New North Carolina Search and Seasure Law Section 1. It shall be unlawful for jmy person, firm, corporation, asso ciation, or company, by whatever name called, other than druggists, medical and depositories duly licens ed thereto, to engage in the business of selling, exchanging, bartering, gi\ ingaway for the purpose of dir-ct or indirect gain, or otherwise handling spirituous, vinous or malt liquons in the State of North Carolina. Any per son, firm or corporation or associa tion violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 2: That i* shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association, or corporation by whatever name called, other than druggists and medical de positories duly licensed thereto, to have or keep in his, their or its pos session for the purpose of sale, any spirituous, vinous or malt liquons; and proof of any one of the following facts shall constitute prima facte evi dence of the violation of this section Prima Facie Evidence. First. The possession a license from the government of the United States to sell or manufacture intoxi cating liquors, or, Second; The possession of more than one gallon of splrituuos Liquors at any one time; whether in one or more places; or, Third; The possession of more than three gallons of vinous liquors at any one time, whether in one or more places; or. j Fourth; The possession of more than five gallons of malt liquors at . any one time, whether in one or moix places; or, Fifth; The delivery to such per ■ son, firm, association or corporation of more than five gallons of splrttuiom or vinous liquors, or more than twen ty gallons of malt liquor® within any j four successive weeks, whether in one or more places; or, Sixth: The possession of into* ieating liquors as samples to obtain orders thereon: Provided, That Ur, section shall not prohibit any t) per son from keeping in his possnsskm wines and cldoi s in any quanlty where siuli wines and ciders have been mauniu( lured from grapes or Iruit grown on Ihe premises of the person In whose possess ion said wines and ciders may be. “Starch and Seizure" Section, Sec. 3. Upon the filing of the com pi aim. under oath, by a reputable cit izen or information furnished under oath by an officer charged wtitli the execution of the law, before a justice of the peace, recorder, mayor, or other officer authorized by law to is sue warrant, charging t hat any person firm, corporation, association, or coin puny, by whatever name called, has in his, their or its possession, at a place or places specified, more than one gallon of spirituous or vinous liquors or more than five gallons of malt liquors for the puri>ose of sale, a warrant shall he issued commanding the officer to whom it is directed to search the place or places described in such complaint or information and if more than one gallon of spirituous or vinous liquors or more than five gallons of malt liquors be found in any such place or places, to seize and take into his custody all such intoxicating liquors described in said complaint or information, and seize and take into his custody all glasses, bottles, kegs, pumps, bars or other equipment used in the business of selling intoxicating liquors whi h may be found at such place or places and safely keep the same subject to the orders of the court. The com plaint or information shall describe the place or places to he searched with sufficient particularity to identi fy the same, and shall describe the intoxicating liquor or other property alleged to be used In carrying on the business of selling intoxicating liq uors as particularly as practicable, and any description, however general that will enable the officer execut ing the warrant to identify the prop erty seized shall be deemed suf ficient. All spirituous vinous or malt liquors seized under this section shall he held and upon acquital of the per son so charged, shall he returned to such person and, upon conviction, or upon default of appearance, shall he destroyed, Sec. 4. It shall he unlawful for any hank incorporated under the laws of the slate, or national hank, or any individual, firm or association to pre sent, collect, or in anywise handle any draft, bill of exchange or order to pay money, td which draft, hill of exchange, or order to pay money is attached to bill of lading, or order, or receipt for intoxicating liquors, or which draft is enclosed with, con nected with, or is in any way related to, directly or indirectly, any bill of lading, order", or receipt for in toxical. inSxliquors. Any person, firm, cor po rat ion, association, or bank violat ing the provision of this act shall be ■guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 5. All express companies, rail road companies, or other transporta tion companies doing business in thi state are required hereby to keep a separate l>rx>k in which shall be enter ed immediately upon receipt thereof the name of the person to whom the liquor is shipped, the amount and kind received, and the date When re ceived, the date when delivered and by whom delivered and to whom de livered, after which the consignee shall be requirtMl to sign his name, or, if be cannot write shall make his mark in the presence of a witness, before such liquor is delivered to such consignee, and which said )>ook shall be open tor inspecti n to any officer or citizen of the state, county, or municipality at any time during busi ness hours of the company, and said Isxik