p Local Items ^ Tte Hew? of the Wet k in ud j: Around Town. Next Wednesday is theday and 11 p'clock is the hour. Mr. Harry P. Stevens is spend ing this week in Asbeville. Mr. Morton Dickens, of Wil mington, is here on a visit to relatives. Messrs. Skinner A Patterson shipped ten car loads tobacco last Monday. Smithtield tobacco market will have its opening sale next Tues day, July 81st. Mr. W.L. Woodall and .Masters Hubert and Edward spent Sun day at Wrigbtsville. Mrs. C. N. Allen, of Auburn, spent last week with her daugh ter, Mrs. W. 1). A vera. Mrs. J. M. Morgan, of lienson, has been visiting Mrs. Sarati Woodall here this week. Mr. C. W. Eason, who has a position in a drug store in Chap el Hill is home on a visit. Mr. Lonnie J. Paylor, of South Boston, Ya., is spending a few days here with his parents. Messrs Walter Grantban and Kicbard Holt returned Saturday from a trip to Wrightsville. Don't forget that the County Convention will be called togeth- i er at eleven o'clock next Wednes-1 day. Mrs. W. L. Woodall, Miss Katie and Master Kyal returned j Tuesday from a trip to Wrights-1 ville. Mr. T. J. Lassiter returned Tuesday from a trip to Boston and other points of interest in j New England. Miss Mittie Ellis, of Kaleigh, is spending sometime here, the guest of Misses Nellie and Min nie Lunceford. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1). Ellington, who have been spending several days at Wrightsville, returned home yesterday. Mrs. S. S. Holt and children and Miss Lena Hicks returned Wednesday from a week's stay at Wrightsville. Mr. James H. Abell, assistant cashier of the Bank of Smitbtield returned Tuesday from a week's visit to Wrightsville Beach. Mrs I>. L. Godwin and her sis ter, Mrs. J. M. Morgan, of Ben son, visited their sister, Mrs. E. J. Barnes at Wilson last week. Misses i'attie and May Belle Watson and Miss Julia Walls, of Wilson, are spending a lew days here with the family of Mr. L E. Watson. The Democratic County Con vention will convene here next Wednesday at 11 o'clock sharp. Let everybody be here at that hour ready for business. Mr. William Fort and his sis- \ ter, Miss Nellie, of Kaleigh, are 1 visiting at Mr. W. D. AveraV' this week. Mr. C. N. Allen, Jr., |. of Auburn, is also a guest at Mr. Avera's. 1 Mr. W. L. Williams, who has ( been at Rocky Mount for some t time is here to move his mother, ; i Mrs. Fannie Williams there to t live. We regret to lose them i from Smithfield. c Mr. .John P. Shaw, a brother c of Mrs. John A. Xarron, and Mr. * Russell Shaw, her nephew, and ^ Mr. Niell A. McNair, of Lauren burg, are visiting at the home of! Mr. John A. Narron. Prof. I. T. Turlington and Mr. J. M Beaty expect to speak on temperance at Piney Grove Free Will Baptist church in Ingrams township on Sunday evening, August 5tb, at 3:30 o'clock. Mr. L. E Watson spent last week in Wilson and Elm City. He returned Saturday, accom Eanied by his family, who had een spending sometime with relatives in Wilson and Elm City. Mr. Ernest Horcey, of Burg, Germany, left for bis home this week, after a visit of several weeks in Smithfirid. H<> is very much impressed with this coun try and will return in October witfr hie family to make it their permanent home. Mr. George W. Johnson, of Elevation, was in town Wednes day and reports the crops in his section to be as good as he has ever seen at this season of the year. The recent rai is have caused some damage to crops on sandy land, he says. Mr. Henry Bowden, of Louis burg, is bere on a visit to Mr. T. A. Hudson. A union meeting will beheld at ; Betbesda Baptist church tomor row and Sunday. The County Convention will | meet next Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock sharp Miss Cora Underwood, of N'ew ton Grove, is visiting the family of Mr. J. D. Cnderwood. Mrs. J. C. Collier and children, of Uoldsboro, are spending a few days here with relatives. Misses Etta Cole and Annie Laugston, of Bentonsville, visit ed relatives here last week. Mrs. W. M. I'ettway and children returned Monday from a visit to relatives in Mississippi. Mr. C K. Bandolph.of Kinston, spent last Sunday here with his daughter, Mrs. J E. Hudson. Miss Nora Eldridge has moved her stock of millinery from Ben son to Four Uaks and will occupy the Creech building next door to Austin-Stepheuson Co. We return thanks to Mr. Ed gar S. Lassiter for a nice water melon he s? kindly left with us Wednesday. Mr. Lassiter is a leading farmer of his section. We are glad that this is the last issue of The Hekalp before the County Convention. For the past several weeks we have been so crowded with letters of a po litical nature that ournews mat ter has been rather limited. We hope to give our readers more State and general news hereafter. Mr. W. J. Gordon and family have moved to Landis, N. C. Mr. Gordon has been for some time the efficient superintendent of the Smithtield Cotton Mills and his resignation was accepted with great reluctance. He is a thorough and up-to-date mill man and the Linn Mill Company at Landis are congratulated upon securing him. We regret to lose him and his family from our midst. Mr. Edgerton Not a Candidate. Mr. Editor: Believing that a great deal of thought should be exercised in the selection oi our legislative ticket, aud having seen my name mentioned in this connection, I beg for a little space to define my position in tfie matter. To properly discharge the du ties of the office which the people have already given me will re quire all my time Irom now un til the day I go out of office, December 1st, and if nominated for the Legislature I would either have to neglect the duties of my present office or fail to make the campaign expected of tde nominee for the Legislature. 1 desire it thoroughly understood that I appreciate the proposed honor, and am grateful enough to the Democracy of this cojntv ?and shall ever be?to perform any duty that might be assigned me?whether lucrative or not? if in doing so 1 could best serve | the interest of our party. I be-' lieve that it is my duty to finish the work of this office properly and, therefore, with my thanks to those friends who have so sindl.v referred to me as a suita ale person to represent the coun ty in the Legislature, I shall be lompelled; in justice to myself and to the party, to ask that ny name be not considered for the place mentioned. It will be my pleasure to ren- j ler the nominees that measure if assistance and co-operation as lecomes one who has been the leneticiary of the party. Respectfully, W. A. Edoekton; 1 Smitbfield, N. C., July 25,'06. My Hai is Extra Long j Feed your hair; nourish it; 1 give it something to live on. ] Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only 5 hair-food you can buy. For s 60 years it has been doing, 1 just what we claim it will do. * It will not disappoint you. " My hair used to he very short. Btit after H nslnff Ayer'? H* r Vig<>: . -hort t'.n.r :t t^an to ero* ai,d low it is fourteen inches long. 1 This seems a splendid re?;i!t tome after beinf, [ almost without any hair Mite. J. H. Fifer, Colorado Springs, Colu. ^^^^TMad^yT^^Aye^o^^well^aaae SW A.so xcar. - facto rera of /-I > M8MPA*1LU. v ciders a^PPV^ECTOfc^J 10 Announcement. Mr. Editor: 1 hereby anuounce utreelf a candidate for the House of Rep resentatives, subject to the ac tion of the democratic Conven tion. to be held August 1st, 1906. J. W. WATMOrf. Ragley, N. C., July 25, HXHi Only 82 Years Old. "I am only 82 years old and don't expect to even when I get tto be real old to feel that way as long as I can get Electric Bit ters, " says Mrs. E. H. Brunson, | jf Dublin, Ga. Surely there's nothing else keeps the old as I young and makes the weak as strong as this grand tonic medi cine. Dyspepsia, torpid liver. | inflamed kidneys or chronic con | stipatiou are unknown after tak ing Electric Bitters a reasonable j time. Guaranteed by Hood Bros. I druggist. Price 50c. Men's straw hats and slippers | at cost at Lass iter's Dry Goods Store. Kokotno Fencing don't sag. Cotter-Stevens Co. We are ready and prepared for grading tobacco. All who may want their tobacco graded bring it to the Farmers Ware house and we will have it work ed for 75 cents per hundred. Yours for business, Boyett Bros. No pig can fro through a Ko komo Fence. Another car just received at Cotter-Stevens Co. Two cars of Fertilizer received today by The Austin Stephen-1 son Co. Nice line Nat Bis Co goods] just received. Acme Gro. Co. ? i Gentlemen if you want a nice j conmfortable, stylish shoe, see; the latest arrival of Dorsch Shoes at L. E. Watson's. You will find millinery cheap at Lassiter's store. Any one needing any Acid, Guano, Soda, Cerealite or Top Dressing can get it at The Austin-Stephenson Company. Insure your property in the Liverpool. London and Globe Insurance Company, the Larg est, Oldest and Strongest Fire Insurance Company in the World, with J. H. Kirkman, the Oldest Experienced Fire Insur I ance Agent in the County. \ Agency established here in 1872. 