QJljr 8>mithfirlb ?f ralii Pubilsned Every Friday Morning. BEATV & LASSITER, Editor* and Proprietors. Bntered at <he Postoffice at Smith Bald. Johnston County, N. C., an Second class Matter. Rates of Subscription: One Tear, Cash In Advance,.. $1.00 THE SHEMWELL CASE. One of The Herald's good friends and a leading citizen of the county, one who always keeps up with what Is going on throughout the State, writes us as follows: "It is the opinion of the people that the News and Observer and the Wilmington Star are right In the Shemwell case. It is well enough for the Governor to give hiui u res pite if he is sick with rheumatism and at. llot Springs for treatment, for he would be too severely puulsh-1 ed to be in a convict camp Willi I rueumatism where the accommoda tions are only for the well and hear ty, and it might be well to let tni matter stand as it is until April luo first, and then let the law lake lis course, sick or well. 11 misstate ment* have been made to the Gov ernor and a man has been ruspiled who was not entitled to his clemency, then the people wll uphold the Gov ernor when he shows them that he does not like to be imposed upon and that the law shall be obeyed. .. Mr. oueinwuu is ricn una iuiu ratn<r pay a large flue than lo go to the roads-, but, bo ought lo bavo thought of the results of bis crime before he went so far. Now, suppose It had been the conductor who bad assaulted Shemwell; be would have lost his Job, and there would have been no let up on hlui until he was put on the roads. The Railroad Co. would have been sued for large damages and the courts would have said It was none too good for hav ing such a man in its employ. Equal justice to all, special privileges to none. Let the law take its course if tie has to be taken to Jail on a lit ter." a City Market Change* Hands. The City Market changed hands on the last day of the old year. Mess. Parrish Brothers and Mr. J. C. En nls, selling out their business to Mr. F. W. Da vies. Mr. Davies recently moved here from South Carolina. It is his Intention to make many Im provements and make our market equal to that of any town or city of similar size. We gladly welcome Mr. Davies and family to our town and wish that their stay here may be a profitable and a pleasant one. Jurors for March Court. FIRST WEKW?B. A. Turnage, J. H. Talton, C. P. Ellis, J. T. Hiuton, Jesse Milliard, H. V. Faulkner, R. S. Brldgers, J. C. Wiggins, J. B. Dupree, John E. Hobbs, J. R. John son, Willis T. Bailey, C. L. Johnson, 0. W. Godwin, P. B. Johnson, Na than Cole, G. G. Barfield, Joseph Wood, Kemp l^ee, J. P. Tyner, H. D. Wells, B. A. Creech, Gaston Wat kins, J. R. Sauls, A. J. Southard, Floyd Narron, J. W. Tippett, W. G. Mitchell, H. S. Wall. E. W. Vlck, 11. B. Pearce, T. P. Oliver, Allen C. x Crumpk-r, Ashley Wallace, W. H. Whitley and T. R. Hood. SECOND WEEK?J. W. Tomllnson, H. O. Ellis, J. R. Hinnant, Claude L. Sanders, Ed S. Edmundsou, J. W. Dassiter, E. P. Brltt, S. T. Black man. R. E. Lee, I), il. Hayes, Jno. W. Strickland, J. W, Harden, W. T. Moore, E. P. Sanders, O. W. Daniels, B. C. Peedln, A. H Boyett, R. I. Wallace. Stock Law Commissioners 1910. Pleasant Grove, Ed 8. Coats. Elevation, Willis S. Smith. Ingrams and Smlthfield, D. J. Wei olns. Selma, I. A. Ingram. Wllders, J. B. Oneal Onoals, J. Win. Godwin and R. H. Godwin. Saved at Death'* Door. The door of death seemed ready to open for Murray W. Ayers, of Transit Bridge, N. Y., when his life was wonderfully saved. "1 was in a dreadful condition," he writes, my skin was almost yellow; eyes sunken; tongue coated; emaciated from losing 40 pounds, growing weak er daily. Virulent lirer trouble pull ing me down to death in spite of doctors. Then that matchless medi cine?Electric Bitter*?cured me. I regained the 40 pounds lost and now am well and strong. "For all stom ftch, liver and kidney troubles they're supreme. 