J u Local Items _____________________ Concerning tbe People, Business asd Progress of tkcTawn aadCounty Mr. W. S. Stevens spent Tues day in Raleigh. Mr. J. R. Barbour, of Ben-1 son; was in the city Monday. Mr. J. II. Price, of Wilson's Mills, was in the city yesterday. Postmaster W. M. Rose, of Princeton, was in town yesterday. Miss Gertrude Smith is spend , ing a few days here with Miss Rnth Sanders. Miss Nellie Lassite.*. of -Spilo na, spent Monday night here with Miss Alma Coats. Mr. M. T. Britt, President of the Farmers Commercial Bank, I of Benson, was here Monday. Miss Annie Ihrie Pou has' re- J turned from a visit of several days to relatives and friends in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith, of Micro, spent Saturday and Sun day here, the guests of Mrs. S. T. Coats. M rs. A. S. Johnston and little I daughter, Marjorie, have return ed from a visit to relatives in Sanford. There is an advertisement in this issue called "A History Les son." Look it up and see if it; is not interesting to you. M r. Roy Paylor has returned to Fuquay Springs after spend- ] ing a few days here with his i parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Pay lor. Mr. and Mjs. E. O. Smith, of near Garner, Wake County, spent! Saturday and Sunday here with the family of Mr. D. T. Lunce ford. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie J. Pay lor, of Fuquay Springs, came Friday to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Paylor. They returned Wednesday. Mr. L. E. Watson has purchas ed the house and lot formerly owned by Mrs. W. M. Pettway and will move his family there at an early date. Mr. W. L. Woodall and his milliner, Miss Ora Pool, left Tuesday night for Baltimore to buy the spring stock of millinery and dry goods for Mr. Woodall's store. There will be an interesting entertainment given at Turling ton Graded School to-night. A small admission fee will be charg ed. The proceeds will be given to improve the school grounds. As a result of the meeting held here in the Methodist church, ten new members were received into the church Sunday night. Rev. J. IT. Shore, who came Tuesday evening, returned to his home in Greenville Saturday. ; Last Friday we got in a lot, ? f Tom Dixon's new novel, "The j Root of Evil." They were all sold by Saturday night and oth ers wanted this interesting book. We have ordered another sup ply which we are expecting dai ly. Mr. Spurgeon Tuttle was here , this week representing a Balti- j more clothing house. He is a son of the late Rev. J. F. Tuttle, who was pastor of the Smith field Baptist church in 1897. At that time Spurgeon Tuttle was about seven years old. This is ' the first time he has been to Smithfield in fourteen years. He hardly knew the place, so many changes have occurred since he was last here. A large crowd witnessed St. Blmo at the new Opera House : Monday night. The play was a good one, far above the average that come here and the people who took part in it rendered it well. The new managers of the Opera House, Messrs. Elbert Bingham and Daniel Jones, are well pleased with the general re sult of the first play they secur ed for this place. The story upon which the play was based, is a popular one, and this fact lent an added interest to the presen tation of the production. Polenta for Good Roads. Our people are generally in fa* or of road improvement, and if presented to them, most of fcheni will vote bond issue in or der to get good roads. Let the movement be pushed. _ TYPO. Masonic Funeral. The Masonic funeral of Sam son Warren, deceased, will be preached at his late residence, on | first Sunday in March, 1911. H All Masont in good standing are II invited. | L. B. COTTON. Sec'y.. | Mill Creek Lodge, No. 125, (({ A. F. and