/ c Local Items T .. Concerning Ibe People, Business ??4 Progress ol tke T own sad Co unty Mrs. W. H. Austin and Mrs. L. T. Hoyall spent Saturday with friends itt Kenly. j Mr. C. H. Wood, of Banner town ship, was in town Monday and gave The Herald office a call. Mayor James A. Wellons went to Raleigh Wednesday to attend the North Carolina Municipal Associa tion. Mr. Hunter D. Ellington ha6 Just purchased a Ford five-passenger tour- j ing car. It will be his pleasure now | to treat his friends to a ride. Mr. J. A. Starling, of Selma town- 1 ship, was in town yesterday and ! called at The Herald office. His 1 little 14-months-old girl died this week. Mrs. Etta V. Johnson and little daughter, Thelma, have returned to their home In Clayton, after spending a few days with the fam ily of Mr. J. T. Vinson. Rev. E. J. Rodgers, of Wake Forest College, was here Monday, I returning from Woodard School) House, where he preached Sunday j to a large congregation. At the farm of Mr. W. C. Harper, near Smithfield, last Sunday night, i M-. Coy Bryant and Miss Tamesia j Holt were married. Mr. J. W. Ste phenson performed the ceremony. The people are becoming more' and more interested in better roads. | This is one of our greatest economic 1 problems and its proper solution will mean much for our material welfare. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Bain have moved into the house on Fifth street opposite Mr. J. M. Beaty's. Mr. Bain is one of the telegraph opera tore in the Coast Line office at this place. Miss Mattie Sanders, little Miss Margaret Lee Austin^ and Mrs. W. S. Stevens and son, Everett Smith, went to Raleigh Tuesday to see "Buster Brown and Tige" at the Academy of Music that evening. Rev. R. W. Horrell and his two sons, Merton and Paul, of Selma, were here Monday to attend the Farmers' Institute. Paul Horrell is the winner of the first prize in Boys' Corn Contest in this County for 1910. Mr. I. F. Parker, of Meadow, was in town Monday to attend the Far mers' Institute. Mr. Parker is one of Meadow's enterprising young far mers. While here he called at The Herald office and extended his sub scription to 1912. Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Turlington and children, of Mooresville, arrived yes terday to visit Prof, and Mrs. Ira T. Turlington. Mr. Turlington is serving his fourth term as Repre sentative from Iredell County in the Legislature. The people of Smithfield and com munity are to be congratulated that we are to have President Venable with us this evening and tomorrow. Let the town turn out tonight to hear him at Sanders Hall. The exercises will begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock. The year 1911 came in on Sunday and will have fifty-three Sundays, ending on Sunday. There are five months that have five Sundays each ?January, April, July, October and December. This will not occur again la ten years. The year 1905 had fifty-three Sundays as also had . the year 1899. A disastrous fire swept Sanford Mon day the loss being between $25,000 and $30,000. The conflagration orig inated in the new Cunningham build ing which was not quite completed and raged for five hours. The cause of the fire was smoking of some boys. The census bureau announced Mon day the population of Lexington and Thomasville. Lexington now hai a population of 4,163 as compared with 1.234 ten years ago.. ThomasviUe has grown from a town of 751 ten years ago to community of 3,877 to-day. WORTH TWICE THE PRICE. Selma, N. C., January 15, 1911. Stevens Furniture & Implement Co. Smithfield, N. C. Dtar Sirs: I have spent the principal part of this week operating the Harrow that I bought from you and it has given the most perfect satisfaction of any farm implement I ever used; there 1* not a Harrow In use but what calls fir ? third more horse power to operate it, than this one. Would not be without It for twice the price you ask for It. Yours truly, F. F. SILER. 