I COUNTY ~i I i CORRESPONDENCE J M The Week'? Happenings Told by The % M Herald'* Regular Co: respondent*. ^ 1-=V^=?1 CLAYTON NOTES. ? Messrs Will 1). Hood and Duke Puucau spent Sunday afternoon here. " Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ililliard .spent Sunday visiting in the country. Mr. jas. L. Johnson has pur chased Sheriff Ellington's house in Upper Clayton. Misses Iloxie and Alma Easom, of Smithfield, ejwnt Sunday with Miss l.ucile Ellington. Miss Alice Lindsay, of Smith lield, spent Monday here the guest of Mrs. M G. Gulley. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robertson, j of Philadelphia, l'a., are thej guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Rob ertson. Pastor Rlanchard being in disposed by a cold, there was no preaching at the Baptist church iSunday. Mr. John L. Parrish has pur chased a lotnear Mr. John Mitch 1 well ing thereon. There was a "Wild Wesf'show here Monday night. Those who attended, say it was very good, rtplendid shooting and music. Rev. J. O. Guthrie, of Raleigh, General Agent of The National Life Insurance Co., spent several days this week, writing them up. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones and children, of Selma, spent Sunday here, the guests of Mrs. Jones' ?parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Phil lips. Mr. George King killed a ten aDd one half months old pig Tuesday that weighed 341 pounds. How is this for a pret ty good pig? Mr. W. E. Stallings is having his house on Oneil Street remod elled. When finished it will be one of the handsomest houses on this street. Mr. John T. Talton, formerly with Messrs. Home & Son, has accepted a position as book keeper and assistant cashier of the Hank of Clayton. Mr D. L. Jones has purchased Mr. H. T. Medlin's home place and will move there some time this year. Mr. Medlin will build on the corner of his lot near Shaving Street. The ladies are observing this week us a Week of Prayer. They are having splendid meetings and much good is sure to come from the constant work of these faithful women. There have been a few real es tate deals made here recently, and fancy prices were paid in each instance. Clayton proper ty is only accessible to the man with the "dough." Mrs James Lord, nee Miss Mabel Culbretb, of New York, is visiting here. Mrs. Lord was at me time one of the teachers of llayton High School and has uany friends in our town. Mr. W. M. Turley and family tave moved to Dr. Griffin's resi lence. Dr. and Mrs. Griffin will board with them Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones have moved to the bouse vacated by Mr. Turley. Messrs. B. M. Robertson & Co. have j jst received two car-loads of horses and mules for the spring trade. They are dandies and will be sold at the same low prices usually charged by this great concern. Rev. Mr. Williams,of Wilming ton, has been appointed to this circuit, iu the stead of Dr. J. J Itenn. deceased. Dr. T. N. Ivey,of the Christian Advocate, will preach here at the Methodist church Sunday. Jan. 10th. Yelir. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Rleediug, Pro truding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 25c. Dr. Jno. F. Miller, who has been Superintendent of the East ern Insane Asylum for the past fifteen years, died at his home near Goldsboro, Tuesday night. Dr. Miller was seventy-one years of age and had long been known as one of the State's most promi nent physicians. ^ J. ? J. I wish to say to the people who trade at Sinithtield that I have accented a position in the store of Mr. W. M. Sanders and will be glad to have them call to see me. W. M. Weeks. lieiuz's Mince meat, lac per lb. 1 Acme GroceryCo. KENLY NOTES. Mr. C. W. Edgerton uiade a short business trip to Wilson Tuesday. Mr. Andrew Harris,of Robeson County, paid our town a visit Wednesday. The merchants here have been very busy the past ten days tak ing stock, etc. Miss Kate High, of Louisburg, spent Saturday and Sunday here 1 with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Holland, of Benson, are visiting friends 1 and relatives in this section. Mr. l^evin J. Stancil, of Selma, has been visiting friends and, relatives here this week. Miss Kate Harden left