TIHE above picture of the man and fish is the trade mark of Scott's Emulsion, ' and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coun tries of the globe. If the cod fish became extinct it would be a world-wide calam ity, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott's Emul sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS 40U-41& PRABL 8THKKT, NEW YOBK 50c. and $1.00. All druggists. Record Congress For Speeches. According to the compilers of the Congressional Record, the preseut Congress has done more talking than any previous Con gress since the first publication of the Record. Up to January 10th the speech-makers had tilled approximately 2,300 columns of the Record. This exceeds the av erage record by 404 columns ? New York Sun. The soothing and comforting effects of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, when applied to Piles sores, cuts, boils, etc., subdues pain almost instantly. This Salve draws out the inflammation, re duces swelling and acts as a rubefacient, thus circulating the blooo through the diseased parts, permitting or aiding Nature to permanently remove the trou ble entirely. Sold by J. 1!, Ledbetter, Hood Bros., Benson Drug Co. Timed. Stern Parent?What time did that young man leave? Pretty Daughter?Just when you got home from thelodge, Ma returned from her bridge party, and Bridget came back from her night out.?Yew York Sun. Perfection can only be attained in the physical by allowing Nature to appro priate and not dissipate her own re sources. Cathartics gripe, weaken? dissipate, while DeWitt's Little Early Risers simply expel all putrid matter and bile, thus allowing the liver to as sume normal activity. Good for the complexion. Sold by J. It. Led better, Hood Bros., Benson Drug Co. Wood's Seed Book FOR 1900 is one of the handsomest and most valuable publications of the kind issued. The useful and practical hints contained in the annual issues of Wood's Seed Book make it a most valuable help to all Farmers and Gardeners and it has long been recognized as an up-to date authority on all Garden and Farm Seeds, garticularlyjor^outhernjjla^ Wood's Seed Book mailed free to Farmers and Gardeners upon request. Write for it. T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, . VIRGINIA. We solicit your orders direct, for both VEGETABLE and FARM SEEDS, If your merchant does not sell WOOD'S SEEDS. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bosy Medicine for Buiy Jsopls Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor A *n#olflc for Constipation, Imtlprestlon. IJwe and Kidney Troubles, Pimplew E??m? Impure Blood, Baiu See the ueat brass be.!, the snowy drap eries, the ueat run spread over cleau umttiug. Everything fair to see. Our girl is a great'home body'?somehow or other our boy wants to be out outhestreet instead of at home. "O.yee, this is the boy's room. That bed was the one we came near throwing away. What's that? Yes, wheuever we have any bed clothes that are worn we let the boy have them, and we'd put a cheap carpet on the floor only he'd soon wear holes in it with his heavy shoes, lie doesn't seem to care much for a room of his own, so we just put that old cracked mirror over the dry goods box, and then we cov ered the box with some wall pa per left over from last spring, lie started to hang some pic tures on the walls, but he had to drive nails in the plaster to do it, and we couldn't have the wall marred like that. That's the reason there are no pictures in here. I've been thinking 1 would have the glazer put in a new glass but keep forgetting it However, that piece of paper pasted over the hole keeps out the wind and rain almost as good as glass. "Where is he now? I don't know. He left right after dinner. 1 cannot understand why he does | not like to stay at home, for 1 j am sure we try to make home attractive and pleasant for him." Head this over a few times, you fathers and mothers, whose | sons are disinclined to stay at, home. Perhaps you will get an j idea. There seems to be one j lurking around here somewhere, j ?The Commoner. You will not find beauty in rouge pot or complexion white wash. True beauty comes to them only that take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It is a wonderful tonic and beautifier. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. A. H. Boyett, Druggist, Selma Drug Co. Noncommittal. "Mamma, did you ever flirt when you were a girl?" "Yes, my dear, I did once." "And were you punished for it?" "It led to my marriage with your father."?Le Hire. A Matter of Price. Reporter: "Uncle, to what do you attribute your long life?" Oldest Inhabitant: "I don't know yit, young feller. They'e several of these patent medicine companies that's dickerin' with me."