$1000 " I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for the good VINOL has done me. I was told that Cod Liver Oil was the medicine I reeded for my weakened condition and poor blood. I could not take the greasy mixture, and when our druggist told me that VINOL contained not only tonic iron but all the medicinal prop erties of Cod Liver Oil without the grease or oil or bad taste, I made up my mind that was the medicine for me. I tried it and to-day am strong and well." Mrs. J. T. Snyder, Greensboro, N. C. We guarantee tlie genuiuenew of the above testimonial. We sell VINOL with the understanding that if it does not give the purchaser per fect satisfaction, we return his money without question. Will you try a bottle un der these conditions? HOOD BROS., Druggists, Smith field, N. C. Cotter?Underwood Company UNDERTAKERS. Carry a Complete and Up-To-Date Line of! Funeral Supplies. Hearse Service Furnished. CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGH1 J. D. Underwood Jno. A. Masse> Funeral Director Embalmer P1HONE No. 17. EATING AND ADVERTISING We are in business and we are doing some advertis ing in order that we may in terest you in our line. All men do not advertise, but all men must eat. That's why we are here. We sell things to eat, and for that reason we ought to interest YOU. Fresh Groceries. Let us supply you with fresh groceries of all kinds. We will also buy all lines of country produce and give the highest market prices. S. C. TURNAGE, Smithfield, North Carolina. NOTICE. By virtue of tli" nuthori'y con tained in a mortgage deed execut ed to ma 011 t.'ie first day of Decem ber, 1909, by George F. Exum, and duly registered hi th<- Register's of fice of Johnston County, in Book Q, No. 10, page 222, I shall sell at pub lic auction for cash at the Court House door in the town of Smith field, N. C., on the 20th day of March, 1911, the following tract of land: Beginning at a stake in the Clayton Road, the W. J. Smith Dow er Corner and runs with said Dow er line N. 1% W. 20 chaine to a stake InD. F. Sherrord's lane; thenc S. 65 degrees W. 26 chains to a stake in the Archer Road; thence up the Archer Road 15 chauiw to the Clayton Road; thence up the Clay ton Road 24 chains to the point of beginning, containing 47 acres, and being th eland conveyed by deed this day from N. E. Ward and wife to Geo. F. Exum and for which this indenture represents part of the purchase money. This 14th day of Feb., 1911. N. E. WARD, Mortgagee. J. R. WILLIAMS, Attorney. A LARGE NEW TESTAMENT IN \ary laigo type, suitable for old people, at 75 cents. Call at The Herald office. WOOD'S SELECTED Seed Potatoes We are headquarters for the best Maine-grown, Second Crop and Northern grown Seed Potatoes: stocks selected and grown specially for seed purposes, and superior both in quality and productiveness. Wood'i New gives de I Seed Catalog scriptions and full information as to the best and most profitable kinds to plant, both for early and main crop. Write for price) and Demlpti?e Catalog. mailed free on request. ! T. W. WOOD & SONS Seedsmen, ? Richmond, Va. MR. TAFT ON INTOXICANTS. Prealdent of United States Saya To tal Abatinence la the Safeat Plan. 1 Columbus, Ohio, February t 12.? President Taft, in a tetter dated De cember 29, 1910, and read In 3,000 Sunday schools in the United States to-day, sounded the keynote of a to tal abstainers' movement. The let ter is addressed to Sunday school pupils as "My Dear Young Friends," and reads: "The excessive use of intoxicating liquor is he cause of a great deal of the poverty, degradation and crime of the world, and one who ab stains from the use of such liquor avoids a dangerous temptation. Abraham Lincoln showed that he believed this in writing out for his boy friends the pledge of total ab stinence, so often quoted. Each pernon must determine for himself the courso he will ake In! reference to his tastes and appetites, but j those who exercise the self-restraint to avoid altosehter the temptation ! of alcoholic liquor are on the safe and wiser side." Dr. Howard S. Russell, of Wester ville, Ohio, founder of the Anti-Sa loon League, also Is founder of the Lincoln Legion, which instigated to " day's services throughout the United I States. ' The movement will be directed as the Total Abstinence Department of the Anti-Saloon League, with na tional headquarters at Westervllle. THERE'S NO RISK. [i If This Medicine Does Not Bene fit You Pay Nothing. A physician who made a specialty of stomach troubles, particularly .? dyspepsia, after years of study per fected the formula from which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are made. Our experience with Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acute in digestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredients are soothing and healing to the inflamed membranes of the stomach. They are rich in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine. The re lief they afford is almost immediate. Their use with persistency and regularity for a short time brings about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will insure healthy appetite, aid diges tion and promote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith in Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not five you entire satis faction, we will return you the money you paid us for them, wlth ; out question or formality. They j come in three sizes, prices 25 cento, 150 cents an 1 $1.00. Remember (you can obtain them only at?The Rexall Store?Howl Bros. "An easy job will suit me. Sena tor." How about winding the clocks ^vcry we"k?" "I might make that do. But what's the matter with tearing the leaves off the cal endars every month?''?Washingtoi Herald. Quickly Cures Cougns, colas ana Catarrh. If you, dear reader, could spend an hour looking over a few of the ?thousands of testimonials that we have on file, you would not go on suffering from ra'arrh. that disgust ling disease that will surely sap ; your vitality and weaken your entire system if allowed! to continue. Ypu would have just as much faith In HYOME1 as we have, and we have so much confidence in its won derful curative virtue that it is ? sold the country over under a posi tive guarantee to cure catarrh, croup, sore throat, coughs and colde or mon ? ey back. No stomach dosing when you breathe HYOMEI. Just pour a few : drops of the liquid Into the inhaler, i and breathe it In. It Is mighty pleasant to use; It opens up those etuffed-up nostrils In j two minutes, and makes your head feel as clear as a bell ta a short ? time. ) Breathe HYOMET and kill the ca tarrh germs. It's the only way to cure catarrh. It's the only way to get rid ot that constant hawking, snuffling and spitting. j A complete HYOMEI outfit, which Includes a bottle of HYOMEI and a hard rubber porket Inhaler, costs $1.00 at Hood Bros., and druggists everywhere. If you already own a Hyomei inhaler you can gwt an ex tra bottle of HYOMEI for 60 cents. "We have used HYOMEI In our ' family for the cure, and breaking up ' of coughs, colds, sore throat and ! catarrhal affections, and can say 'that it la a grand remedy worth Its weight In gold." Mrs John Cooper, South Wayne, Mich. I I I Gems From Washington's Farewell Address. \ The very idea of the power and | the right of the people to establish | govs' nineut presuppose the, duty of every individual to obey the ss tililished ^overanient. There is an opinion that parti?s :l in free countries are useful checks | upon '.he administration of the gov- i ernment and keep alive the spirit of liDerty. This within certain lim its is probably true, and in govern 1 ments of a monarchial cast patriot 1 ism may look with indulgence, If not i with favor, upon the spirit of par ty. But in those of popular charac ter, in governments purely elective. 1 it is a spirit not to be encouraged. Of all the dispositions and habits w'lich lead to political prosperity, ! religion and morality are indispen sable supports. Observe good faith and Justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. Against the insidious wile6 of foreign influence I conjure you to believe me, fellow citizens, the Jeal ousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign in fluence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. Torrens-System Facts. The Torrens system of land titles | is one whereby the State has a particular piece of land surveyed, then has the title examined by a State's attorney, and tben ls?ue? a guaranteed title in simple form (which may be transferred practi cally without cori) like the s'ock certificates of a corporation. This certificate, carrying the State's guar antee, puts a period to all examina tion of the , titles and therefore saves expense and simplifies all transactions in land. Originating in New Zealand, the Torrens system has rapidly made headway all over the world, especially in new coun tries. Its simplicity and utility are assurance that we in North Carolina should adopt it now and shall sure ly adopt it at no distant date. \ The question is simplyi how long we shall pay the vexing costs of the old me thod and still suffer a degree of un certainty; or how soon we shall be gin to save the cost of having titles examined over and over again, ev ery time there is a land transaction of any nature. Under the Torrens system the new deed or certificate is instantly transferable for sale or for use as collateral. Its use temporarily for collateral involves no | publicity, any more than the stock J I eertifica<e of a cotton mill or any | ' other corporation does. Rankers I and building and loan people want I it because it saves costs and sim I plifies loans on real estate. Farni | ers want it for the same reason and also because of the no-publicity fea j ture. The Torrens system insures ' the title beyond question, and yet ; there are no mortgages, mortgage re cords or mortgage costs. Being purely permissive, it is never com pulsory; if any one would rather keep in the old rut, thero is nothing ' to hinder him from doing so. These, jin brief, are the principal outlines 1 of the Torrens system.?Charlotte J Observer. PENSION BILL IN SENATE. 