ttr:t:?:?:r::::::::::::::::::::::' fp ? jr x~* " ===== 1 rl t ===== ft i :: J::: rv ? iri ? ? Princess Vindn?$: * V4!,fV ? O ;; By C. N. and A. M. WILLIAMSON, ' Authors of "C4# Llflhtnlntf Conductor," "Ro?c? , ;> mary In Search of a lather," tie. J* ->? t red i..ys ??.* mii ! nml bold tin in '.lash atone. the bi'ov, w'n caiijitii ami riwj where ije sua touoUcl it, iil'.ie^t?'l?-n llnli lcftj. whom h;- liuieh aililik. 1 for! her ?hjicU us wt|L|il l^Hiniy, tliut alui ! Her ? eigth v,oaM bo but hi that at II i n r to the hot sea, whlel were i'.-i.! to arty lag far l" avlcf lands than that oi' ? uy up tbo steeii niouu taiu toad to Ar!.'itoiii,;i'u in Mi'' sen on of July an i AufiUM, When many uue to ri > 1 itfons, btlt :)it' girl sail ilililgly la ' a Mo t tiu?t ! walMiu'.. flml th( , her ui r.ior. fur her i.mitui *s .and en , faae WW plum sir . 1 ij, gray, wlii. i, did not U< lU.' dust, and, i t jacket wuru well lu.ido Usui j r little hut Juuu- i : dangerously j boeondug .-she ens Jn up arance ft? siTi > of the Indies i there wn. an air ulxiiit her?uo; he but. It meant (lUiunflioD And then, u> ! she Wi i I.j i, it v. ? in ; "si lug "a* it*-? i Mh. ' co ' I sprite Hhae-Jan so i etilfj. (Use had learned 'tared -i i;SMWtiOU, I oc#u slaej? she' -- wa# :i child - ho bad token s a Interest | In Rbuetian Id. r, iTnd Mteruture. And tbi-i seemed strange'u> Win?that bo dainty si lUdy Uould have learned audi a.hius'tag ter I''- it*. boeaaie the i .o of mo l Ouutvl found It ?X'.< d\ely ? tilt ? s s difficult as Ubngartaji and ?;.?< cuiptsh lute flcr men lo male' it even aiofc dUjeuH perhat i. Hut this XluglisU i-'U'l hi'd she I I picked It up en .ly. and the Jlptug uura'" heart warn., d to her when ho jut ? 1 Id ttia.t music audi iSbuetiau poctr; 1 I This w: -t: ? I 1 " I'hie won . him wholly, and without s Abhor fur ther to ami ie or at >; lit fir his ud trll ration tl driver of the fir: t car riage found hlm-s lf bestowing oonfl deir "s Upon his gri. ioi"- companion as they slowly t .unfed up the winding reed,,the rt 'us i ? d ov?f his arm. p' He lob.l her of his life?how he had not alv.i 's lived Idown there in the r valley and driven! tourists for a living. tUe king'.) Up-.-, r. n the cmj.iT or'u U. \va li';-.o i. "U who ?uiii it: I lie was ?! I?U ladle* would lie ' \ - nl'U li'.-r l'iT a few /J*!TS t *' V 1. " I'd "1 1 ?? < . .'Hi .. in. i- ? comfortable < . : i ? ; lit n cro'. ! i .k1 then, usIJet , Bftev the i i i ui|/l t Ke strangers IiikI fei* ' : t ? . by the Cr-I flnv n : r'i- mother rrtrw t Oh. yes. tut f . i i'i' i . . tea root to love iu I (V o: to '.I'i:,' :? "t down below. r In _r i '.(it 'fin ' . bo Yen .10 was suddenly s o lib ii the r or lio* ?????? I to .1 his ? unit t o grew / , ? se ? f - V" echoed the i iier iir- i... l.i 'ti?u. "What i. ?"?ii." that jour mother * i." tli- man Kiiiti. iii'i'cj, n little . ? 1 v.m but K 'lng to say that Oi i. high ii' llllty of ('.Iffereut ba ?IllcbMllfii'U, though buiuII, Is "l .ii* j our ?inperor 1 ??. a here?" ask ed the jYhui;; lady. "It ii .v in;." answered Alois jiinu ttly "it maj lie. Our emperor has been 10! > i tol.ii) up 11 bind, the har n . hip 11 whit a l'n fut sound, as of 'i '?"