shall constitute prima facie evidence of the facts therein and will j he -admissible In any of the courts j in this state. Any express company, j railroad company or other transporta-1 tion company viloating the provisions of this taxation shall he guilty of a misdemeanor. Provided, upon the fil itig of a certificate signed by a rep utable physician or two reputable citi zens that the consignee is unable, by reason of sicknl ss or infirmities of age, to appear in person, then the said company is authorized to de liver any package to the agent of said consignee and the agent shall sign the name of thie consignee and his own name, and the certificate shall be filed of record. Sec. fi. That in indictments for violating section one of this act it shall not be necessary to allege a sate t.o a particular person, and-the violation of the law may he proven by circumstantial evidence. None Excus'd from Testifying. Sec. 7 That no person shall he excused from testifying on any pros ecution for violating this act cr any j law against the sale or manufacture of intoxicating liquors, but no dis- j covory made by such person Shall be used against him In any penal or criminal prosecution, and he shall he altogether pardoned for the offence j ■ lone or participated in by him. S c. 8. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act he and the same are hereby to the extent‘of such conflict repealed, Provided how ever, that nothing in this act shall operate to repeal an> of the local or special acts of the general assembly of North Carolina prohibiting the manufacture or sale or other disposi tion of any of the liquors mentioned in this act, or any laws for the enforcement of the same, but all such acts shall continue in full force and effect and in concurrence herewith, and indictment or possession, may be had either under this act or any special or local act relating to the same, Provided further, that this act shall not he in any way repeal or modify chapter 71 of the public laws of North Carolina of the extra ses sion of 1808. Sec. 9. That this act shall not ap ply to any act committed prior to Its ratification. Sec. 10. That this act shall be in force from and after the first day of April, 1913. JOHN N. MOREHEAD. Governor of Nebraska, Who Head ed Relief Work After Cyclone. An Iowa paper innocently recom mends; “To keep ants away from the refrigerator, tie woolen strings around each leg, saturated with tur pentine." DR. F. F. FRIEDMANN. Berlin Specialist, Who Is Dem onstrating Tuberculosis Cure. e (£ 1913, by American Press Association. After January, 1914, neither wine, beer, nor spirits may be purchased in the restaurant of the Swedish par liament, according to a bill passed by both houses. Bad air kills more people every year than are killed by bullets. Makes Home Baking Easy Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Dream of Tartar NO ALUM.N0 LIME PHOSPHATE SALK OF MORTGAGE LAND. Under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust executed by John W. Exum to Zeb Snipes, on Feburary 24 1913, and recorded in Book I No. 12, page 584, in the Registry of Johnston County, North Carolina, the conditions contained in said deed having been broken, the undersigned trustee, will on Friday the 9th day of May, 1913, at 12 o’clock, noon, sell in front of the Court. House door, in Smithfield, North Carolina, to the highest bid der for cash, all the land conveyed therein, described as follows: Situate in Beulah township, adjoining the lands of R. B. Boswell, Jasper Weaver, and others; beginning at a stake in R. B. Boswell's field, and runs thence south to Jasper Weavers corner, thence continuing south with said Jasper Weaver’s line to a stake in Alvin Raines line, to the John Balance line, thence up the run of Buffaloe Swamp as said swamp mean ders to a lightwood stake, thence W with R. B. Boswell's line to the be ginning, containing forty acres, more or less. Place of Sale: Smithfield, N. C. Terms of Sale: Cash. This March 8th, 1913. ZEB SNIPES, Trustee. POu and Allred, Attorneys. •!> * * *5* ❖ ❖ ❖ *S* ❖ ♦ * »> ♦> * * * ❖*** * * * * * .> I TURNAGE! I The GROCER trading £ t Under the guarantee of | Kight goods and prices * No SALE. or * *:* ❖ . t A * Anything ♦ Good to ❖ # <♦ *> t «at * * -> ❖ * ❖ * ❖ ❖ ❖ * i i $ I *! •> ❖ I S.C. TURN AGE % | Smithfield, N. C. |j ***•*>*<*'****♦********«*****« . V s s R i l s ! i i An added pleasure for smokers of 8^414/ Here is a smoke with the real, genuine to bacco taste — that beats all artificial tastes. Every grain of it is pure, clean tobacco. Tucked into a pipe, or rolled into a cigarette, it makes a delightful smoke. If you have not smoked Duke’s Mixture, made by Liggett & Myers at Durham, N. C., try it now. In addition to one and a half ounces of fine Virginia and North Carolina leaf, with each 5c sack of Duke’s Mixture you now get a book of cigarette papers free and A Free Present Coupon These coupons are good for hundreds of valuable presents. There are shaving sets, jewelry, cut glass, base balls, tennis racquets, talking machines, furniture, cam eras, and dozens of other articles suitable for every member of the family—each of them well worth saving the coupons for. As a special offer, dur ing March and April only, zve will send our new illustrated cata logue of these presents FREE. Just send us your name and address on a postal. Coupons from Duke'sMixture may ssorted with tags from HORSE SHOE. J. T„ ifoiSLEY'S NA