Sije jsmitljfieljb Jlrralin price one dollar per tear "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD." single copies five cents. VOL.24. SMITHFIELD. N. C.. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1905. XO.89 Why We Should Be Thankful Some of the Reasons Enumerated by Ministers, Teachers and Business Men Thanksgiving Day is the National harvest festival of the United States and the last Thurs day in each November is set apart for this purpose each year by proclamation of the President. The first Thanksgiving in this country was observed in 1621 by the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth. President Washing ton appointed a day for this purpose in 1789 after the adop tion of the Constitution. The festival has been observed in New York regularly each year since 1817. While many Thanks giving Days have b?en observed in this country since the forma tion of the Republic, it did not become a real National Thanks giving until near the close of the! Civil War. Since that timej the President of the United: States has annually issued a proclamation setting apart the last Thursday in November as a day of thanksgiving and praise to God for all His goodness and mercies to men. Voafjiivlav (Pna thp rlav mpI I XCOUCIUUIJ "WW ? ? - , apart by President Reosevelt j and Governor Glenn as a day i when the people should cease from their wonted labors and assemble at their accustomed places of worship and give thanks unto God. It is a source of regret that the day is not more generally observed in the South than it is. If the whole people should cease from their labors one day and recount the blessings vouch safed to us by an All-Wise Ruler, who is the Father of nations as well as the Father of individuals, it would do us good. The editor of The Hekald, desiring to publish some expres sions on this subject, last Mon day sent out letters to about thirty-five ministers, mayors and business men and asked them to write him a short article on "Why we should be thankful" for this week's paper. He is sor ry that several of the number failed to respond. Below are published those re ceived: From W. S. Stevens, Esq. I am thankful that I live in a Christian land where man is tol erant of man's opinions, and where every citizen can worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience I am thank ful that I dwell among a people whose hearts are daily getting nearer their Maker and Creator; a people who love justice and fair dealing; who are brave to defend innocence; whose purse strings open wide to the educa tion of youth, to the maintain ance of the orphan and "unfor tunate one," and who delight to honor God with their substance. W. S. Stevens. Sinit hfield, Nov. 28. From the President of the Smith field Cotton Mills. The privileges vouchsafed to the American people are numer ous and precious. Our laws are so executed as to protect life and property. Plenty abounds and our people are prosperous and happy. We should rejoice: In the progress being made in i the education of our children. New school houses nie seen on every hand and are being filled with happy and well-cared for children. For the improvements of our public roads and the construct ion of new and better railroad facilities. For a rural free delivery service and the telephone which bring our sections in closer touch. For the expansion of our cur rency and the extension of our commerce. For the renumere tive prices of all agricultural pro ducts; for the wide-spread tem perance manifestations; for a better citizenship and the patri otism of our people. We should be especially thank ful for the universal peace and prosperity which now prevails to a greater extent than at any other period of time; for the de velopment of science and the ex tension of the gospel; for the benefits extended to our colonies by our benign institutions. We should be thankful for the personalities and patriotism of the President of our country and the Chief Kxecutive of this Com monwealth. Therefore, we as a people should be especially thankful for the privilege of participating iu the approaching Thanksgiving services of our respecti vechurches and for the opportunity of recon secrating ourselves to our coun try and to our All-wise and ever Merciful Heavenly Father, re membering that only those who are good citizens and faithful servants of His can be useful and happy during this life aad have a part in His kingdom in the world to come. W. M. Sanders. Smithfield, Nov. 28. From Rev. D F Putnam Why give thanks? Divine au thority commands it, and Christ, our Lord, practiced it. There fore, we ought o render obedi ence and give t tanks in everv thing. Again we should give thanks for riches of grace as manifested through