Mondaj- j' for Fayetteville to spend some time visiting her sister, Mrs. John Adams. Miss Lillie High, of Louisburg, who has been spending a few ' weeks here visiting friends and relatives, returned home Mon day. Misses Maud and Leone Edger ton and Eva High, after spend- ' iug two weeks holiday here with their parents, returned to Louis burg Monday to again enter up on their studies in Louisburg Fe- i male College. Uev. E. W.Souders,of Fayette- 1 ville, filled his regular monthly I appointment here at the 1'resby- I teriau church Sunday morning ' and night, preaching two excel- ' lent and soul stirring sermons to ' large and appreciative audiences. I Hog killing is about over with the farmers around here?most 1 of whom have put up a large 1 quantity of meat. We have some 1 very successful hog raisers in ' this section. Mr. Henry Flowers < killed three pigs, twelve months ' old, which netted him nearly 1 1,100 pounds. Mr. Thompson < Kirby killed one which was a I few weeks older that tipped the < scales at 500 pounds. i The public meeting of Kenly Council No. 13(5, Jr. O. U. A. M., which was to have been held ? Tuesday night, was postponed I and will be held Tuesday night, January l(5th, in the Academy i at 7:80 o'clock. There will be > addresses by prominent men, I among whom will be Mr. W. A | Chisholm, of Sanford. There i will be music by an orchestra i and a special choir. The public is cordially invited. Jan. 10th. Rex 1 BENSON NEWS. The little infant of Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Royal died last Tuesday. Miss Leola Smith spent last Tuesday iu Dunn with Miss Let tie Peacock. Mr. John N. Gregory has ac cepted a position with J. H. Boone & Son. Mr. Moses Peacock, of Dunn, has uccepted a position with the Benson Drug Co. Messrs R. F. Smith, U. F. Wal lace, Dr. J.C. Johnson and A. Parrish made a trip to Iialeigh last Tuesday. Mr. Jacob Royal, of Emporia, V'a., is in town for a few days. Mr. Royals will soon move his 'amily here, and will make Ben son his future home. Solon. Noel-Hood Invitations huye been issued as follows: Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hood re quest the honor of your pres ence at the marriage of their daughter Pauline Maybell to Mr. George Thompson Noel on Wednesdav evening, January twenty-' >urtb nineteen hundred and eh ai ine o'clock. Baptist Church Sc'ma, North Carolina. Married. On Wednesday -January 10, at j! eight c?V ck, P. M., at the home j of the hn-le'8 father, Mr. George Masstu;. ill. his daughter, Miss j Lucreti , -v is united in marriage to Mr l an Moore, son of Rev. John > core. The ceremony was perform- -1 by Elder L. P. Adams. May lueir lives be long and i happy. L. I A Modern Miracle. "Trulv miraculous seemed the recover.f of Mrs. Mollie Holt, of this place,'' writes J. O. R. Hoop ?r, Woodford, Tenn., "she was so wasted by coughing up puss from her lungs. Doctors de- < dared her end so near that her < family had watched by her bed- ] side forty-eight hours; when, at < ny urgent request Dr. King's I New Discovery was given her, ] with the astonishing result that 1 improvement began, and con- i tinued until she finally complete 1 y recovered, and is a healthy < woman to-day." Guaranteed cure 1 for coughs and colds. 50c. and f M-00 at Hood Bros., druggists. I frial botlie free. j! POLENTA NEWS. Moving Lias been all the go fur the past several days. .Mr. A. .M. Barbour will soon coiuiueuce the erection of a resi dence. Some of our farmers havecom menced to fallow ground for an other crop. Mr. Norman Johnson and his sister Miss Blanch, of Elevation, spent Sunday with Miss Bertha J ones. Mr. Will Coats has taken charge of the Ellis farm, recently bought by Messrs. Julian and Dave Barbour, of Clayton. Mrs. Mary Stephenson, of Wise, Warren county, spent several days last week visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah Barbour. Our people are considerably worried at not getting the "Hkh ald" before Monday. They look tor it Saturday and are disap pointed if it fails to come. In the hurry of our write up last week, we omitted to men tion the sociable at Mr. J. W. Smith's Friday night of Christ mas week given in honor of Miss Vessie Coats. An enjoyable time was had, say