Annvial Itemized Statement OF THE Bo^rd County Commissioners Of Johnston County For The Year Ending November 30th. 1907. Miscellaneous Expenses. OONTINUKI) PKOM I.AHT WKKK dkckmiikh 3kd, 190(5. E E Parrish, 1 day judge of election $ 1 00 \V (i Hlnton, 1 day judge of e|?.cti >u aud returning 2 (50 L Z Wuoduid, registrar for Usui ah r. uwu*hip 9 Oo Bruce Barnes, se rvii g .'1 road order* 90 w s 8teveus, sundry services 0 s ( 51 .'50 ?1 11 Howell, serving 27 challenge* o Hill 8 10 Edwards & Brougbton, records n, d blanks foi < 8 ? 7 30, t J Masbnurn, registrar Mead< * township 13 <50 T M Johnson, registrar Eleva ion to hum ip 15 22 J U 8uiitb, registrar itauuer township 1<5 891 j (j Keen, registrar lugrams towuship 13 80 j m Oliver, poll bolder lfoou tlili 3 00 8mitUtield l ur (Jo, chairs fur court room 57(52 FT Hooker, regis, rar Cleveland town-bip 11 72 H A Watson, registrar Boon 11:11 township 17 41 Arthur, service poll bolder 4 02 Powell a Powell, 1 car load coal 93 3o .1 8 Boyett, 2 d?i? as poll holder 2 00 z Taylor, registrar i'iue i^eve! 11 40 Aydeu Powell, 1 da.v as poll bolder 1 00 \v a Edgertou, sundry services c h c u 100 40 1) T Lunctford, registrar Sumiitietd lownsuip 8 84 ?Seluia News, stationary lor County ( oms (5 00 8elma News, blanks for It g's office 5 75 p l> Holland, poll bolder Heulao 2 9<i 8 t Houeyeutt, 2 du^s on Finance Coin ?. 4 00 c a Buudy, 1 day as poll holder c'levelaud 1 00 m (j Uulley, iegntiar < lay ton t >whnbip <5 25 .1 1) Adams, pull holder Cla>tou township 1 00 M Durham, poll noldcr Dla.vtou to.vuslitp I C)U G G Gulley, 1 day judge of election 1 00 (J A Bigg?, registrar Wildera towuebq 18 27 .1 1) Whitley, registrar Oueals township 14 80 ?J T Marseugill, special order <> 1' 2 00 Sarah Hull, special order O I' 5 00 VV P Grimes, registrar Heutonsviiie township 11 50 F G Itoae, 1 day poll bolder 1 00 J M Eawhon, poll holder Meadow 8 00 W K Keen, 1 day poll holder 1 Ukraine 1 00 J G Jones, 1 day judge election Clayton 1 00 M M Gulley, registrar Clayton 0 57 .1 C Wallace, 1 day as poli holder 1 00 VV 1> lioou, 2 days as poll holder 2 00 Ada Hiuton, work on Index 18 00 Aluia Easoui work on Index 20 40 Itena Bingham work on Index 8 45 Annie Peacock, work on Index 10 05 W C Wilson, work on index 84 75 Anuie Martin, work on Index 10 80 Wesley Whitley, support of Ada Whitley pauper 140 Dkckmukk 4TH, 1007. John A Woodard, 1 day judge of election 1 00 Mary Ellen Creech, burial Piety Itatien 8 00 J T Ellington, sundry services Sheriff 20 35 Zoe 1> EeMay, services Coroner luquest CI lticnardsou 3 20 Sain T lloneycutt, 2 days clerk 1$ Co Come 4 00 JANUAKY7TH, 1007. A C Johnson. 1 day as poll holder 1 00 VV H Stephenson, 2 days as poll holder and returns 2 SI Jesse II Creech 1 day aN poll holder 1 00 ,1 O Johnson, board of Jury Peacock case 13 00 Spiers Pro <, felt for I teg's office 3 00 Edwards A Uroughton,blanks foi C is C 2 30 Edwards A Kroughtou, record b >oks It g's office 51 50 VV L Filler, convey lug grand jurv Co home 8 00 Mrs S S Ciiley, board ol jcry Peacock esse 4150| Seltna News, sundry stationary Keg's ottie 5 50 Marion Parker, 1 day as poll holder 1 00 D A Bizzeti, 0 days services conn crier IS 00 J VV Oueal, 4 days officer petit jury 8 00 M C Barber, 1 day poll holder 1 00 VV T Terry, dater for Keg's office 1 59 J E Dickens. 8 days officer grand jury <> 00 J T Masseugill, special order C) 1' 2 00 It 1 Ogburn registrar P Grove 10 14 .1 11 Wheeler, convey iug 2 prisoner* to jail 2 40 It M Nowell Hlindrv Mcrvirnn rihuriff lei or. VV 8 Stevens, Huudry services C S ( 44 lo VV C Wilson, work cm Index 32 37 Male1 Weeks, w ork on Index 10 55 Alma Smith, work on Index 21 30 Alma Easoru, work on index 21 40 Ada liiuuui, work on 1ml x 15 60 Auni Martin, work on index 1 1 50 Ht-'ii v liolt A Lu Mier, sundry acct aus ii. uies 7 85 VV N llo-e. exam ol uik ,ne 2 00 Mrs Stephen Sander*, special oruer O 1' ?,.... 