{A CHANCE OF ^ 20TH CDiTIUR Y i 1 9[ nnn LJC j ? m H Worth of Goods ? The Greatest Slaughtering Sale Ever Known in the History of Smithiield, N. C. The Entire Stock of Davis Bros. Store, Consisting of $29,000 Dollars Worth of -V X X X X Clothing, Shoes, - Hats - and - Gents - Furnishing - Goods Must be Sold Out in TEN DAYS at 59 Cents on the Dollar No Goods Charged Will I Be Sold at I 59cts. On the $ SaJe Begins Saturday, Feb. 3, at 8:30 A. M. The large stock of DAVIS BROS., Third Street. Smithfield. N. C., has been placed in the hands of The World's Greatest Bargain Givers. The stock will be sold in Ten Days by DAVIS BROS. The entire stock is now being remarked and re arranged, and will be on sale for TEN DAYS ONLY, Commencing Saturday. February 3rd, 1906 at 8:30 o'clock A. M. A FEW OF THE SLAUGHTERING^ BARGAINS^'tvi^^ARE**OFFERING: The Stetsor) Shoe $6 00 quality at - $4 78 5 50 quality at - 3 9H 5 00 quality at 3 88 The Celebrated Walk-Over Shoe i?4 00 quality at ? $3 28 3 50 quality at - 2 87 handkerchiefs?One lot of plain whitecambric handkerchiefs best 5c quality, must sell Kne? Pants?All wool, oatent waist bands, reinforced seams, guaranteed perfect fitting, in neat patterns, cheap at on 75c. Must sell quickly v50C yvYYOTT SUSPENDERS?In plain, b stripes ami dots. Nothing to q runt. 25c qual. Must sell quick... &C yyNDKKWFAli?Cream colored and " and blue, ribbed underwear 1~7 worth 50c. Must sell quickly // is/HlTi: DRESS SBIBTS?The w?U ? known N Y. Mills laundtred op dress shirts 75c qual. Bell at JoC vlES?One lot assorted ties, in Teek / Bows Four-in-hand and Knglisn Squares, ranging in price from 25 a n to 50. Must be sold out quickly. . /?. ollOKS?One small lot of odds and ends in high grade Shoes 1 "7 Q Must sell quickly at ' ? ' pOCKS?Past black and tan half -j 0 hose, 15c quality, .uust go at.. / C amomammmrr.r Z^fc^Collars! noiiarcf! ,? J.0 Hn-jDn Well known brands. The 15c kind ^ fpn J UOZen To sell quickly at J veiYIfc Made of American Woolen Co's., worsteds, in neat stripes, perfect /~Q ^*?**' fitting, well made, in 3 piece suits, sizes 33 to 40; worth 10.00; now at KNEE PANTS?One lot of wool cassimere knee pants, worth 50c; must go at 19 Cts. P2,nlc One lot of Mole Skin Panis, well made, neat patterns, would be f+c * considered cheap at 1.00; to go at mfJ Wrlo. Overlooking an opportunity and look- DON'T Overlook this great and unusual ing over an opportunity is two dif- money saving opportunity ' ferent things. U\JV\ L j 3 piece, strickly all wool, in neat dark invisible plaido, perfect fitting, Ci QC OUlls*? well made, trimmed and lined, regular 10.00 suits; must be sold at H* t?~7 to 3U per cent i z : : r s__ : #?NDERWEAK?Silk fleeced Shirts and U Drawers, 1.50 quality n q Must be sold at 0 if C n IIIBTS?The well-known 75c and 0 1.00 Negligee Shirts, perfect s n fitting, to go at #? ANDEKCHIEFS?Very fine 10c qual n ity Indian Linen, hemstitched / Must be sold at tC it ANDKEKCHIEFS Fine hemstit n ched linen, generally considered y a bargain at 15c. To go at... / C p ANTS?Fine flannel Pants, all wool; ? regular 2.50 quality. Must icq go quickly at I .U if oHIRTS?One lot of Madras CIvS?Imported fancy drop stitch