..-v.nrr % if Ti~--i, "county- I V . ESF ONDENCE J M | Th? Week'* Happening* Told by TU? % w ' d . ? ( ) POLENTA NEWS. K v. Mr. Townsend writes that he wij ??<>. 'st Rev. Mr. lie r ell in the mwtiLi 'i Shll -h. to I 7in the sec ond Sunu. Ill \l? -HI. lli'J. ToWUS wid wan ont'u . r i "his church and our people v 1, i.cligbtcd to have him with theh. .'.gain. Mr. <1. 1). Smith hat* * put in aj cannery and is r> ;<<ly to accommodate the people in canning up their fruit, etc. It is a large one and Mr. Smith will l < able to can all the fruit lu the neighborhood, lie cans for half, you preparing the fruit and lie furnishing the cans and doing tli< canning. It will prove a good thing for the neighborhood. There will be preac hing at Shlloh the coming Sunday by the pastor, Hev. K. \V. Worrell. A full atten dance of the membership In desired by him. The Shlloh and Swift Creek base ball teams cto--ed bats on the for mer's ground last Saturday afternoon resulting In a score of 23 to 11 In favor of Shlloh. They will play again at an early day. Most of our farmers have fine crops of corn. Some of them have nice crops of cotton. In the past few days cotton hus failed no little, and since the recent rains It seems ? ill continue Its downward tendency. Mr. Percy Wood carried a load of water melons to Clayton last Sat urday and got a fancy priae for ^ The ladles of Shiloh church will give nil entertainment .at the ri*i dence of Mr. J. W. Green'B on Sat urday night before the third Sunday In this month for the purpose oft rais ing funds lo paint the church with. Let all help them out in this lauda ble object. Ice-crenin and other de licacies will be served. Talk about fine crops, Mr. Claud Stephenson has a ten acre field of the finest cotton we have seen this year. Ten days ago It was knee-high, a. fine stand and bad a healthy, green appearance and had not then had its top-dressing of soda. If nothing hap pens to it, It Is good for WOO pounds of lint cotton per acre. The rest of his cotton is nearly as good. His corn Is also fine. Mr. G. II. Smith has a magnifi cent crop of corn. It is expected to make not less than ten or twelve barrels to the acre. A large crowd greeted Rev. Mr. Starling at Mt. /ion last Sunday, and us usual, lie preached them a fine sermon. Messrs. Hugh Page, Exutn Hall and Otha Gulley, three of Clayton's bright young men, were iu the neigh borhood visiting Sunday. TYPO. July 7th. KENLY NEWS. Miss Myrtle Harper, of Wilsou, came last Friday to spend this week with Mr. W. T. Bailey's family. Miss Ailie Bailey left for Warsaw last Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Haines. Rev. O. R. Mangurn left today for Selma. Miss Lillie 1'air visited Miss Em ma Mathews last week. Mrs. J. H. Kirby left last Friday for Wilmington. She will spend a few days there and then go to Wrightsvllle Beach-. She will be >,one about two weeks. Mr. Ronle High and Mr. Custus Perry went to Wilson last Friday, returning Monday. Miss Nettie Bailey left last Friday for Dunn and Smlthfleld where she will visit friends and relatives. Quite a crowd went from our town last Friday to attend a picnic at Sas ?jer's mill. Our boys crossed bats with the Selma boys today. Score 5 to 1 in favor of our boys. The revival meeting at the Bap tist church closed last night with good results and we feel that much good has been done. We continue to have big rains? >one yesterday and last night. Our boys cross bats with the Wil son's Mills boys next Friday, the 9th. on the home diamond for a double header. Look out for the visiting boys. We will give them a good time and clean 'em up. Miss Cora Pike, of Raleigh, is visiting Mrs. P. Godwin. We are sorry that little T?rner Bailey does not improve much. REPORTER Kenly, July 7. P? Paper?about four quires iti -ox?muou "ch "? the ridiculous low price of 19 cents per bo*, at Herald Office. Envelopes to match at 7 cents per pack. SELMA NEWS. Our chief of police bad two sack* of chickens Tuursday wliU'lt he took from a negro at the depot that morn ing. The negro ran off leaving the chief to hold the bag. Who lout the chicken*? Mr. YV. A. Green gave a barbecue to several of his friends at his farm Thursday. Mm. J. A. Spiers, and children re turned Wedin nda> from New Bern where she has been visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Vlik have re?j Uirued from their bridal trip. We i nxtcud a cordial welcome lo Mrs. ti K, who has many friends here, and wish for the hupp} couple a long and prosperous life. Mr. J. 1). Kdeus, the very (lever agent of the Southern here, la