60c at BHood ros. COLTER-UNDERWOOD Co. have now on hand fl' e car loads of guano at the right prices. Local Items Mrs. II. I). Ellington attended the funeral of Mrs. Martha McCullers at Clayton yesterday. Mrs. J. R. Castleberry, of Archer, arrived yesteday to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. J. I). Wall. Mr. John Smith, of Norfolk, arrlv-i ed in the city yesterday to spend several days In this vicinity with rel atives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abell, and Mr. J. N. Cobb, of Durham, went to Clayton yesterday to attend the fun eral of their aunt, Mrs. Martha Mc Cullers. MIbscs Lt'y Watson, Annie Crisp, Elizabeth Black well and Ilertie Free man, who spent the holidays at their respective homes, returned Sunday to resume their duties In Turling ton Graded school. The neit session of the Ministers' Conference of the Johnston County Baptist Association will be held with 1'lne Level Haptist church the fifth Sunday in January and Friday night and Saturday before. Don't 'orget the Farmers' Institute to be held here next Monday. If you are a farmer, it may do you good to attend; If you are not a farmer, come any way?you may find some thing to interest you too. Mr. Horace B. Easom, who has been with Mr. L. E. Watson for the past two or three years, has accept ed a position with The Herald and is now learning some of the secrets which make the Junior Linotype so interesting. Messrs. Ceo. Whitley, James Hand, Elmer Wellons, I^ee and Kdgar Tur lington, Mayo Uailey and Robert Parrish, who spent the Christmas va cation here, have returned to Chapel Hill to resume their studies at the Sao University. Mr. Charles W. Knight, of Kenly, route two, was In town Tuesday. Mr. Knight's residence Is In both John ston and Wilson counties, the coun ty line passing under the house. A gues' of his may spend the night in either county without leaving his house. Mr. L. H. Allred, of Selma, was in the city Monday, where he ap peared before the County Commis sioners, representing a number of citizens of Oneals township who op posed the levying of a stock law tax, by virtue of an act of the last Gen eral Assembly. The Smithfleld Tobacco Market op ened Tuesday with a good break, there being over 20,000 pounds sold. The Smithfleld market is one of the best In the State and the farmers can rest assured that when they sell/ their tobacco in Smithfleld they will al ways receive the very highest mar ket price. We are giving away Turner's Al manacs for 1910 pretty rapidly now. All our subscribers who pay to Jan uary 1, 1911, are getting one free. The way they have been going for the past two weeks the supply will soon be exhausted. Don't wait about paying up for 1910, but hurry and get an almanac while they are free. The County Commissioners met in regular session Monday with all the members of the board present. Sev eral matters of Importance were at tended to, among them being the ap pointment of Hridge Commissioners, Stork l.aw Fence Commissioners, and the drawing of the Jurors ofr the March term of Superior court. Mr. O. V. Hooker has bought the large lot in the rear of The Herald office and froni'ng Market street, from Mr. W. S. Stevens. He will continue to operate the wood, black smith and paint shops which he occupies. We understand that Mr. Booker will in the near future make considerable Improvements in the buildings situated on this property. Mr John H. Turner, of Magnolia, has been spending a few days with friends in this community. While here he called at The Herald office and payed up till 1911 and got a Turner's North Carolina Almanac for 1910. Mr. Turner has for quite a while been one of our best friends but since he moved to Duplin he does not know how to get along without The Herald. So many of our friends have called In within the past week or two and paid up that we shall not attempt to publish all their names, because the list would take up too much space. We thank one and all who have re newed and would remind those who have not yet responded to our call to pay up, that we would be glad to extend our thanks to them un der similar circumstances. Have you a week throat? if so, you cannot be too careful. You can not begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to an other and the last is always the harder to cure. If you will take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at the outset you will be saved much trouble. Sold by Hood Bros. WOMEN'S WOES. Smithfield Women are Finding Re lief at Last. It does seem that women have mur than a fair share of the aches and pallia that affect humanity; they' mua "keep up," must attend to duties In spite of constantly aching hacks, or headaches, dizzy spells, bearing-down pains; they must stoop over, when to stoop means torture. They must walk and bend and work with rack 1 UK pains and many aches from kid ney Ills. Kidneys cause more suffer ing than any other organ of the body. Keep the kidneys well and health is easily maintained. Read of a remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures the kldneyB and is endors ed by people you know. Mrs. J. R. Bailey, Hudson St., Smithfield, N. C., says:: "I wish to express my high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills, having used them with the most satisfactory results. 