~ I A Heavy Load to Carry. Along with dftWHlt ?imo? nervous ness and general Ill-health Why? He cause a disordered atouiach does not per mit the food to U- properly digested, and its producta assimilated by the system. The blood is charged with poisons which come from this disordered digestion, and In turn the nerves are not fed on good, rod blood, and we see symptoms of nerv ousness, sleeplessness and general break down. It Is not head work, nor oyer phy sical co ritoa that due.' it, but poor stom ach work. With poor, thin blood the liody Is not protected against the attack of germs of grip, bronchitis and consump tion. Fortify the body at once with I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ? a rare combination of native medicinal roots without a particle of alcohol or dangerous habit-forming drugs, A little book of extracts, from promi nent medical authorities extolling every Ingredient contained In Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery will tie mailed free to any address on request by postal card or letter. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Many yeuirsof active practioe convinced Dr. Pierce of the value of many native roots as medicinal agents and he went to great expense, both In time and in money, to perfect his own peculiar processes for rendering them both efficient and safe for tonic, alterative and rebuilding agents. The enormous popularity of "Gulden Medical Discovery" is due both to lta scientific comiHiundlng and to the actual medicinal value of Its Ingredients The publication of the now* of u>e irvjredt - mf* on the wrapper of every bottle sold, gives full as.s,u'..uoe of lie non-alcoholic character and removes all objection to the use of an unknown or secret remedy. It is not a patent medicine nor a secret one either, Tills fact puts It in a claim all try ituclf, bearing as (t does upon every bottle wrapper The Badge of Honesty, In the full list of Its liurislu ma. The "GoMo-. ?'c/'Trt| Discovery * cures, weak stomach. Indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver and blllonsness, ulceration of stomach and howles and all catarrhal af fections no matter what part* or organs may bo affected with It. l?r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills, first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and Invigorate, stomach, liver and bowels. Much Imitated hut never equaled. Sugar-coated and easy to take as candy. One to throe a dene. Hang J. C. Rawllngs Is the Decision. Washington, Nov. 5.?The eu preme court of the llDited States today affirmed the decision of the Georgia supreme court in the caee of .lohn G. Itawlings, under conviction in Lowndes county of that state on the charge of mur der, the effect of the decision be ing to compel the execution of Raw lings unless his lawyers suc ceed in finding other means of securing a stay of proceedings. Itawlings, who is a white mau and a preacher, was charged with employing negroes to mur der a family of neighbors. Two children were decoyed out of the house and shot, but the other members of the family saved their lives bv remaining wiciiin the shelter of their home. Your stomach churns and di gests the food you eat and if foul, or torpid, or out of order, your whole system suffers from blood poison. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea keeps you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.?Hood Bros. A Quaker Whiskey Cure. William Penn was once urging a man be knew to atop drinking to excess, when the man sudden ly asked: "Can you tell me of an eaey way to it?" ' Yes," replied l'enn readily, ? it is jurt as easy as to open thy baud, friend." "Convince me of that," the man exclaimed, "and 1 will pro mise upon my honor to do as you tell me." "Well, mv triend," Penu ans wered, "whencethee finds a glass of liquor in thy baud open that baud before the glass touches thy lips, aud thee will never drink to excess again." Tne man was so s ruck with the simplicity of the great (Jua ke.L- advice that, he f< flowed it and reformed.?Ladies' Home Journal. Old People Need VINOL it strengthens and vitalizes With old ago comes feebleness and loss of power; the blood Is thin and digestion weak. Vinol repairs worn tissues and checks the natural decline. It tones up the digestive organs, aids assimi lation, makes rich, red blood, and strengthens every organ In the body. In this natural manner Vinol replaces weakness with strength. Vinol contains all the medicinal elements of cod liver oil in a concen trated form, taken from fresh cods' livers, the useless oil eliminated and tonic iron added. Try it on our guarantee. hood Bros., Dru^ists. A GALLANT SUA DOG. Aifmlrnl McCalla ami Ilia lumnlln itua < arfcp, Hear Admiral Bowman H. McC'alla, who reached the age of sixty-two in Juno ami went on the retired list, has been noted as a very strict disciplina rian. but he has also boon noted for tils generosity and bis biutf pood lieart edness Ills violent temper goi him into trouble some yea.