COOKING EXHIBITION [SSS"] O R T H e GREAT MAJESTIC MALLEABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON RANGE ONE WEEK Beginning Monday, Sept, 23rd, 1907 ONE WEEK F R E ! -$7.50 Set of Ware With every Majestic Range sold during this Cocking Exhibition, we will give absolutely FREE one handsome set of ware as shown. This ware is worth ?7.50 if it is worth a cent. It is the best tnat can be bought. We don't add ?7.50 to the price of the range and tell you you are getting the ware free, but sell all Majestic Ranges at the regular \irice. You get the ware free. Re member this is for exhibition week only. Ware will not be given after this week. This ware is on exhibi tion at our store, and must be seen to be appreciated. Come in any day during the week. Make our store your headquarters. Have coffee and biscuits with us. Come if you intend to buy or not; the information gained will serve you in the future. B?s( ' Seals . M aje I ' ^ i ir | Guaran(e??l Family ^ 24> lbs Lava Pot & Cover Q '/2 ixvBoHom. -?? ? ? ^ Nickel Platel (? All Ccjjj-er Coffee Pot ^ Charcoal Iron Bodvj. 1 9X12 in.. 1^4va Poi & Cover 10m.Bottom. j 9XIZin. - I?KlMBBIMIIlMniWI II??Willi W Paien-t N everburn.|VVired DrippirLg- Pans* racis About The Great Majestic Range It is the only range in tho world made of Malleable and Charcoal Iron. It has, beyond any question of a doubt, the largest and best reservoir. It uses about half the fuel used on other ranges, and does better work by far. The Majestic All Copper Nickeled lleservoir heats the water quicker and hotter than any other. It is the only reservoir with a removable frame. The Charcoal Iron body of the great Majestic Range lasts three times as long as a steel body. Roing made of non breakable ma terial, there is practically no ex pense for repairing tho Majestic. As for breaking, it is perfection, not only for a few months, but for all time to come. A Great Majestic Range lasts three times as long as a cheap range, but it don't cost three times as much. ^ PROOF-We c on't ask you to take our word 1 for any of the above statements, but if you will call at our store, a man from the factory, where Majestic Ranges are made, will prove to your satisfaction, that these are absolute facts, and will show you many more reasons why the Great Majestic Rauge is absolutely the best that money can buy. ! ! ! I Everybody Welcome i^lrl ?~? a ro Everybody Come Kitchen Furnishers OmiTtl! A 0 i Cl 11 I QW&1G Opposite Court House | COUNTY I i CORRESPONDENCE J W The Week's Happenings Told by The % u Herald's Regular Correspondents. ^ I Princeton Items. We are sorry to say Miss Julia Sanders has typhoid fever. J. I). Finlayson is having his store and dwelling covered with tin. H. I). Wells left Tuesday for Dillon, S. C. lie will spend some time out there visiting relatives Mrs. J. R. Ledbetter and little ones are visiting at Clayton. Mrs. Ledbetter's mother, Mrs Farley, is also with her. The Free Will Baptists are car rying on revival here this week. Revs. Tyler Johnson and Lovet Mitchell are the ministers iu charge. J. D. Woodard, after taking a course in Draughon's Business College, has returned, and has accepted a position with his brother Geo. F. Woodard. Old Uncle Elijah Reed, an old time free negro, died on the Gth inst. Uncle Elijah claimed to be one of the old veterans as he fill ed the place as cook in the con federate service. He was 87 years old, and it is said that he has during his time, furnished more cord wood and cross ties to the railroad thau any other man. Sept. 12. J. D. F. Our National Danger. We rush through life without taking time to eat, sleep or play, and as a result this is an age of indigestton. nervousness, irrita bility, sleeplessness and debility. The national danger is stomach weakness, due to the strenuous life. With the discovery of Mi o-na, which strengthens the stomach muscles and stimulates secretion of the digestive juices so that the stomach does its work as it should, there is no longer any excuse for indigestion. Mi-o-na never fails to cure stomach troubles, and is sold in 50-cent boxes by Hood Bros., with a guarantee to refund the money if it does not give com plete satisfaction. Beasley Bits. Messrs. N. T. Creel and C. C. Beasley went to Smithfield last i week. M r. H. B. Beasley went to Golds , boro Monday, returning Tues day. Miss Mabel Westbrook left Tuesday for Littleton Female College. Rev. Mr. Guyton, of Newton Grove, visited Mr. J. M. Beasley last Sunday. Miss Fannie Cox and Isabel McCulleu from near Goldsboro were in our section Sunday. tfrs. N. T. Creel and Mr. T. C. Simmons visited friends at I)ob bersville