RUSSIA AND HER REVOLUTION LOW E"-"3 sxi F.-?3dom Is Or. iiiilis. RELIGIOUS LIBEHTY FOR ALL By Rev. Dr. NEWt.LL DWlQltT n!LUS,Pa?l?r o ( Plymouth Cimrcli, Urooklyo, It V. REV. DB. NEWELL DWlfiHT HILLIS. "Wlio," declares Itev. Dr. Hllllg. pastor of I'lym outh church, Brooklyn, "after reading the news from Russia can help exclaiming: 'It Is Q o d ' s world! God Is In his sky!' " Des pite the black war cloud all things are march ing away from tyranny and Ig norance and to ward liberty and lull manhood! Dr. Ilillls chose as his text Isa, "For a nation shall be born In a day." Wendell Phillips once pronounced the French revolution the greatest political event of the last thousand years of his tory. Concerning the American Revo lution, Edmund Iiurke spoke of the new republic "as an event as amazing as If a new planet had suddenly appeared in the shy." Could these two lovers of humanity return to our earth, Burke and Phillips alike would con foes the uniqueness of the bloodless revolution in Russia that has ushered in democ racy for 118,000,000 of people. When a long time has passed, perhaps the year 1917 will be chiefly remembered because of the fact that the Russians achieved in a single fortnight political democracy, liberty of the press, with toleration and charity in religion for Creek and Catholic, Jew and gentile alike. The other nations of tke world have waded through blood, fighting over 3,000 battles to win the four forms of democracy now achieved by one bloodless upheaval. Cauaes of the Russian Revolution. Above all else were the writings and endless agitation of the Russian revo lution by professors in the university, students in colleges, writers like Tol stoy and Dostoevski. Nor must we for get the influence from without of more than 40,000 Russian exiles, some of whom dwell in our own midst. No one need be surprised, therefore, that one of the paragraphs in the cable dis patches spoke of the i>eople carrying away as mementoes fragments of the political prison of Petrograd that had been dynamited. In spite of stone walls and cannon, this Iron citadel of royal tyranny was demolished, and the news of the fall of this fortress must have fallen upon the ears of the kaiser of Germany and the emperor of Austria like a thunder clap. Magnitude of the Revolution. The magnitude of the revolution for the human race becomes clear when wo remember that Russia now owns one sixth of the good farming land of tlja globe and must therefore always con trol one-sixth of the human race and in the coming parliament of mankind and federation of the world always be largely a deciding factor in the inter national movements. Russia is a hun dred times larger than Great Britain, fifty times larger than Germany, twice as large as all Europe; but, what is vastly more important, Russia is a compact land, while England's colonies are widely scattered over all the earth. If the United States has 3,600,000 square miles of land Russia haa 0,000, 000 and more square miles. Let the United States therefore represent one third of Russia; then for another third take the agricultural portion of Can ada plus Mexico; then fill in the At lantic ocean from Florida to North Africa and from Maine to Denmark for the last third and you have the land named Russia. To the north of Petrograd and to the south lie the great wlieatlields, of wheat that needs to have its roots damp and chill while the head is bathed in lire. In the south of Russia, near the Caspian 6ea, are the cotton fields, with tobacco, indigo and rice. On the southern side of the Black sea are the mulberry forests and the silk mills. Russia has in southern Siberia black corn land equal to four times all the corn laud of the United States and six times as much wheat land as there is to bo found in Canada and our own country taken altogether. Russia's coal fields are all but immeas urable, both bituminous and anthra cite. Her Gold Fields. Out of her gold fields, through the convict system, Russia has taken over $300,ou freedom of trade. Ships are couriers of democracy. Just as honey bees, flying from orchard to orchard, fertilize the fruit, so ships, going from continent to continent, fertilize nations widely separated with the principle of liberty and self government Does Ste phenson develop his engine for Eng land? The ship brings a model to the "United States, and soon the locomotive moves around the earth. Not other wise the ships spread all the tools, uu til the reaper, the printing press, the steel plows, the phonographs, invented in one country are carried to ull coun tries. 