3 00 Jani ahy 7th, 1907. HiuUhBcld Hdw Co, sundry Mdsc court house 10 70 .1 K Hood, registrar 8elm? township 13 32 Kailey 11 rod & Kirby, supplies for 1 Hooper O I' 6 50 Sum r Mo u-j cutt, sundry services C 11 0 C 80 60 Fkhhuaky 4th, J907. Alma Smith, work on Index 24 57 Alma Easom, work on Index 32 60 Seth W Myatt, work on ludex 22 00 Annie Maft hi, work on Index 22 24 Ada Hint-on, work on Index 28 52 J W Corbett, 2 days poll holder Oueals 2 00 A W VV'ilkins, 3 days poll holder and judge ol election 3 72 K VV Crumpler, 1 day poll holder lloou 11 dl I 00 J M Massey, 1 day poll holder llentonsville 1 00 C R Stott, 2 days poll bolder an 1 judge election 2 00 L E lioueycutt, 1 day poll holder 1' Grove 1 00 Selma News, suudry stationary Item's ottice 2 00 Sam T Houeycutt, sundry set vices CMC C 75 20 VV 8 Stevens, sundry services 0 8 C 7 60 Edwards & Kroughton, sundry supplies lor C 8 C 75 Edwards & Kroughton, record book Keg's ottice 8 50 March 4th, 1907. W R Creech, 4 days Co Kd of elei ions and mil 5 60 Alex VViggs, 1 day poll bolder 1 00 Amos Coats, 1 day poll bolder 100 Alma Easom, work on Index 25 00 Jasper Smith, 1 day judge of election 1 00 Ada Hinton, wot* o,n Index 22 50 Selma Mews sundry stationary it it's ottice 2 00 Edward ? & Mr ugbtoii, record book Keg's ottice 22 50 Ever H Waddy Co, stationary ior Reg's ottice 9 11 L M K.. als, serving 9 subpoenas 2 70 Hood Krue, sundry lidse lor court house 20 90 I W C U'iison, work on Index -'0 : E1 wards A Bronghton, blanks for 1I 8 C 8u \ W S Stevens, Imu x of will records Clerks nffP-e 353 05 ?Sain T Hotieccut!, sundry service* C B (3 <3 4 I 2;> Jones and Bovet', conveying prisoner to jail 0 30 March 5th, 1907 : T R Hood, I 'lav- on Finance Com 2 00 J J vv llyHlv, convwvinir W Williams to jail 3 00 (J M Bell, exam of B Coita 10 00 Z \j LeMay, services as coroner inquest B Lotto 22 70 Ai'KiL. 1ST, 1907. J E Dickens, 4 days officer Grand Jury 8 00 r I' Failey, conveying prisoner to jail 2 00 J C Eunis, conveying (irauil .lury Clayton Camp 2 00 T .) Kami, repairs on court bouse pump 1 7a It VI Novell conveying It Cook to jail 1_ 50 Everett Wad'iy Co, stationary for C S C 7 11 Z L LeMay, Inquest over Gray Roberts 21 10 ! vV' S Stevens, sundry services CSC 86 17 I Beaty Holt & Lassiter, publishing Annual Statement 59 32 It M No well, sundry services Sheriff 120 30 | aam T Honeycutt, sundry services Regs Deed 53 25 El wards A B rough ton, record book for Regs office 1200 W T Bailey, conveying 1 (3ooper Co home 90 W C Harper, burial of S Sanders O I' 3 00 May 6th, 1907. Alma Easoui, work on Index 19 75 ?etu VV Myatt, work on Index 22 00 Ada Hintou, work on Index 08 75 Ana 11 in ton, work ou Index 8 7.5 AI in u Easoui, work on Index 5 87 .Vlabel Weeks, work ou Index 7 87 VV C Wilson, work uu index 02 20 Ada Himoii, work ou Index 18 25 Annie Martin, work on Index 7 N7 VV A Edgeriou. work on index 200 00 J D Jeffreys, 1 day poll uolder Selma 1 00 Town of Benson, conveying 2 prisoners to jail 4 90 1'own of Benson, conveying 2 prisoners to juii ami Exp 12 3.? J 11 Wheeler, services as constable 3 00 .1 -?.L M ?? * * i-j .uaseeugm, special orde.i U 1' 2 00 John VV Toinliueou, conveying prisoner to j ui 2 00 Euise Richardson, guard of small p >x patients 34 00 lizzie Davis Do, supplies lor small pox patients 10 78 .1 C Holt, conveying J I'arliii tojad 2 00 State Hospital, suudry supplies Ada Whitley 5 00 S T lloueycutt, suudry services 11 15 C C -11 15 Edwards A Hroughlou, record books for 0 S 11 20 00 \V S Steveus, sundry services 0 S-C 25 08 W It Ratten, conveying Will Dee to court 8 75 It M Nowell, sundry services Sheriff 5 40 Walker, Evans A. Cogswell (Jo, sundry stationery fordo... . 1!) 25 A (i Hooks, sundry costs conveying prisoner to jail 22 25 8aiu T Houeycutt, Ins. premium on Co uomp 22 50 Cotter Stevens Co, suudry \ldse for court house 8 90 June 8kd, 1907. T It Fulghum, survey of township line Ouealsand Wil ler .. 