1 had considerable backache and at times was hardly able to do my housework. The kidney secretions were too fre quent In passage and my health be came much run down. Hearing of Doan's Kidney I'ills, I commenced us ing them and I soon felt better. My kidneys were restored to their nor mal condition, the pains in my back [disappeared and my strength and I energy returned. Doan's Kidney i I'ills can be relied upon to give re : lief from troubles arising from dls j ordered kidneys." For sale by all dealers. Price f>0c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and take no other. Railway Mail Clerks Wanted The Government pays Railway Mail Clerks $800 to $1,200, and other employees up to $2,500 annually. Uncle Sam will hold spring exam inations throughout the country for Railway Mail Clerks, Custom House Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Department Clerks and other Gov ernment Positions. Thousands of ap pointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, In City or Coun- : try can get Instruction and free In formation by writing at once to the ' Bureau of Instruction, 60 M, Humlin Building, Rochester, N. Y. ( H KROMELK is a new and wonder- I | fully durable sole leather that will I || outwear two pairs of ordinary soles. It is the product of years of effort and is tanned I only by ? DICOTT, JOHNSON & CO. by a | secret pro* 3ss. It vj i.~hter, more flexible and & practical? hea proof and waterproof. . I You can ;; ' iirorrelk solos in practically all styles of ja I ENDICOTT, JOHNSON shoes. They cost no more than |B ? othei shoes of ordinary make and are much fetter value, |jj Be sure v u get Kromelk. The name is stamped on every ** I genuine Kromelk sole. I End well fine shoes $3, $3.50 and $4. Workmen's shoes $2 to $3.50 I IN. B. GRANTHAM I Head-to-Foot Outftters'for Men and Boys J SMITH FIELD. ^ ^ ^ N. C. Have you read "The FIGHTING CHANCE?" You can get a nice copy at The Herald office for 60c, 72c postpaid if/TEY^ |f SUCCESSFUL % I TOBACCO | 1 CROWINC I lit COLUMBIA CUANO CO. jST Ilk NORFOLK, M VA | HYCD TOBACCO CUANO^x I COLUMBIA tobacco^'ano/ w I THE TITLE GUARANTY | AND SURETY COMPANY, * Of Scranton, Pa. Will Go On Your Bond J 5 A. M. NOBLE, - Agent. I J SmitkMd, N. C. f * ? ? - - ? - ? I PS7A RTMINDER"""""**" ** I The New Year is here and this is to remind 5 that we shall be glad to take care of all the g money that you have resolved to save this 3 $ year, and the 2 | BEST WAY TO SAVE g " Is to start a savings account with us. Pen- jf | # nies saved amount to dimes and dimes taken 5 | 1 care of soon become dollors and then the n 5 rest is easy. 8 j S BEGIN TO SAVE NOW g And deposit your savings with us where jj 2 four per cent interest will be paid and com- ? | L pounded quarterly. Small accounts receive S | the same consideration here as large ones. 5 S The BANK of SM1THF1ELD : 1 DESIRABLE TOWN PROPERTY j f FORSALEi S j ; il offer for sale the following half-acre lot on Second | Street In the town of Smithfleld adjoining the lot | $ on which Mr. Harry Stevens is building his hand- j f 3 some residence. j ? | Block of land on Third Street, subdivided in 12 ! | I lots, known as the Stanley Property, the finest j * building lots in town. g Four houses, three rooms, near the Smithfield Cot- ; f | toh Mills. Will sell these houses on the following j i 3 terms: 850 cash and $25 every 3 months until i J > paid for. Parties wishing to own a small home can 5 " j easily do so on these terms by paying a double ? " * rent. Six lots on Oakland Heights, half acre each. I \ j j Will sell any or all this property on easy terms. ; i * Plat of Stanley Property can be seen at my office. ? . | Smithfield property Is higher today than It was \ 5 tj 5 one year ago. Will probably be still higher one I 5 ? | year hence. A word to the wise is sufficient. 51 Apply to J J F. H. BROOKS, Attorney, jj| SMITHFIELD, N. C. j j

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