?ljr $mtthfirld iicratti Published Every Friday Morning. BEATY A. LA88ITER, Editors and Proprletora. Entered at the Postofflce at Smith field, Johnston County, N. C., ars Mcond-class Matter. Ratea of Subscription: One Year, Cash In Advance.. $1.00 Six Months .60 GIVE US MEN! Men from every rank. Fresh and free and frank; Men of thought and reading. Men of light and leading, Men of loyal breeding, The Nation's welfare speeding; Men of faith and not of fiction, Men of lofty aim and action; Give us Men?I say again, Give us Men! Give us Men! Strong and stalwart ones; Men whom highest hope inspires, Men whom purest honor fires, Men who trample Self beneath them, Men who make thelrcountry wreath them As her noble sons. Worthy of their sires! Men who never fall their brothers. True, however false are others; Give us Men?I Bay again, Give us Men! Give us Men! Men who, when the tempest gathers, Grasp the standard of their fathers In the thickest fight; Men who strike for home and altar, Let the coward cringe and falter, God defend the right! True as truth, though lorn and lonely, Tender, as the brave are only; Men who tread where saints have trod, Men for Country?Home?and God; Give us Men! 1 say again? again? Give us such Men! ?Bishop of Exeter. O In the death of John M. Julian, the press of North Carolina has lost one of its brightest spirits. He was a general favorite with the members o' the North Carolina Press Asso ciation an' was loved wherever known. As a sp. aker and writer he was strong In those qualities that always make for strength?honesty ; ?traifht-forwan!nessi, open-hearted-. ness and truth. Ills County and the 8tate are the poorer for his pass- ; lng. o That the principle that the Gov ernors and othtr officers of our government, especially those officials where no constructive statesman Ship is required, should not be kept in office too long. Is becoming more thoroughly grounded in the minds of thinking people. Is evident on every hand. Governor Hughes, of New York, out. of the best gov ernors any state has had In recent years, made an address at the New York State Fair last Friday in which he boldly comes out for a four year term for the Governor of his State and declares that he believes that he should be ineligible for re-election. Such a law already prevails in North Carolina, and a Governor, when in augurated, can begin his work as chief executive without being ham pered with the thought that ho must look to the building of his fen- ' ces if he Is to succeed himself. The I wisdom of rotation In office. ? . n.? .i Cut Open Mail Sacks Found. One night several months ago, two mail sacks were "thrown off at Smithfield depot from one of the fast trains which passes here at night. They were put off on the opposite side from the depot and It is thought that a thief grabbed them as soon as possible and dis appeared in the darkness. When the night operator went out for them they could not be found and were not heard from until last Sun day. Mr. Edwards, who runs the railroad pump at the depot, was out for a walk last Sunday and found them near where the midland railroad crosses the county road about half a mile from the depot. Vhe sack which contained papers was not cut, the cord which fastens the top of it being the only part of it that was harmed. The cord was cut and pulled out. The other was cut open about half way down the sack. The mail was badly torn and scattered over a place of con siderable size. The work must have been done by experts who w?re bunting money. "Pop, what is the lull before the ?torm?" "The honeymoon, my son." ?Boston Transcript. POLITICAL POINTERS. \ \ When the rest of th< country in going Democratic, It Ik hard to -> ?? on what the Republican- are basiim their hopes to carry half the Con gressional districts In N'orlh Caroll- | 11a. It's too big a Job evi-n for "booze and boodle."?Greensboro Telegram. If tDemocratic par' v shall < nine Into control of the Government In 1012, as pray God it may. there will be such a cleaning out of the ras cals as ?as never known before in any civilized country.?Richmond Tlmes-Dlspatch. That young Guilford fellow who says young men have no chain for preferment In the Democratic party should ask the age of the Democrat ic nominee for Senator from (lull ford and of the Democratic candidate for Superior court Judge |n Rock ingham.?Raleigh News and Observ er. The people of North Carolina have no more reason to believe that the Republican party in North Carolina will be any more respectable under the Rutler and Morehead manipula tions than It was under Duncan and the "pie syndicate." A change of pie distributors means nothing to a , North Carolinian who is content to stick to the Democratic party be came It Is safer for the State and for his best Interests to do so. Wil- 1 mington Star. A Good Woman Gone to Rest. Mrs. Julia Grant was bom Sept- ! ember 1.1th. 182.