those who were present. We all sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Yelvington in the loss of their little six months old girl, which died Wednesday of last week of pneumonia. The little one was buried Thursday evening in the family burying ground. No farmer should put in oyer ten acres of cotton to the horse this year. Manure that thor oughly and cultivate it properly and you will get a bale to the acre. Remember that a large acreage is calculated to depress the price of cotton, which means drudgery for the farmer. Don't let us play into the hands of our enemies by planting a large acre age. Mr. H. M. Barbour recently visited his old school mate, Mr. J. P. Hutchinson, of Rock Hill, S. C., whom he had not seen for twenty-three years. Of course, after so long a separation, the coming together of two old friends, such as they are, was a happy one. Rock Hill is located in York county, has seven thou sand inhabitants, is a growing town, and is noted for its water power. On Mr. Hutchinson's farm is an electric power plant, furnishing nine thousand horse power, which runs eleven cotton mills, furnishing lights and street car power for Rock Hill, Yorkville, Charlotte and Man chester. Mr. Barbour says its a magnificent plant, and says it is i beautiful sight to see the water iowiug over a twenty-six foot iam. Twenty-five miles below Kock Hill another plant is being put in, which will turn out seven ty-five thousand horse power, which will yield the owners $21. 30 per horse power, peryear. Mr. Barbour says the people are thrifty, energetic and kind, says two thousand bales of cotton are being held by the farmers of i'ork countv, wHch has been stored in a warehouse in Rock Hill. He says he was delighted with his trip, likes the country and people, but says he there is ao place like old Johnston coun ty, which is good enough for him. Jan. 9. Typo. ro CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY rako LAXATIVE BROMO Quin ine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GiROVE'S signature on every aox. 25c. Farmers' Meeting The farmers of Cleveland Town ship are earnestly requested to meet at the Shelter (J. W. Green's Store) Friday, January 19th, at 10 A. M , to take into considera tion the advisability of organ izing a permanent Farmers'Club. Farmers of adjoin' g Townships are cordially i vited to meet with us. Mr. T it. Farker and other speakers of note have been invited to come, and will doubt less be on hand and deliver agri cultural addresses. Let us all turn out on that day. T W.LeMay, F.T.Booker, Township Pres. Secretary. May Live 100 Years. The chances for living a full century are excellent in the case af Mrs. Jennie Duncan, of Haynesville, Me., now 70 years aid. She writes: ' Electric Bit ters cux-ed me of Chronic Dys pepsia of 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and strong is a young girl." Electric Bit ers cure Stomach and Liver dis cases, Blood Disorders, General Debility and bodily weakness, sold on a guarantee at Ilood Ftros. drug store. Price only >0c. i LETTER TO THE HERALD READERS Hood Bros. Guarantee Hyomei to Cure Catarrh or it Costs Nothing. , Editor of The Hekald: In view of the prevalence of catarrhal troubles at this season of the year, we want to tell your readers that we have never sold auything that gave more satis faction than Hyomei, when used in catarrhal troubles. You get immediate relief from the treat ment, and consistent use will prove to every sufferer, as it has to many of our customers, the virtue of this preparation. The complete Hyomei outfit consists of a pocket inhaler a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Myooiei, and the price is only $1, while additional bottles can be obtained for 50 cents. We positively guarantee a cure when Hyomei is used in accord ance with directions, or we will ] refund your money. This cer- j tainly shows our faith and belief j in the virtues of Hyomei, j Yours very truly, Hood Bros. j Try our Lilac Brand Corn 15c j per can. Acme Grocery Co. Jap-a Lac at Smithfield Hard- j ware Co. 