?Chicago Tribune. For coughs and colds no remedy is equal to Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It is different from all others? better, because it expels all cold from the system by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. Affords immediate relief in Croup, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc. Children love it. Sold by J. K. Ledbetter, Hood Bros., Benson Drug Co. WATCH STOLEN. Stolen on January 4, 1906, at Selma, N. 0., one watch, gold tilled hunting case No. 5825728, Elgin 15 jewel movement No. 10787041. Finder will be liber ally rewarded by returning same to The Hekald office. NOTICE! By virtu^ot the authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed to me on the 17th day ol May, 1904, by J. H. Woodard and wife, Millie Woodard, and duly Register ed in the Register's Office of Johnston Coun ty in Book Z No. N page 8, 1 shall sell at auc tion for cash at the Court House door in the town of Smithtield. N. C? on the 24th day of Feb'v, 1906. the following Real property to wit: A certain piece or lot of land in Fine Level. N. C., and bounded as tollows: On North by lands of Winnie Creech, South and I West by lands of R. and M. E. (lodwin, on East by lands of J. C.Oliver heirs, contain ing1 six tenths of acre and fully described in division of W. IS. Oliver, deceased, and allot ted to D. It. Oliver and more fully described in said Mortgage. This 2Uth day of January. 1906. J AS. A. WKLLONS, W. L. CREECH. Attorney. Mortgagee. SPECIAL REDUCED RATES VIA SEABOARD. Pensacola, Fla.; New Orleans, La.; Mobile. Ala.: Account Mar di Gras, February 22nd-27th, one fare plus 25c round trip, tickets sold February 21st-2our \WJs Per V Acre 1p One Of The Results I I of liberally using our fcrtili | I zjrs. is to nay off u mortgage J n on the old farm Head the fol lowing from Messrs. Wherry 1 I Jc Sou.owners of the Magnolia \ [V Fruit Farm, Durant. Miss.* \ IV "Wemailo $HU \jr strawberries, on which your fertilizers were used. Eight K^B IjU BHP out twenty years before, but by liberally using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers ? under peas and velvet beans. $ we can now grow almost any- * thing, and have been offered $^60 per aero for the place. Wo experimented with a great 'j many brands of fertilizera. M but find the highest per-cent. J cheaper." Now don'tyou think $ II Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers :\S would enable you to pay off a v"~\ mortgage if you had one? Well, don't use any other. f\ Virginia-Carolina Chemical Cs/| Richmond, Va. V Norfolk, Va. t Durham. N. C. BlB Charleston, S. C. ^^B Baltimore, Md. f%*' ? ^ Atlanta, (la. ? ^jj Savannah. Oa. ^^R Montgomery, Ala. MR Memphis, Tenn. yll Shreveport, La. 1i' jj It Will Pay You! I have on hand a select lifte of Buggies and Wagons also Harness at Low Prices For Cash When in need ef a first class Vehicle be sure to see me before buying. I keep well broke Ik ?iHMWHiiummiiiwiTOm ' | Mules And Horses and ask all to come to see me and save money b.y buying now. i will carry a number of stock all the season, so you can come any time and get suit ed. Don't buy until you see me. Yours to serve, Alonzo Parrish BENSON. N. C. NOTICE. By virtue of the authority containe d in a Mortgage Deed executed to M. C. Stewart on the l^th day of .January, 1905, by J. K. Finch and wife, Lumie E., and duly registered in the Register's office of .Johnston county in book Z No. H. page 150. and transferred to us, we sha 1 sell at auction, for cash at the Court House door in the town of Sraithfleld. N. C.. on the 5th day of Feb'y. locti. the following real property to-wit: One lot in tiie town of Benson, N. C., known as lot No. 4 in block "F" in the C. C. Kyals addition. Beginning at a stake on Mill Street and runs S. :J7 ^ VV. 140 feet to an alley thence N. 58 i W. 10 feel to Ingram Smith's corner thence N J7S E. 140 feet to Mill Street thence s. 5:Ot F.. 50 feet to the beginning?containing a i motional part of an acre and fully described in said Mortgage. This :2nd day of January. 1906. C. W. ANDEKSON, < Assignees of C. A. ANDEKSON, f Mortgagee. ?HI II I I I*1 J [a CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS ? U Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. } P#1 Use in time. Sold by druggists- n jfi I I I I I I I II I jji N otice!) To the citizens of Johnston County:?I have opened a General Repair Shop at I'ine Level and am now prepared to do repairing on vehicles, and general job work. With several years experience in serving the people in mv line, 1 believe I can give you good reliable work, and I ask for a liberal share of your patronage. Come nnd ste nie when you need anything in my line. J. F. TYSON. .11.' S<>o our Shoes. B. rues-Edgerton Co. BUSINESS CARDS JAS. L. WOODALL Attorney-At-Law CLAYTON, North Carolina Special Attention Given to all Legal Business. fcaJTOtfice over Bank of Clayton. L. H. ALL-RED, Attorney-At-Law SELMA, N. C. Will Practice In all the Courts. Treasurer's Card. ALEX. WIG6S, Treasurer of Johnston County, WILL HE IN SMITHFIELD EVERY Monday and Saturday and Court Weeks Office in hack room of the Bank of Smith field. In his absence county orders will paid at the Bank | Bring your old f Metals, Rubbers, f | Rags, Etc, to | i M. M. Gvilley | Fancy Grocer % I CLAYTON. ? - N. C. I MOT ICE, By virtue of the authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed to me ou the 13 day of April, 1904, by B, H. Bryant and Susanna Bryant, his wife, and duly registered in the Register's Ottico of Johnston County in book S. No, 8, page 532, 1 shall sell at auc tion for cash at the Court House door in the town of Bmithfleld, N, C? on the 5th day of February, 1908, a certain tract of land, lying and being in Johnston County in Banner Township, and described and dell nod as fol lows, to wit: Ad joins the lands of James Young. A. D. Young Heirs, Pias Hudson, Hanson Beasley, and others, bounded as follows: Begins at a stake in the run of Dismal Creek, William Beasley's line and runs south 5 east 20.75 chains to a stake, thence south 87 east. 12 chains to a stake in Geoige Hudson's line, thence north 5 west 33.36 chains to a stake m the run of Dismal (swamp) Creek, thence down said Dismal Creek to the beginning, containing 32^ acres more or less. (See book " E" No. 8 page 20 Registers Office of Johnston County) and fully described in 8aid Mortgage, This 4th dav of January. 1906. CHARLES F. NEIGHBORS, Mortgagee. NOTICE! By virtue of the authority contained in a Mortgage Deed executed to me on the 31st day of March, 1905, by J. W. Wood, Jr., and Bettie C. Wood, his wife, and duly registered in the Register's Office of Johnston County in Book Z No. 8, page 492, I shall sell at auction, for cash at Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C? on the 19th day of Feb'y. 1906, the following real property to wit: Three lots in the town of Benson, N. C. 1st is lot No. 1 in block "E" fronting Railroad 50 feet and 140 feet back to an alley, being cor ner lot on Mill and Railroad Streets. 2nd and 3rd are lots 7 and 9 in block "I" fronting Mill Street 70 feet each and 150 feet back, lot No. 9 being a corner lot on Mill and Elm Streets and fully described in said Mortgage. This 15th day of January, 1906. N. T. RYALS, J. R. BRITT, Attorney. Mortgagee. SALE OF LAND FOR ASSETS. NORTH CAROLINA, I In the JOHNSTON COUNTY, f Superior Court. C. E.Thompson, adm'r of W. H.Watson, dec'd, vs. Catholina Watson, widow; Sarah Peeden and husband. Gaston Peeden; Ella Thompson and husband, C. E. Thompson; Hattie Page and husband. Daniel Page; James H. Watson, Berna H. Watson, and George T. Watson and his guar dian, Catholina Watson. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Johnston County, made in this cause, on the idth day of January, 1906. 1 will sell at public auction for cash at the depot in the town of Pine Level, on the ldth day of Febru ary, IhOh, at 12 o'clock M., the following de scribed town lots and lands: 1st. A one half acre lot situate in the town of Pine Level, upon which is a Store House. 2nd. A vacant lot in the town of Pine Level containing one acre. 3rd. One tract of land containing 33'% acres, lying near the town of Pine Level, adjoining the lands of Ike Ingram, Patae Oliver ana others. 4th. Also one tract of land containing 57 acres, adjoining the lands of the Watson heirs, C. E. Thompson and others. Thirty five acres of this last tract of land has been allotted to Catholina Watson on dower and will not be sold?if the other lands herein de scribed are sold for enough to pay off the debts of the estate, otherwise the whole tract will be sold subject to the dower inter est of said Catholina Watson. Said lots and lands are sold by order of the Superior Court of Johnston County and the title is absolute and perfect. This 10th day of January. 1908. ED. S. A BELL. Commissioner. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Ad ministrator C. T. A. on the estate of W. Troy Hose, deceased, all persons hav.ng claims | against said estate are hereby notified to pre | sent the same to me duly verified on or be I fore the 19th day of January. 1907, or this I notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 13th day of January. 1WXJ. EMILY F. HOSE, Admr. C. T. A.. Benson, N. C. W. A. 8TBWART, Att rney. J-W-x NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA / In theSupeiior Court JOHNSTON County 1 before the Clerk J. I. Woodard, J. W. Woodard and others, vs. Walter Woodard. Fannie Smith, Charlie Woodard and others. The defendants above named will take notice that an act on entitled as ai?ove has b .>mmeneed in the superior Court of i Johnston county before the Clerk to sell for | partition a certain tract of (MS) acres of I i ind ? me being lot No. 7. in the division of i the la is of IlenJ. Woodard. Said defendants I will take notice that they ar< equired t?? ap I pear before the Clerk at his office in ^initn [ neld Johnston countv N. < . ??n jftRh day of January 1900 and answer or lemur t?? the com plaint in said action or the nlalntlfl will ai? ply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint Puis l>ec. m )M?. W. S. .STEVEN*. Clerk Sup'-rim Court Jolunt .?county, j J AS. A. WELLON8. Att'y for Plaintiff.