8teamships as Honey baaa of Trad*. No man can overestimate the influ ence of the steamship upon the prog ress of mankind. But the nations of western Europe determined to forbid Russia the use of the steamship. Dur ing the most important part of the year? namely, the live mouths that fol low after the gathering of the crops she was denied an outlet. They were willing that Russia should have a port on the Arctic ocean, which Is frozen up seven months In the year. They were willing she should have a part In Si beria and a port on the Baltic because the mouth of the Neva at Petrograd is locked with ice until April. But three fourths of Russia's crops follow her rivers, like the Volga, 2,000 miles long, southwrd into the Black sea. More than a thousand craft, large and small, laden with Russian wheat, barley, rye, oats and various treasure, were locked north of the Dardanelles when the war broke out. During the last seven years two Balkan revolutions have closed the Dardanelles. But Russia cannot live and prosper while the Dardanelles have been open only two and a half years out of the past seven. England's Fear. England was afraid that if she al lowed Russia to own Constantinople a Russian fleet would stand at the Suez canal and be a barrier between Eng land and India. Germany and Austria feared the competition of Russia If sho developed great shipping lines through her port on the Mediterranean sea, open twelve months In the year. And so these nations conspired to support Turkey as a buffer state, midway be tween Russia and the Mediterranean. The Russian giant struggled long, like some huge Samson, but it was all in vain. Often it looked as if Russia would force the gate of the Darda nelles, but then a new conference was called, and in Berlin Bismarck and Disraeli, with the emperor of Austria and the president of France, forged new fetters for Russia and placed new weapons in the hands of the sultan. Therefore Russia's life was an ingrow ing life. Her ideas were inbred ideas. Russia suffered all the disaster inci dent to inbreeding, with results disas trous to the people. The responsibili ty, therefore, for Russian autocracy, with the denial of liberty of the press, liberty of speech' and liberty of re ligion, lies at the door of envious na tions of western Europe. But now at last better days have come. England and France have pledged the Darda nelles to Russia, and a new era is on. Russia's Contribution. It Is a singular fact that If Russia has been reactionary in the main tenance of political autocracy on the one hand, that she has made a great contribution to society through the group system on the other. England's contribution during the last century was the factory system; Germany's contribution was industrial efficiency, that saves the wastes. Russia's con tribution has been the group method, in the mart toward agriciiltural work ers and the Artzel toward the work ers in the factories. By common con sent Cavour, the architect of the new Italy, ranks with Bismarck of Ger many and Gladstone of England and Lincoln of our country. In his me moirs Cavour says that Russia's group system is destined to spread into all the earth. To rnderstar.d the Russian Mir, imagine a tract of land four miles square. At the center lies a circle, one-half mile In diameter. In the cen ter of that circle stands the village church, the village school, the village warehouse and the Tlilago office build ings. Round about are the little shops and the farmers' houses. Behind each house lies a narrow strip of land, each strip and house having its own num ber. Once In seven years the mayor calls all the farmers together, puts the numbers In a hat, and each peasant draws his house and plot of ground for the next seyen years. All tools? the plows, spades, reapers, harrows, thrashing machines? are held in com mon. Under a recent law the peasant may take a title deed to his land, drawn in 1907, and sell the land should be so elect. What in the trades that answers to the Mir In ngriculture. in the Russian Artzel. Strictly speaking, It Is a guild, for the carpenters and wheelwrights and blacksmiths and chauffeurs; but, whether in (lie coun try or the city, the Russians have learned how to do teamwork, unify their resources, expel waste, learned how to equalize the burdens. Cavour bettores that this gr?up lde?, with * fliodlfled form of communal owne^ ship. w U1 tliially spread Into all the na tions and Iks the only form of social Isui ever established. With Home hesi tancy l Hie this exception to Cavour'u *? 'tunc; t. I irst. every man owns his ?'i I- 'v. the ^!; 111 of his eye, the . ? ' v. i-i ? hand, the s?>eed of his tin,' tool i!uit iuan makes i? ! ,iei;ed through the spec . ?* j ? vxtended through the it x t^i. . id the find strengthened ih;u?i? i. * xs;i on wheel. Owning liia <>y?u It. i.d and his own foot, why i? the ? xiviuiou of his hand tind his foot llu'ougli his tools less sacred than the min's body ? The logical inference is the right of personal property, the sanctity of Individual ownership. If anything is certulu personal liberty Is divine right. By what logic, then, can Cavour show thut the extension of a man's bi*ly Into his tools causes the tool to belong, not to the man who created it, but to society, that dkl not create It? At best favour's affirma tion represents a half truth. Never theless It remains for us to confess thut Russia's group idea and guild sys tem hold a great lesson for selfish In dividualism with respect to unity and the saving of the Industrial wustes. Characteristics of Russians. Consider the characteristics of the Russian people. From one viewpoint it is not possible to speak of a Russian tern i>ern men t by reason of tlio number of races, the diversity oft dialects and the difference in religion. Rut from another viewpoint