a few days last week. (Juite a number from the Anti och section attended protracted meeting at St. .John last week. Miss Alma Beasley returned home Sudday after spending two weeks in Wake and Upper Johns ton. Messrs. Howard Beasley and W. H. Marler took their depar ture Monday forOrphan Heights, near Kinston, where they will be in school this year. Miss Clyda Thornton also left last Friday for Orphan Heights. Sept. 17,-'07. Upper Meadow Items. Cotton is opening very rapidly now and help is very scarce. Miss Lessie Johnson returned home from Graham last week. Miss Georgia Wood is spend ing a few days with relatives at Rocky Mount. We are glad to know that so few of our people had to attend court last week. Messrs. Jas. Morgan and Pres ton Tart visited Smithfield on Tuesday of this week. A number of our people attend ed the family reunion at Mr. S. D. Jackson's Saturday. Our clever rural carrier, Mr. A. T. Ryals, attended court ia6t week. Ellington Tart served dur ing his absence. Snap Shot. Benson, N. C., Sept. 17-'07. If you want the best Sewing Machine ever made by any factory in the world buy the New Home. We refer you to any lady who ever used one of them. Sold by J. M. Beaty, Smithfield, N. C. Powhatan Points. Mr. W. R. Poole, of Clayton, spent Sunday in our section. Messrs. J. W. M. and A. L. .Tones went to Pine Level Thurs day. Messrs. A. L. and Archie Jones, of Raleigh, spent a few days at home this week. Messrs. Ira Medlin and Horace Easom, of Smithtield, spent Sun day in our vicinity. Messrs. DoneSpenceand Henry Price, of Clayton, were visitors in our section Sunday. Mr. J. I. Adams and family, of Wilson's Mills, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ellis, of ('lav ton, spent Saturday and Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. T. 11. Ellis. Mr. J. S. Davis and family, of the Johnson Union sectioL, spent Sunday with Mr. M. H. Jones' family. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Jones and Miss Ora Eilis, of Wilson's Mills, spent Saturday night with Mr. J. C. Jones. Messrs. Jesse Jones and Jim Coltanand Misses Alice Lockamy an d Victoria Gargess, of Raleigh, soent Sunday with Miss Nellie Jones. The Baptizing at Jones' Pond last Sunday was attended by an unusual large crowd. There were seven candidates. After the bap tizing they assembled at the church where the pastor, Rev. J. S. Ellis, preached a very interest ing and touching sermon to those just promising to be fol lowers in Christ Jesus. Several restorations were made to the church, numbering eleven in all. The church is well pleased with pastor and the good work he has done; be has served two years and will be with us again the ensuing year. May Cod be with him in all his good work. Sept. 16. Sexoj. The Touch That Heals Is the touch of Bueklen's Ar nica Salve. Jt's the happiest combination of Arnica flowers and healing balsams ever com pounded. No matter how old the sore or ulcer is, this Salve will cure it. For burns, scalds, cuts, wounds or piles, it has no equal. Guaranteed by Hood Bros., druggists. 25c. Over The River News. Mr. Henry Stephenson took in the Exposition last week. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Stephenson attended church at theOld I'nion Second Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. (t. W. Mitchell and family have returned from a visit to relatives and friends in Wayne county. Mrs. I. N. Strickland, from the Elizabsth section, is spending this week with her father, Mr. Dock Stephenson. Miss Emily Stephenson has re turned from a week's visit to j ! I'olentn, aneotupanied by herj j cousin, Miss Blanche Coats Mr. Herman Talton, of sur sec | ! tion,aud Joe Johnson and Henrv j Talton, visited friends in Wake j county Saturday and Sunday. The social event of the season 1 I was a party given by Miss Emily j Stephenson last Friday night complimentary to her guest Miss [ Blanche Coats, of the Polenta! section. Music and games were enjoyed until the hour of ten when thev were invited into the ! dinning room where cake and cream was served. The following were the invited guests: M -sps Mary Mitcbiner, Mitchie Y mg blood, Pearl Stephenson. Lola Talton, Eula Mitchell, Annie Stephenson. Eula Coats, Blanche Coats, and Messrs. Willie Wilson, Frank Quill, Herman Talton, Henry and Junius Stephenson, Joe Johnson, Henry Walter, and Ralph Talton, Milton and Edwin i Coats and Clyde Yonngblood. Cbaperones. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Talton and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stephenson Music was furnished by Messrs Stephenson and Gudl on the Violin and Guitar. The I evening was so pleasantly spent that the hour of eleven came all too soon Sept. 10,-'07. Zekxes. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain /Mercury, ? As mercury will surely destroy the sense of ! smell and completely derange the whole sys tem when entering- it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians. as the damage they will do is ten fold to the grood you can possibly derive from them. Hairs Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F, J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall'sCatarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney k Co. Testimonials free. Bold by all Druggists. Price 76c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Bismark News. Mr. Everett Jones, of Wake county, was a visitor in our circle Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Harbour visited relatives near Four Oaks Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, of Holly Springs, visited their sis ter, Mrs. Booker Benson last week. Mr. Roger Langdon and fami 1V, of near Benson, spent Sunday in our community, visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lang don. Sept. 17,-'07. Black Creek Notes. Cotton is opening rapidly in this section. Mr. Lemuel Dixon was in our section Sunday. Rev. Mr. Owens preached at St. Mary's Grove Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Cephus Harbour, of Four Oaks, is spending this week with his parents. Mr. J. D. Barbour, of Salis bury. visited relatives in our vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Harbour! ' visited relatives in Harnett couu- j I tv Saturday and Sunday. Mr. .Jack Jones, of Cumberland j i county spent a few days last week with his son, Mr. Everett Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Harbour spent Wednesday night and Thursday with relatives at Four Oaks. Mr. George Parker and Miss Georeriana Thompson were mar ried Wednesday of last week. Mr. Zebedee Lassiter, J. P. officiated. Mr. Chester Lassicerand sister, Miss Lula, of Spilona, and Miss Vessie Coats, of Smith held, were visitors in our community Fri day. Sept. 17. Tom Boy. , VALUABLE FAR.\1 FOR SALE A good farm containing be tween 300 and 400 acres three miles from Clayton for sale. Fiye-horse crop cleared. Good water, good stream on land. Several thousand cords of wood. Will sell for part cash, part on easy terms. Mules, wagons, and everything on farm for sale. W. H. Barham, Clayton, N. C. NOTICE. The undersigned having* Qualified as ad ministrator on the estate of Mrs. Annie M. Smith, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me dulv verified on or before the ?>th day of Sept.. 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar or their recovery and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This .10th day of August, 1997. sept 6x4t. L. B. SMITH, Executor. NOW Is The Time You expect to buy a Machine this fall and you should buy at once so as to have it for the fall Hewing 1 have employed Mr. James H. Easom to sell for me again, and wo are prepared to supply you with a ma chine any time you want it. I hf ve been in the business more than eighteen years aud the New Home is certainly the best machine I have ever seen. This is why 1 am selling it. I could sell oth ers just as well, but want to sell the best. Write me or tell me or -Mr. Easom to carry you a ma chine. J. M. BEATY, Smithfield, N. C. Indigestion \ Stomach tronbl* is but a symptom of. and nol In itself a true ?i ease. VW tb.nk of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Indigestion as real disease*. Y?i they are symptom* <.;ilv of a c rtain specific Nerve sickn-ss?nothing ei3c. It was this fact that tirst correctly led Dr. Shoot* in the creation <;>'s RestOlWtire. 'Joiig direct to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success and favor to Dr. ^lioopand his R* vorativo. With out that original and highly vital prim ipie. no such lasting accomplishnv nt^ *ver? >verto be had. For stomach distress, bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow complex ton. try Dr. nhoop'i Restorative?Tablets or Liquid?and see for your self what it can end will do. We sell ami cheer* fully recommend Dr. SHcop's Restorative HOOD BROS. * HOLLISTER'S - Rocky Mountain Tea Kuggefs A Busy Msdicln* tor Busy Peopls. Brines Golden Haslth sod Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constlputioa Indigestion. User sod Kidney troubles., Eczems, Impure mood. Bsd Brestb. Sluggish Bowels. Hesdsche sod Useksche Its Rocky Mountain Te? In tab let form. 9b cents s bos. Genuine m.!i by Hoixtsm Duro Cottrsier. Msdlson, Wlfc I GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE