THE SMITHFIELD HERALD Published Every Tuesday and Friday. WATCH YOUR LABEL. No receipt will he sent for sub scription. Each subscriber is asked to watch the little yellow label on his paper. If the label is not changed within three weeks after remittance i* made, the subscriber should notify oa. Watch your label. NOTE. ? All correspondents should remember that we pay no attention to communications without the writer's name. If you write every day be ?ure to enclose your name each time. Address all matters for publication to /"he Smilhfield Herald, Smithfield, N. C. TOWN AND COUNTY TOPICS. - Mr. Dixon Hood spent the week end with relatives in the city. * * * Mrs. Geo. Ross Pou spent Monday in Rrleigh shopping with Miss Mary Shaw. ? ? ? Miss Pauline Hood, of Kinston, ar rived Saturday to visit friends and relatives in the city. * ? * Mr. Seth W. Myatt, of New York City, is here on a visit to his mother, Mrs. Mary B. Myatt. * * * Mr. r.nd Mrs. J. D. Dickens went to Halifax Sunday, returning Monday. They made the trip by auto. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Powell, Mrs. W. L. Ellis and Miss Alice Lindsay spent Monday in Raleigh shopping. ? ? * Dr. N. T. Holland spent Sunday in Fayetteville with his wife, who is in a hospital there for treatment. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ellis visited friends and relatives in Raleigh Sunday. ? m m Miss Pearl Aycock, of Micro, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. O. Ay cock for the Home Coming Week. ? ? ? Mrs. F. W. Davies and daughter, little Miss Frances, spent last week with parents here, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barham. * ? ? Miss Ethel Coats has returned to her home in Coats, after spending a few days here with the family of Sheriff Grimes. ? * ? Edgar Williams, a colored man liv ing near Smithfield, lost a stack of fodder last Friday by lightning. It was set on fire and burned up. ? ? * Mrs. C. B. Williamson and little daughter, Virginia, are at home again after a two weeks' stay near Knight dale. They returned Friday. * * ? Mr. W. Ransom Sanders and Mr. J. K. Cunningham left here Sunday on an automobile for a trip to New York, going by way of Washington. * * * Among the large number of this section who attended the Confederate reunion at Washington last week, were Messrs. Israel and Oscar Ste phenson. * ? ? Mr. Edgar Turlington, who is a member of the faculty in the English ?cpartment of the State University, ha*s been spending several days here with relatives. ? ? ? The Ncuse Lodge No. 230, Knights ?f Pythias, will hold its regular week ly meetings on Thursday evenings in the Red Men's Hall, beginning promptly at 8:30 o'clock. ? ? ? Mr. J. W. Setzer has visitors from bis old homo at Hickory, N. C., his mother, Mrs. J. S. Setzer, his sister, Mrs. Espy Sherrell and her two chil dren and Miss Louise Setzer. ? ? m Messrs. James Cobb, R. C. Crute, Lee Sanders, Geo. and Tom Ragsdale and Thomas LeMay left Sunday by auto for Havelock to spend a few days in fishing. They were accompanied as far as Kinston by Mrs. Lee Sanders and children who will visit Mrs. John C. Hood until their return Wednes day. ? ? * Miss Irma Sykes, who has been teaching at Franklin, Macon County, for the past year, is spending a few days here visiting friends and study ing the home demonstration work in this county. Miss Sykes has recently been chosen as home demonstration agent for Macon County. She attend ed the canning demonstrations at the State College last week. She will return to Franklin in about two weeks to take up her work there. Miss Sykes, it will be remembered, taught in the Turlington Graded School for two or three years, and then two years in the Four Oaks school before going to Franklin and has many friends hero and at Four Oaks. The Play Ground Features. One of the most interesting? feat ures of the Chautauqua has been the play ground work for the children. This morning Miss Love took a crowd of children accompanied by a few of the parents out on a breakfast pic nic. About sixty went on the hike. They planned to have breakfast at Mr. W. C. Harper's