we may speak of the Russian type just as wo speak of Faust us a Cernian tyi>e, or Leur ns an Eng lish type, or Uncle Sam as an Ameri can portrait. We have been wont to speak of Russia as the Hamlet among the modern nations, meditative, bin not melancholy. Many troubles bewil dered Hamlet's mind; he stood midway between what seemed to bo his vision and the well known task, and indeci sion slew the Dane. Russia's isolation has made her the Hamlet umong tlie nations. Witness Tolstoy, fte dreams his dream of a Russia without war, without poverty, without drunkenness, and yet lives, on the other hand, upon his great estate, with a rich old manor house, and slowly the black cloud moves like an eclipse over his soul, and, fleeing from his home, he escapes to a little monastery. There he eats raw turnips, drinks cold water, wears tho peasant's robe and the wooden shoe. Witness Dostoevski's portraits of the Russian soul In its hours of rapture and of despair, of gloom and of ecstasy. Witness Pushkin, with his pictures of Russian types of women, dwelling in a gloomy country, walking in clouds of permanent melancholy, knowing fear and anguish. Difficulties of the New Government. Consider the difficulties of the new government. Itemenjber how hard It was for the French people after the revolution in 1789 to tind themselves and how often the pendulum swung from the x-epublic of Mirabeau to the monarchy of Napoleon before the pub lic thought, like a pendulum, settled do\#n and found a middle point. Con sider through what excesses and ex tremes the English people passed aft er the revolution of 1045, from the commonwealth established by the lord protector, Oliver Cromwell, to the re turn of Charles II., and the series of upheavals, culminating in the victory of the people through England's house of commons. No thoughtful man but expects upheaval in Tetrograd, plots, counterplots, schemes to restore the czar, plans by the landed gentry to hold at least the semblance of their power. Remember that the Russian czar owns one-tenth of Russia and that his income is over $40,000,000 per year. Consider that nine-tenths of the wealth of Russia and also its power are in the hands of the land ed gentry. Self interest will dictate a fight unto blood to conserve their spe cial privileges. But already the an nouncement has gone forth that the duma has presented a bill that will grant religious liberty to the Jews on the one hand and the Roman Catholics on the other. A New world. Who, after reading the news from ' Russia, despite the black war cloud, can help exclaiming: "It Is God's world! God is In his sky! All things < are marching away from tyranny and ? Ignorance, toward liberty and full man hood!" Today love exults, freedom Is ( glad, industry rejoices. After long struggles the Russian exiles and rev olutionists are victorious, lime. Bresh kovsky, exiled for thirty years iu Si- ] beria, has lived to see the fruitage of < her labors. A wave of Joy has swept across Siberia, moving with all the majesty of a summer wind or a mighty torrent. May God in his providence raise up leaders for Russia with the Intelligence and sanity of Washington, w'th the sympathy and gentleness of Lincoln. May God in his providence send unto him giants like Peter the Great. May wisdom descend upon the intellect of all their authors. May he raise up teaehcis like Toystoy, whose soul was like a star and dwelt apart Many of her heroic revolutionists died never having seen the promised land. May their spirits draw near to the bat tlements of heaven and rain down treasure upon the Russian peojfle and give them manners, 'irtue, freedom, laws. For the heroic dead opened the furrow and scattered the seed that th peoplt of today have garnered Willi the redhot tichle of revolution. Rut those who died f' r their cause are not dead. Is Cromwell dead since free England lives? Is Mirabeau dead while France has liberty? Is Luther dead while his reform sweeps on'. Our Lincoln is net dead. And Russia's revolutionists have left behind powers that now work for them. They have great allies? "ti ir friends are exulta tions, agonies, Iineity, love and man ? unconquerable mind." FIGHTING IN SADDLE HAS A BRIGHT SIDE By CAPTAIN GEORGE. L. KILMER. There is less of routine and more freedom of movement In the cavalry than In other arms of service. Hence a man "at home" with horseflesh, not bored with the tedious care of a mount, his temper and various equine Idio syncrasies. may come to himself as a soldier quickest on horseback. The re cruit should l>e a lightweight, whatever Photo by American t'ress Association. AIM ! his stnture. Ills horse must curry, be sides the trooper with his arms, am munition and rations, his own fodder sometimes. A boy accustomed to horses will probably have had fun out of certain "stunts" on horseback which prepare him for a cuvalry recruit. The circus rider has taught him bareback riding probably, Jumps off from and springs upon his horse's back. Equally good is the fence and ditch Jumping of tb' horse with the trooper In saddle. A cavalryman fights chiefly with his rlfte or carbine. If airships do the scout ing the cavalry is the following up force. Trooi*?rs