8 00 Seltna News, sundry stationary county 8 25 (Jodfrey Stancil, burial of outside pauper 4 00 I) H Price, 1 day as poll bolder 1 00 ?I 1) Eason, work on township Hue Oueals aud Wildere 0 00 Henry Lynch, work on township line Oneals and Wildere. . 1 00 Edwards A Rroughtou, record book lteg's officp 12 00 F M Weeks, 1 day as poll holder 1 00 Thad Stevens, 1 day as poll holder 1 00 T It Hood, 1 day on Fin Com 2 00 F T Hooker, registrar special election Clevelaud 4 00 Reaty Holt A Lassiter, suudry notices 3 20 Perry Toler, burial outside pauper 3 00 L D Wharton, visits to small pox patients 8 50 Rarnes Edgerton Co, supplies for small pox patients 8 02 Rooker and McLeMore, professional services small pox . 7 00 Sam T lloneycutt, sundry services C B CC 49 35 R M Nowell, sundry services Sheriff 27 75 W S Stevens, sundry services CSC 1 85 June 4th, 1907. A M Sanders, services with I'.'d Co Corn* 2 00 J UhY 1st, 1907. I W Hocutt, 2 days on Pension Rpard 4 oo John Stephenson, 2 days on P< iision Roard 4 oo W N Rose, 2 days on Peusion Hoard 4 oo W 8 Stevens 2 days on Pension Roard 4 oo Elija Stanley, special older OP 2 oo W N Rose list taker and asessor Reutonsville 18 no W It Smith A Co, supplies f >r Mnall pox cases 4 3o II Stienmetz, floral design A K Smith dee'd 7 oo John Hamilton, biirboard for court house 3 25 C W Lindsay, repairs on court house 17 9o West Disinfecting Co, disinfectant for countv 17 9o Edwards & Rrougbton, binding tax books 1907 9 oo F T Rooker, exam of insane person 2 oo I'Mwards A: Broughton, 5 order books for county llooi Edwards ?.N Broughtonr binding copysheets couuty 6 4o! K M I 17. -ij A: Co, 4 record books Regs ? fiioe lo ooj Larkto Lvneh, work on Oneals and Wilder* Line 3 ooj .1 B Oneal, work on Oueals <ud Wild-re ! tie loo Walker Evans <fc (3ogs*ell Co, 1 record book lfegn office.. 1 o No If M Nowell, sundry services Sheriff 4 o5! Sam T Houeyeutt, sundry a evict s (3 BCO ~45 75 VV S stevetie, Exftin of 2 Insane 4 ooj J (I Turlington, 7 days uss? esor Banner 14 oo Amos Battel!, conv"yinvj H Crocker county home 2 5ol Juo T Atkiusnn 7 days assessor Beutousvilie 14 ooj W T Parker. 1) days asses-or Oneals l.Soo 8 P M Tarr, 6 days assessor Meadow 12 00; Jas W VVoodard, 11 days assessor Boulah 22 oo .1 L.lone-, lis taker and assessor Oneals .44 oo! A F Holt, 11 days ess-ssor B Hill 22 oo ?laules M Oliver, 12 days assessor B Hill 24 oo I) J Wood, 5 days hps saor Meadow lo oo Nathan Me Lamb, list raker and assessor Meadow 26 oo .1 It Fitdavson, list taker and assessor B Hill 411(5 J C Keen, list taker and assessor Ingrams 28 72 J A Moseeugill 6 days assessor Ingrams 12 oo J 1) Smith 7 days assessor Ingrains 14 oo I Joseph Lee 8 days assessor Beutonsville. 16 oo j J (3 Keen, 14 special items, Ingrains 28 CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. My mutual consent of the undersigned, formerly encaged in the general merc antile business In the town of kenly, N. C., the firm of Morris it Godwin hue this day been dissolved by the division of the stock of goods between said part ners. l'huroah Godwin has sold his entire interest in all accounts notes and mortga ges owing to and held by said Arm to G M. Morris therefore all persons Im debted to said firm of Morris A Gndwril wiil settle with G. M. Morris, We tuank our friends for past favors. This 6th day of Kebunry 1908 I "baron h Godwin, G. M. Morris TIMBER FOR SALE. 1 want to sell leaf Pine Timber! from 150 acres of laud known as tbe Ingram land and lying 0111 Hannahs t reek near Thomas I I Rhodes. If you want to see the! limber Thomas Rhodes, M. T. Barefoot or Lis Grant will shoWv j it to you. On Saturday February ' 29th at 10 o'clock I expect to be ' at the new bridge near Mrs. j.luliaF. Barefoot to sell this' timber. The land is well tim-i bored. M.Y. Barefoot, Ben | son. N. 0. I MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of certain mortgages. ex ecu ted by Nathan Johnson; Diana John son. Kufus Johnson noil Jnn Johnson,! to J. H, Stanley, It. H Alien tin! Joseph | Edwards, und registered its follows: 1st Mmtgage executed by Nathan ! Jolinwou and Diana Johuson to .1. H. Stanley, nnd Registered in Book E. No. I 7 page 960, in the offic- of Register of Iteeds for Johnston County and conveys ' the following tract of land lying and I* log in Johnston county, Ingtams Town ship, and described and defined as fol Iowa, to wit; Beginning at a stake in ?lames II. Khodes' line, corner of lot No 1 in the partition of the lands of Eden Khodes. deceased, and runs with the line of lot No. 1 K. 1(10 poles to a stake in the line of lot No 9, thence with the Hue of lot No. 2, 8. 