A M. j \ Newton Grove, N. C. Feb. 20. I A ? Delightful Colonial Tea. ft** . ? ? A most delightful social affair, was the Oolonial Tea. given by Mrs F. H. Btooks, at her home on Oak land Heights, In honor of her sis ter. Miss Helen Parker, on Febru ary 22. Promptly at nine o'clock the guests began to assemble, and each one was attired In Colonial costume. They were met at the door by Mr. F. H. Brooks and Miss Parker, who at once led them into the tea room, where they were served with tea by the hostess. This room was most artistically decorated in the nation al colors, with red and white car nations. From the tea room, the guests were invited into the parlore, which were beautifully and effectively de corated in the national colors, and flags with a profusion of cherry blossoms. Here a most Interesting historical contest was engaged in, after which delicious refreshments were served. The souvenirs were small red hatchets. Then the guests were invited in to the spacious hall, where, In the soft light of the red-shaded candles, all took part in an old fashioned Virginia reel. Then, as the midnight hour was drawing near, amid many expressions of delight at the cl^rming entertain ment, the guests said good night. Those present were: Misses Lucy Hood, Bessie Coats, Amelia, Ava and Ella Myatt, Katie Woodall, Mattie Hudson, Mattie .and Bettie Lee San ders, Fidelia Lemay, Annie Ihrie Pou, Rosa Peacock, Edith Hassel, Ruth Sanders, Gertrude Smith, of Mount Airy and lone Abell; Messrs. Hallie Hood, Herbert Iyiwry, Hubert Woodall, Ben Wellons, Cornelius Ward, Horace Easom and Dr. Rose. FOR A MANURE SPREADER. SEE Stevens Furniture and Imp. Co. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED 3 cars AMERICAN FENCE, 6 and 12 inch stays. See us for furni ture and fence. ROSE & CO., Ben son, N. C. A NEW BILL OF RUGS WILL AR rivo in a few days. STEVENS FURNITURE and IMP. CO. FOR SALE?ONE FINE FULL stock Mammoth Black Boar. Will weigh over 300 pounds. Two years old. CLAYTON HARDWARE CO. FOR A GOOD PLOW, SEE STEV ens Furniture and Imp. Co. EVEN SOME OF OUR COMPETI tors admit that AMERICAN fence is the best fence on the market. "Nuf Sed." See \is for furniture and fence. ROSE & CO., Benson, N. C. 3 STALK CUTTERS MUST GO J price low. Cotter Hardware Co. THEY MAY TELL YOU THEY ! have something "just ns good" as AMERICAN, but AMERICAN fence is conceded by all fence buyers to be the best fence on earth. See 1 us for furniture and fence. ROSE & Co., Benson, N. C. PIGS FOR SALE. Grade, Berkshire. Apply at once. H. A. PARKER Princeton, N. C. Tobe Holt's place. ) RELIEVED OF PAIN. 1 I Mr. A. H. Boyett, Smlthfield, N. C. Dear Sir: - I It is with great pleasure that I can say after taking over seventy five different medicines for Rheuma- j tism and got no relief six bottles of ! t A. H. B.'S "All In One" relieved me ? of pain and put me on my feet again. ' 1 am now enjoying as good health . as most any one of my age. I would i be glad to know that everybody on J earth who suffer from Rheumatism j would give "All In One" a trial. t Yours truly, 1 W. C. HARPER. 1 Wilson's Mills, N. C? Dec. 1, 1910. 1 -o : + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4* 4* Notice To Subscribers. 4* + 4* 4* During the past week 4* 4* we have gone over our 4* ?J* books and sent state- 4* 4* ments to those of our 4* 4* subtcribera who are fur- 4* 4* therest behind. We hope 4* 4* all who have secured 4* 4* these statements will 4* 4* give attention to them 4* 4* at once and send us the + 4* money if it is possible 4* 4* to do so. We want to 4* ?J* straighten our books 4" 4* and shape up the busi- 4* 4* ness we have been do- 4* 4" ing. We need the eo- 4" 4* operation and help of 4* 4* our subscribers in do- 4* 4* ing this. We are labor- 4* 4 ing hard to give a good 4* 4* paper and want our 4* 4* subscribers to feel inter- 4* 4* ested in everything per- 4* 4* taining to the paper. 