? nt lii: I tiny cat mo to the Inn, n t J ? use. hull' of atone, half of rich i .hi shingle . a huge picture crowd ' Itb > i hp. of upeclal Importance to * i u i.ii ui pulutcd lu ouce crude, n I . d, colons ou a swinging sign. '?araotoi iodoling cry from A - i-ut forth before the highest turn ' ' i i it mi reached brought nn ;; ii : v t i iitto capped old # t j the ?: ? \ 'i bun It was the e : Of the travelers who nsltod, j i u I . m; ; ci ting In Ithaetlan, r the hi e of rooms which Frnu YorYttu wmH! give. i ad, r! ' I h ate of the delight k lo.i: ! tic ted. Surprised slio < ill,, win. even startled and eer t-.t i.. . e on.sod. for an lustunt she t ? lj Itirti liefore replying; , , , her i .oc! . ? Was partly explained Ui>! not rufortimutely her heat j * ' ? ? ? four of the bed wt tie choicest view and the ? l1 .vale alii' ;g n> m the Inn pos- ' i: the 1. lies would put up v. iaid host she would gladly 1 ? do them. Was it but tor the ir : nr.til ni :HUl (A rata i 1 ? f... lo i ted licMoutO Well, i'! 1 Indies Woe id graei asly enter e free; what she had to offer \ lil I e;h oted. del en a i l presently wroie ' Ir i) til.-; as Iiinly Mowbray. Miss i;, Miss Manchester and mai l. An I; ir hiti when the newcomers? ' or tin 1 ?' 1 o de tonypa i.ov to h d hi . er !a a . ner luudOy but efclUfully ; e tilt! ??. rd i ?* i "111 1-1. lieu 1J ' i Vut-vi:; >:] v the RtUl I ' of Irn It'll 1 t ah th-'v vfivn't a ? t ? 've toi.l U? you have i-> ti: ? tl.< for obaujois buut Miirt i: tot that ntii nisb the " t' limst li of Xe ed!es, oul)# to . ti 1,'n at errvrta, that they . . ,a ? out k;>.. ? v i> tu a kind of ? i;n? i m iUtd?f(||Ci. very early, ; icy ata i. ItU e^pt. r to tc there. jou l??- .? tii? .? 'v .. . i.oUlt- p., ..?? v i. . '!>}' ;..e eoi.-t. at ly In he h..Iof cioppin.; at the hut iu l.u? v. :her. But they are ' ery eounMOrate, They nluays let me 1 know their plaua beforehand." ' "If they're away so mtieli I think It a little bel&rh in them to keep' your tt.e nrl'vta aitthw: room whets vtu might need It for other*," remarked ' the girl. "Oh, hut gracious fraulelu, you mu*t not *ay that!" cried the old woman, looking a* uiuch allocked u* If her young guest hud broken one of the commandment*. The girl laughed. "Why not?" she Inquired. "Are the gentlemen of such i Importance that they mustn't he crit icised by stranger*';" Frnu Yorvan was embarrassed. "They tire excellent patrons of mine, gracious fraue lu; that Is all I meant," said she. "I cannot liear that unjust things should he thought of such?good ' gentlemen." "I was only Joking." the girl reas- ! sure 1 her. "We ere perfectly satisfied with this room, whU U you have made moot comfortnhie. A111 care for I* that | the fatuous wnlks In the neighborhood j shall not be prlx.i u. I may at least : walk as much as I like and com cllrat 1 a II:tie, I and my friend, Miss Man el: 'lef, who Is a tl ill; niDuntaiueor"' this ehe thtcw a glance at the i The landlady s hospitable smile re turned. "No, . . u? f . iiu-ix You ui free to wander : i you wlU, hut dc fi'? 11 ~51 to he do ua with. It Mulder, ami t? n* early to mowow morning. My file:.! 1 Mir-i 5Jun? ebe: T I woo. I like lo ' nve bienUi fii-1 1 d Ik? r?-:i?iy for a start by 8 A la til ?> p 1 fecinres of the lady In 1 lock quivered, noil, though she said Boh'-, tux, l-'rau Yorvan pitied her. " . oai I y.'