COUNTY DIPLOMAS. The following pupils received cer tificates of promotion at the County commencement, April 4th: District No. 8. Beulah, Oharence Bailey. District No. 2. Meadow', John N. Johnson and Eva Johnson. District No. 4. Beulah, Sadie Fitz gerald and Stella Pulley. District No. 6. Meadow', B. E. Bar field and Christie Rose. District No. 3. Clayton, Bessie Hardee, Ethel Talton and Bessie Barbour. District No. 5. Elevation, Jobnie King, Lula Creech, Lida I^assiter, Estella Lassiter, Minnie Lassiter and PJonnie Lassiter. District No. 5. Cleveland, Christine Barbour and Willis Sanders. District No. 11. Boon Hill, Henry Maasey. All of these pupils are entitled to enter the high schools in the county without having to stand entrance ex aminations and with free tuition. The high schools referred to are Benson, Kenly and Wilson’s Mills. L. T. ROY ALL, County Supt. NOAH MASSENGILL OUTLAWED. On Friday night of last week Mr. Z. L. L»emay and Mr. J. .W Stephien son under the authority they .have os magistrates passed outlawry pro ceedings in the caso of Noah Massen gill, a fugitive from justice. Ho is now’ an outlaw and could not claim the protection of law to save his life. It costs money to carry on public health work that, if properly perform ed, means the lessening of needless disease and suffering. And in thlB battle between the dollar and the denth rate if only the dollar* are pro vided and wisely used, the victory for human health and happiness can be won. In this day and age good health is a commodity and can be bought, but the people must be will ing to pay the cost. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as executor on the estate of Carolina Henry deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims agplinst' said estate to present the same to me duly v rifi a rvn or before the lftth day of April 1914 or tliis notice will »>e pleaded in Inr of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment Tills 17 day of A nett 1913. tOMN W. FI.ITRB1JL, Executor. Report of The Condition of the BANK OF PINE level nt Fine Level, N. C at the close of business April -1Mi 1913. Resources Dollars Jx>ans and discounts 26,842.05 Overdrafts secured and un secured 1,816.16 Banking houses. Furniture and Fixtures 2,31M).0 ?' :a fro’" 1 'nks nnd '"inkers 2.662 11 Cash items 196.05 4 loi.f pern 325.00 Silver coin, including 'll minor coin currency 1,104.69 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 775.00 Total 36,021.06 Liabilities Dollars Capital stock paid in 5,000.00 Surplus fund A 600.00 Undivided profits, leas current expenses, taxes paid 141.16 Time Certificates of deposit 10,096.34 Deposits subject to check 20.283.56 Total 36.021.06 State of North Carolina, County of Johnston, ss: 1, R. L. Fitzgerald Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, fl. L. FITZGERALD, Cashier. ' ..! < iv* A, This 17th day of April, 1913. JJWNHUAN, Plaintiff LET US HEAR. What lias become of the Johnston County ISaraca-Philathea convention? j What has become of the officers ©led ed at the meeting in Smithfield in 11911, and what steps are they taking to push this organization toward? This movement is a vital essential to Baraca-Pthilatbea development in Johnston County. The classes want this convention, and we must have it A POUR OAKS BARACA Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF SMITHFIELD at Smithfield, N. C. at the close of business April 4th, 1913. Resources Dollars Loans and discounts 236,850.15 Overdrafts secured and un secured 4,404.36 Banking Houses Punitur© and Fixtures 3,265.00 Due from banks and Bankers 42,239.02 Cash items 2,132.54 Gold coin 2,650.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 2,668.32 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 13,010.00 Total 307,219.39 Liabilities Dollars Capital stock paid in 50,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expensies, taxes paid 10,216.47 Time Certificates of Deposit 74,950.41 Deposits subject to check 125,905.12 Savings deposits 18,936.27 Cashier’s checks outstanding 2,181,12 Certified checks 30.00 Total 307,219.39 State of North Carolina, Counity of Johnston, ss: I, J. H. ABELL, cashier of the above-named tank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is truo to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. H. ABELL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11th day of April, 1913. C. V. Johnson, Notary Public. CORRECT—Attest: W. M. SANDERS, J. D. SPTERS ED. F. WARD. Directors. I am promised Infinite i>ower to work and when ever I have trusted it fairly and squarely I have found that the promise was true.