-s ago, and ha was court inarth'.ied on chimes of cru elty to subordinates and suspended from the service for three years. On account of his previous deeds of gal lantry It was decided In IHnl, a year after Imposition of his sentence, that lie should be restored at once to active service. He had expressed regret for his acts and wished a chance to re BOWMAN H. M'CALI.A. trlcve his reputation. When the war with Spain occurred Admiral McCalla made audi n good record In command of the Marhleheud that he was restored to the place be held on the list of of tlcera previous to his suspension. In IKIK) he commanded the Newark and aided In the pacification of the Philip pines. and In 1000 he co-operated with the British Vice Admiral Seymour In putting a stop to the Iloxer troubles In China and In this campaign gained the congratulations of the nuvy depart ment and encomiums from naval and military authorities all over the world. He received the command of the bat tleship Kearsarge In 1901. It was while Admiral McCnlla was In command of the Marblehetid during the Simnlsh war and off the shore of Cuba that the marines on shore had n stiff fight with the Spanlurds. They sent word to him: "Come and take us off. We are getting the worst of It here." The re ply the admiral, then a captain, sent hack was characteristic. "The only kind of mnrlnes I will tnko on my ship," said he, "will bo dend marines." The Imperiled men therefore stayed, and they won. Admiral McCalla re ceived a considerable sum as prize money In consideration of his Spanish war record, but Instead of retaining It for his own use he made amends for past offenses by giving It all for a na val clubhouse, under the auspices of the Y. M C. A? for the benefit of the sailors and marines stationed at Mare Island, San Francisco, where the admi ral was for some time In command. QUEEN VICTORIA'S CROWN. ? ?? ? ? ?? - The (trifle of King Alfonso And Her Gifts. When Princess Victoria Kugenle be came Queen Victoria of Spain by her marriage to King Alfonso she received enough presents to fill h museum. The presents from the king himself wero worth a large fortune. One of them Qrwrs VICTORIA A HI) CROWN OF THB QCRRNS OF SPAIN. was the crown of the queens of Spain, which* id rested on many fair royal hearts befhre hers. Among Alfonso's presents were several unique pieces of Jewelry. One of these was a brooch made In the form of the king's favorite motor car and set In diamonds. The top of the tonneau was In rubles, and the door of the mr, on b**lng opened, revealed a portrait 6t Alfonso. 1 _______________ METAL FURNITURE. Mir Way to Treat I)rua? ami KanaicI- ; rtl Iron llrila. "If I bad my way with persons who J possess brass furniture," saiil a pare- j ful housekeeper. "I should never uilow thei i to t >ueh the metal without gloves of some kind?kid. cbumois. rubber or, be-t of nil, <.''111011 flannel. Is-cause It is woolly?and by keeping the moist tiesh fr >ui contact with tie- m-u itJvely fin ished surface I should have better chances of k-oping th<' brass bright. "If the brass Is used as decoration on Iron beds that are enameled the lat need not Is- so carefully treated, to fact, I kuow of no better way of cleaning it than by using lukewarm water and a mild soap, but the great est precautl >n should be taken to pre vent the brass being touched or rub bed while this cieliusing Is In process. "Oeeaslonully the knobs on brass and iron 1 reds come loose from careless pulling alicut, ami if not tightened in thee the framework gets faulty, and ine has a feeling of Insecurity when sleeping In It. and a carjienter or an Ironworker is tailed in to remedy the defect. Now, If n woman only knew wh it a simple thing It is to remedy the diliieultv slie would never allow tliem to get that way, for hy screwing the knobs, etc-., tight once every two or three days or whenever tliey appear to lie loosening she would not only save herself much discomfort, but the atten tion would lengthen the life of the lied." CAYENNE PEPPER. I(a Jndlfloim 1 ?? In C'ooktnK Hrliign C?mk1 Hesultat. Comparatively