lawn, a mile and a half from town and after enjoying some games they will return. This is a good feature and those children who are taking part are enjoying it very jh4l ? Heavy Rainfall Here. Smithfield has had a total of 3.80 inches of rain here since last Thurs day morning. The heaviest rain of the season is the one which fell Thurs day just about one o'clock, when, with another shower which had just fallen, the total was 1.72 inches. For the 24 hours ending Saturday morning at eight the rainfall was .20 inches. For the 24 hours ending at eight o'clock Sunday morning the amount was .80 inches and for the 24 hours ending at eight Monday morning the amount of rainfall was 1.08 inches. Sunday was characterized by one cloud after another, beginning short ly after midnight. Six or seven clouds passed this way, each bringing a nice rain. The ground in this com munity is getting pretty wet. Contract Let ror Wilders Roads. Mr. E. P. Lore, the engineer in charge, informs us that the contract to build the roads in Wilders town ship has been let to II. G. Scarboro, of Wendell. Work is to begin at once, and pushed to final completion. Wilders township voted bonds for road building and is proceeding un der the right plan ? employing a road engineer and letting out the work by contract. To Finance the Paving Proposition. We learn that the Johnston County Bank and Trust Company has ar ranged to let the town have the forty thousand dollars necessary to carry on the paving work here until the bonds are sold. The bonds cannot be offered for sale until the paving is completed and the exact of cost is fixed. Taking Liberty Loan Bonds. The First National Bank of Smith field has subscribed for $15,000 in Liberty Loan Bonds. Quite a number of thsir patrons have subscribed through this bank. The Johnston County Bank and Trust Company ha^> also sold some of the bonds to its patrons, and it now looks as if the town will take about the number of bonds allotted to it. After the Dodgers. The Sheriff has received the fol lowing telegram dated June 11, from the Governor: "The War Department orders the arrest of every man whose duty it was to register and failed to do it. Please make a searching investiga tion in every precinct in your county, and if a single man failed to register according to law, report the same to the nearest United States Attorney or Marshal, and the delinquent will be arrested at once. North Carolina reg istered more men than the govern ment estimated it would, according to our population. This fine fact makes it all the more important to require all delinquents to be registered. When ninety-nine men voluntarily do their duty, it is the essence of justice to the ninety-nine to compel the hun dredth man to do his. The quota from North Carolina will be based on the original estimate of the government, and not on our actual registration. Therefore every additional man regis tered reduces the proportion of the whole that will be first selected for service." Street Paving Moving On. The work on the street paving is moving on nicely now. A large force of hand is at work daily and much progress is being made. In a few weeks, when the streets begin to look so nice and clean, the town will take on new life. Mr. James S. Knox, of Cleveland, Ohio, the great community expert, who spoke in the Chautauqua tent here Sunday, com mented on the work of paving he saw going on. He said it meant bet ter and greater things for Smithfield and that the people here would take a greater pride in the town after the work had been completed. He said a town without paved streets reminded him of a boy with a dirty face. Mr. H. B Marrow, the new super- 1 intendent of the Smithfield Graded | School, was here Saturday on his way to Chapel Hill to attend the Univer sity Summer School. Mr. Marrow is tha registrar of the summer school. HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENTS. Big Attractions Daily at the Brown Tent. This Afternoon the BiRRfst Musical Feature Ever in Smithfield. the Royal Blue iluMsars Band. To morrow Afternoon the Celebrated John kendrick Bangs will