1 DR. VENABLE TO SPEAK HERE -? -r.r * I An Informal Reception to Be Held In Sanders' Hall Immediately After Address. .f Dr. JF. P. Venable, President of the University of North Carolina, will speak at Sanders' Hall tonight at 7:30. The citizens of the town, and the ladies especially, are in vited to hear the distinguished speak er. Before the address there will be ( a number of songs by the children , of the drarded School, and the Smith field Male Quartette. After t,be address the Mayor of the Town, will give an informal re ceptlon to our guest. The audience is invited to remain and meet Dr. VenableT The Ladies of the Betterment As sociation will have charge of the refreshment table. A number of the University Alum- i nl from different parts of the coun try are expected. Tomorrow a* no?n Dr. Venable will address the Teachers' Associa tion, which will also meet in San ders' Hall. Wants a Good Roads Meeting. Mr. Editor: We have been thinking for some time that our people would wake up to the needs of every man in the County. We are a people peculiar ly blessed in health, resources and above all a courageous manhood. We are among the largest counties in the State in number of inhabitants being sixth according to the last census. We have no large cities, but several nice towns; thus our popu lation is for the most part the off spring of the farm. There are very few people within our borders, who do not use the Public Roads, and to improve these will be a blessing to every man, woman and child living in Johnston County. This will enhance the value of our property and we believe that the increased valuation of the property will more than offset the cost of building good roads. Look at the fine showing recently made in Guil ford County. And this is attributed largely to its good roads. Should we build good macadam roads, such as Guilford, Alamance and Mecklenburg Counties are now doing, our cotton and wheat growers can haul thedr produce to market with less than one-half the present cost. Why not have a mass meeting of our citizens and if a majority so wills, ask our representatives in the present legislature to pass a bill permitting U9 to vote on a bond is sue to build good roads. Then watch Johnston Hump! United and Onward will win. Yours for Good Roads, A VOTER. Smith f!eld, N. C., Jan. 12, 1911. Canaday Monument Fund. Beulah, 9, Miss Pearl Aycock, 1.25 Boon Hill, 5. Miss Lizzie Rayford, .32 Meadow, 2, Mr. James Raynor, .51 Meadow, 6, Mr. P. H. Hudson, 1.67 Meadow, 1, Mr. Ira Raynor, .61 Pleasant Grove, 5, Mr. Bright Morgan 15 Wilson's Mills, 1, Prof. Hinton McLeod 1.00 Ingrams, 10, Miss Lessie Rose, 1.81 Ingram, 7, Mr. Walter Strick land, 75 Bentonsville, 5, Mr. N. B. Strick land, 25 Ingrams, 1, Miss Eleanor John eon 25 Banner, 10, Miss Lillle Smith, 1.00 Oneals, 5, J. P. Eldridge, .. 1.30 Ingrams, 8, Prof. H. B. Coats, 5.00 Selma, 5, Miss Winnie Ward, .50 Ptne Level, 1, Mr. A. J. Fitz gerald 2.25 Clayton, 1, Prof G. T. Whitley. 3.00 Wilders, 5, Miss Norma Sanders, .20 Banner 6 C. M. Aultman,, .. 1.45 Beulah 11 Miss Kezzte Peed in .52 Boon Hill, 8, Mr. S. R. Bra4y, .50 Beulah, 8, Miss Velaria Wellons, .32 Beulah, 7, Miss Mary Hatcher, .71 Elevation, 5, Mise Floy Johnson. 1,00 Clayton, tj, Mise Lossle Vinson, .75 Boon Hill, 9, E. F. Pearce, .0(4 Banner' 4, F. L. Woodall, white .80 Pleasant Grove, 1, Miss Lil lian B. You^g, white, 1.00 1 i f i Total this week $26.91 Amount previously repor'ed 31.46 Total $58.37 Claud Sanders was found guilty last week in Wake Superior Court and sentenced to thirty years in the penitentiary, for murdering his wife and step children and burn ing their bodies. The evidence was circumstantial. We call the attention of our read ers to the ad of Mr. R. U. Barbour, of Benson which appears in anoth er column. TO SERVE LUNCH TO TEACHERS. The Ladies' Betterment Association Has Call Meeting and Arranged Several Matter*. ?