's store. V. N.Barbour keeps Norfolk I and West Point oysters, also j fresh barbecue every day In j Fuller Building. Vegetable j soup every day. ? Go to W. G. Yelvington's ; store for your jackets, cloaks, ready made skirts, dry goods j and iadies' fine dress shoes and j millinery at reduced prices. Window Shades made any size by Smithfield Hardware Co. As thinking rules the world, so do groceries rule 'he house hold. Consider carefully and buy of W. L. Woodall. FARM FOR RENT. I have a one horse farm to rent to a good farmer who can furnish his stock. I will furnish fertilizers of desired. Can fur nish enough land for a two horse crop if necessary. J. M. Beaty, Smithfield. You will find at W. G. Yelving ton's store a large stock of boots and heavy-weight shoes for cold wet weather at old prices. FOR SALlT One sow and five pigs. D. L. Flowers stock of hogs. F. H. Brooks. ~ MONEY TO LOAN. I can lend money at 6 per cent. Good security required. Jno. A. Nakron. < Dec. 20, 1905. Attorney, j Mules & Horses por Sale \V jj I We keep on hand a large lot of | well broke Mules and Horses i which we will sell for cash or on j time. Come and see our stock i j before you buy. B. M. Robertson ; & Company, Clayton, N. C. Notice! To the citizens of Johnston County:?I have opened a General Repair Shop at Pine Level and am now prepared to do repairing on |vehicles, "" and general job work. "Tfrith several years experience in servingilthe peopleRinjnv ?fcline, I believe 1 can give you good reliablejwork, and I ask for a liberal share of your patronage. Come aDd see me when you need ,j any thing in my line. J. F. TYSON. iji? 1 | Announcement | 4 =? %r. 4- rf * Alter thoroughly considering the matter and die- si: SIS cussing it with all parties concerned, we have de- ji? S^S cided to continue our business at Fourt lake under ^ the management of Messrs. J. \V. Keen and (J, L. >'23 Faeon. The growth of our bueineee in Four Oake S^. :|i hae been remarkable, and it pleaeee ue to announ- 2XS $ ce that we find it necessary to place Mr. Chas. ?23 ? Eaeon there with instructions, in co-operation ^ i|? with Mr. Keen, to open the big blade, and to do ?ft? Sjj business. f\Ir. Eaeon will pay particular atten- j*. :^? tion to the buying of cotton, and we assure all j*; ^5 farmers who carry cotton to Four Oaks, that he ??s Si: will pay the highest market price, and will get ae ^ SiS good weights as they can anywhere, as he is an {&, SIS old and experienced buyer and understands the Si; busine-s H We trust that all parties indebted to ^ SIS the concern there, will promptly pay their ac- SIS S^S counts, and that the patronage heretofore ac- jj|| S^S corded us by the public will be accorded to Messrs, SIS Keen & Eason. As heretofore, customers of our ||| ^S store at Smithfield, if they so desire, can have SCS S|S their guano delivered at Four Oaks. IThanking i; Iour irieuds for their past support, and bespeaking a: a continuance of the same, we are, |k Very respectfully, ve Ausiln-siephenson company | Genuine Peruvian Guano [ < Guaranteed Pure j Can be had in Benson & Beasley of the following: ????-???_______ ??! j I -?? J. H. Boon & Son, J. J. ROSE, i > -4 ! s? 3 ; f* Benson, N, G. Beasley, N. C. 3 m s . j -or- j: | Edmond Morlmer &, Co., Oliver Smith & Co., *1 i* I* Sole Importers Sole State Agents |r Charleston, S. C., New York, N. Y. Wilmington, N.C. ? Mrrrm ittvt n rr 1111111111111 ii 11111111111111111?! j! Watch - This - Space - Next - Weak % M - S x i W It's Dure's Steel Sulky Stalk Cutter, and w PR one horse Stalk Cutters, Poultry Netting, Pf One and Two horse Steel Beam Plows and a J Pj 5000 pound shipment of White Boy Dixie J Pf and Boy Clipper Plows and Castings that J J are arriving this week. Come and see. 5 P^ Thanking all our customers for their 1905 5 J business, and soliciting a continuance of the ^ F same. We are, 5 2 Yours to serve, ? Pi c* 5 _==_==_====_=^_ X g E. L. HALL BRO., * gj Benson, N. C. jj( ^fT;rt:;T;;x:;i;:x;;xir?;rr;rxi;T?rT::zs;?;aii!x;:xi:x;:xiiXTiXCTnxig^XSa A nappy New vear i i ==^===^==^= w I I hi To do this make your home life u 1 cheerful. We can help you if jj you will come to our store and select a nice line of Pictures, U Hall Packs, Rugs, Chairs or a nice ? Suit of Furniture. Yours to serve, ! | Smithfield Furniture Co., Sj Smithfield. N. C. ? rrrrrrmx^rrrcr rr t:: r 'T. una srx:r ixttttttt: r:iyt tttx. li