—E. E. Hale. LOW GRADE GUANO. A reader asks: “If the 8-2-2 fer tilizer Is sudh a fraud, why does the law allow It?’’ There Is no fraud in the 8-2-2 fertilizer. It Is just what it professes to be, and the manufactur ers are not to blame for making what the farmers demand. To make a fer tilizer of this low grade in order to meet the demand for a low-priced fer tilizer, they are obliged to use filler. What I have argued is that this low grade fertilizer furnishes the plant food at a higher price than fertilizers of a high grade,, and you pay for sacking and freighting the filler that Is of no use to you. But the manu facturer is not the one to blame, but the farmer who buys the low-grade fertiliizer because he can get a ton of it for less money than a better grade. When farmers fully under stand that it is the value of the plant food in a fertilizer that fixes the price, they will soon see that they can get the needed plant food in a con centrated form for really less money than is costs in a low-grade article. In fact the report from the State an alyses show that the manufacturers of fertilizers sold In the South, are really endeavoring to have their ar ticles show a little better than their claim for they are anxious that no unfavorable report shall go out about their goods.—Progressive Farmer. FARM MACHINERY EXPENSIVE. “There is no manufacturing busi ness that lias its machinery standing idle so much of the time as his farming,' ’ said Professor R. C. Prilee, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Ohio State University, in a recent lecture. He pointed out the case of thee binder, which is an expensive machine, yet it is needed only a few days in the year. “The average life of farm machinery is ten years,” said Professor Price, “and counting depreciation and interest, it costs each year about 16 per cent of the original investment to keep it on the farm. The way some machinery is cared for it will cost more than this. Where it is possible to do so, it is more economical to rent machinery than to own it, on the smaller farms.” The fact that the machinery is such an expensive uart of the farm equipment indicates that better care of this machinery is an economical feeature of successful farm manage ment.—Indiana Farmer. ASK H D. ELLINGTON ABOUT Live Stock Insurance a fgSSXXXKSSSgSSSiXggSgSSgSSSS Slippers! Slippers! We carry a complete line of slippers in white, black and tan, for ladies, misses and children. Why do your sewing for children when you can buy from us their Dresses ready made. A Few Spring Coat Suits Going at Cost. Millinery! Millinery!! Our Styles and Prices Beat All. W. L. Woodall, Smithfield, N. C. ♦ Sam T. Honeycutt & Co. f Real Estate and all kinds of Insurance. We will buy your Farm and Town Property and place your Insurance in the Strongest Companies. Office in Court House Millinery A large showing of this season’s most fastidious Millinery for Ladies, Misses and Children. We do not carry Millinery solely for profit—but for the accommodation of our customers and friends and we can save you from 10 to 25% on anything you may need in the Millinery line. We will prove this to your satisfaction if you will come to our store and inspect our millinery and get our prices. Smithfield, N. C. Davis Stores a: ii m I 1 i Fertilizers I desire to state to the public that I now have in my warehouse here and at Four Oaks, a full supply of standard Fertilizers and Nitrate of Soda. I wish especially to call attention to the fact that I have fertilizers made by SWIFT & COMPANY, out of blood body. I am satisfied that this grade of fertilizer is by far the best on the market. I have several teams at my command, and can deliver fertilizers promptly—anywhere. Write or call me over phone. I can meet all reasonable prices. I W. M. SANDERS & Everything in Hardware Galvanized Roofing and Metal Shingles Always on Hand. Builders Harware Such as Lime, Plaster, Sash and Doors we make a Specialty of. See us before buying Hardware---we have it and we have it at the RIGHT PRICES Cotter Hardware Cjo.