1 Measure Increasing Payments About $45,000,000 Reported. Washington, Feb. 13.?By a vote of ; 8 to 3 the Senate Committee on | ! Pensions to-day agreed to report to ' the Senate the Sulloway general ' pension bill, which has already pass ed the House. It was amended so that the annual cost, in addition to Uhe $153,000,000 estimated for the ensuing year, will be about $46,000, 000. As the bill passed the House h would have cost about $50,000,000. | A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound : on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back er pains in the side or chest give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. Miss Oldham?I had a proposal of marriage last night. Miss Young?Indeed! Who taught ?you the art? Miss Oldham?the ait? Yee, of hypnotism.?Chicago News. Uncle?My dear boy. It's a fact that the bacilli on paper money have caused many a death before ] now. Nephew?Well, uncle, you might let me have a few notes. I'm very tired of life.?Fllegende Blas ter. CASTOR IA Tor Infanta and Children. The Rind You Han Always Bought iMen! Here's Something! I Worth While I tt Orders Are Given "Clear The Deck." jK 55 "Make Room For New Spring Goods." 5? | Prices Way Down but Quality | $ Remains at Same H igh Point? ?? After all it's the price you pay for the garmt nt that ?? #2 Counts. We know that very often an alluring price ft vj leads men astray, but after trying the experiments on Jg their backs they realize that quality is more important jK j[( than price. In Reading These Exceptionally Low ?? SIt Prices Remember that these Suits and Overcoats are H The Master-Tailored Sort | ? jft $15. Suits $?! | 25 Ms Overcoats AJL? ^ $18. Suits $-1 O 75 ft Overcoats vv $20. Suits $1^ 75 Xj Overcoats 1J), Sj $25. Suits 75 | Overcoats AO* S |l\l. B. Grantham* ^ Head-to-Foot Outfitter for Men and Boys :: Smithfeld, N. C. 115 I The McWHORTEK Fertilizer Distributer | The only Distributer made j that spreads perfeetlv in ?' 2 rows of Cotton or Corn | at the same time, or broad east Fertilizer or Soda, any jj quantity desired. Write me J at once. 1 will ship to any station wanted. Sold di- : - reet. from Factory to the \ t | Farm. No middle Man. | H. | R. I. LASS ITER, V,',1 Four Oaks, N. C. | NOTICE. Having installed an "Inhalatorium'' In my office, I wish to state to the public, that I am now bet'er pre pared to treat ajl diseases of the lungs, nose and throat. Also, by the Medicated Steam Hath Attach ment, rheumatism and all chronic skin diseases. Would be very glad to demonstrate the value of this apparatus to any physician of the county. Office hours?for treatment?1 to 2, P. M., 7 to 9 P. M. Vary respectfully, J. J. YOUNG, M. D. Clayton, N. C., Feb. 10, 1911. T ?!- -!- *!- -!? ?!- "!* *1* *?* *1* + + ?J. TREASURER'S + ANNOUNCEMENT. + + I have moved the Trees ?J* urer's Office from the rear ?{ ?}? of the Smithfleld Bank Bull- 4* ding to the office In the ?J- Court House, formerly oc- 4* ?J* copied by Attorney J. A. 4* Wellone. I will be In my 4* + office every Monday and + + Court Weeks. In my ab- + ?{? eenee the Bank of Smith- ?{* + OeM will attend to any of- 4* + flclal business. 4* + W. LESTER STANCIL, + + County Treasurer. ++++++++*+++X ?"???% a and hides BL B H BLk 'vft?y HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID ?? FOB RAW FURS AND HIDES M Hfl| ? K Wool on Commltsion. Writ# lor prlct- ? ? ? ? llat mentioning this ad. j JOHN WHITE & CO. LOUISVILLE,KY. *5^ ? Are You Ready Now? + 4. + During the Fall you told your Wife you were ^ not ready to bay a Seuiing Machine at you * ^ had not finished paying the Guano bill or',had ^ 4. not paid the Land Note or had not sold your 4. 4- Cotton bat now these things have"past and + t It Is Time To Buy The Machine. + ^ Your Wife needs it and we want to sell it. 4. Write me, stating where you live, and how ^ ?f mach you can pay on the Mechine. 1 am 4. + agent in Johnston County for THEjNEW + + HOME MACHINE. + + + J J. M. BE A TY, Smithfield, N. C. + T + *]?

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