TURAL LEAF, GRANGER TWIS r, coupons from FOUR ROSES (lOc-tm double coupon), PICK PLUG CUT, PIED MONT CIGARETTES. CLIX CIGARETTES, and other tags or coupons issued by us. Premium Dept. ST. LOUI3. MO. J This is to inform our friends and customers that we have moved into our New Store, which is one of the largest and most commodious build ings in the County, and we carry one of the larg est and best selected stock of goods carried by any merchant in the County. We carry what the people need and our prices are right. We invite you to visit us in our new quarters and see that we are better prepared to serve you than before. Look over our stock before buying else where. We now have the largest line of Oxfords and Low Cut Shoes ever shown in selma. Call and get a sure fit. Respecfully, Roberts, Corbett & Woodard SELMA, - - - North Carolina M«t*l SUt« Victoria Shinglt Imperial Shingle Oriental Shingle CORTRIGHT The four designs of Cortright Metal Shingles as shown above are made in any of the following ways: 1. Stamped from Tin-plate and painted Red. 2. Stamped from Tin-plate and painted Green. 3. Stamped from Tin-plate and Galvanized by a hand-dipping process. 4. Stamped from special tight-coated Galvanized Sheets. Each and every genuine Cortright Meta! Shingle is embossed with this Trade-mark, “ Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." 6 For Sale by • S. B. JOHNSON. SMITHFIELD, N. C. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. By virtue of the authority con tained in a certain judgment of the superior court of Johnston County, N. C. rendered in an action wherein D. V. Sanders et als. are plaintiffs and Miley Smith et als, are defendants, appointing me commissioner and licening me thereunto I shall, on Monday the 14th day of April, 1913, at 12 o’clock, M. at the court house door in the town of Smithfield, in said county, sell to the highest bid der the following described real estate: viz: A tract of land situate in Smith field township, Johnston County, N. C., adjoining the lands of W. B. John son, Mrs. Dora Parker, and others. Beginning on a stake, the Lightfoot Sanders’ Corner in John A. Ford’s line, and runs South 185 poles to a stake, Graham’s line; thence West 33 1-3 poles to a stake; thence N 185 poles to a stake; thence East 33 1-3 poles to the beginning, con taining 38 2-3 acres more or less and being the Jackson Sanders, Deceased, lands. Terms of sale are, one third cash and the balance on January the 1st, 1914, title reserved until all the pur chase price is paid. This March he 12, 1913. 'JAMES D. PARKER, Commissioner. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as administrator on the estate of Jno. D. Richardson deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or be fore the 4th day of April 1914 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons in debted to said estate will make im mediate payment. This 29 day of March, 1913. W. B. RICHARDSON. Admr. NOTICE. North Carolina, Johnston County, In the Superior Court. Annie Holland vs Charles Holland. The defendant above named will take notice that an action has been i commenced, entitled as above in the Superior Court of Johnston County, I to declare the marriage between the I plaintiff and defendant void; and ; that said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear . at the term of Superior court „of said (county to be held on the 2nd Mon day in May, at the court house of | said county in Smithfield, N. C., and | answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ' ply to the court for the relief de : manded in the summons. This the 1 day of April, 1913. W. S. STEVENS, Clerk of Superior Court. R. L. Ray, Attorney. MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. North Carolina, Johnston County. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in the mortgage deed ex ecuted to the undersigned the 4th day of January, 1911, by H. D. Ell ington and wife Ethel J. Ellington and recorded in the Registry of Johnston County in Book V. No. 10, Page 247, the undersigned will, on the 26th day of April 1913, at 12 o’clock M., at the Court House in the town of Smithfield, N. C., ex pose to sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing real estate, to-wit: A certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Johnston County, State of North Carolina, in Cleveland township, and described as follows: Beginning at a large White Oak, I. H. Johnson’s corner and runs S. 87 E. 15-20 chains to a Pine (dead); thence S. 3y2 W. 14-50 chains to a '■ stake, a comer of lot No. 3 in one ^Janies T. Wood division; thence N. | 87 W. 18-80 chains to a stake in line of lot No. 2 in said division; thence N. 3 E. 10-40 chains to a stake in A. Gower’s line; thence 43 E to the beginning, containing twenty-six acres more or less. j Also a certain house and lot in | the town of Smithfield, North Caro lina, described as follows: One lot 15 ft. wide on front and 105ft. deep, adjoining the land of W. H. Peacock heirs and Dr. Robinson’s heirs and known as the “Red Stables”. This 26 day of March, 1913 MRS. P- E. YOUNGBLOOD. Mortgagee. Frederick H. Brooks, Attorney. AS RECEIVER OF THE SMITH - field Journal Publishing Company I have only a limited time in which to settle the business of this con cern, and I would thank all who owe it money to call at my office at Four Oaks and settle their ac count. A. B. ADAMS, Receiver. The Herald and Home and Farm both one year, $1.30. A