# Last Tuesday afternoon at Graded School bulkllng, The Lad lee' Betterment Association held a call meeting to make arrangement* for serving lunch to the teachers of the county who hold their monthly meeting here to-morrow. Other mat ters of importance were taken u$ and discussed. One important thing that was done was the appointing of Mrs. L. T. Royall to receive any magazines that any one in the to-wn might have that they would Ilk* to give away. The object is to col lect from time to time a number of good magazines that have been read by the owners, and place them in the hands of those who have not the opportunity of all the good literature they would like and need. The dis tributing of these papers will be done through the County teachers. Let everybody remember to save their magazines and either send them to Mrs. Royall's residence or to the office of Prof. Royall. The ladies will hold their regular meeting the first Tuesday in Febm ary at 3 P. M. Mr. If. C. Peacock, proprietor of the Up-to-Date Pressing Club, has an a'' in this paper. SMITHFIELD MARKET. Good Cotton 14 5-8 Yellow Cotton 12% to 13% Wool 8 to 15 Fat cattle on foot 3 to 4 Fat cattle dressed 7 to 8 Eggs 20 to 22% Chickens 20 to 45. Granulated sugar 5% to 6 Corn per bushel 80 to 85 Seed Oats 76 Seed Oats 85 to 1.00 Fresh Pork 10 C. R. Sides per pound 12% to 14 Timothy hay 130 to 140 hard per pound 13% to 18 Cheese per pound 20 to 22% Butter, per pound 30 to 35 Dried apples per pound .. 8% to 10 Coffee, per pound .... 15 to 17% Sheep skins each 10 to 15 Salt hides per pound 4 to 5 Hides, dry flint 7 to 9 Tallow S Beeswax 15 to 20 Meal per sack 165 to 175 Flour per sack 275 to 3.00 Potatoes per bushel 50 to 60 Peas stock 1.50 to 1.75 Peas white 2.00 to 2.25 Before ordering Magazines, get our big clubbing catalogue and spe cial offers and save money. SOUTH ERN SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY. (A postal card will do.) Raleigh, N. C. CLOTHING AT COST AT N. B. Grantham's, Smithfield. DON'T BUY A CROSS CUT SAW without first seeing our Lance Tooth Thin Back Keen Kutter Saw. COTTER HARDWARE CO. * NT B. GRANTHAM IS SELLING Clothing at Cost. DON'T BUY A CROSS CUT SAW without first seeing our I>ance Tooth Thin Back Keen Kutter Saw. COTTER HARDWARE CO. WANTED AT ONCE?A MAN OF experience and energy to work in store this year. AUSTIN-STE PHENSON CO. Jan. 20, 1911. WE CARRY IN STOCK A COM plete line of Sash, Doors and Blinds. If you are going to build, be sure to see us for prices. COTTER HARDWARE CO. ^ ^ ^ ^ REPORT OF THE, CONDITION OF The Bank of Smithfield, at Smffti fisld, In the State of North Caro lina, At th? Close of Business | January 7th, 1911. Resources. Loans and discounts .... $149,801.08 Overdrafts secured and unse secured 9,514.21 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages 13.300.00 Hanking House, Furniture and Fixtures 9,260.00 Due from Hanks and Bank ens 13,970.73 Cash Items 7,855.00 Gold cola ...... ........ 1,710.00 Silver coin, Including all mi nor coin currency .... 2,754.32 National tank notes and oth er U. S. Notes ...... 13.602.00 Total $221,767 34 Liabilities. Capital stock paid In $30,000.00 I'ndivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid 9,545.49 Notes and bills rediscounted 17,000.00 Bills payable 10,000.00 Time Certificates of Deposit 24,042.13 Deposits subject to chock 117,814.24 Savings Deposits 11,179.89 Cashier's Checks outstanding 2,183."