WHY FRANCE' IS FIGHTING HARD GERMAIJV i'i.UES AMERICA By Rev. Dr. NEWELL DWIUHT HILLIS. Pastor of Plymouth Cliarch. Brooklyn, N. Y. KEV. DB. XEWEU DWIGHT HILLIS. "Why France Is Fighting Desper ately" was the subject of anoth er of the series of sermons of Itev. l>r. Illllls, pas tor of Fly mouth church, Hrooklyn. Dr. Hillis chose as his text Matthew xxvili: "Take heed that ve offend not one ) of my little ones. It were better for that man that a millstone were hanged about his iiec-K mm mat lie were drowned in the depths of the sea." "I was sick and in prison and ye ministered unto me." "Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these, my little ones, ye did it unto me." "Ye shall go away into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." After more than thirty months of on slaught, witft . the awful collision of arms and the varying tides of defeat and victory, we have now come to the darkest era of the great war. For all those who love liberty and are citizens of the universe rather than of their own country recent days have been days when the sun has been turned to darkness and nights when the moon has been turned into blood. Not in a thousand years has there been a darker hour for democracy nor a greater peril for humanity and civilization. Certain national considerations that are based upon self interest have lent additional blackness to the eclipse that lies upon the face of the sun. For more than fifty years the wall and moat of our country's protection have been the At lantic ocean and the English navy, but the German submarine, sinking six ships just off New Loudon, and that within a single day, has made the At lantic ocean, with 3,000 miles of space, to be nonexistent. Germany's Bitterness Against the United States. Germany feels very bitter toward the United States. She believes that if our factories had n<>t sokl munitions in France, France would now be "lying prostrate beneath her iron heel" ? and Germany is quite right. She believes that if we had not sold food, iron, cop per and oil to England London would now be in ruins? Germany may be right in this opinion also. She be lieves that if we had not sent the Red Cross supplies to the Belgians and that if our physicians, nurses and consuls had not published the story of her atrocities she might have escaped the horror and contempt of the civilized world that now knows of the hideous, infamous butcheries of the first three days of the Belgian invasion? probably Germany is right in that opinion. She believes that if she starves England within the next sixty days she will pound England to her knees, force peace, release her German dread nauglits and, steaming westward, as sess the total damages of the war upon the United States. Our Peril. Doubtless dire necessity will he upon whatever country is victorious. As victor, Germany can hope to collect little treasure after this ruthless war out of England, France or Belgium. Two thousand years ago, after the long war in Gaul. Caesar returned to Rome to find the money chest empty, the peo ple exhausted, the multitudes hungry and mutinous, and in that hour Caesar turned longing eyes toward Egypt, with her wheat, her gold and gems. Cynically, Caesar exclaimed, "Egypt remains to be looted." And it has not escaped the attention of thoughtful Americans, who are studying the signs of the times, that recently German statesmen in their speeches in the reichstag, with veiled and euphonious references. Indeed, expressed the senti ment that was once on the lips of Julius Caesar? a treasure box beyond the ocean remains unlooted ? Amer ica. Thoughtful men, who are now considering the relation of this coun try to a possibly victorious Germany, may well recall the relation of Athens to that ambitious King Philip, who or ganized his Macedonian phalanx and looted Greece. No analogy in history is more striking. The rise of militarism in Macedonia meant the fall of Athens. The ruthless hand of militarism snuff ed out all the torches in the temples of intellect "that once looked down on Marathon, as Marathon looks on the sea." What scholar does not thrill with pain at the very thought of the brutal reciment that destroyed the temples, the libraries, the statues, the galleries of Athens? Pericles believed, as did Plato and his pupils, that so ciety had outgrown forever brute force, wars and savagery. Athens put her emphasis upon the intellect. She found ed schools and made her sons to be scholars. She became the mother of the arts, science and philosophy and prided herself upon her artists and U*{ Tunt r e8tal,u"h?l '?reign colo' ??'? tbulJ,t sLl?,s extended Lei ??? toHfaruff ,a'"l* *n Sicily. Spain. t'.r w, Uunh Afrl0a- Withla ? WO axZut .a* UH'aU,t> ,lle ,eutt,r ?f elo. erty P?etry. philosophy and Th# Destroyer. 