Lecture. Hawaiian Players Tomorrow Night. With a patriotic band concert this afternoon and evening by the Royal Blue Hussars Band, one of the most striking bands in America, a lecture by John Kendrick Bangs, the noted American author, tomorrow after noon and a concert in the evening by the Hawaiian Players, Smithtield's first Chautauqua will come to an end. Four of the ten programs of the Chautauqua, which opened Saturday afternoon, remain to be given. Patriotic music will be the feature of the entertainment of the Royal Blue Hussars Band this afternoon and evening. Included in the band are four zylophone players, a quintet of ocarina players and Egyptian trum peters. The band will play the Anvil Chorus, using two anvils with elec tric attachment. The Band has played before tho crowned heads of Europe and is directed by Signor Louis Cas telucci, who is considered one of the great band masters of this country. Mr. Bangs will lecture tomorrow afternoon on "Salubrities I have Met." The lecture will be in the nature of personal recollections of such men as Theodore Roosevelt, Rudyard Kip ling and Mark Twain and will include a fifteen minute interview with Presi dent W'ilson, in which the President extends a message to all Chautauqua goers. Mr. Bangs is known through out the country for his short stories, and is an excellent lecturer. The Hawaiian Singers and Players will closc the week's program, with both vocal and instrumental music. In their instrumental music they will play the ukelele and the steel guitar, and they will give the best known Hawaiian pieces. Rain marred the first two days of the Chautauqua, and on Sunday night it was found necessary to hold the entertainment of the Pierce Com munity Players in the Opera House. When it rained so hard that it was difficult to give the various numbers in the prelude. Mr. Pierce played hymns on the piano and the audience joined in. When the lights went out suddenly during the prelude, because of the blowing down of the wires, lamps and lanterns were brought in, and the play, "The Harvest" was given. Patriotism has been the keynote of the entire Chautauqua. The opening concer* , of the Mendelssohn Sextette Saturday afternoon and the prelude Saturday evening were given over largely to stirring patriotic songs. In the evening A. C. Shallenberger, ex Governor of Nebraska, and now a member of the Military Affairs Com mittee of the House of Representa tives, delivered his address on "The True Patriotism." "To be truly patri otic does not mean that one must shoulder arms and fight in the trench es of Europe" said Governor Shallen berger. "Those armies that we send to Europe must be fed and the people who devote their time and attention to increasing our crops to feed those armies are just as patriotic as the soldier. We can show our patriotism by buying a Liberty Bond and thus help to finance the war. The man who builds up his home and then protects it is showing the highest type of pa triotism." In concluding his address Governor Shallenberger paid a beautiful trib ute to the flag, picturing the mean ing that lay behind the red and the white stripes and the stars. The Sunday program, except for the address of James S. Knox on "Community Efficiency" was sacred in character. The prelude in the af ternoon by the Boston Musical En tertainers consisted of numbers which conveyed some moral, and the play, "The Harvest," given in the evening, is considered by many to be a most powerful sermon, its moral being "Forgivo and Forget." ** 1 * iuununy aiternoon ine Tscnaikow sky Quartet gave a prelude of classi acl numbers, after which Josephine Chilton pave a program of Southern readings. Mrs. Chilton is a native of the South and her negro dialect stories were well received. In the ev ening Dr. E. L. Williams, the Chi cago preacher who did more than any other one man toward cleaning up the vice conditions of Chicago, deliver ed an address on "The City and the Soil." The Chautauqua is under the di rection of Mr. Howard W. Palmer, a graduate of Columbia University. The assistant superintendents are Mr. Frank W. Harrah, a graduate