p Local Items ^ Tbt Sews ct the Week in tad J Aiou&d Tows. L NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. On and after August 1st, 1907, all business locals and paid read ers will be charged five cents per line each insertion, whether for one week or several weeks. The Herald. .Mr. Zacn Stephenson was in town Wednesday with the first load of waterinellons brought here this season. The Methodist and Presby terian Sunday Schools, of Smith Held, held their anuual picnic at Holt's mill yesterday. Mr. J. B. Hudsen, (Buck) en joyed a fine dinner with his friend, Mr. John A. Mitchener at the Wyoming House, Selma. The farmers in some sections are now busy curing tobacco, getting ready for the opening of the tobacco market here July 30. President E J. Holt, of the NeuSe Milling Company, and Mr. O. II. Hand made a trip to Thomasville last week to examine a large flour mill at that place. They were well pleased with their trip. i nere will De service? fit potn the Baptist and Presbyterian churches here Sunday moiuing and night by their respective pastors. There will be no ser vices at the -Methodist church, the pastor being away on his vacation. Mr. George \V. Johnson, of Elevation, was in town Monday. He has about fully recovered from a very bad carbuncle which confined him to his room for several weeks. He reports much rain in hie section Saturday. The Raleigh Distribt will hold its annual Conference August 14?l(?th at Elizabeth church a few miles west of here. The good people of that section are look ing forward to the meeting aud are preparing for and expecting a large attendance. We learn that Mr. J. Walter Hyatt, of Cleveland, who is one of the best farmers in thecounty, made 220 bushels of wheat this year on five acres. This shows that with proper attention good yields of wheat can be made in this county. Mr. T. J. Lassiter went to Morehead City Tuesday to at tend the annual meeting of the North Carolina Press Association held Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Lassiter was elected Presi dent of the Association last year at Chase City, Ya , and presided over the meeting this week. We regret to learn that Mr. G. W. Massengill, father of our townsman. Mr P. T. Massengill, also father of Mrs. John A. McKay and Mrs. E. Lee, is quite sick with a carbuncle. His condition is such that Dr. John McKayhas been called to see him. He is one of Johnston county's most sub stantial citizens.?Dunn Guide. Mr. E. S. Lassiter was here Wednesday telling of the big rain in his neighborhood last Saturday evening. Several places in the fields it swept everything before it taking off the soil to the clay. It washed down the fences" to such uu extent that some farmers had to work Sun day to repair the fences in order to keep stock from their fields. Personal Notes. M. Meaty retimed from Ashevilley.Saturd'ay. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sanders spent Monday in Raieigb. Mrs. D. L. Godwin and children I arc visititing relatives in Wilson. Miss Anna I nderwood is visit ing relativ': s in Wilson's Mills this week. Mr. and Mr . s.im Davis* > ? turned Wedm-day from James-1 town. ? Mr. F. K. Mroa ihurst's father and mother are visiting h?re this week. Dr. L. J. Holt, of Wise, spent last Thursday and Friday at h'e old home. Miss Mary Alice Jordan, ol Haleigh, is visiting Miss Lillian I Holt near Town. Miss Ada Barnes has returned from Kaelord where she has been for several Months. Mr. W. (\ Woodall, of Benson, spent Sunday here w ith his sis ter, Mrs. J. P. Cunaday. Mr. Morris \\ instead left Wed nesday for his home in Hoxboro, where he will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. 