Athe un speakable gift" of God's Son as a Saviour, in whose name we may come to the Giver of all good gifts, with the promise, "If ye ask anything in my name ye shall receive." From a temporal point of view, we exist in, and are sustained by, God's will and power, (treat progress has been made in home comforts and edu cational facilities. Since the first thanksgiving, political and re ligious liberty have betn receiv ed. We are now a great people, with a great country, and great prosperity is manifest. All of which is from Him from whom all blessings flow Let us give thanks, lest we forget. I) F. Putnam. Benson, Nov. 28. From Me v. C. W. Blanc hard Some things for which we ought to feel and express deepest gratitude to our Heavenly Father: For almost unprecedented tem poral prosperity. For the reign of righteousness in the seat of government. For the triumph of human in dividuality in all the world. For His gracious provision for our soul redemption. C. W Blanchakd. Clayton, Nov. 28. County Superintendent of Public ln?t r? tlon. We should be thankful for the triple wave of prosperity that is sweeping our State from moun tains to seashore. The wave of enthusiasm for popular education and the wave of temperance re - . '..and religious awakening struck the State al most simultaneously and the wave of industrial progress soon followed. Our County is sharing this prosperity. During the year we have voted special taxes for schools in Ave school districts and before tho year is gone we shall have built eleven handsome school houses. Our temperance reform has been but little less i than miraculous. Uood crops and fair prices make the farmers more independent than for years and with the farmer's prosperity has come prosperity to the mechanic, the merchant, and the manu facturer. Ira T. Turlington. Smithfield, Nov. 28. From Mayor W. M- Weeks. There is so much for which we should be thankful that 1 hardly know how to adequately express in so brief an article the many blessings and benefits for which , our hearts should swell with gratitude to the Giver of all good things. The people of our great State should be thankful for the blessings derived from a good government. The efforts that have been made for a better and safer government have been successful to a great degree. The success along some lines has been greater than was hoped for by the most sanguine. In it all we can see the Divine hand. We are assured that every effort made in .lesus' name, and in accor dance with His commandments, will be blessed; and we can hope for still greater blessings and greater achievements in His name. All power to do good comes from Him. W. \1. Weeks. Benson, Nov. 28. From Our Register of Deeds. Among that for which we should be thankful is the genius of the inventor in developing, the j heretofore, latent agencies and possibilities into vehicles for our use and comfort in obtaining a ; livelihood and the alleviation of pain and mitigation of suffering. The unparalleled enthusiasm I of our people for the develop ment of the mind, with its result ; ing deep, strong, vigorous moral and religious spirit, and ageneral broadening of the conception of ! God and His goodness is cause for much thanksgiving. "Every good and perfect gift comes from God." W. A Edgerton. Smithfield, Nov. 29. From the Superintendent of Benson Graded School As we stand in the morning of the twentieth century, taking a retrospective view at the jour ney our National and State "Ship of State" has taken, we should be thankful for the lives of the men who have been at its j helm, and that our lots were cast at this time and place. I Seeing that God in His all-wise providence has seen tit to give1 us a harvest that will keep us from want and penury, we should be thankful for the seasons, sun j shine and showers. But above all we should be thankful that God in His all-wise providence, has torn down the stillhouse and saloon, and in their stead has erected churches and school houses. B. W. Au.en. Benson, Nov. 28. From Rev. J. W. Suttle. We do not have to stop and think in order to remember rea sons "Why we should be thank ful to God." On every baud we may find cause for praising and thanking our Lord. Praise i.