4* 4* Some who are not very 4* 4* far behind might take 4* 4* a look at the labels on 4* 4* their papers and see 4* 4* how they stand, and re- 4* 4* new their subscriptions. 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* FOR SALE?THREE THOUSAND Dewberry plants, price one cent each. Also three fresh milch cows, one with 1 1-4 pound butter record. C. S. POWELL, Smith field. R. P. D. No. 2. ^ STALK ^CUTTERS MUST GO, price low. Cotter Hardware Co. CLTAYTON HARDWARE COMPANY has just received a big line of baseball goods. LEARTvT AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS. Take a thirty days Practical course in our well equipped Ma chine Shops and learn the Auto mobile business, and accept g >od positions. CHARLOTTE AUTO SCHOOL, Charlotte, N. C. 3 STALK CUTTERS MUST GO, price low. Cotter Hardware Co. FOR SALE, GOOD 5 ROOM HOUSE, with 3-4 acre lot all under good fence, near Baptist Parsonage. Good water, good outhouses. Act quick or you will miss a bargain. Easy terms. WILLIE A. J ON ESS, Clayton, N. C. IciuHTY PER CENT OF ALL THE w.re fence used in America, is AMERICAN. Highest quality and lowest price is the cause. See us for furniture nad fence. ROSE & COMPANY, Benson, N. C. THE MOST WONDERFUL DISCOV ery for all skin diseases is John ston's Eczema Ointment. It cures Eczema, Piles, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Itch, Erysipelas, Sore Eyes, Chaps and all skin erup tions. Sold on a guarantee. 3UR SALES FOR AMERICAN FENCE have doubled this season over last season. Your neighbor ?'.,o uses it will tell you why. See us for furniture and fence. ROSE & CO., Benson, N. C. STRAYED YEARLING. Several rcontl.a ago n steer year lug strayed from his home and came .o my place and has stayed there ?inct. The owner can get him by lcscribing him and paying damages W. S. STRICKLAND. Four Oaks, N. C., No. 2. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a jetition will be presented to the Joard of County Commissioners to liter he boundaries of Boon 11111 ind Pine Level townships, in the ollowing manner, to wit: Beginning at the Davis old mill >lace, on the Stage road, and runs learly east with the Stage road to J. Peedin old place; thence near y north with the Bull road to Lit !e Creek; thence up the creek to he White Rock Ford, connecting vith Pine Level township line, eaving H. F. Peedin in Boon Hill ownshlp. This February 22, 1911. - ? ? ?? i??botb?-* SMITHFIBLD MARKET. Good CoUon H Yellow Cotton 12V4 Wool 8 to 15 Fat cattle on foot 3 to 4 Fat cattle dressed 7 to 8 is Chickens 20 to 45. Granulated sugar 5% to 6 Corn per bushel 80 to 90 Feed Oats 55 to 60 Seed Oats 65. 75 and 1.00 Fresh Pork 9 to 10 C. R. Sides per pound 12% to 14 Lard per pound .... 12% to 17% Timothy hay ISO to 140 Cheese per pound 20 to 22% Butter, per pound 30 to 35 Dried apples per pound .. 8% to 10 Coffee per pound .... 17% to 20 Sheep skins each ........ 10 to :5 Salt hides per pound 4 Hides, dry flint 7 to 9 Tallow | Beeswax 15 to *!0 Meal per sack 165 to 175 Flour per sack 275 to 3.00 Potatoes 60 to 70 Peas stock 1.D0 to 1.75 Peas white 2.00 to 2.25 NOTICE! SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained In a certain mort gage deed executed by O. D. Stan ley to The Adams Company, a part 1 nership consisting of B. B. Adams and 1). W. Adams, the undersig-'M mortgagee, on the 4th day of Feb ruary, 1907, and recorded in the Registry of Johnston County in Book "IT"' No. 9, page 23. the conditions contained in said mort gage deed having been broken, we will, on Saturday, the 25th day of March, 1911, at 12 o'clock, M., at the Court house door in the town of Smlthfleld, North Carolina, ex pose to sale to the highest bidder for CASH that certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Johnston County, State of North Carolina, in Ingrains township, anil described and defined as follows, to wit: "Adjoining the lands of D W. Ad ams. A. C. L. R. R. Co.. and oth ers, the same being the tract of land conveyed by D. W. Adams and wife to Abram McLean, and for merly owned by B. / Mines as a home and residence, lying on the South side of Holt Mill Pond, anil containing seventy-two (72) acres. 60 acres of said land was conveyed by deed to D. W. Adams by Ashley Benson, and 12 acres by Arnold Ben son, and the descriptions in the said Benson deeds are made a part of this description. The above tract of land Ib the same which was sold under mortgage deed executed by Abram McLean and wife to D. W Adams, and bid off by said (). it. Stanley at the Court house door in Smitbfield on the 2nd day of Febru ary, 1907." This the 23 day of Feb., 1911. B. B. ADAMS and D W. ADAMS, trading as The Adams Co.. Mortagee. abell & ward, Attorneys. noticeT The undersigned having qualified as administrator C. T, A., on the estate of Mrs. Selina Walton, de ce:ibed, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me du!> \eiified on or before the 24Jh day of February, 1912, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 22 day of Febrnarv, 1911 DAVID I. FORT, Admr? c. T. A.. Raleigh, N. C. A NEW LINE OF MATTING WILL arrive soon. STEVENS FURNI TURE and IMP. CO [GARDENSEEDS] ! CREECH'S DRUG STORE Is Headquarters For All Kinds Of GARDEN SEEDS , We Sell Only The Best | Variety of Seeds I f I When You Want Seeds | | DON'T FORGET j CREECH'S THE LEADING DRUG STORE ] BARGAINS I b i ] ; 1 A few Bargains for Sale j | In Odd Pieces of Furni- || ture. We are expecting a car of Furniture in a few days and want to I make room for it. Now is the time to get a bargain. Yours to Serve, ? z | STEVENS EURN1TIIRE ^IMPLEMENT CO. I ' SQUARE DEALERS * | P. S.rjSEE US FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, j 1 WE KEEP THE RECORD I S*i& ??? - ????-? ?r..??m?rrM| , mmM - ?? ^ cfj (fj pur You know from experience that it is hard to jjxjr save from yourjearnings?butlit'can-be done if you set yourjheartfand^head inithe right direction. The onlyjvvay tojdo this is to'keep jSjr an account of what*you [earnjandjspend. \k) Tne simplest way to keep this*Jrecord is to have a bank account?depositjyour money SBP with this bank and pay all youlbills by check. jjfip Siftex Your bank statementfand returned ^checks CJD are the record you want?they tell the story jjjK of your money, both earned'and spent. jnfs All this costs you nothing.1* Simply deposit 59k here. We furnish the check book^and keep (Jy) the record tor you. (jjp We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. jjjy ? The Bank of SmiihfielcT " (Jp SMITHFEELD, N. C. (jjy ^^C^^^^nd^Surplus - - - - - $40,000.00 ^ f Another lot of Popular Novels including Tom Dixon's "THE ROOT OF EVIL," is expected daily at THE HERALD OFFICE. | r~" 11 11? IL II ia Plows and Castings! | Our line of Plows & Cultivators is Complete We carry White9s Castings only, and our Steel Beam Lynchburg Plows are the best to be found. Don't buy Farm Implements of any kind with out first seeing our line. Poultry Netting and p 1 Farm Fencing in any height. We want you to make our Store your stopping place when in town. If it's Hardware you want, we have it. We carry the most complete line of any store in the County, and, Remember, we guarantee everything we sell to be as represented. BH m?m?mmmmmm?mmamm?mm?i???????????m?l Cotter Hardware Co. SMITHFEELD, N. C. t t=n " "= " " ? irJJ

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