17 poles to a stake, thence K. 5 poles to a pine, the Seller's corner, theme with said line 8. 51 pedes to a pine, thence with said line 8 30? E 9 poles to a stake corner of lot No. 5. thence w ith the line of said lot, W. 104 poles to a s ake In the line of lot No. 4. thence witti the line of said lot N 59 [ poles to a stake, thence W. 5 poles to a ' stake. James II. Rhodes' corner, thence with his ifne N 15 roles to the begin ning, containing forty seven acres. The i same tieing lot No 3 In partition of the lands of Eden Rhodes, deceased. Said mortgage was transferred by J. II. Stanley to U H Allen for value; and on Januaiy 17th, 1902. It. H. Allen trans ferred said mortgage to Joseph Edwards for value. 2nd. Mortgage, executed by Nathan Johuson and Diana Johnson, to K. II. tllen. nnd registered in Rook G 38, page 330 in the office of Register of Deeds for Johnston county, and con veys the following iract of land lying and being in Johnston County in In grains I'ownship, and described and de fined as f dlows, to wit: Adjoining the lands of R. II. Allen, Bob Masrengill, Thomas Rhodes, Tom rule Lee and others containing forty seven acres?it being the lanes upon which we now live. Said mortgage was transferred by R. II. Allen to Joseph Edwards of date Jaiiuan the 17th, 1902 fur value. 3rd. Mortgage, executed by Diana Johnson to Joseph Edwards and reg istered in Book (i. 37, page 43 in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for John ston county, and conveys the following tract of land Ring in Ingrains Town ship. and adjoining the lands of Ransom Allen. Boli Massen^ill, Thomas Rhodes and John Watson, it being entirely sur rounded by these tracts, it being the land on which Diana Johnson now re sides, and which was deeded to Nathan Johnson and Diana Johnson by J. 11. (Stanley, containing 47 acres more or less. 4th. Mortgage, executed by Diana Johnson, Itufus Johnson and Jim John son to Joseph Edwards, and registered in Book A. 38, page 351 in the office of Register of Deeds for Johnston county, and conveys the following tract of land, viz: 47% acres of land situated in John ston county, Ingrains Township, bound ed as follows; on the North by the lands of John Watson, on the East by the land of Bob Massengiil, on the South by the lands of T. H. Rhodes, and on the West by the lands of Ransom Allen The undersigned will sell for cash, at public auction at the Court House door in Smithfield on the 9th day of March, 1908 the tract of land above described and conveyed by said mortgages. This 8th day of February, 1908. J. H. Stanley, It. H. Allen and Joseph Edwards J'. Langhorne Barhain, Att'y. NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as Admr. on the estate of John R. (teorge deceased, hereby not!ties all persons ? having claims against said estate to pre sent tlie same to me duly verified on or before the 21 day of February 19u9 or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their re-1 covery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 17 day of February. 1908. I'. E. JOHNSON, Admr. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of Martitia M. Sanders deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said es tate to present same to me duly verified on or before the 7th day of February, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to estate will make Immediate pavment. This 5th bay of February, 1 f)08. A. M. Sanders, Aduir. MORTGAGE SALIC. By virtue of n power of sale contained , in a Mortgage de d. made to T. T. (iod- ! win by .1 J. Kobluson and wife, Marv E. Robinson, Jennie (1. Whlti'eld and \ Florence W bitfield, on the 10th day of I December, l'JOl. duly probated and Keg-! Istered lu the registry of Johnston conn- ! : ty, N. C.. Book "T" No. s, pate" 88 to which reference is expressly made. The ; j conditions of said mortgage having lH*en broken, therefore, the undersigned, as Mortgage, will sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House door, in the town of Sinlthfield, N. C.. on the '21st day of March, 1908, being Saturday, at 12 o'clock m., the two following lots of land, situated in the plan of the town of Smlthtield, N. C., and bounded as fol lows: The first lot Is situate on the corner of Caswell and ,'!rd streets, and runs West j erly along Caswell street 210 feet, j thence Northly and parallel with 3rd and , 2nd streets 52^ feet, thence Easterly and parallel with Caswell and Hancock I strive* 210 feet to said 3rd street, thence Southerly and parallel with aaid 3rd ( and 2nd streets to the beginning, con taining one fourth of an acre. The second lot is situate on the South west corner of Fourth aud llaueock Sts. in the intersection, and runs Westerly ; along Hancock street 210 feet to Andrew , McCanley's line and corner, thence ( Southerly along McCaulev's line and parallel with said fourth street 105 feet . thence Easterly and parallel with Dan cock stnet 210 feet to Fourth street, thence Fourth street and parallel with ' Third street 105 feet t, she beginning, containing one half acre, but the Mort- ' gagors own only one half of the lot or one fourth of an arie, which part is con- ' sidered the Western end. which contains a small one room house. Tbe object of , the sale is to collect the amount due the Mortgagee and the cost and expense of sale. The title to the lots Is good. This February 18th, 1908. T. T. Godwin, Mortgagee. John A. Norton, Att'y HALE UNDER EXECUTION. North Carolina Johnston County. McNAlK aoi PEAKSALL V 8 HKNJ. and I. B. HUDSON. IJy virtue of an execution (greeted to the ; undersigned from the Superior Court of I Johnston Co. iu the anove entitled action. ! The Homestead of Benj. Hudson was laid off according to law and do excess in personal property being fouud. therefore the under signed Sbff. of Johnston County, in order to satisfy the atore said execution, as well as the following execution against said Benj. and I. B. Hudson, iaued out of the Superior Court of Johnston County ana in my liands Mt this data to wit: Dixie Oil works. Ked C, Oil Mix. Qo^ Bonrllie Grooerr Oo (lac) Wil son and Thumm Co. (Inc ) West Over Paper Co.. Sorth Mfg. Co.. Hamilton Pants Mfg. Co. Wells (iroccry Co., and Kenton Baking Powder Co. I will on Monday the 2nd day of March J906, at 11 o'clock. m. at the Court House door of said county, Sell to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest, which the said Benj. and I. B. Hudson the defend ants, have in the following described real estate to wit. Tract No 1 being lot near the town of Benson fronting on road 150 feet, and running back North 37 K 150 feet, on which is situateda dwelling house in which I. B. Hud son now resides. One other tract containing 36 acres adjoining the lands of J. W. Wood, C. A. Heaves, Julia Tart and J, A. Hall and b ing and being in Banner township Johnston County. One other tract containing 50 acres bought of Henry Bryant adjoining the lauds of Pias Hudson, (leo. Huason and John L, K ivn??r and lying Mild being in Banner town ship. Johnston Couuty. For a more complete description reference is hereby made to the Registry of Johnston County. Jan. 28. 