1>. E. Easom came Tuesday to attend the iuariiageof Mr. Easoin's sister, Miss Roxie Kasom. Rev. J. H. Shore, pastor of the Methodist church here, left Mon day for Roxboro where he will spend his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Underwood and daughter, Mallie, and Mrs. J. A. Morgan and daughter, Miss Crecy, are spending this week at Jamestown. Mrs Ira T. Turlington and Mrs. N. R. Drautham and little daughter. Rose, Spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Raleigh with relatives. Mrs. R A. Moore and little son of Yuma, Arizona are spend ing sometime with Mrs. Moore's parents Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Holt near town. Messrs. -lames H. A bell, Walter (irautham, Richard Holt, Thorn as Daniel and H ill Hood return ed Tuesday from an extended trip up North. While gone they visited the following cities: Jamestown, New York, Phila delphia, Atlantic City and Wash ington. They report a fine time. SmithfleM Young People. A charming event graced the season cere last Monday evening between the hours of eight-thirty and eleven-thirty when .Miss Lucy Sanders, assisted by Misses Mat tie Sanders, Cornelia Sanders, Annie Martin aud Lillian Holt, entertained most royally a party of friends in honor of her guests, Misses Ella and Corinna Mial and Lizzie Cook .lories, of Raleigh. The occassion was replete with interesting features which served to make the evening one of rare pleasure. The event of the even ing, however, was a trial of skill in millinery, a contest which proved to be a source of great j interest and merriment. Part ners having been assigned to the young ladies, the young gentle man of each couple was given a hat to trim, while the young lady was asked to describe in verse either her partner or the hat he had trimed, the prize to go to the couple whose poem showed i the most talent in composition, j and whose hat evinced the great est skiil in millinery. After a i merry contest it was announced j that the committee was uuable to reach a decision, three couples j being adjudged equally deserving of the prize. Ihe fortune of chance was then resorted to, and j its decree awarded the prize, a prettily decorated picnic hat, to Miss Dorothy Webb and Mr. Bethea. The consolation, a tiny hat of many colors, was won by Mies Ella Mial and Mr. Robert Etheridge. Alter toe contest in millinery, the guests assembled in the par lor and listened to several recita tions charmingly rendered by Miss Dorothy Webb. These were higbiy appreciated and added much to the pleasure of the even ing. At halfpast ten o'clock came a very acceptable deversion in the form of delicious refresh ments consisting of cream and cake. At eleventhirty the as sembled young people reluctant ly took their departure, voting Miss Sanders to be a charming hostess, and expressing to her andjher guests their indebtedness lor a delightful evening. Among those who were present and enjoyed Miss Sanders' hospi tality w- Misses Ella and t'orinna Mial, Lizzie Cook Joues, Mary Jordan, Emily Smith, Dor othy Webb of lloydou, Ya., Mary Taylor Sanger of Durham. Annie Horton I'eacock, Alma Eason, Rachel Jones, Annie Ihrie Pou, Carrie Taylor of Rock Hill, S. C., Martha Hudson, Ava Myatt, Mary Sanders, Clara Lee Stevens Mildred Sanders, and, Messrs. Robert Etheridgeof Seltna,Oscar Rand, Hallie Hood, Robbie San ders, Robert Sanders, Johnnie Hood, Seth Myatt, Lee Turling ton, Edgar Turlington, Lee San ders, Charlie Sanders, Horace Eason, Jim Cobb, Malcolm San ders, Morris Winstead l'ethea and Lilbert A. Rouse. Ball Game* The regular nine of femitbtaeld. crossed bats with the "Scrubs" j innings and h aving the" score 1 'ibu jlf tcn a tils scuriEi; in o clock wit. i uaciiorvi to ,".i> for UpD*p inna fttirl Yn??T} r f'V umpire. The br.ttcrus were Barnes for the Regulars and Parrieh for the "Scrubs.'' Hall-Easom. ? >n \V ed need ay eveniug at S:SO i'clock in Kmithtield Baptist hurch Mr. 1). M. Hall, of Golds boro, N. 0. and Miss Roxie Easom, of this place were united :u the Holy Bonds of wedlock dev. \\\ G. Hall, of Plymouth a brother of the groom performed i he ceremony which made the twain oue. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion with tiowers and evergreens. The bride wore white chitfon over white silk trimmed with lace.' The bridal veil was held in place by a peal brooch, gift of the, groom, and was atteuded by her sister. Miss Alma, as* maid of honor, who wore white silk. The groom was attired in conven tional black and was atteuded by Mr. E. \V. Moye, of Golds j boro. Just prior to the marriage ceremony Misses Kessie Fret well, of Baltimore, Bena Bingham, Bertha Stevens and Ella Myatt,' four friends of the bride appear ed on the pulpit rostrum just be hind the Minister where they re mained during the ceremony. Messrs. R. It. Riveubark, of Golds boro; W. J. Boone, of Raleigh; H. P. Stevens and Br. H. Rose acted as ushers for the occasion. Miss Eula K. Hood played the I wedding march and recessional, accompanied Mr. J. A. Campbell ? with violin solo "Angels Ser enade" during the ceremony. Immediately after the mar riage a host of friends repaired to the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs. J. H. Easoin, father and mother of the bride, where ele gant refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Hall will begin the pleasant duties of house keepiog after the 25th iust. in Goldsboro, S. C. at which place Mr, Hal! holds a nice position with the L. M. Mixcheau Grocery Company. Miss Easom is well known to Jobustou county people having t iled very acceptably lor a long tim? a position in the milliuery department of the Will H. Lassi ter Dry Goods Co. The many beautiful and expen sive presents atteets the popu larity of this .voting couple among their hosts of friends. Among the out of town guests we note the following: E. L Hall and wife and daughter, of Ben son; J. H. Halland son, of Ben sod; F. R. Hall, of Goldsboro: W, (t. Hall, of Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellington, of Clavton;! Miss Bessie Fretwell, of Balti more Md ; W.J. Goon, of Ra- j leigb; E. W. Moye, It. K. Riveu bark and ft. F. Clark, of Golds boro, N. C. * -1 K ** ?* *35 *3? JC* XX ** ** a ? Special Barcjains ? jj In Pianos 8 We frequently take other Q, makes of pianos as part JJl n payment for a Q| J STIEFF J Q In sucli cases we have Q Jj our expert factory men * ft thoroughly overhaul and ft X put them in fine condition. X ? We then sell them at very Q #low prices on easy pay- k ments. Q 9 If you feel that you don't ft wish to pay the pi ice for a H 8 new Jj STIEFF PIANO ? let us tell you about what v Owe have in these instru- Q 9merts. If later you wish a ;* new Stietf, we will take the fl! Bold one back. 2 Write us about it. Qj fl CHAS. M. STIEFF (} H L. C. STEELE. Mgr. g 114 Granby St. Norfolk. Va. jj 9 'The Piano with the Sweet Tone' Q ; Official Piano ? ? Q Jamestown Exposition. Qj j: 3C*> C3> to>:: Panama Hats at Cost, Austin-! Stephenson*Co. Screen doors and window screens made to tit when you give us your business. Cotter Stevens. Co. NOTICE XORTH CAROlalXA. to Johnstok County, ?* 1 Superior Court. Jonas Pittman. Admin strator of Nancv A. C, Pittman. accented. VS, Kuttin Pittman," Oondary Pittman and, others. To Corulary Pittman: - ^ Von vrili take notice that an action entitled f as above ha* been commenced in the Superior j urt i Jr ' ?*' ' ' ;otv 1 pJairfttff ? i - . ?? -i i iai; -r >1?T. j \ Mv ufrvtTr or ilinjiir to t: ? - ouHiifliot in said action or the plaintiff wlii i'h.'.y the court f u ?o?* ? .. t lemon led in !?aicl complaint. This July 17ta. 1907. vv. 8. ST~vr.N>. Clerk Superior Court. C. w, Eiinyiton, v in;"T for Plaintiff. i uuttSMS niHH'',tni * SMITHFIELD MARKET. Cotton - 10 to IS*, Eggs 15 Chickens 15 ro 35 Granulated Sugar 5', to 6 Corn, per bushel 85 to 00 Peed Oats, per bushel 05 to 70 Fresh Pork 10 C. II. Sides, per pound 10', t?i 11 Ham " " 16 to 18 Lard, ' " 10 to 15 Cheese, " 20 Butter, ' 25 to 80 Dried Apples, per pound 8 to 10 Coffee, per pound 12', to 17', Sheep Sains, each 25 to 50 Salt Hides, per pound 6 to 7 Hides?Dry Flints " 10 tcl2', Tallow 8 Beeswax 20 to 22'i Meal, per saca? 1.70 to 1.75 Flour, per saca 2.50 to 8.00 Fodder, pet hundred 1.25 to 1.50 Hsy. per hundred ? 1.40 to 1 50 Wool 15 to 25 Piles pet quick and certain re lief from Dr. whoop's Magic Ointment. Please uote it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disap-1 pear like magic by its use. Large nickel capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by Hood Bros. See the Ellington Buggy Co. wheu you want a nice set of bug gy harness. Kokomo fence leads them all. See us for prices. Cotber Stev ens Co. Keen Kutter means quality. We sell saws and all kinds of kutlery under this brand. Cot ter-Stevens Co. Straw Hats at Cost, Austin Stephenson Co. We make screen doors and E windows, any -ize. Let us have ^ your orders. Smithfield Hard- 4 ware Co. 4 Low Quarter Shoes at Cost, 4 Austin-Stephenson Co. A Ice cream made in 5 minutes J in Peerless Freezer. See Cotter 1 Stevens Co. i We make Screen Doors and ^ windows, any size. Let us have 4 your orders. Smithfield Hard- j ware Co. ? Low Quarter Shoes at Cost. 4 Austin-Stephenson Co. 4 We have jast received some 4 good double wagon, carriage A and buggy harness. See us be- a fore you buy. The Ellington 4 Buggy Co. That famous Throe -.irute A Peerless freezer is sold by < ot- w ter-Stevens Co. Low Quarter Shoes at Cost j g Austin-Stephenson Co ,lg The new Perfection Oil Cook B Stove is sold by Cotter-Stevens j| For the .Tobi ston Mower and 1 Rakes see Cotter-Underwood, ? Co. * |j Panama Ha?^ at Cost, Austin- a Stephenson Co. s Tobacco Trucks at Cotter- ? Stevens Co. 2 ?.j We make -creed doors and js windows, any .- ze. Let us have your orders Smithtield Hard- ^ ware Co. 9 WANTED. ? ? '* !? To Buy one or more copies of ? the old colored engraving of a Lafayette at the marble statue k: of Washington, > njch was de- B stroyed by tire in the old State House in Raleigh. Address? jjj stating price, M. H. H., Cor. S Hargctt St. and lioylan Ave, g Raleigh, N. C. ijfl * | THE ART OF BUYING WELL I > SHOULD BE STUDIED BY ALL. < f It means an appreciable difference in dollars and cents to you where and C % how you buy. C J We have reduced the prices on all our figured Lawn. % y Low cut Shoes for ladies and in fact on all Summer goods J J to such close figures that you save money by buying here. All these goods C J are high grade and desirable in every way. C < ALL MILLINERY AT COST. S J The Will II. Lassiter Dry Goods Co. v ! S P I E R 5 ! !?/ vl/ W viz BEGINING MONDAY, Jl'NE 17th, 07. 1x viz m viz We will place on sale a great num- (f ber of special bargains from every S Viz department of the store. Every- ZfV ji| thing on our remnant and bargain ? viz counters will be sold at or below 'f* viz 'fV ||- cost. Our customers will remem viz ber that we conducted a similar viz '?x ^ sale last year, those who bought jk viz of us were well pleased. No worth viz '?V ^ less or shoddy goods, everything ^ Viz guaranteed to be good. ? ^ viz V viz ^ viz : W viz Call And Let Us Serve You, % 1 5 P I E R S. | viz. yn I EXCURSION | I WILMINGTON AND WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. | w Watch this space for the announcement of the date ^ b of the Clayton Sunday School Excursion to the above ^ b named places. It is expected to run about the last of ^ ? July. Kxact date will be given in tnis space later. ^ ? Wait for us and go to these famous sea-side resorts for ^ ? a full day's outing. There will be plenty of cars, plen- ^ ? ty ice water and ?efreshments. Special arrangements ^ ? can be made for those who wish to make up a crowd. ^ ? For rates and other information, apply to ^ ^ C. \AJ. Carter, - Jesse Hilllard. S ? Riley R. Gulley, > ? Clayton. - North Caroline*. I We Are Going To Sell Oo! | I $ | OlR EMiRE STOCK OF FLAVORING EXTRACTS: ^ c+ *?? s m g Lemon, Orange, Ginger, Vanilla, | Strawberry, Cherry, Rootbeer. $ ? I $ Bed-bug Killer and Hair Tonic. ?/ $3 I I I 2 Curtain Desk, etc.. will be 1 | below manufacturers p: ic ?. If you want to make v !:r.:; ' 'n ? $ come and see us. i M | W. BRAGH'S GhEbiiGAL . g