spend a few days visiting friends and re latives near Fayetteville. Rev. E. W. Souders, of Fayette ville, filled his regular appoint ment here at the Presbyterian church, Sunday and Sunday night, preaching two very good sermons. There will be Children's Day Exercises at the Methodistchurch the third Sunday in June, at 9:30 a. m. A very pretty and interesting programme is being arranged for the occasion. Quite a number went, out to Ward's school house this after noon to attend the closing ex- j ercises of the school tonight. Miss Helen Pierce, of this place,! is the teacher, and has prepared a good programme. Mr. and Mrs W. A. Edgerton, of Smithtield, Mr. and Mrs. IS E. Edgerton, of Selma, Dr. H. k. Edgerton, of Lebanon, Tenn , and Miss Rena Edgerton, of Sol-1 ma. were the guests of their brother, Henry and Charles Edgerton, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. O. L. Ragley, of Ragley,; visited friends> here Saturday Mr. Ragley has just graduated in Chemical Engineering: from! A & M. College, Raleigh, with lirst honors of his class, and was elected one of the orators to represent the class at the gradu ating exercises. He has also held many places of honor among j his colleagues, among others Captain of First Company of cadets. He was prepared for college here in Kerdy Academy, and always stood first, in his class. He left Monday for New Rerne where be has accepted a; position as manager of a coca cola plant We are always glad to see our Johnston county boys making such records. June 7. Rex. Eton's New President. Elon College, N. C , June 5.? Kev. Dr. W. W. Staley has re signed the presidency of Elon College, and Professor E. L. Moftitt. of Ashboro, N. C., was chosen his successor. Dr. Staley uas been president of this college siu?e 1894. During his administration a debt of $20,000 has been paid, $5,000 spent on improvements of the property and $57,000 ad ded to the endowment. Matri culations the past year 135, and 13 graduates on commencement day, June 1st. Dr. Staley has served without remuneration during his whole administration and contributed himself to the college during that time. He resigned in order to give his en ! and work the Suffolk i/uristiau ri. re ? of which he h?" been pastoi iur more tiiau twenty two years. North Caroliua has on file in Washington 366 petitions ask ing for new rural free delivery routes. JAPAN REORTS LOSSES. Togo's Flagship the Heaviest Loser ?Only 537 Men Killed and Wounded?Naval Losses Since War Regan. Tokio, June 1.?The Japanese losses in the battle of the Sea ol Japan were one hundred and thirteen officers and uien killedj aud (our hundred and twenty four officers and men killed and wounded. The completion ol the revised list shows that the losses were uuder the original estimates. The Hagship Mikasa was the heaviest loser, losing sixty-three killed and wounded. The losses were distributed among the fleet as follows: Mikasa. 63; Adzuma, 39; Shikishima, 37; Asahi, 31; Fuji, 28; Idzumo, 26; Nisshin, 27; j Otowa, 26; Kasago, 26; Tsus hima, 19; Asama, 15; Naniwa, 17; Tokiwa, 16; Yakumo, 11; Chitose, 6; ldzuuii, 10; Kasuga, 9; Hashidate, 5; Niitaka, 4. The casualties among the de-; stroyers and torpedo boats were eighty-seven. Commander Togo was woun ded on the AMzuma Tokio, June 1.?The nectssity for secrecy uo longer existing, the navy department confirms reports of the loss of the Japa nese battleship Yashima off Port Arthur May 19th and an nounces other naval losses last year, heretofore withheld, as follows: Torpedo boat destroyer Aka thuki sunk by miue off I'ort Arthur; gunboat Cashima, sunk in collision off Liao Tung penin sula; [torpedo boat destroyer Havtori sunk by mine off I'ort Arthur; gunboat Atago, struck rock and sank off I'ort Arthur; protected cruiser Takahago, sunk by mine off Port Arthur. JAPAN WAR SACRIFICE Estimated that 190.000 Men Have Been Killed and Wounded. Tokyo, June 8.?It is now pos sible to give with exact accuracy the total losses to Japan to the end oi the siege of i'ort Arthur, not including those in the battles of ileikautai and Mukden. A festival was held early iu May to tue spirits of those killed iu bat-1 tie or wno had died of their' wounds. To omit the numu of: even one would be an intolerance sacrilege. An official intimation was given tiiat the rites should tin p.