.i nc - h lu any ease to h e n guide J" . i. toil. "I could en ? you uu lulelili. ut young man who*? I ank you, n ' broke la the girl il: iih ly. "A guidebook Is prefern hle to u guide for what we mean to do. Yi >1 . .'L atte pt any places which Hi - l- ? ?!; 1 .1, ? ute iTe for aiua ti i*s. But what au excellent engrav tr : that Is over the? fireplace, with the Ch.i "Din horns ai.ovo It! Isn't that a rait of your > .petcor v. hen he was u boy'f" ? p!i I "Aeh, I had meant to cany It i. ; love tli.' noblest c peror coun try ever had. As for what I said ul.eltt the j- ami., I didn't IcuoW that 1 spoke aloi: I, 1 o n so i; U to mum Ming to my ill' iiice 1 1 an to grow deaf anil old. But of court o 1 w i bed it put nvtay only because it Is siicli a popr thing. It does I'm r T.i i no sort of jusfi. o. You y ou would not recog nise hlfti fro: i that picture If you were to see Mot now." Willi this exi use Fran Yorvan hur ried out to fetch another dish, which she said must be ready; to cool her hot face and to scold herself for her stupidity nil the wny downstairs. She was gone some time, nnd the girl, who had no doubt unwittingly occasioned the old woman's uneasiness, took advantage of her absence to laugh?excited, happy laughter. "Poor, transparent old dear! So j pi .' ir;l ami proud or her great secret, which she thinks _ she's keeping so ? well!" she exclaimed. "I'm sure she | doesn't (1 leant that she's as easy to read as a I ooU with big, big print. ! She's in a e l fright now lest we la convenient foreigners should chance upon her grand gentlemen tomorrow, ' reec 7.e one of them from the por tra! and spoil hi; precious lueognito." ?Then?you think that he Is really ' here?lu this out of the way aerie?" half will'-; -ltd the grand duchess. "X feel : are he is," answered Prin ce'- s Virginia. F?-r u : ;ueiit tb- t; silence. ' T s .11 (he grand duimc s, with an aft of r - igi.aitlou, "well, I suppose we uU1 le .>ty letters of introduc tion, as he v : tr* y from the palace tb?i*c. ii woulvM ?v Uyiiic to oce up U?u liiue w nil a visit to Allelietilgcu. I d ?'t v.,ut ; u and LetUIrr to think that 1 was ;??? ; inf.king cat paws of ; i both nud forcing -you without l noWltir to to p me unearth hhn In his h !, as lie i here" "1 ??i -t he Uii t." sugg< ted the gtti, ! i. Khets. "1 don't see that you have much ground , ir fancying sa" "Oh, general!" echoed Virginia seorn , fully. "It's Instinct that I upon, not ground that woman's Tate when she ! saw foreign tourists at her door out of season when she had a right to think . she v as safe from luwis! >u; her stam , 'ce 'ng shop? he N t loo ns hair .* f en; her wish to get rl?l of us; Iter t., S Uult Klie Couldn't pOKklbl.V da so without' matters worse; the way she talks of her "four gentlemen? her horror at my lose majesty: her eou f" Ion about the i irtralt-; her wish to Inijire It upon its that I'user Is-o Is ijutlo wliitni 1 ref: i"t to warn htm, so ' .' lie i'!i he tun kn-ir out of ... ? , ? i Uu .'to may semi." wild s-'ah l O'J ;U . -'"1 dou't think . tovkieutc wills a me.'ling here. Yon ito'i* .t no pretty tire. en. I I '1 li te hi:a to see you first Whoa j Ji ok youi bo#, slat e to j-nun tabid i t" rati" h thspeti.'s upon lUsfealitigs hi! "(.!;?? Prsi H i ting t'? on the ltnces i '.<1 Vir 'nil. i d in cu. panlon. , prt ? 1 ISueilkker to tv ly !??! ? t -111"! Jl.Vht things'! nS loa't le n'a&uio. ray poor dear ' ah. otuty!.' HiiV,- . Jl.: Virginia 1 ? f ? ' ? v . '?! hat ? lv In. ? dan Vo l needn't y> dowi m i.;r tinin rn ug hack. Surely yon1 i ii'i uu. I:, .eker says you can. 1. t i i antes y< ,11 be at the top of tin ; I" V ? u p.ay as well tell i je that I'll be til sy grave. It ainounl/ t > tile same! " i I'M Manchester, who! w:;.'