1 Kokomo Fence is cheaper than rails. Reason why: once up. never down. Cotter-Stevens Co i The best farmers in the coun ty recommend the use of Soda or Cerealite. See Austin-Steph enson Co. A. H. Boyett sells Drugs. Smithtield, N. C. Austin- Stephenson Co, has a car of Tennessee Wasrons dn hand. There is something in a nanfe when that name is Koaomo Fencing. Cotter-Stevens C6. I have a full supply of good Hay; also sound White Corn and Feed Oats. A car of Ship-Stuff 1 and Wheat Bran. Lime, Tobac co Twine and Cement. W. M. Sandeks. RESIDENCE FOR SALE. The six-room dwelling now oc- ' ::upied by Mr. O. V. Booker is for sale. Good stables, wood ' tiouse, |&c. Lot about 4 acre size. Apply to J. M. Beaty, j Smithfield, N. C. ' 1 See Fletcher Morgan before pou sell your cattle, hides, furs, wool, beeswax, tallow &3. It ivill pay you. I sell ice, also the debrated Beaufort Ginger Ale ilways ice cold. Turn to the ?ight as you come in the new narket and you will be right. J PROPERTY FOR SALE OR ( RENT. ( I The store and dwelling on J swift Creek, in Clayton Town J ihip. known as Fletcher Austin (? iroperty, can be rented or i >ought for cash or on time from ( .V. H. Austin. Smithfield, N. C. j TWO ELEGANT ROOMS FOR ? RENT. g I have two nice rooms for rent ^ iver my store in front of the ? \?urt House. Thesf rooms are * fell situated, and suitable t'?r|? ittices. Most favorably located. r \V. M. Sanders . \ 1 v - ? I Shipping Wagons to PORTO RICO | j" f (Clipping from the Twin-City Daily Sentinel, Winston-Salem, N. C.) George E. Nissen aud Company. the well known and progressive wagon \ manufacturers of this city, are shipping todav the largest wagon ever | | made in the South. This wagon has a guaranteed capacity of ten tons. { 4 It will be used by a large lumber concern in Patrick county, Virginia, and s? f | will be pulled by a traction engiue. This wagon is a flue as well as unique ig piece of work. ' The George E. Nissen wagon is recognized as a leader in ? i! other countries as well as in the l uited States. This tirm is just in receipt ?? f] of au order for two car loads of wagons and railroad carts to be shipped to |5 44 i'orto Rico. This will be the second large lot of wagons Messrs. George E. <) I j Nissen & Co. have shipped to I'orto Rico within sixty days This shows |f |how the excellence of the products of this enterprising Arm is being recog Lj nized and certainly speaks well for the class of work they turn out. V j ; This popular wagon for sale by I THE ELLINGTON BUGGY CO.,SmHT?J r 1-2-3 - 4- 5- 6- 7- Yes-cS- Reasons! ? Why Yovi Should Use Devoe's Lead anil Zinc Pa.int? H fi 1st. Because it Covers Most 2nd. Because it Looks Best 3rd. Because it Costs Less 4th. Because it Lasts Longer ^ 5th. Because it is 100 per cent, pure ;! 6th. Because it is Guaranteed not to crack or peel off 7th. Because it is Guaranteed to be full measure 8th. Because it is the only paint sold analysed by our State Chemist and found to be pure and unadulterated || Not the cheapest but? Ask I fgh Smiihfield Hardware Co. I M H. KIR KM AN, Proprietor FINE FL0U1I RECEIVED. I have just received a car of Majestic Flour, made of new wheat. The Liberty Mills, of Nashville, Tenn., who make this Hour, have written me that their present crop of wheat is of bet ter quality than for years. They have improved the Omill during the Summer, and my customers may depend upon the superior quality of Majestic for the next 12 months. W. M. Sanders. We are glad to announce that Mr. J. W. Jones, who has been in the tobacco business at Ren son for a term of years, and who has by hard work and hon est dealing won so many friends, has made a deal with us and will be with us in the tobacco busi ness the coming season, and we earnestly solicit his friends to join in with our many friends and customers and come one and all straight to the Farmers Warehouse and we guarantee that his coming with us will prove to be for your good as well as his. Yours to serve. Boyett Bros. BUY A FINE HOME. For sale a splendid new resi dence, five large rooms and con venient out houses with 1? acres of land. The home of Mr. W. J. Gordon at Folks,, of road in Soul hern part of Smithfield. Come quick. Write to me or see me. J. M. Beaty. NOTICE OF DISOLUTION. This is to certify that the firm of Holland & Alexander, operat ed under the name of Smitbfield Bottlinc Co. has this dav been desolved by mutual consent, Mr. Holland having assumed all responsibilities of said firm. The business will be continued under the name above mentioned by Mr. Holland. Respectfully, Isaac F. Holland. July 13-00. SMITHFIELDMARKET jotton Ilk tggB 15 thickens 20 to <15 iranulated Sugar 5 to 6 lorn, per buEhel SO to 85 Jeas 100 to 125 peed Oats, per bushel 55 to 60 rresh Pork 7'/, to 8 3. R. Sides, per pound 10 to It lew hams " " lGto 171,