-rtormed for 28,999 oi the army, aiiu 1.887 of : ? navy inasmuch a- the deaths from < wounds are im udea i j tue 28,999 it cannot be f i wr > x Au esti in tte of tue Uioj icuuioer oi | wounded since the war begau is one huuureu thousand I Calculating GO,000 casualties tor the battles of heikantai and | Mukden gives a grand total of killed and wouudeu of about 190,000 up to that date. The Russian casualties cau only be guessed at, but wheu added to those of the Japanese must give a stupendous aggre gate, for the number of Russians killed at Mukden in the immedi ate and subst quent operations equaled the total number of Japanese killed during the year 1904. Togo Visits Rojestvensky. Tokio, June i.?Vice-Admiral Togo visited Vice-Admiral Roj estvensky at the navtjl hospital at Sasebo Beturday and express ed his sympathy for the admiral's wounds. He praised the coura geous tight of the Russians and expressed the hope that Vice-Ad miral Rojestvensky would soon be able to return to Russia. Roj estvensky was deeply moved by the admiral's words, and thank ed him. He congratulated Japan on the courage and patriotism of 11" * sailors, and said it lesseneu , L:s refrre* u ,< Tjie sorrow of de leat to know the high character of the victors. "Starts to work with the Hist dose." Let Rheumacide begin to j day thecampaign against disease ' in your body. At all druggists, j L'or salt by Hood Rros. BENSON NEWS. Miss Meta Harper, of Dunn, was a visitor in town on Monday of this week. Mr. P. B. Johnson has recently moved into his new brick build ing on Main street. Mr. L\ F. Wallace made a trip to Fayetteville last Sunday af ternoon, and returned Monday. Miss Neta Pearl Penny, teacher of music in the Benson Graded School left last Friday to spend vacation at her home near Ral eigh. Misses Addie Barber, and Huth Stephenson who have been visit ing Mrs. J. F. Lee tor some time, left last Sunday for Miss Bar ber's home in upper Johnston. The series of meetings at the Baptist church being conducted this week by Rev. J. W. Suttle, with the assistance of Rev. Mr. Putnam, is progressing nicely, their being much interest mani fested. Miss Effiie Smith, accompanied by Mr. A. T. Royals, and Miss Nellie Parrish, accompanied by I)r. G. A. Hood, spent last Sun day at the home of Mr. W. H. Smith, in the Peacocks cross roads section. The Dank of Denson opened on June 1st with Mr. A. K. Smith, of Smithfield, president and Mr. James H Rose, cashier. We think the bank is very fortu- - nate in securing Mr. Rose as cashier.as he is a most efticient business man. Messrs. .J. G. and R. F. Smith made a business trip to Smith field last Monday. Solon. ARCHER DOTS. We regret to* note that Mrs. Raura Darnes is sick. A large number of our people attended the Masonic funeral at Bethesda last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Datton and Miss Hattie Wall attended the Battou-Youngblood marriage at Selma last week. The little child of Mr. Gus Pounds, who was accidentally given morphine for calomel, we understand is improving. Mr. J. W. Darnes informs us that one of his laborers while plowing in the field last week lost the point off his plough and ploughed for quite a while when Mr. Darnes passing through the Held found the point and apprised him of his loss. Juueuth. S L. W. Heir to German Throne Weds. Herlin, June 6.?Crown Prince Federick William and the Duchess Cecelia of Mecklenburg-Schwerin were married by Dr. Pryander. the court chaplain, in the small chapel of the palace at 5 o'clock this afternoon, according to the ritual of the Lutheran church, is the same for a prince as for a subject. About half of the 400 persons present were princes or special ambassadors of o*her countries, with their aides de camp. Ambassador Tower at tended as the extraordinary am bassador for the United States. Mrs. Tower was with him. The other guests were the diplo matists accredited to the court, the members of the cabinet, generals and admirals. Huge Task. It was a huge task, to under take the cure of such a bad case of kidney disease, as that of C. F. Collier, of Cherokee, la., but Flectrio Hitters did it. He writes: "My kidneys were so far gone, 1 could not sit onachair without a cushion; and suffered from dreadful backache, headache, and depression. Iu Flee trie Hitters, however, I fo nil a cure, and by them was restored to perfect health. I recommend this great tonic medicine to all with weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Huarauteed by Hood Hros. drug gisst; price 50c. New Hern had a $10,000 Are j Sunday i ight.

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