of Denver University, now a student in the Cornell Mcdical School, and Mr. Lloyd M. Meeker, a graduate of James Millken University in Ohio, and a student now at Union Theolog ical Seminary in New York. Miss Anne M. Love, who was last week graduated from Columbia University of New York, has charge of tho Ju nior Chautauqua. TWO NATIVE HAWAIIANS WHO WILL APPEAR AT THE CHAUTAUQUA | The cut above shows two of the mem bers of the Hawaiian Singers and Players, a company of native Ilawai lans who will appear here on the third day of the Chautauqua. They will wear native costumes and give native songs and dances. Sugar 50 Cents a Pound In Rome. Rome, June 9. ? Sugar mixed with saccharine is now sold here at 50 cents a pound. The government pre viously fixed the price for ordinary granulated sugar at 25 cents a pound but, owing to the small stock in Italy, saccharine has been added and the price raised. It is three times as sweet as the old one. Even at the new price sugar is very difficult to obtain in more than 5 cent package lots, tho grocery stores selling it only to regular customers or to persons buying pound packages of coffee. The government issued a decree providing for food cards, allotting so much food per day to each person, but it is doubtful if the food card system will be ready before the end of the war. LOST? A RED SWEATER WITH A yellow "D" on left side .If found, return to Mr. Edward Woodall or Frank Harrah at Chautauqua Grounds. THE SMITHFIELD MARKET. Cotton 22 % to 23 Cotton seed 1.00 Wool 15 to 22% Fat Cattle 5 to 6% Egrjrs 25 to 30 Fat cattle, dressed 11 to 12% Granulated Supar 9 to 10 Corn per bushel 1.65 to 1.75 C. R. Sides 22 to 23 Feed oats 90 to 95 Fresh Pork 12% to 14 Hams, per pound 25 to 26 Lard per pound 20 to 25 Timothy Hay 1.40 to 1.50 Cheese per pound 35 Butter per pound 80 to 8E Meal per sack 4.00 to 4.25 Flour per sack 7.00 to 7.25 Coffee per pound 16 to 20 Cotton seed meal 2.25 to 2.50 Cotton seed hull* 1.00 Ship Stuff 2.60 to 2.75 Molasses Feed 2.60 to 2.75 Hides, RTeen 12% to 15 Sweet potatoes 75 to 80 Stock peas per bushel 2.00 Black-eye peas 2.25 Beef Pulp 2.50 Soup peaa 3.00 I W. L. Woodall & Sons Smithfield's Shopping Genter CORSET SALE j Our Entire C&{\ ni i Si n 99 C 0 r s e 1 s j Stock of Will go on j *?? r-M. - * *??. -1-- L I Sale To-day At? 1-3 Off Regular Price. The railroad failed to deliver us these goods on time, so made us a dis count if we would handle them. Therefore we are giving you advantage of this discount. Corsets $2.00 to $6.00 Now 13 OFF [ W. L. Woodall & Sons Smithfleld, N. C. A CAR CEMENT Just Received I Also a Car of Wall Plaster, one Car Lime and several tons Hydrated Lime in Warehouse. A full supply of Fertilizers 8-4, 8-3-3, 4-8-4, and Three Cars of Nitrate expected at an early date. W. M. SANDERS Smithfield, N. C. I HAVE ONE GOOD JERSEY COW for sale at a bargain. Mrs. W. L. Brady, Smithfield, N. C. A BOOK FOR THE CHILIJ IS ONE of the finest things you can give him. See our stock of children's books. Herald Office. LAST SHIPMENT OF SODA Ex pected the first week in June. Send your order now. Austin-Stephenson Co., Smithfield, N. C. A FEW MORE COPIES OF "THE Story of Europe and the Nations at War" now on sale e.c The Herald Office. ED. A. HOLT Dealer in High Grade Coffins, Caskets and Burial Robes, Princeton, - North Carolina DID YOU EVER READ THAT great little story "Ten Nights In a Barroom?" If not get a copy at Herald Office. Price only 5 cents. By mail 8 cents. LOST BETWEEN G. A. SMITH'S store and Smithfield, or at Smith field, a Ladies' black leather purse, containing $4.60. Finder will pleaso notify J. L. Faulkner for reward. Wilson's Mills, R. F. D. No. 1. This Bank has subscribed for $15,000.00 "Liberty Loan Bonds | In addition have placed applications for the | requirements of more than forty (40) indi- I viduals. Are you included in this number? + You perhaps can't fight ? You can help | send some one to fight for you. Four more I days. Let us have your subscription before | it's too late. * | 1 + The First National Bank | Smithfield, N. C. T. R. HOOD, President. R. N. AYCOCK, Cashier. ?