Turlington Graded School Opens Tuesday The third nession of Turlington Graded School :u charge of the au;?eriuteudeiit nud five lady lis sisrauts opens uext luesday, September Nth. . I This st-ssiou giws promise of being the best in the history of I graded school. With an increased u umber of teachers, aud with about $1600.00 improvements in building and school furnisb imrs we are better equipped tbau erer before. The School Hoard let out the new building by contract the 1st of July to Mr. J. H. Bailey. We ure sorry to announce that he, owing to unavoidable circum stances, could not complete the work by the opeuing of school. Two lumber eompauiee with whom he had placed orders burned, and owing to the large amount of building at this season it was impossible to get the lum ber elsewhere in time. However school opens us pre viously announced in the old building. We hope to have the new part completed by the last of September. We earnestly urge patrons to mtart their children the first day ?of school, next Ti ehday, and keep them there every day if possible. We have ten grades in our school requiring ten years to ?complete the course of study for .graduation. An average child ?can finish one grade per year if ?kept regularly in school, but if the child is kept out of school half of the time it will be impos sible for him to advance to the higher grade the next year. So if you want your children to get the best results from the school that you have established by levying a special tax on your property keep them in school every day. R. A. Mkhkitt, Supt. KENLY NOTES Mrs. K. T. Renfrow is spending a few days in Nichols, 8". C. Mr. I. J. Creech spent Sunday aud Monday at Four Oaks. Miss I>eora Bagley, of Magley, visited friends here this week. Mrs. R. A. Hales returned Tuesday from Newport News. Miss Lillian Ausley, of Wilson, cspent Sunday with friends here. Several from here went to Rich mond today (Wednesday) on J latch Bros, excursion. Mrs. John U. High and daugh ter, Miss Eva, have returned from a visit, to Taylor. Mr. Charlie Sanders, from near | Sinitbtield, spent Monday here with nis aunt, Mrs. H. F. Edger ton. Misses Blanche and Meeks Ausley, of Ocala, Fla., speut sev eral days here last week with .Miss Emma Matthews. j Mrs. Dora Gil breath aud little sou, Hal, of Sniithfield came Monday to spend a few days ?vith her sister, Mrs. J. W. Gar den. "Mrs. R. H. Alford and little daughter, Louise, are visiting relatives in Pennsylvania They will also visit Atlantic City be fore returning home. The Xenly Council Jr U. 1 A. M. will have a public celebration here the filth of September. Hon. George E. Hood, of Goldsboro, Mviil deliver an address. "Mr. R. A . Hales and Miss Hoes Harden who have been in Balti rai?ru for several days buying /co?e and millinery for their fall , trade have returned home. The Measuring Party und Ice Cream "Supper given Monday nighi at the home of Mrs. H. F. Eager ton was a complete success. The net sum of $21 was realized fy; the church. The K enly Dispensary closed llast Frid av'afternoontoopen no ?more for at least two years, aud ?we'tope that neither it nor bar rooms will ever be allowed to open in our town or county again. At a recent meeting of the Hoard of Trustees of Kenlv Jtoeademy Prof. F, A. Edmund *oa, of Morganton, was elected principal for the ensuing year, ifiss Julia McEachern was re teacher of the ? r'l''r" mettate Department and Miss Matthews teacher ol the Primary Department. Tbemusic teacher has not yet been chosen. The school will have four courses -Literary, Normal, Music and Commercial. The school will open September 20th. August 30. Yellow Fever Situation I p to last night there bad Iteen lUl'J cases of vellow fever and 277 deaths in .New < ?rleans. Always Liberal to Churches. Kvery ehurili will be elrm a literal quantity <>f I., ilc M Call for it. I gullon* Longman A Martin*** 1.. A M I'.imt mixed witli three giiltonn lin **??*?