!' Certified Checks 2.00 Total $221,767.34 State of North Carolina, County of Johnston, SS: I, J. H. Abell, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. J. H. ABELL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 16th day of January, 1911. O. V. JOHNSON, Notary Public. Correct?Attest: J. D. SPIERS. T. R. HOOD. \V. L. WOODAI>L, Directors. ?*? ?|? ?|? ?|? ?|? ?T? ??? ??? ??? 4- MONEY TO LOAN! ??? A few Hundred Dollars to ?!* ?J* lend. Apply to ?J. JOHN A. NARRON, Atty. .J 4- Smithfield, N. C. 4* *1* *1* *1* ?!? *1* ?!- ?!* + -!- -I* *!* -2* KING'S CEMENT WALL PLASTER will cover more and cost less. We sell it. COTTER HARDWARE CO. ?*? ?*? "b 4* THE BEST IS NONE ... TOO GOOD FOR OUR j. .j. FRIENDS. *** This has been our rule *1* *?* ever since we began busi- ?!* ness. To furnish the best .J. 4. groceries we can secure week in and week out ?I* HAS BEEN OUR AIM. * The best evidence that *!* *!* we have succeeded is the .j. nice trade we have built .j. 4. UP- * j* To tho'se who have pa- . . tronized us so liberally we extend our thanks and y "3* desire a continuance of *?* 4* their business, assuring *2* 4* them that we shall strive ?J. to serve them better dur .j. ing 1911 than in 1910. ?j. + * S. C. TURNAOE, * 4- Smithfield, N. C. ? + ?J* ?|? ?|? ?T? ..^ ^ ^ u ^.im ttj '" ~ _j The Up-to-date ||l Pressing Club I | WANTS Your BUSINESS. | We press and clean, or alter your clothes, and ; | : : guarantee satisfaction in every instance. Prompt ; \ attention given every order. ! : We also represent one of the largest Tailoring ; concerns in the country. Call and see our line of I samples. ! - We represent an Up-to-date Laundry and want your trade. ; * : Up to Date Pressing Ciub | R. C. PEACOCK, Proprietor I SMITHFIELD, N. C. Phone No. 42J | I Plows!! I We Have Those Good Turning I Plows You Have Long Wanted. | One and Two Horse. | STEEL BEAM - Wm. J. Oliver. | I STEEL BEAM - Dixie. 1 8 STEEL BEAM -- Brinly Hardy. S I This is an all-steel Flow, on Market 72 years | STEEL BEAM ? Universal. H ' This is a Turning Cotton and Subsoil Plow, HI Made in North Carolina. If you want a Good Plow see these before K you buy. Yours to Serve, 1 STEVENS FURNITURE 8 IMPLEMENT CO. I | SQUARE DEALERS [j] - H i?i*f ?=31??i*I?iBB?ii [??f i?-3 a I NOTICE TO.MERCHANTS | % If you want a supply of Chattels, Short Form $ % of Agricultural Liens, Warranty Deeds, Mort- $ * gage Deeds, Stock & Title Notes, Promissory t % and Real Estate Notes, Receipts, Drafts, Gua- t t no Books for delivery, or anything in this % * line see us. We can supply your wants. 2 BEATY & LASSITER, The Herald Office | ***************************************************+$ .J. .J. -J. .[t -j. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .[. .J. -?* V -?? : Farmers Supplies f * We aim to carry a complete line of * * Fertilizers, Farm Implements, such as Lynchburg Steel Beam Plows, Disc .? Harrows, Stalk Cutters, Cultivator Harrows, Guano Distributers, Cotton * * and Corn Planters. We are in a position * to sell Mowers, Reapers and Threshing * Machinery. We have a nice line of .j. Wagons and Buggies, Heavy & Fancy J * Groceries. We make a specialty of * t ROB ROY FLOUR ? v -I We carry a large stock of Seed and Feed Oats and *2* Shipfeed. We can attract your attention in our 4* Dry Goods and Notions Department. Give us a *i* ?I- chance to do business with you. n* *!* Call at our store and inspect our *1* ? Roderick Lean Corn and Cotton Planter. *'"* -i- *2* jj ROBERTS, CORBETT AND WOODARD, | SELMA, N. C. . ?|? ?*? j HORSES AND MULES j i? ! I Just arrived from West Virginia a ? i t car of fiae Horses and Males which ? / offer at prices that will attract, * ? Come and look at them. Terms ? made to suit. * X ? ? 4? I R. U. Barbour 1 | BENSON, N. C. J

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