1908. K. M. NO WELL, Sheriff, of Johnston Co. NOTICE. NOKTH CAROLINA | In the Superior Court Johnston County I March Term. 11)08. Oulf.v J ones VH. 8 M. Jones. Service of numinous by Publication. The defendant S. II. Jones above named, will take notice that an action entitled as atiove, lias been commenced in the Superior Court of Johnston couu tv, to niinul and dissolve the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and the defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Johnaton County, to be held on the first Monday in March. 1908, at the Court House in the town of Cmithtielu, Johnston county and State of North Carolina, and answer or de mur to the complaint in the said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief remanded in the said Com plaint. This the 15th day of January, 1908. Ed. 8. Abell Att'y for Plaintilf. W. S. Slevens, C 8. C, NOTICE, The undersigned having qualified as administrator on the estate of Martitia M. Sanders deceased, will sell at public auction at Smithtleld N. C, on the 2nd day of March 1908 the personal property of said deceased, consisting of the fol lowing articles, viz: Household furniture One invalid Chair, and will sell at the same time and place Five Shares of preferred Stock in the Smithfield Cotton Mills. Amount of Stock $500.00 and other articles unnecessiuy to mention. Terms Cash. Time of Sale 12'oclock. M. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate will exhibit, them to me on or before the 7th day of February 1008. This 10th day of Feb. 1908. A. M. Sanders, Admisistrator. NOTICE. Statk or North Carolina, County Op Johnston. In the SuperiorCourt before the Clerk, Jan. 29 1908. Lucy Benson and husband Joe Benson, and K. L. Barber. Vs. E K. Barber, L. E. Barber Bertha Bar ber and husband David Barber and others. By virtueof the authority ofa judg ment obtained in the Special " Proceed ings entitled ns above, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday. March 2nd, 1908, sell to the highest bidder at the Courthouse door in Smithfield at public auction for cash the hereinafter described tracts of land Lot No. 2 Beginning at a maple In the Horse Pen liranch, runs 8. <> E. 5.97 chains to a stake; thence 8. 8.25 chains to a red oak; thence N 65 E. 1.46 chains to a post oak; thence N;41 E. 44.25 chains tji a pine thence N. <50 E. 18.80 chains to a stake in K. M. Barber's line; thence N. 64 VV. 5 chains to a stake; thence N. 12 W. .'! 9 chains to a stake; thence N. 82 \V. 5 57 chains to a white onk; thence S. 7. W. 5 chains ton stake in the ditch; thence up said branch to the beginning. Containing 31 acn s. Lot No. 3. Beginning nt a white oak It. M. Bar bers corner; runs 8. 7 W. 3 chains to a stake in the ditch; thence up said ditch to a poplar; thence N. 15,4.33 chains to a stake; thence east to the beginning. Dontainitg 3 ac ts. This sale is made for a division. This January 29, 1908. Jae. A. Wellons Commissioner. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To all to whom these Presents may concern?< Irketi kg : Wherbas. It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary disso lution thereof, by the unanimous con sent of all the stockholders, deposited in my o lice, that Benson Prize House Co.. a corporation of this State, whose priucipa office is situated at Benson, County of Johnston, State of North Car olina (A. L. Barefoot being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has com plied with the requiremetts of chapter 21. Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corpora tion," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution, Now, therefore, I. J Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corpoiatiou did, cm the 14th day of Feb ruary, 1908, file in my oftiee a duly ei routed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, sxecuted by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office, as provided by law. In testimony Whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 14th day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1908. ^ J. ItRYAN GRIMES, Secretary * U- ? ^ ... r*tl M LAf

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