THE HERALD, j munii) Krwn Fku>ay Mobmiks. BEATY. HOLT & LA88ITER, proprietors. Entered at the Poitottioe at Snilthtleld, Jobnuton County, N. C., a? second-claei matter. katkh of rfbrckiption: One year, caah In advance, - - ? $1.00 j Six month*, cash In advance. - ? .BO Eriday, November 9, IbOtS. The people of the county are . to be congratulated that the Democrats still rule their affairs It was the Democratic party who years ago took charge of the county,found the sum of one cent in the treasury, brought or der out of chaos, and established ] affairs upon a sound, economic] and satisfactory basis. It will j be Democrats who will continue ! to administer this rule. Kepub-} licanism in Johnston County has; seen its high tide. Lecture on the Life of Jerry McAuley. j Kev. J. V. Williams, pastor of | theCla.vton circuit, lectured at I the Methodist church Monday evening, October 29th, under the auspices of the Epwortb League, < on the Life and Work of Jerry ] McAuley. Kev. Mr. Williams has spent 1 a number of years in New York J City where he obtained all the ; facts and the very remarkable career of Jerry McAuley. This man became a confirmed crimi nal at a very early age in life. He was a drunkard,gambler and a notorious thief, in fact be com mitted about every crime in the llecalogue except murder. He served three terms in Sing Sing penitentiary, aggregating quite anumberofyears. Hiswonderful conversion and the marvelous work he did for Christianity,con stitutes a modern chapter in the Acts of the Apostles. Thespeak er's story of the awful depths of crime and dissipation in the life of Jerry McAuley was told with dramatic effect. But he revealed bis climax in describing a re ligious service held in Sing Sing prison conducted by "Awful" Gardner, a former member of McAuley's gang of theives, and how McAuley looked and listen ed and became convinced that a strong power had come into Garo uer's life. The speaker told how a youug lady in mission work talked and prayed with Jerry McAuley through the prison bars He wept and prayed in his lonely 1 cell until theie came into his sin cursed life the power of Christ. He began at once to work among his fellow prisoners and had great success in leading many to i Christ. In answer to prayer | there came a pardon to him from i Gov. Flowers. It is said he left I the prison reluctantly where he had been doing such a gieat work for the prisoners. After he i left prison he tirstled hisdissipat ed wife to Christ, who became a consecrated co-worker with him ! in founding and managing his! great mission in Water Street. This mission is known all over the world, for huudreds and thousands of the most depraved classes have beeu fed, clothed and saved through its intfuence This lecture was very much en joyed by a large audience. Our people will be glad to have Bro. Williams lecture for us again. X. Y. /. A Sad Death. Early Saturday morning, Oc- ! tober 20th. 1906, deaths angel entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hinton claiming their oldest eon, James Hoyeter, He had been sick since last No- 1 vember. Through all his sick- . ness be never murmured or com- \ plained at all and was so patient, ' kind,and thoughtful of all around ; especially bis invalid mother. He j has suffered with asthma since < he was six years of age, but no one thought of his having lung trouble until last May. He was under the treatment of three prominent physicians, but grad- , ually grew weaker until Thurs- . day night he had a hemorrhage from which he never recovered. ' dieing Saturday morning at 7 o'clock. All was done for him i that loving bands, attentive ' physicians and kind friends 1 could do, but Jesus knew best His funeral was preached Sunday afternoon by Elder J. \V. Gara- i ner to a large crowd of relatives i and friends. While it is hard to give up one | so young, only 21 years old, wej Feel that God has taken one of1 His jewels up to live with Him ! He was so good and gave such ? sweet evidences of his love fori God. To know him was to love him. He leaves a father, mother, sis ter, two brothers and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. May God bless and be with them in this sad hour. Departed cousin thou hast left us. And our loss we deeply feel, But 'Tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. A Cot sin. NO TICK! By virtue of a power of sale, contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed on the 10th Jay of May. 1006, by M. Holden to The Austin Stephenson Company, which mortgage was dulv probated and registered in the Hegistry Df Johnston County. Book "T." No. 6. page JS4. to which reference is made, the under signed will sell, at public auction, tor cash, at the Court House door. Smithtield, N. C., to the highest bidder, the following described property; A Certain house and lot situate on the public road leading from Smithtield by the Smithtield Cotton Mills, and being lot No 1 in the Ellington survey, and bounded is follows: Begining at a stake on said pul> lie road N. E. corner of Wellons Chanel ?hurch lot and runs with said road N. 16* W. *0 feet to a stake, thence South 71 S West *10 j feet to a stake, thence S. 18 S R. 200 feet to a stake, thence N. 41 S? K. 243 feet to the begin ing. containing 33.60 of an acre, conveyed to VI. Holden by J. W, Wellons by deed dated Viareh 21, 1906, registered in Book "J," No. 0. :>age M4. The object of this sale Is to collect :he amount due secured by said mortgage. This November 7.1906. The Austin-8t 4phenson Co. Mortgagee. Ino. A. Narron, Att'v. Albert Johnson sold at the Banner Warehouse two and a naif acres of tobacco for $578.85 Slear check. Draft books, Note books, and i Receipt books for sale at Thei Herald office. A large supply of standard novels on hand at The Herald j office. Prices within reach of all. | I NOTICE! By virtue of the authority contained in a judgment in the preceding entitled J. W. Velvington, J. ii. Velvington and otli ers vs. Kupert Velvington, the undersigned Commissioner will on Saturday. December 1st. 100h, at 12 o'clock at the Court House door in the town ot Smithtleld sell at public auc Hon for cash the following described tract of iand. same being sold for partition: Begin ing on a pine at the head of spring John \V. Velvingtou's corner and runs N. 10 S- K. 27 chains to a pirc in J. Walter Myati s line, thence N. HI W. 25.50 chains to a stake said Myatt's corner, thence S. d W. 17.50 chains to a stake in the run ot Ingram's branch, thence down the run of said branch to an elm tree Neil H. Smith's corner, thence S. W. t?') chains to an iron stake said Smith's corner, thence N. ss.S E. 18, 15 chains to a stake Neil H. Smith's corner, thence S. dS K. 8, 70 chains to a stake. Willis II. Sand ers' coi ner, thence S. 87 S E. 21. 10 chains to a poplar in the spring brancn John W. Vel vington's corner, thence up the run of said branch to tho begining containing (165> acres more or less. This November 1. 1P06. J. H. YELVINGTON. Commissioner. WELLONSJfc MORGAN, Atty's for Petitioners. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EX- i ECUTION! Noitr Carolina, Johnston County. i The Austin-Stephenson Company vs. i Levi Edwards. | By virtue of an execution placed in the t hands of the undersigned, from the court of 1 A. B. Nasser, Justice of the Peace, of John 1 ston County, in the above entitled action, I ] will on Monday, the 10th day of December, ' 1906. at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door j in the town of Smithtield. sell to the highest I bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, the I following personal property to wit: 1 two horse wagon and harness, one lot of hay. j about 8JOO pounds of seed cotton, one lot ] fodder. 0 hogs, 1 oow anu calf, 1 mower and i rake. 1 cart, 1 buggy and harness, 1 lot of ] farming tools, about S6 bushels of sweet po j t a toes,1 wash pot. 10 head of hogs. 4 geese, j 400 pounds seed cotton. 12 cotton baskets. ' 1 pair be 1 lances, 1 cotton planter. 1 bushel of j peas, 4 cotton baskets. 1 grain cradle, or so I much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy j said execution. This the ttth day of November, 1900. W. L. BKADY. Constable of 8mitbfleld Township. ] I NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Admr. j cn the estate of W. 8. Bldridge. deaceasad. j all persons having claims against said estate J are hereby notified to present the same td J me duly verified on or besore the 9th day of* 1 November, 1907, or this notice will be plead I ed In bar of the! rrecovery and all persons I indebted to said estate will makA immediate ? payment. I This 0th day of November. 190*. J. A. TART, n 9 4w x Admr. J The Leading Drug Store Whatever .vou buy of us is reliable In sel^ctinir our ifoods we chose ouly suen as w? can recommend to our customers. If any of our good* prove unsatisfactory we j want to know it. We will make it riwrht every time. Drugs Prescriptions Patent Medicines Stationery Smokers Supplies Perfumery Rubber Goods Brushes Syringes Toilet Articles Hot Water Bottles Office Supplies Books Hood's Chill and Malaria Tablets IHood Brothers Druggists *; |3 Some Of The Goods 0 j* a I We c,,rry os! * 7 " " 0 X Sf Ladie's Ready-to-wear Skirts if 1.00 to $5.00. Q Jf V3 7; Ladies' Wraps $2.00 to $8.50. Children's Q. M ?> ~ Wraps $1.00 up. Nice line Dress Goods. m |2 gj L Nice li ne Hosiery 5 to 50c per pair. Heavy ? ? * C Underwear for ail. Big line Men s and Boy's ~ n \ Jf Pants, all prices. Nice line Cuffs, Collars [X Jjf (0 and Ties. Big line Trunks $1.00 to $11 00. 3 M jfi 7J Shoes, all kinds, all sizes, all prices for men, ^ Jf | S women and children. Let us supply your gj T needs. 2 S 11 L. E. Watson I'% * ?: 3 S * - Smithfleld. N. C. ? i* Si?SiS^S?SlSSSSI**S??SiSiiSSSSiSi)? Welcome : News Manv people in the town and county who trade here have frequently inquired if The Smithtield Furniture Co. would not again do business here; they are ready to sell to any who may need Furniture upon the same plan as heretofore. The beet poods for the money. MR HENDERSON COLE, who is recognized as one of the best furniture men in the State, will do the buying and the customers of The Smithfield Furnilure Co. will get the benefit of his experience as a buyer. Mr. Geo. E. Thornton will be in the store and be glad to serve the people who come to the store. It will not cost you any thing to see his goods. The store is next door to Mr. U\ U. Yelvington's, where Mr. Henderson Cole last did busi ness before leaving Smithtield The stock of goods consists of anything in an up-to-date furniture store. The goods are bought in car load lots giving best advantages in prices and freight. A solid Car unloaded to-day. smiihlieM furnilure Co., Smithfield, N. C. j jf IF YOU I TOUCH I your tongue to I ALUM Iand look in the glass?you will see the effect? You can't help puckering?it make* you pucker i to think of tasting it. By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you take this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system?you injure digestion, and ruin your stomach, AVOID ALVM Sap plainly I ROYAL powder I Royal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar?Costs more than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the profit of good health. Cooking is Pleasant on This Stove It is a Buck?built on the Buck's system which insures good cooking with the use of the least amount of fuel possible. Buck Stove doors are enamel lined?The oven is ventilated so that baking can be done ideally--No mingling of odors No burning on one side and not baking on other. The top of stove and bottom will not warp. Buck's guaranteed for 15 years. Come to see us when you want a STO vTE. Colter-Stevens Company. look ouii LOOK OKI! I Big STOCK NOW GOING The biggest stock of Clothing ever brought to Johnston Co. SCw is being sold daily. Come at once while the rush is on, you will miss one of the best opportunities of your life of bping |Bg clothed. Two big floors covered withClothing, mu?t be sold at once to make room for other goods. KEt SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! j Kg S5.000 Stock of Shoes to select from any style, size or price from 50c to S5 00 tJ? sgj Dry Goods?aLnd Notions figg Drees Goods, Silks, Mohairs, Broad Cloths, Flannels, Worsteds, White Goods, Woolens, ?) SgS Jeans, Outings, Flannelettes, Shirts, I'nderwear, Smyrna and Axminster Huge, Neck Wear, 0? MB Ladies and Children's Cloaks, Jackets and Coats, Etc. SjR P Hats and Caps SH The kind to fit your hea 1 and your pocket book, from a 25c bat or cap to a John B. jmj Sg The Rvish is Now On, Come At Once jjf^ I invite you to visit us aud make your fall purchases. &K 1 PRESTON WOODALL, Benson, N. C. |j

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