< always acceptable unto God. Of old the people entered the tem ple with their instruments of music and their songs of praise, and ?he glw'.y of God filled the bouse. The grateful heart should be ready for service. "What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits?" if we want the ordinary aud simple gifts of God tn ">' j a morning lustre, let us be thank i ful. Thankfulness will not load our tables, but it will put a de licious sweetness in our simple fare. Thankfulness will kindle ! such a brilliant light in our own little homes, that we will no lon ger gaze at and covet the splen ] dor of our neighbors. We should be thankful because it brings contentment and con tentment joined to practical god liness produces perfect happiness. Thankfulness can find bless ings in heaps of rubbish where other e.ves only see curses. J. W, BUTTLE. Smithfield, Nov. 2b. From President Home. "Why we should be thankful." ?Because as a people we are enjoying the special blessings of health, prosperity, civil and re ligious liberty, and are at peace with the world. Because our fields have yielded to us an abundant harvest, the seasons have been unusually propitious, and the prices for all agriculturn' products are such as to best ir gratitude in the hearts of evorv farmer We rejoice t hat, the world is at peace, and tha.r. right is gaining over wrong. Ashley Hokne. Clayton, Nov. 29. From Rev R. W Horrell. At no time since the war be tween the States has existed such friendship and harmony be tween the North and the South I as at the present. For this and the prosperity of our land, we i should give thaoks to God. We should be very thankful for the growth of God's kingdom in our midst; for through it I come all the blessings, for this life and the life to come. Person ally I should take the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. In every thing we should give thanks, for this is the will of God. R. W. Horrell. Selina, Nov. 28. Mom nr. D. E. ncKinne. We should be devoutly thank ful for the strong temperance sentiment that pervades our Southland, and especially for the great change that has come over our own county of Johnston and state of North Carolina. It means better boys, better men and better country. We should be thankful for good government ?that so many Godfearing men are at the head of public affairs, thankful for good wives and hap py homes, thankful for such a good and wise Heavenly Father, who is ever shielding us from harm and whose loving kindness is so constantly manifested towards His children. I). E. McKinne. Princeton, Nov. 28. From Rev- B. G- Early. "O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving." Psalms 95:12. When we look on every hand and see the rich gifts of God so lavishly bestowed upon us, we are duty bound to take up the crv of the Psalmist. We should be thankful for the material prosperity of our coun try; for the rapid strides towards righteousness in our body poli tic; for the absence of bloody war in our country. Above all, we should be thankful for God's great love to man. B. G. Early. Smithfleld, Nov. 28, From Mayor E. J. Holt. The people of this town, county and State should be thankful for general good health, fair crops, good prices, and especially for the great advancement made in the education of our people to a biirber plane of sobriety, mo rality. and a general elevation of all classes to a condition of life calculated to make thrm betttrl o ??<* h;' f Due of the grandest causes for thankfulness is the evidence that the people of this government are tired of "Bossism," corrup tion and graft inpolitics, and have so declared in the recent | elections. E. J. Hoi.t. Smithfield, Nov. 27. From Mr. B. B. Adams. I am thankful for a multitude of thiugs, and especially that 1 live in this age, the borderland of the twentieth century, fraught with its manifold advantages of developed industries, higher edu cation and spiritual training. That I am an American citizen and hail from the Old Tar Heel j State, and am thankful in no small degree that I am a "John stonian" by inheritance. B. B. Adams. Four Oaks, Nov. 29. From President Bank ot Selma. We should feel thankful for the great wave of prosperity all over the whole country, the peace of all nations, the growth of Chris tianity and temperance, and the good will and kindly feelings of all nations towards our beloved country. We should especially feel thankful for the great victory achieved against the liquor traffic in Johnston county. M. C. Winston. Selma, Nov. 29. Superintendent Smitbfield Graded Schools. Among the many things for which we should he profoundly grateful to God on this Annual Thanksgiving Day is the progress that education is making in our midst. That God has put it into the minds and hearts of our good people to make better provisions for the traiuingof those to whom He has committed to their care, should be recognized by all of u? as one of His good and perfect | gifts for which His name should be praised. R A. Mekritt. Jmithtield, Nov. 30. A Daniel to Judgment. Mr. Yerkes, International Revenue Commissioner at Wash ington, has ruled that after the first of December, no one can sell patent medicines con taining more than five per cent of alcohol without taking