off on a vacation. Miss Nettle llooks is visiting rel atives here. Miss Mattle Hudson, of Sinithfleld, visited friends In town this week. I)r. Hood, County Treasurer, wai here Wednesday to settle with Sher iff Now. II. Mrs. M. ('. Winston and Miss Kth el have returned from a visit to . Dr. Avera, of Wake county. Mr. Ii. W. IMchardson was here Sunday after a two weeks visit to Panacea Springs, lie left Monday to spend two weeks with his father, Mr. I.. II. Klchardson. Hev. Dr. E. L. St. Clair will preach lit the Free Will Baptist church here Friday night. All Invited. Rev. P. T. Lucas is holding a se ries of meetings at the Free Will Baptist church here. Mrs. C. VV. Richardson is visiting relatives In Wake county. Messrs C. M. Wilson and W. R. Hrlnkley, of Wilson's Mills, were here Wednesday to see the hall game. There was a ball game here Wed nesday afternoon between Kenly and the Junior Selma nine. The score was Kenly 5 Selma 1. The Selma Juniors returned last Saturday from a visit to Roxboro where they played three games with the nine there. Our boys lost three games while away. Miss Annie S. Noble returned from a visit to Murfreesboro Monday. Selma, July 8. SENEX. BURNELL ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Adams spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. T. E. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Allen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lomuel Dixon, of Elevation. Miss Tlda Tyner spent Friday with Miss Mildred Allen, of Pour Oaks, who accompanied her home Friday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ingram spent Saturday night with their sister, Mrs. S. H. Blackmail, of near Benson. Mr. J. A. Tyner and daughters, Misses Lena and Lana, attended ser vices at the Baptist church at Four Oaks Sunday. Messrs Tom Tyner and Ira Allen made a visit to the Allen's Cross Roads section Sunday. Mr. J. S. Johnson ha* a carbuncle on his foot which is keeping him in the house. Misses Mattie and Ola Byrd and Lona Barbour spent Suuday with the Misses Tynpr. Mrs. A. C. Johnson, of the John son's Chapel section, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. S. Johnson. The people are wondering when they will get Gen. Green killed out so they can sit In the shade and eat water melons and read The Herald. July 7. t POP. EMIT NOTES. Rev. A. 1). Wilcox filled his ap point meut at Watkins Sunday. N^ss l'etronia Boykln has been spending a few days with Mrs. J. 11. Hales. The picnic at Friendship Saturday was an enjoyable affair. Miss Maggie and Miss Mamie Cor bet t and Miss Tippett, of Wakefield, were the guests of Mrs. Joseph Ma den Sunday. Emit and Zebulon played an In teresting game of ball on Ernlt's grounds Saturday afternoon, the score being 15 to 2 in favor of Emit. The crops are looking bad since the recent (alns. \ good many of our farmers are curing tobacco. Mr. Harvey Strickland, who is at tending King's Uusin?ss College at Raleigh, was home Suaday. Miss Mamie Hales spent Sunday In this section. There will be a basket picnic at Watkins Friday, July 16. Everybody invited to attend with a basket, and hear the good speeches and see the ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Pittman. o( this section, visited Mr. Pittinan's i father, near Kenly, last week. I July 6. JOLLY JOE i FOR TOBACCO trucks see Cotter Stevens Co. DOWN FOUR OAKS WAY. Mr. II. B. Adam* is visiting at Halt 1Kb and Linden (his week. ] ilessre Carson and Einmette Ad aix.s aro visiting ut KnytUevilie Ulis | week. Mr. House returned lroui Frank lin County Friday witlj his bride. We regret to chronicle the illness of .Mr. Chan. Pierce which necessi tated his going home to Kenly for a while. Mr. W. C. Oliver, our clever prin ter. never gets a vacation. His ser v. ? ? re always in demand. Mr. 11111 Bandy, of Oreensboro, Is visiting his sister, Mrs. B. B. Ada:. . The Culloin school of .music haa opened with a large attendance. There will be services at the Primitive Baptist church 2nd Sun day night. Mr. Willis Massengill and Mr. Walt C. Moore Joined the Primitive Baptist church here Saturday and were baptized i*inday. Master Thomas Adams went to Fayetteville Tuesday to visit rela tives. ! Mr. Jno. W. Holmes was in town Sunday. Miss Floy Johnson, of Spllona sec tion, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. and J. W. Sanders. Mr. Lester Massengill ? Is spending this week with Mr. (J. K. Massengill, his uncle. Mr. Nogo Wood is visiting friends and relatives here for a few days. There seems to be a picnic fever around here. Now one Saturday, one Monday and one scheduled for Fri day. The Misses Marler are attending singing and stopping with Miss CJol dle Creech. There will be services at Metho dist church Sunday by regular pas tor, Mr. Starling. Rev. Mr. Justice preached very in teresting sermons Sunday afternoon and night at the Baptist church. We are glad to note that Mrs. J. W. Langdon is slightly improving. HELLO BILL. July 7, 1909. ARCHER NEWS. Messrs Jno. M. Htnton and J. H. Pool, of Clayton, were visitors in this section Sunday. Messrs E. K. Hlnton and C. &. Fowler attended the picnic at Beth esda Thursday, July 1st. Mr. C. L. Barnes, of near here, is sick. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Messrs C. S. Fowler and George Mitchell were visitors near Raleigh Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. W. D. Wall still remains sick. Mrs. Wall has been sick for the past two weeks. We trust she will soon be out again. The tobacco raisers of this commu nity have begun curing some and pre paring it for market. Mr. W. 1'. Glover and wife, of near here, were visitors in Clayton Sat urday and Sunday. Quite a number of our young peo ple attended the ball game between Shotwell and Clayton Saturday at Clayton. Rev. A. A. Pippin will fill his reg ular appointment at White Oak Sun day. Mr. C. W. llinton made a business trip to Smithfield Saturday, return ing Sunday. H. E. R. July G. PINE LEVEL NEWS. Mr. Ralph Talton and mother of Wilson's Mills, spent Sunday with Mrs. B. Crocker. Mrs. R. L. Fitzgerald is visiting relatives near Princeton. Miss Annie Peedtn, of near Yelver ton's Grove, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. R. Gerald. Mr. J. M. Beaty, of The Herald, was in town Friday. Mr. Herbert Coats spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Kot>t. Pool. Messrs D. B. Oliver and W. F. Gerald went to Siulihfleid Monday on business. Mrs. Ransom Pool, of Wilson's Mills, is visiting her son, Mr. R. E. Pool. Mr. Er. Mayerberg, of Goldsboro, spent Sunday with his brother. Dr. I. W. Mayerberg. Miss Louisa Thompson Is visiting relatives in Goldsboro this week. Misses Laura Williams and Ida Oliver are visiting in LaGrange this week. Good many of o'ir people spent tlie 4th at Morehead City MALI'S PCER. Pine Level, July 7. Tortured on a Horsa. t "For ten years - couldn't ride a horse without being tortured from piles," writes L. S. Napier, of Rug 1 less, Ky, "when all doctors and othei remedies failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me." Infallible for Piles Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Boils, Fever ? Soress. Eczema. Salt Rheum, Corns 25c. Guaranteed by Hood Bros. MICRO NOTES. We regret to note the illness of Mrs. J. I. Blackman. Mr. U. H. Mozlngo has returned from a few days visit to relatives and friends in,Rocky ^uunt. Misses I-ula and Martha Smith, of Selma, visited friends around Micro Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mllle Smith, of Coats, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. W. C. Koyal. The exercises given by the Micro Sunbeam band on Sunday, July 4th, were a perfect success, each child ' acting his part well. Mr. J. M. Bea j ty was present and gave us a very >od talk, which was enjoyed by all 'present, after which Rev. W. C. Royal preached a very stro-is St r mon. The day was a pleas.- r ? one J for all who attended the services. July ti. REPORTER. JOHNSON SCHOOL HOUSE DOTS. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Smith spent Sunday at J. R. Johnson's. Mrs. Shuale Lasaiter and daughters. Misses Klossle and Carrie, spent Sunday with Mrs. S. W. Johnson. Mrs. Xeedham Southerland spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. J. H. Kennedey, her mother. Rev. John Moore preached an able sermon last Sunday at 11 o'clock at Johnson School house. Mr. Walter Johnson has been right feeble recently. Crops in our section are looking up a little. Mrs. Walter I^e's grandmother is spending this wtuk with her. J. A. M. SAND HILL NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. Darius Phillips spent a few days in our burg last week. Mr. Garland Woodall and Lubby Robins spent last Sunday with A. Phillips. Mr. Pink Woodall and family spent last Sunday with Mrs. Sophronia Al ford. Miss Ida Braswell, of Pine Level, spent last Saturday night and Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Phillips were visitors at the home of Mr. Fletcher Langley Sunday. The picnic at the school house Saturday was enjoyed very much by thosse present. A large crowd at tended and brought well filled bas kets as there was enough for all and some left. July 8th. N. V. P. Celebration at Hopewell. There will be a grand celebration at Hopewell church for the singing school class on Saturday before the third Sunday in July. Hopewell choir cordially invites Bethel choir, Piney Grove choir, New Chapel choir, Tee's Chapel choir, all to come and sing with us and for us. Every body is invited to come and have a good time. There will be speeches, essays jfnd compositions of various kinds. N. M. EASOM. Teacher. A Little Child Dead. On the morning of June 29, 1909, the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Boyett and took a little sufferer to a brighter world. Little Raymond lived only 2 months, but he had entwined him self around t!.e hearts of father, mother, brothers and sisters. Weep not, for he is now waiting for you in the world above where all is peace and love, and you can go and be with him forever. May God bless and fill the hearts of the be reaved ones with joy that passeth understanding. G. P. W. Virtues Twisted Into Vices. It is possible to be proud of our humility! The very best of the vir tues may be twisted into a vice. You can invite men to Christ with the clinched fist; strange that men will not come! You can do your good works in such a way that they shall be evil spoken of. Keep the man of knowledge in the cab of your en gine of zeal.?Selected. While it is good to be content in whatsoever state we may find our selves in this world, it can never be wholesome to be content with one's character, or spiritual attain ment.?Selected. COTTER-STEVENS CO sells the best tobacco twine. NEW Turnip seed, all Varieties. at J. R. Ledbetter's. I-egal Cap. Manuscript Cover Pa > per, best quality on hand at The Herald Office. ' Ten prisoners cscaped from the i Jefferson county jail at HUlsboro, . Mo., Sunday. FOR TOBACCO trucks see Cotter Stevens Co. Shoeing Shop I have re upeued my shop hack of * 'oil r Steven*. Go.'s store, where I piopose to do Horse Sh eiDtf. ' he Ouly tolid Shoeiutr shop iu town Special attention yiveu to l>?nje stock. Good stalls and hitch lots free to all t haukinp all for past pa tronajre and hoping to be favored with a share of your future business, 1 am, Yours to serve, THE OLD RELIABLE SHOER, A. H. PHtLPS, Smithfield, N. C. WANTED?A reliable young man with fair knowledge of machinery to run the gin plant at Smithfield du ring the coming season. W. M. SANDERS. 1... - .. .... - .1 Lftuisburg College Ail Ideal Home School for Girls. FALL TERM BEGINS WED NESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH, 1<?09. The purpose is to secure for the student* healthful conditions, a happy home, Christian influence, a liberal culture, and a thorough education at a moderate cost. Excellent advantages in Music, Art, and Elocution Preparatory Department, with special care for younger girls. Normal Course especially prepared for young women, fitting themselves for public and graded school work. Ample grounds for out-door re creation and athletics The marked feature of this school is its individual careof pupils physi cally and intellectually. MRS. M. D. ALLEN, President, Louisburg, N. C. ? i i J?? "? MANUSCRIPT COVER PAPER A full supply just received at The Herald Office. 4- We Want to Sell You Tobacco $ ^ Trucks. Either Wood or Steel ^ $ Wheels. For the best Tobacco ijj rtr pp . ffe :M 1 wine see us. * : Yours to serve, 5 | The - Cotter-Stevens - Co. jj 1 Spiers | | Great Cash Sale j J Beginning Monday, j v July 5th f ^ All Strictly Summer Goods Greatly Reduced. jj * jg' A discount of 10 per cent will be allowed H L on all goods not otherwise reduced for Cash J (except spool cotton.) ? I Spiers Bros. f Mr \* \lt Statemnet of Condition * . S FOURTH NATIONAL BANK 5 \l< V v4/ of FAYETTEV1LLE, N. C. /f\ /If fAe c/ose of business April 28th, 1909 $ 1/ RESOURCES. W Loans aud Bonds $ 714,277.18 W Overdrafts 2,659.41 |J/ Building and fixtures.... 26.000.00 (fX i|i Demand Loans ?,,,. 132,112.71 i|i Cash and due from banks. 194,880.37 jM * $1,069,929.67 LIABILITIES. V ^ ' Capital Ftock $ 100,000.00 Jf Surplus 60,000.0# |I| W Undivided profit 3,765.65 W Circulation 100,000.00 \ii ? Deposits 681,674.02 ffk \it Re-discounts 69,500.00 yy U. S. Bond Account 65,000.00 ^ $1,069,929.67 3? tfc "y <Jj H. W. ULLY, President, J ^ JNO. 0. ELLINGTON, V. P. & Cashier, If! vf J. H. HIGHTOWER, Assistant Cashier J ^ ~ ^ Konr Business Solicited. Cf> pay 4 per cent interest Compounded Quarterly on jjjj| Savings Deposits. ffl

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