<! oil. will paint a house. W. B. Burr, t-hurleiiUin. W.Va , write* "I'ainted Kraukenburg block with I. A M Stand" out aa tlioiitrb vaniiahed." W ears and covers like gold Don't pa; $1 *'> u gallon (or lin*****"! oil, which you d. : 1 ready (or u**e paint. Buy oil freah on. the barrel at <10 rente |ier italic; Hu uix it with I*. A M. , It makes paint j ?l sbout #1.20 |h*i ( gallon. Sold by W U. Sanders, Smith field K L. Hali A Kro . Betieon Bring us a load of tobacco and we will please you. Skinner & Patterson. Prettiest liueof hats ever shown iu Smithfield aud more of them at L. E. Watson. Come to see that if 100.00 suit of furniture at Cotter-I'nder wood Co's. You can buy spring and sum mer clothing at cost at W. G. Yelvington's for cash. When indigent Ian become* chronic it ih dangerous. Kodol Dyspepsia cure will cure Indigeston and all troubles result ing therefrom, thus preventing Ca tarrh of the Stomach. Sold by Hood Bros Benson Drug Co. J It. I,edbetter. SPECIAL KATES VIA S. A. L. RAILWAY. Richmond, Va.? Grand Foun tain, United Order True Reform ers, One fare plue 25 cents. Tickets sold September 3-6, final limit September 14th. Hot Springs, Ark.?Special Ex cursion Rates. One fare plus |2 00. Tickets limited 60 days. Sold first and third Tuesdays in September. Chattanooga, Tenn.?Erection of monuments by the State of North Carolina, Chicamauga Park, Seoteinber 17-10, dual limit five aays from date of sale. One fair plus #2 00 round trip. Denver, Col.?National En campment Grand Army of the Republic, Sept. 4 7, Special Low Rates to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo. Philadelphia, Pa.?Patriarchs Militant and Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. 0. F. Sept- 16 23. One fare plus #1 25 Tickets sold Sept. 13-14, 15, final limit Sept. 25th, with privilege of ex tension. Richmond, Ya.?Farmers Na tional Congress, Sept. 12-22ud. [ (>ue tirst class fare plus 25 cents. Tickets sold Sept. 25tb. Special Rates account of oc casions not mentioned above will be furnished upon applica tion; also time-tables or any ad ditional information. Address, C. H. Gattis, Traveling Pass. Agent. Raleigh, N. C. $g ?| || Some || | Clubbing I {Offers Now Is the time for our iAg readers to supply themselves Sjt with ell the papers they need for their next year's SI reading Sfi It S3 We Will Send jn jli &/>e jf I Smithfield | I] Herald | ; ; One year together with any Effl I paper named below at the tjj ; price opposite each Periodl- 111 * > Tri Weekly Constitution #1.85 flj 1 The Weekly " 1.50 S The Thrice-a-week World 1.75 3 The Home and Farm 1.30 3 The Southern Rnraltet 1.25 w All nubscrlption* an- for cash J In advance only j| i Address || T5he Herald || $$ Smithfield. N. C. || FA RM1: RS WA HE HOUS E. We give below some of the j (food uric** we have been getting: J. K. Creech, 16 lbs. 7; x1,; 15J, 7; 7o. H',? 1*4, IOC, UN,, 9\: 10, 10,C; 158, lit,; 10, 20',. I). V. Harper, 100 lbs, 11; 174,; i 0V .1. A Lee, 04 lb?, 7; 74, 7\. 72, 9%; 80, 0*,; 140. 11; 20, 25.) K C. Moore, 50 lbs, 7',: 72. 71,'; 1.10, lo; 52, 10', K M. Haw kins, 04 lbs, 0'4; OS, 8',; 78, 8\; 34, 10; 10, 14; 10O, 10 Joseph Creech, 30 lbs, 7',; 36. 30, 0; 24, 18; 10, 11V s. 18^. W. .1. Hudson, 100 lbs, 01-,; 124, 11!,; 30, 15',; scrap. 100, 4 80. Bring us your next load and we will give you a good sale Yours to serve, Hoyktt Bros , If you want a pair of the high est grade $5.00 shoe on the mar ket buy the Dorsch at L. E. j Watson. Car best patent flour just ar rived at Cotter-Cnderwood Co.'s at a bargain. Farmers, look to your interest and carry your tobacco to Faulkner & Harris, proprietors Planters Warehouse, Goldsboro, ) N. C., where the best prices are ] paid. Faulkner * Harris. If you will let your mule's head alone he will come straight to The Banner where he knows you , will be satisfied. Skinner & Fat- j terson. i Mr. Sam Davis will leave Sat urday for New York and other Northern markets where he will purchase one of the most up-to date lines of fall and winter goods ever brought to Johnston county. Do not buy your fall and winter goods until you have inspected our stock. We can save you money. Davis Bros We pay interest on time depos its. Bank of Smithtield, C. V. Johnson, Cashier. For dry goods and groceries , it will pay you to see Cotter- ' Underwood Co. That new line of enamel ware just received by the Smithtield 1 Hardware Co. is creating t. great 1 deal of talk. One car high grade buggies at Cotter-Underwood Co's. i A. VY. Dunning, Newton, Mass. buys old U.S. and loufederate stamps and bills. Send samples for prices he pays. We have made an average of above 10c on several loads of tobacco for past week. Boyett Bros. WANTED?10,000 pounds scrap iron, R. C. Peacock & Co. If you will cary your next load of Tobacco to Star Warehouse at Selma you will be pleased. R. W. Hutcherson, Prop. Cotter-Underwood Co. have two cars furniture now at depot. Faulkner a Harris want your tobacco at the Planters Ware house, Goldsboro, N. C., highest market in the East. Try us with one load. Highest prices paid for your tobacco atTheBauuer. Skinner & Patterson, proprietors. W G. Yelvington isclosingout his stock of straw hats for gents, youths and children regardless of cost. (In July 1st we will be ready