%, and departed this life September 17th, 1!?10. She was ; a member of the Free Will Haptist! church at Pleasant Plains, but for a number of years had not been able tc attend her church. Her funeral j vat preached by Rev. J. Ira lllnck- I man assisted by Rev. Blllle Fuss. 11, at the home of her son. Mr. 10. I Grant. She aald during her sickness she was ready and willing to die nuy time the good I.ord saw fit to call her. A few days before she died she told them around her that she had seen her Saviour and would soon be with lllm. Where the pilgrim reposes the fields are all green: ? Tture, day never closes nor clouds Intervene. | While the river of life flows freely. A. V. G. A peculiar accident occurred at Washington Friday when a carpen ter, who was at work on n new man ufacturing plant, fell from some stag ing, and in falling caught his ear on a sharp Iron hook almost tear ing It from his head. Physicians sewed It baek and the patient at) the last report was doing well. Charles K. Helke, a former secre tary and treasurer of the American Sugar Refining Company, has been sentenced to serve eight months in the New York penitentiary on Black well's Island and pay a fine of $5,000, on conviction of conspiring to de fraud the Government. The cholera epidemic which, orig inating in Southern Russia, has claimed upward of 100,000 victims. Is stretching its way across Asiatic Russia, and Friday was. officially de- j clared to threaten the province of Amur in Southeast Siberia. Many deaths also are reported from Italy. Four men were killed and two were Injured in a collision between Mobile & Ohio and Iron Mountain freight trains near Reech Ridge, 111.. Sunday. Witnesses before the coro ner's Jury testified operator Charles E. Clark had been drinking and fail ed to transmit train orders. He was ! arrested. The publication of a story pur- . porting to come from Beverly that j President Taft had decided to step aside as a presidential candidate In 1912 for Col. Roosevelt was denied at Beverly Friday night. It was author itatively stated that President Taft would accept a second nomination from his party. nXTrKiWSvTTil, luifiwijjy is taken by people in tropi cal countries all the year round. - It stops wasting and keeps up the strength and vitality in summer as well as winter. ALL DRUGGISTS MR. H. 8. WOODRUFF SOLD ONE barn of 711 pounds lbs. tobacco with Boyett Bros. Thursday for $113.18, m&k-'ng an average of |15.91 per hundred. Bring us your to bacco. Highest prices guaranteed. ^OYETT BROS. I Spread the Newsf |;| They Have Arrived | $ FOR GENTLEMEN Si !ij The New FaJl Styles !!! w . (tt The Clothes with a Splendid Past, a Splendid Present, a Splendid (|j|| Future?-The Superb Creations of the Master Tailors and Designers. A) JH BALTIMORE NEW YORK BOSTON (l) Where men assemble for recreations, for business or for social functions W IW there you can easily distinguish Master Tailored Clothes?Easily distin- (JJ w guishable for the elegance of their patterns and beauty and grace of 8? their lines.?Artistic lines that tell you that the garments are the ere ations of a Master Cutter. ^ [*j All Men are Invited to See Them. a\ Bj Every man is interested in knowing what the Correct Clothes for /av SK Gentlemen will he---Every man wants to Dress Well; Lj to Buy L>etter Clothes; at Moderate Cost. (ft || Spread The News They Have Arrived. Jj Our Shoes Are All LEATHER SMITHFIELD, N. C. Our Clothes Need no Advertising. ^j|j^ NOTICE?MORTGAGE SALE. | By virtue of a power of sale con tained In a certain Mortgage I>< ?? 1 made to J. V. Naron by J. H . i Rnker and wife, Allle Baker. on tin T>th day of January, 1907, which : Mortgage Deed was given to secure i a certain Bond under seal of even date, and the same is duly probat ed and registered in the Registry of Johnston County, N. C., in Book "P" No. 9, Page 482. to which reference Is made, and on November ICth, 1908, for value, the said J. V. Nar ron transferred and assigned said Bond and Mortgage to Wiley Nar ron, and since the execution of said Bond and Mortgage, as aforesaid, the Mortgagors, nor no one for them, have paid anything on said Bond and Mortgage, therefore, since there has been no payment, and after the maturity of the said Bond, the CON DITIONS BROKEN IN SAID MORT GAGE. the undersigned, in accordance with the terms of said Mortgage Lien will sell, at the Court House door in the town of Smithfield, N. C., at PUBLIC AUCTION to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, November 24th, 1910, at 12 o'clock M., the following lands, or the un divided interest of Allle Baker in the lands of her deceased father, Ire dell Narron, the following Is the de scription: The tracts of land are sit uated In O'Neal's Township, John ston County, N. C., and bounded on the North by the lands of J. W. Godwin and W. W. Lamm, on the east \|y the lands of P. M. Bailey and R. R. Bailey .on the west by the lands of B. G. Bailey andAustin Woodard, on the south by R. R. Bailey. The number of acres can be ascertained by reference to the deeds which are of record in the Register's office of Johnston County. This September 22, 1910. WILEY NARRON, Assignee of Mortagee. JOHN A. NARRON, Attorney. DON'T GO HUNGRY. Meals on short notice cooked bjr an experienced cook at our quick lunch counter. Also complete line of heavy and fancy groceries. Give us a trial. Yours to serve, PEEDIN & PETERSON. Opposite Court House square. /N Advertising--and good business stationery is advertis ing--it's riot so much the taste of the man producing the matterf as the consideration of what will ap; eat to the class of people he desires to reach. Our Printing will appeal to all in Workmanship, Quality and Taste. w IJV >g SPECIAL FEATURES jg SJln Our Square Mesh Fence !!j Sffi STRONG ecause of the large strong cables composed dA w of large steel strands, strong galvanized JS? wires securely tie the steel cables W VARIETY -Styles Adapted For EVERY PURPOSE, fij IM (1AL YANIZIXG"wire thoroughly galvanized before (A W weaving, therebv weather proof. !8 JSj ELASTICITY~Elasticity amPly sufficient to provide L ^ for all necessary expansion and con- Ijl Ml traction under varying temperatures. Ill Ml ADIUSTIBILITY .Easily adjusted and erected to ffi III ' fit the irregularity of the ground. (|| HI See Us Before Buying. We Have All Heights. S WE HAVE THE DIAMOND MESH. TOO. A Jj Cotter Hardware Co'pny (8 MM SMITHFIELD, N. C. J|j|

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