few people are aware that cayenne popper If used Judiciously may be made to arid appreciably to the digestibility of the products of the cook's domains. If prescribed by the doctor and pur chased at the drug store It will appear tinder the name capsicum, bflt It will be cayenne pepper Just the same, and It is wise to begin Its use before the time nrrlveR to seek the good offices of a physician The tendency of red or cayenne pep per is to draw the blood to the stom ach. where It ts needed while the diges tion of food Is taking ptnce. This kind of pejiper must not l>e employed ng lib erally as black pepper, however, or It will Is- so much In evidence that It will lie Impossible to eat the food. Use It sparingly, and It will help to bring out the flavor of many savory dishes, altlmaoli Its presence will not lie detected. I'sc It In soups, In baked lieans, In stews. In hash and tn many more complicated culinary products. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. To slip the rod of a freshly laundered curtalh into place try moistening the hem. The rod will go in easily with out damnglng the fnhrlc. Wipe off furniture with a cloth wrung out In hot water before apply ing furniture polish. A high polish will result and will not show finger marks. Oil painted walls must lie washed with soap and water, using a soft flan nel cloth, care I icing taken to wring it well ticfore using. T'se cold water to finish and dry with a linen cloth. When hemming a new tablecloth. If the edges are slightly dampened with warm water tn which some soap has been dissolved they will be soft and much easier to work on when dry. Rocking chairs ate best In other rooms than the invalid's. They are Inclined to creak In the first place, and in the second place they make a still person nervous. A large easy chair Is really better in any case for any one If nerves are in consideration. ConTrnkiu^ For the Drenalnw Table. While visiting recently ut the house of n friend I saw a little homemade eonveuienee. designed to be placed be neath the mirror above- the dressing table. It was made of four small cigar boxes screwed together. Each was placed on end, two below aud two above. The covers were arranged to open like doors, swinging outward, of course. The top was finished with a scroll work made of the cigar box wood. Very pretty It was, too, and the work of a woman. The doors were furnished with tiny kuobs. The whole was to be stained and varnished, to mutch the table, making a little cabinet pretty enough to grace any lady's dressing table. It was designed to hold toilet bottles or any accessory of the toilet.?Christian Work. Tlte Mf-HHlfM Theory. Specialists tu children's diseases In sist that the old theory that children should be exposed to measles Is abso lutely wrong. In speaking of It one well known physician says: "Super stltlou Is even more rtfe in all classes today than It was a hundred years ugo. In no case Is It more prevalent and dis astrous than In the treatment of mea- i sles. The medical profession has tried In vain to stamp out the old Idea that every child must have measles and that a child therefore might as well be pot Into the same bed with a brother or sister who Is suffering from the com platat. A Cooking Secret. The great secret of French cooking Is a knowledge of the variety of food to he bad. plenty of time to prepare the food and a slow tire American cooks are In so much of a hurry that when tbey prepare a meal they Im agine that what Is necessary la plenty of fuel and a roaring hot Are. With meats this sluiply hakes or Incinerates the fibers Instead of permitting the Juices to perform their proper func tions. And this "hurry up" system Is what Is, slowly perhaps, but surely, making Americans a race of dyspep tics. r THERE IS A REASON FOR CHEWING I REYNOLDS' SUN CURED TOBACCO | Chewers becoming tired of heavily sweetened sun cured tobaccos caused REYNOLDS' SUN CURED to quick ly win from the old brands of much longer standing the place as favorite with sun cured chewers, because it contains iust enough proper sweetening and fla voring to preserve the quality of the leaf and enhance its goodness, causing a large increase in the demand for sun cured tobaccos. REYNOLDS' SUN CURED is not only pure sun cured, but it is made from choice selections of the genuine sun cured leaf grown where the best sun cured tobacco grows. It is like that you formerly got, costing from 60c. to $1.00 per pound, and is sold at 50c. per pound in 5c. cuts; strictly 10c. plugs, and is the best value in sun cured tobacco that can be produced for chewers. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem. N. C. FARM FOR SALE. Iu Bentousville Township, on the Smithfield and Bentonsville Road, two miles North of the! village of Bentonsville, and part in the low grounds of Neuse River. Adapted to corn cotton, tobacco and all other crops grown in the county. Fine stock range. For further particulars, terms, &c., apply to W. D. strickland, R. F. D. No. 1, Four Oaks, N. C. FOR SALE. Seed Wheat for sale in any quantity you want. Any orders left with Mr. Robert O. Cotter at Smithfield will have prompt attention. J. W. Myatt, Clayton, N. C., R. F. D. No. 1. rnrr to sufferers from Kid rnCL ney, Liver and Bladder troubles! Other manufacturers say: "Buy a bottle and if it doesn't cure we will refund your money." We say: "Take a full $1 size FREEbottleof UVA SOL and if it benefits you, then use UVA SOL until cured. This ad vertisement entitles you to a bottle of UVA SOL at the CLAYTON DRUG CO.'S Only a limited number of bottles given away. Don't miss this oppor- IIUA CHI tunity to test UIH JUL THREE HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. r The six-room dwelling now oc cupied by Mr. O. V. Booker is for sale. Good stables, wood house, &c. Lot about $ acre size. For sale a splendid new resi- , dence, five large rooms and con- ' venient out houses with li acres of land. The home of Mr. W. J. Gordon at Folks of road in Southern part of Smithfield. Coi0?' quick. Write to me or see me. Prof. Merritt's house and lot in front of the school building , is for sale at a bargain. Good neighborhood and healthy loca tion. Lot is large enough for another building. Seven ninths, of acre in lot. Six rooms to house. j. m. beaty; Smithfield, N. C. 1 Treasurer's Card. 1 i ALEX. WIG6S, Tkeani hkk or Johnston County, ' WILL UK IN NMITHFIBLD BVRKT i Monday and Saturday and Court Weeks ! Office in back room of the Rank of Smith* field. In hid absence county ordera will 1 paid at the Bank Have you been to look at that store full of Fine Furniture at Cotter Underwood Oo.'s? 1 lot, it will pay you m u?u ?wk. Tobacco Selling High at The Farmers Warehouse, RALEIGH, N. C. Thos. F. Cheatham, owner and proprietor. Reing once a farmer imself, I feel it my duty to advise all who have to bacco to sell, to take it to a strong, active market, where there are good buyers, who buy every grade from your scrap to your finest wrappers, so you can realize full mar ket value on all grades. My customers who have sold with me were well pleased and 1 guarantee to please you, if high prices will do it. All grades of tobacco advanced in price this week and my intention is to keep it going up ail the time. Come to see me with your next load and I will prove to you that prices nowhere equal those given by me at the Farmers Warehouse, Raleigh. N. C. YVe have on our market as buyers; for the Americau Tobacco Co., Mr. H. I. Glass; Mr. W. C. Henry for the Imperial Tobacco Co., and others for all the independents. Our corps of buyers here are men of experience, live bidders and strive hard to satisfy the farmers. You will save money by bringing your tobacco to me at Raleigh, N. C. I will give you honest weights and highest prices, and best accommodation. 1 have with me Mr. C. 0. Watts, of Lynchburg, as auc tioneer, who works hard for the farmer and will do everything he can to get you top notch prices on all grades of your tobacco. There will be $1000.00 worth of premiums given to the farmers who sell in Raleigh this season. So bring me your tobacco and get get high prices and try to get one of the 48 valuable pre miums. Come on any day, as we sell every day in the week and I guarantee to please you. Y'ours to serve, THOS. F\ CHEATHAM, Owner and Proprietor Farmers Warehouse. Raleigh, N. C. THE JOHN A. McKAY MFG. COMPANY Dunn. N. C. Founders and Machinists Machinery and Mill Supplies One and Two Horse Stalk Cutters. Best made. Sold by W. M. Sanders, Smithfield. N. C | The State Fair 5 !J* jji Is Now Over. Call ou Acme jy\ Grocery Co., and see their display of Keavy m lf\ and Fancy Groceries. All kinds Pickles, fj\ fj\ in bottles and barrels; Preserves, catsup, JR Pepper Sauce. Stuffed and plain Olives, and all kinds of canned goods. Boneless Ham, fft Breakfast Bacon, country Hams and westeru ^ jfl meat and anything good to eat. Chewing fj\ j|\ Tobacco from 25 to 50c per pound. /ft : Ante Grocery Co.,; ff\ J ff\ fft Phone 12 ^ Smithfield, N. C. vVC m

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