. la the : p'.ere of happk-r-duties, i !? s Ma Port, .an an ! hail been i -..e j" -? ?" girt in' s. "I can't look Tt I i ;: 1't 1 >k up, because I keep I ukli of the unspeakable things be . i or I t lay breath and have > . ;> ? l i :.y b. coiapa live!.- comfortable here for ?s to.:.- ; l:"t, as to stirring either , the. o'u'no use dreaming of It." it, > I'll n.-slje an I leal hermit i sal' VI: ? Inla. "You've exactly the right f iti as for that profession?; ; ?are, j 11 'voleht. But you're not ? really afraid now?" "Not i: -h. It ting down," admit-; : 1 Miss forttuiiu, slowly regain!..;,j In r natural r. "i ? you till- . t' a, do :r, that you'd relapse an I d e you." head or any thing if I j' strolledvon alone to the 'A u rcvotir." top of the < ?; fof the view which the guidebook Fuys is so Sue n nd then con ?? 1 k (.? or;; nine a relief expedl i'o 1 i a'.-out" half an bout or so?" j ?'?No-it,'' saidi Mi a Port man; "t sup-! j> e I can hear it. 1 may as well ac . ? > m n.. . to loiieftiiess. as I am to , ..; ii y remaining year.-hj on this i po ? -Put I nut Hut pt ail sure tHa Uutile ,i wou'nl approve'? . wouldn't i. !:nl. Khe knows I've n Rood i ' 6e 1 an I- ? ffdlly?a good heart.' Men, I el: ill hare only myself to look after, and one really doesn't need c em : In ;? ; to unike an early i hi on a mountain view." "Dearest prime.I'm not so sure of :!n,t in i ard to this mountain view." j "Mi s Mowbray, please, you're very . it '. '*? 1 -ft ? out in lo< k for the n. >nnlain view ypu rt io'r to. Tou in Ju't think it. ' 1 don't know where his lair Is. but It's prob-. hly > Ik ffotn hero, and if I iJK-w i; uoa Vi't li. i '.. ..i That word.I lo tni pen nop fort, and. an.. wa ? I'm ? oaes at Krcnburg, to you tee "My 'dear, as If 1 co; d taryc sns-. . -fed j< w >.ldsearch for hi .! You ? glto . t ' .tmr who vri nee to have a it .. in prlii i for hi consort a , < ham ? to t 1 in loVe wi.'h horMlf." "If ho wi.i If It can be so. But. what do Ueleii Mowbray aud I.ctitia Manchester know about the love affairs of emperors aud p.-Iucessesi Au re voir, dear friend; I'm going. By and liy, If jou L.'.ve con i--e to lift you.-; c 1* roB'll - cc Pie v -.rlr. ; a hull" or ' emef flag ut the rock corner ui> there." Virginia took the aliieustock which she hud laid down uud begun picking her way daintily, yet plucklly, toward the col which she had named us her goal. There was another route to It. leading on to the highest peak of the Sclnieo horn, only to lie dared hy experienced climbers, hut the way by which the girl and her companion had set out ' 'om A1U helllgeu nearly four hour* . :? > was uter- fatiguing. u.?ver dau g.. ' ai d Virginia knew that Ml.? I'ottmuu was tnite and uot half a. nun i fi ghteue l as she preCbudcd. 1 s bad started at 8. Just as the Sep- .her sun hud*began to draw the til-** chill out of the k n mountain oi.'. mid now ifc was close upou 12. r tov 11 of f ,i tin us -you come in froth <5er a. I >:? Pot .."1 lo ? ? ? ??? ? the thrown canvas }>,, lj. ki.4 U'sUscl for tils? first I ti . ?. iUtrliflK':; fctOIV.l <111 ftdi* V u . '1. ! s. j1 still a Jul lc-il^l wistfully ? J. ?? t : ' i i 1 f 1!J* a over a k?U'! of forrniilaiilu i.o rut.