out a whiskey dealer's license, and of course in local option territory such patent medicines cannot be sold at all. Mr. Yerkes further rules that no physician can pre scribe whiskey without taking out a dealer's license; and that every express office which de livers C. O. I), packages of whiskey is a seller of whiskey, and must take out a license. Manufacturers of patent medi cines containing more than five cent, of alcohol will be classed as distillers and forced to pay tax as do whiskey manufacturers. Surely a Daniel has come to judgment. We are glad that Mr. Yerkes is a Kentuckian. We are glad to know that in his rul ings he has the support of Presi dent Roosevelt. We are glad to know that behind all of these great movements the people of our land, irrespective of party or creed, are gathering in solid phalanx. These rulings of Mr. Yerkes and the recent great anti-saloon victory in Ohio, reported in an other column by Dr. G. W. Young, enable us to see the be ginning of the end of whiskey domination in politics; and, too the end of the whiskey tralttc. When that is accomplished then will our land take a great leap upward in commerce, education and religion. The outcome of it all is too great and glorious to fully realize until it breaks upon us ?Baptist Argus, Louisville. --Mr.N. A.Carter, the Johnston County representative of the Greensboro Life Insurance Com pany, returned last week from Ashpole where he had been called on account of sickness in bis family. CLAYTON NOTES. Mr. Everett Kennedy, of Ral eigh, was the guest of Sir. Wilkes Barnes Sunday. Mr. Louis Crabtree spent Sat urday and Sunday here, the guest of Mr. J. Daniel Eason. There will be Thanksgiving ser vices at the Baptist church Thursday night by the pastor. Mr. Calvin B. Jones' new dwell ing is about completed and since be had it painted is a handsome building Mr. M. G. Gulley, as guardian for Coy Turnage, has sold the lot belonging to Turnage to Mr. A. J. Barbour. Mrs. L. D. Debnam and chil dren, of Selma, spent a few days here with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Griffin, this week. A Christmas tree for the little folks of the Baptist Sunday school is now under discussion and should certainly be decided upon. i> Rev. J. W. Smith has been em ployed to teach at the High School during Miss Shore's ill ness, which we hope will be of short duration. Mr. Burt Barbour, of Cleve land township, owns a coffee mill that has been in regular service for 70 years. Quite a long life for a coffee mill, eh? The prospects for a paper for Clayton seem very bright just (now. Naturally it will be a small sheet at first, but with push it may get to be a big thing. Mr. Lonnie Holland, who is with the Southern as flagman, spent a few days herewith friends this week. He is now at Four Oaks visiting his mother and sister. Dr. J. B. Robertson has pur chased the old store houses be longing to Mr. Joe R. Hinnant and had them moved from the lot, thus leaving his premises in better shape. The Bazaar will be in opera tion while you are reading this paper, and you ought to lay it down and come along and buy some of the pretty and useful tilings offered for sale by the ladies Wc learn that Mr. R H. Gower has bought Mr. . W. B. Penny's tract of land lying just out of Clayton. This is a very valuable tract of land and we congratu late Mr. Cower on his good for tune in securing it. Clayton High School continues to grow in number of students and in popular favor. We sha'l withhold for a short while any praise, but you can ask any student attending this school, and decide after hearing bis opinion. Rev. G. W. Fisher, who for the Rast four years has been a faith il pastor to the Methodist church here, will be located else where after the conference. We regret to lose him, but wish hiui the same success as bad here ia any Held to which he may go. Yelir. Coining In Daily. I am securing letters and pos tal cards from farmers in differ ent parts of the county every day saying they will hold some cotton ninety days for fifteen cents. I have alreadv forwarded pledges for several bundled bale? to headquarters of the Southern Cotton Association. There are many others who could hold odb or more bales. Write me at once if you want to help in this mat ter. J. M. Bkaty. Secretary, Smithfield, N. C. A Feartul Fate. It is a fearful fate to have to endure the terrible'orture of Piles. "1 can trutl a? I ly sav." writes Harry Coison. ? f Mason ville, la., "that for Blind, Bleed ing, Itching and Protruding Piles. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, Arnica Salve, is the best cure made." Also best forcuts, burns hp^ in juries. 2iic at Hood Bros. druggist*.

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