are trained to flgljf on foot as infantry, to Intrench and hold a point of vantage until Infantry getB to the front Hence a cavalryman must be an all round soldier, not merely a show fellow In saddlo. Every exercise which develops agility and power of muscle Is good preparedness for the would be trooper. He can begin on the ground In the open with arm and leg swing ing, bag punching, bar Jumping, vault ing and tumbling, then take his horse to the tan bark or meadow and proceed many laps. A trooper may get a "spill" In heat Of action, may be trodden on unless he can roll or scramble from under hoofs. Man against man fighting comes oftenest In cavalry; henco superb self control and good aim help to make the deal trooper. rORNADO AGAIN SPREADS RUIN IN COUPLE OF STATES Kansas City, Mo., June 6. ? Tor nadoes last night and early today spread death and destruction through rural districts of" Missouri and Kan sas. Reports tonight showed 15 were tilled in Missouri and nine in Kansas, rhe number of injured has reached approximately 150 and estimates of the property damages place it any where from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000. rhe greatest loss of life apparently was in Boone County, Mo., where the tornado, dipping here and there is it raged from the southwestern to the northeastern corner, claimed 11 persons. In Carroll, Charlton and Ray Counties, further west, four are 3ead, three at Richmond and one at Whittam. In Kansas the deaths totaled eight in the country southeast and west of Topeka, one oth<>r was killed at Savonburg, near Iola, where the tornado appeared early today. The course of the tornado was marked by odd jumps. First it ap peared ntar Topeka, early in the Jay, and then came to earth again in Ray County, Mo., shortly before midday. Then it tore through a wide section of that county, wiped out half the town of Dean Lake, in Carroll County, and then swooped down again, demolishing the little town of Whittam. The tornado de s<^nded again at Providence in the hills of southwestern Boone County, and twisted its way through Mid way, Prathersville, Hallsville aiffl through Centralia, after which it dis appeared and was heard of no more until it struck Savonburg, Kan., this morning. PHYSICAL TRAINING 1 fcACHLRS IN DEMAND Young Men and Women about to be graduated from 1 1 1Kb School should consider this healthful, useful, dig nified and profitable profession. Hy recent legislation Physical train ing Is made obligatory In every school In York and New Jer sey. Penn . North and 8outh Caro lina have bills pending. Send for Catalog of the only school of physical education chartered by the University of the State of New YorK (I nilrr Ihe Hrgfntu) THE SAVAGE SCHOOL FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION 310 Wrtl 5 9 ih Nmw Ymrk City CRYING NEED EOR DOCTORS. British Officer Say? "Call of Suffer ing Humanity Is Awful." It is because the allied armies care for a soldier as soon as possible after he is wounded that the medical ranks of Franco and England are so de pleted that they are crying out for aid from American doctors, Colonel T. II. Goodwin of the British War Commission told the members of the American Medical Association yester day. "The c::ll of suffering humanity is awful," he said, and urged the sur geons and physicians of the United States to answer the call. "Humf.n endeavor can stand ao more than those physicians are under going," he said. "On a short section of the front there are from 20,000 to 30,000 wounded in a few hours of battle. What is there to do ? Are we to leave them to crawl into shell cra ters, to suffer for hours, perhaps for days? Are we to rush medical men there to save them ? One doctor said to me that we had better leave them there and save the medical men. But we couldn't do that. The belief in England is that the sons, fathers, and brothers who go to the front will be attended. And the wounded, as they come back tell the same story ? they were picked up within an hour of the , time they were wounded, sent to a hospital, and their wounds cared for. "England started in this war ut- ' terly unprepared and one of the great things we ask of you is to start where we are at present and not wade through our mistakes. We started our army with a few hundred thousand men. Then we raised a million and then millions more. We had to find a medical corps for the army. One of our difficulties was that our young medical men had no training in public health work. An army is no good un less its health is good, and we had few men who could deal with the problems arising in camps. "There is a terrible responsibility upon tho men of your profession. The call of suffering humanity is awful. I hope the response will be generous and prompt. Each of us has got to do his bit to help finish this miserable war. The medical man's bit is all-im portant." ? New York Times. SOUTHLAND IS DESTROYED WITH A LOSS OF 33 LIVES London, June 8. ? The British : steamer Southland, from Liverpool i for Philadelphia, in ballast was torpedoed without warning on June 4. She had six Americans aboard, of whom one, Edward Rigney, of New York city, is missing. The gun crew on the Southland fired 10 