}' frl: mixing hi gJoi earnest : ? i i! y. u if tl?' tiling could I gi all >lt ? ' I 1* done in ten i'lUt . an ! t j Ink -would be . ? > Virginia was "i U ' i.enr 1 in will 1 e eating her l I :c i i;d won't miss r L, ; : ! ; one," she -v. I sni.l half ;? * . ran almost anjfc ,i< ? an argument." r rac ? j' . a the girl liad s ; ' ? \\u l -e at into, but ?. n The hid ? e ? Tway?a, way m :i < 1( ' f more dif It. than i'lio h I fancied?she wah i. ?: is o.' a ot; 'ii slitting of (he ft. Khe e -u some qualms of sympathy with the sentiments and-in to- 3J1 Tor iii-t had expressed l '? -if Kv.ek by ' he? - ? l;>:, to toco lucved. especial ly when belt;;: conquered meant turn ing ?? ard cr oniethlng like it, and r'w M-ra: . on obstinately, her < brriiii her heart thumping and her Hps 1 leased together. What a grim. remoiseles-; giant the iv.w: rain W; i. i" -1 what a nie:-A,crecp ? fly upon l! , ye : shoulder she! Lit ill i.::>? e< u! 1 r : her go on cor go b-ef s' e w - . horril ly homesiefe. She ? .tot a hi r i ui d the garden r.t ?t; .-at. it ami hard.y have tli.-ewn a g;. o i f interest at Leo I ' I ; apnt red before !r; r ej T'-. e \ . e tears la those eyes. she - .. 1 i.;r? the xj--.uatr.ln.and ail Kh if.ia v. ir'i her whole strength v o.i . i ? i. .-sterl-w-. distance or. uud the comer of the plateau ther ? came the t otird of a man's voice clr&r i fully yodeling. Nov . ! i , ?1 been i-'- welcome i or ii :-i. I : .. nv. it." It v as to Vir- | ' ?V call ? la ij>:" rtrst in Kug!:-'.i and tli a. 011 i . .'. light, in Hint iaa. The j* ruptly etoi p ??!, and a nam up. 1 round a corner of rock beyond tlie green plateau. The sun rfioae i'l hi = qyc . anil he shade 1 them with hi-. |: :ul to >oii np at her. Tlr . ni l star ' 'ioputlsj"- A 1 aneo uhotogr. pi. d a tail figure in a ' a*, ay ec t p tvi. lit' I'.i aoe it a s ift green cap of felt short trousers. liie -e 1 ..ana ... ? . n.i p> a. i t, hut ev'detp" a mourn.*, hi cuo, a snide or a chamois hunter perhaps?it 8)1; events, era capable of coifing to her rescue. The* things Bhe saw and i thought la a i'oeliviiud then the i re - n lu -I ' It;?1 sha i hi ej v< tiro; l. ? iau . . of his race. It was the enipei" . Ajno.neut i o e had felt that she ! look a. Jli.n v.iill iudlOV iii 1 would t> taor ufa tUne*. uv. > pre- ! for a jjtopse of r 'dear old lion-? tit,, liar pion Court. ? "h an easy way t? ! fcuch J'.. I oi everytheg \txyf,l changed. ') ? no longer /any j th i: . He ' thare. H" ' ts . Jin- j lag lie) ? hi power 1; :her than, hi . In*1 arm . ! this u- tlioii ,'lrn en count: and v. o M : *t have taken the trouble to 1 ...ring L ? to inn* litre If tlie i.v oting m e to end Hi Jruoitilny i or disasicv. lie had run across ibe phiteau. Now the nailed 1 oots were ringing on rock, j Slie could pare down upon his boa!. k a was so ( 'n o to her. lie was look- h 'us U3. '? " " - 1 better thau all the pictures! And the eyes? Virginia was suddenly and wildly happy. She could have suug for Joy, A, _. Stld (foi/'u V.,c steeply stoptng rock. a tser ? of trt !. 11, loving lff-r bead a lb; U . ! r scant fo dUeld as web. to hold o... :?.,'e;l and sloping rock.? If ? ?? t? ' t > e-unjf forward i ? ' v ? , ' p: ?. 1 ably li:i\ i i. tile til tow ledge oil wjilch l,o t :? i awl gone bounding " (JkV.ih. but ha did catch her and broke til f. 11, thai 1 ! <'ed-ti ttly be ck h biiu and i t!i v n nee of being on her '? .jecsif 41 *r r.i.t- it b il 1 la narrow es cape. but the i 15 arms were so sf: ? :-f 1 b'... iy that Vir gin! re r ed 1' e dnug< r She had pass*.!. It t hi So l.i^vWable now t . t be i. b tn\? d her thai tfc"-'e wire It v>r thoughts for no d> . i. Was it not th i . i .. < : i by destiny, tvl: if this ti.i udt been meant since the b nr ' her bisth it might c:i >. have l ?