to take commercial account*. Commercial & Savings Bank J as. H. Abell, Cashier. For the next 30 days vou can buy ladies'. Misses' and children's dressed hats at your own price at W. G. Yelvington's. We will be ready on July 1st to transact commercial as well as savinas business. Commercial & Savings Bank. Jas. H. Abell, Cashier. There was a break of 20,000 lbs. sold on the Farmers Ware house floor at Smithfield last Friday and not a tag turned. Car of salt just arrived at Cotter Underwood Co's. NOTICE. By virtue of the authority contained in a Mortgage Deed executed to me on 16th day January 1902 by Seth Allen and duly regis tered in the registry of Johnston county in Book O. No. 8 page 400, I shall sell at auction for cash at the court house door in Smith field, N. C? on the 30th day ot Sept. 1905 the, following real property: 1st tract adjoins the lands of J. W, Whit tenton. Seth Allen and others and is Lot No. 4 in Block No 2 in the plan of the J. S. Holmes addition the town of Benson. N, C. 2nd Tract is lot No. rt in Block No. 2 in the plan of the J. S. Holmes addition to plan of the town of Ben son and each of these parcels of land contain 3-10 of an acre. For record of plat see Book I. No, 5 page 540 of the Registers office of Johnston county roferenee to which is hereby particularly made for better discription and location. And fully described in said Mort gage. Aug. 29th 1905. J. A. MORGAN, Mortgee. WELLONS A MOKOAN, Attorneys. j! Planters warehouse j[ \\ GOLDSBORO. N. C. Si, ? s s is Si I The place to sell your Tobacco. Below we will ^ ; give you a few names and prices of to-day's sale: fi i W. L. Johnson, 1 load, 9, 9, 12, 12, 17& 20. M. L. Lane, | j 1 load, 9*. 10)4, 13,17. C. F. Oeee, lltf, 12*. 10?, 6, 8%. |J Woodard West, 8*. 13J<, 10, lift, 17. J. B. Howell. 1 || load $100.52. Jones & Thompson, 1 load, f92.17, | ? average 11 %. Bate .Smith, 1 load f 127.38, average 9^. | J Could mention many others but space will not f j allow. FAVLKNER ? HARRIS H Sf S 'tJN O T I C El? J * X * X x rt\ x x n x X wi X We are offering once more to our friends and custo- X IJ X X ^X mers a big opportunity to save money. Our large X fit X Lt i stock of Spring and Summer Goods must and will go * *N| 7* X Til X regardless of cost. We will price to you a few of ^ x UJ x our Wen s Suits: x x X mm x = * s X X X X $16.50 Suits now only $9.98 % % X U X $13-50 now 876 $7-50 now 500 x (f) X X * X $11.00 now 7.58 $5.50 now 2.98 X ft x 0 x ^9'00 now 6,68 * ? X X v X We also have 300 Boy's and Children's suits to X X Jj M offer you at half price?See this line for bargains | U | Our Shoes and Hats Can't be Equaled Anywhere %. 3 J IN STYLE QUALITY AND PRICES X ^ X ? n i ==_======_===^^ ? * St [5 Our Gents' Furnishings is complete in every respect. X [ ] 5 jS S " All we ask is to give us a call and be convinced as S W ^ X E?1 t? to our low prices on all the latest goods. Visit our ] X X\ mm X Store before buying elsewhere X X B V S ???? I J, I % % Who Do We Cut Our Prices So Low? % ^ % ?0 f 1 00 account ?' making more room for our big and most X PT1 X J? 1^ 5 up-to-date stock of Fall and Winter Goods which is coming X L J X ?2 r"? 5 in daily from the Great Northern Markets; Car loads of X X X HT 5 values, 8uch as has never been brought to Johnston county X "Tj X 22 5 before X Ar X S f fS We are yours for business 8 r g _________ 3 IDS Ix i DAVIS BROS Sis I ? I The Herald Printing It PI eases Send us your Next Order V. BeaUy. Holt (EL La^ssiter A Choice Lot of Cloth Bound Books at 40c Each Fall Trade We have for the Fall Trade Cooking and Heating Stoves and Majestic Ranges. These Ranges are superb in their equipment. Guns, Loaded Shells and ammunition. Devoe's and Kurfee's Paints. Lead. Oil and Varnishes. Carpenter's Tools and Farm Implements. Sash. Doors and other build ing material. Rubber. Leather and Canvass belt ing, and other Mill Supplies. Royal Washing Ma chines. Boys Wagons and Velocipedes. Johnston harvesting Machinery, which is as good as the best and cheaper. Call to see us. CLAYTON HARDWARE COMPANY C. W. CARTER. Proprietor. DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR "PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT. The DURABLE Fence, None so STRONG. All large wires. Highest EFFICIENCY. . a LOWEST COST. 3?T~ No Wraps --*213113? to hold ?-~p Moisture 4^, i . | 1 and cause ?? """] ft 1 Rust. ?ste^Lr^L.-~l'sr: * "rimsunuu Pauscr" Fsmci.io. (Special Style.) Absolutely STOW PROOF, W? can SAVE YOU MOREY en Fencing. CALL AND see IT. W. m. SANDERS SMIThFIELD, N. C.

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