shots at the submarine after the first torpedo was fired. A second torpedo was fired by the submarine and it caused an ex plosion in the magazine which killed eight men. The boats containing 40 men are still missing. The rest of crew of 159 has been landed. As showing the excellent informa tion which her submarines receive the U-boat commander, when informed of the name of the ship, showed surprise and said:, "Why, you are a week ahead of your time." The submarine flew no flag. Two Americans Killed. London, June 8. ? Two Americans were killed when the British steamer Manchester. Miller, loaded with cot ton, was torpedoed June 5. The Amer icans were Firemen Ashley and Dan iels. The other members of the crew, including several Americans were landed. To France. Through the wild welter of this devil's dance Is it a foolish, transitory dream That pcace, security, and freedom seem Across destruction's desert to ad vance ? Nay, nay, renascence cometh not from chance; Still fortitude and ordered zeal, I deem, Lit with high faith, make deeds and men supreme: And these are thine above all else, 0 France! Silenced are now the blatant mouths that erst Bewailed thee decadent and light of soul. The sons of bluster and of sordid greed -Have felt thy still rebuke of self control And silent purpose, risen to a creed; And in all freemen's hearts thou standest first. ? Herman Montagu Donner, in New York Times. Roger Sherman, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and a member of the Continental and National Congress, began as a shoe maker. Getting Old Too Fast Late in life the body is likely to show signs of wear and often the kidneys weaken first. The hack is lame, bent and achy, and the kidney action is distressing. This makes people feel older than they are. Don't wait for the worst effects of bad kidneys ? dropsy, gravel, hard ening of the arteries or Bright's disease. Use a mild kidney stimu lant. Try Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands of elderly folks recom mend them. A Smithfield Case. Mrs. S. E. Parker, Smithfield, says: "My back ached and pained all the time and in the morning I was so sore and stiff that I could hardly dress myself. The least cold settled in my kidneys and made my condition worse. Sometimes, I felt a sharp pain when stooping. My kidneys acted irregularly and I suffered from headaches and dizzy spells. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me of all symptoms of kidney trouble. They strengthened my back and put my kidneys in good shape." Get Doan'i at Any Store, 50c a Box DOAN'S ki?lnlsey Foiter-Milburn Co., - Buffalo, N. Y. Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War, in President Wilson's Cabinet, was born in Martinsburg, West Vir ginia. Mis father was a country doc tor who served creditably in the Con federate Army. NOTICE. About the first of March, my black sow pig, weight about 45 or 50 pounds, left home. The finder will be rewarded. I live on Mr. J. W. Smith's land, near Elizabeth church. J. P. JONES. Smithfield.N. C., R. No. 1. Notice to Pensioners. The Johnston County Board of Pensioners will meet the last Monday in June and the first Monday in July to hear applications for pensions. All those interested will take due notice. JOSEPIIUS JOHNSON, Chairman. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of L. S. Tart, deceased, hereby noti fies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 1st day of June, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 29th day of May, 1917 H. M. TART, Administrator. NOTICE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Johnston Coun ty, made in the special proceedings entitled, A. M. Noble, administrator of Willis Powell, deceased, and D. H. Durham vs. Bost Joyncr, et als, heirs at law of Willis Powell, de ceased, the undersigned commission er will, on the 80th day of June, 1917, in front of the postoffice in the town of Princeton, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder, f9r cash, that certain tract of land lying and being in the town of Princeton, and de scribed and defined as follows: "Beginning at T. P. Farley's cor ner, then north 116% feet to Eugene Holt's corner; then west 116% feet to John Reed's corner; then south 116% feet to Georgianna Reed's cor ner; then east 116% feet to the be ginning, containing one-half acre, more or less." This 28th day of May, 1917. A. M. NOBLE, Commissioner. MONEY TO LEND. We have money on hand to lend in any amount from $25.00 to $50,000.00 on long or short time at six per cent interest. We also discount negotiable paper. WELLONS & WEI.LONS, Attorney s-at- Law. Smithfield, N. C. For Sale by Creech Drug Co., Smithfield, N. C.; R. C. Lassiter & Co., Four Oaks, N. C., J. R. Ledbetter, Princeton, N. C., and all good Dealers. Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER. >The beauty secret of womenwho know how to take care of the com plexion. Cannot be detected. Heals Sun burn, stops Tan. Soothing, cooling, refreshing. , Pink. While, Ttote RrJ. 75c. at 'Druggist* or by mail JirtcL Sample (either color; tor 2c. stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co.. 40 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn. N. Y.