<. i e mere tourist sent by G' ok? All her life had ' at led np to this mo ment. Cud i. eft hat of green felt adorn I with t i 1 ? ird of a chamois was the fai ? she h .1 seen in dreams." A darli, in ...? j ;ng face it was, with m< :e of Jiars than Apollo" to Its liuer. yet to her move desijrtjile than all the ideal < f all the sculptor? since the world be n. t o was dressed as a chairs 1 s hunt, , a., 1 there was nothing in tl.e well . l. ..Imost shabby, clothe to dK,h the wearer from the < vi o he to represent, but as easily might the eagle, tp which In her h: rt si 111 n, 1 him, try to pass for a bmny. t. v.l ; .1 is man for a peas ant. P ?thought the princess. [t6 be crxrr?VEr>.) 30 Days' Trial $1.60 is the offer on /' Plneules. Relieves, Back ache, Lame Back, Hheumatlc pains. 1: st on sale ( i . c c c N". !C" C *?3 y JuhnsMSi County f Court B. I . I,w, et . vs R. O. Lee T,i e delVndSht above uaiueii wu take nt':iiv that aa action above lias is-ei, commenced in tbr Superior Court ?-!'MphustOH < tvuut) to sell for partition Piju ir- i i laud .-imato i end locatuij in M lo;v '1 ivi.shi iiud being a tract in wljfch siid defendant is in b rested, said defendant. will farther take notice that lie is reputed tt rr: .l.-ht.rt Hi un'.v . lay. Ap u 18th, 1!m s ut the Court House in said col. tv ahd : Iiswer or tieiuur to the iVmpiuint in s- d actipit, or the phiuitiil will apt v io the conn for the relief demon : >tl in said complaint. W. S. Su.VENs. Clerk .Sup-iior Court. Weiloiis 4 .ty-rgan. .ittornet s id? l'l i.ntlii, cXTu JTiaMUA tl?S s x LI. Novell I'aiidLIXA i Is: i if fnij ? rii r Johnston Col'Nlv ( Court .Xlin.ii term VMS. L. 11. ltichaydsoi. vs. ? M B. Sixundt-:-& Ali O N. fanmlep . B.v virtue ofau ore or of tin- Supm ior Court < f 3nl i st< t County imtdV at tin Unroll term t>'' s-aW Court, xve. the nude rai trued C< luuiisei' >to r- w ill soil, o.i the 25th ilny ? i April. 1908 ftt 12 o'clock M x' i in i-o'irt-biHis door jn the Toyi. o K> ? i lit4 ? i?<. by ? tj,. auc. lion for ? t*k tic huiPtxnis: c\-s< ribcil lots ami 'amis: - The first lot or purer! o? lard Istlug ft : xxx II lot in tile Fount ui Jerome, in ; nltth Tuwm-wp. m tin- County ol J* u.stiyi Mate ot North Carolina, an t be in )r lot No. ?> in block "ti, in the t'e'ily IN arc, division ?| law's, eojitain intr 110 'X eU." t< nether xvith the butld lli-S aiulaUll tliHeois. Tin Mr .nil ; 11 or pnl m l o'intifi is nlso in Btntlnb l"< tvnstip, in the satrl ('. unt.v ntiil .M.-rtt a?i ? ine the U .iild and Oodxx in lat.iis. ami begin* ot a pine i n e'lly kuoxvu as t ? litmy (>ei orl con or. now I. lie to twin's coiner, ntni i nits iv th this ! lie 8. 44 E. >' ? !>I' ,1,1 : strike nwjt n stuit y: tl,< i1 X 1 . 13 poiei to a xt : t ? e. ? 5 li . 7 Jo poles to a dwliil pine; t?ni \ 12 1 2 K. ;tfi jail* s lo a stu Ke; t Ircnee N 7 1-2 XX" it j| . to IX H?i>; the: 1 ti, IS XV. : 1 pi lestoapopla in thu head of i le ou'li; thence HI 1-3 V t." 1 2 poles to a stake; tli'ii e S. 11 1-2 W. ?hi'mli-to the bejriin'itng, eintnlnicg t wen./-sex-en (37) ncri s inoru or lest. 'flits in ml is soM by order of the Court to mike assets to satis'v a iudgnimt lemjei m: in this c uisU. The tlu ls per fect Tin- saiewill bo absolute. and no by bidding This the 21st day of March, ltKM*. E. S. Aiicll. J. A Winovi. .x . .. 3 i i.