11.!!!? ?"e ,?a-v a youn*-' Pr'noe from uortheru Macedonia visited Athens He marveled that the city should 1* a vinejard whose purple clusters were without a fence, whose trea^e U.ies were without watchmen. l? ?hill., rUr ??f. UVarice a,,d ttU1t?i?ou 1 hilip recalled the soldiers in his fa thuTnnarU,?H at ho,Ue- 1Ie believed at ,one 8oldH'r WU1J conquer a dozen merchants, bankers, statesmen and scholars. Returning to Macedonia !a ! ? hlS Wh?le poople luto one vast fighting machine. Uis unit wai titn/v?" Dlan phalanx- First came h>n ?Ur Ule" wltb short spears, then came a secoud twenty-four with SwifT 8lx feet> ,he" a thlrd twent.v ur with spears of eight feet in length. Ihe last tier of men in the company had spears twenty feet long, resting upon the shoulders of the men in the front rank. Those bristling spears were nil h'e| Tbe """" ?< "? man phalanx went out into all the Z\ \ ?e?0'sthene8 was the one man who had vision. He called the Athe nians together upon the public square assembled them in the great theater.' He mounted the rostrum upon Mars bill and warned Athens, lie pointed out that between Athens on the south and Macedonia on the north were three buffer states. As the Macedonian army mo ed southward these states organ i, their arn?y and went forth in de fense of their homes and their fire sides. Hut Demosthenes insisted that these butter states were not only flght tag their own battles, but the battles of Athens. If they were to fall, if their armies were to be defeated, then Ath ens single handed must meet the entire force of the victorious host. But Ath ens delayed. The greatest man of his time, Demosthenes, and one of the no blest orations ever propounded were of no avail. Philip crossed the frontier, ihe flames ? of the burning towns at midnight lighted up the land as a ter rible warning. Those who could do so ned and henceforth were exiles and wanderers upon the face of the earth. I lie populations that remained in the towns were annihilated to the last child Thirty-two towns that had flour ished as commercial communities van ished from the face of the earth The whole state of Chain >we. answering to our modern Belgium, became a des ert. although the mines were still work ed. Terrorized into submission the Greeks threw down their arms and opened the gates of their cities to Phil ips soldiers, who brought with them women and children in fetters that the spirit of Athens might be utterly bro en. Now tell me Is there any parallel m history quite so striking as that be tween the organized militarism of - lacedonia and the subsequent ruin of Athens and the present organized mill tarism of Germany, now attempting the rum of Belgium, France and Eng. land i Listen to Professor von Stengel the German authority on international law; there will be no conference at he Hague when this war is over. The one condition of prosperous existence for the natives is submission to our (Germany's) supreme direction. Under our overlordship all international law would become superfluous, for we of ourselves and instinctively give to each one his rights." ? ? ? France Is Fighting For Her Land. One of the goals for which France is fighting is to recover her lands. Noth ing witnesses the terror of this war like the fact that France's very fields have been destroyed. Forty-two centi meter shells have burled the rich black earth at the top and flung over it great masses of subsoil, sour, unfitted for wheat or rye. Nor can the peasant's horse travel over the upheaved stones, the twisted rusty wire, the shell frag ments, the unexploded bombs. Great trenches, ten to twenty feet, gash the soil. No tree is left. Gone are all the vineyards, ruined the orchards. Where the little farmhouses stood there re mains only the stray line of brick foundation, overgrown with weeds and thorns. The very railways have be come mere streaks of iron rust. France Is Fighting Slavery For Her Women. The desperation of France's fight, is inspired by her revulsion from the spec taclp of Belgians enslaved and the hor rors wrought upon French women and girls. America is far removed now from the battle front, but men like Mr. Iloover, like Brand Whitlock and our Ited Cross physicians, who have re turned from Belgium, have spread out the whole story. The spectacle of 150.000 Belgians driven In slave gangs across the line into German territory was calculated to terrorize the peas ants of France. Little wonder that they were stirred to fury and are fight ing unto death. If each had a thou sand lives he would gladly give them all to hold back the foe. The report of Ambassador Bryce nerved the French to higher courage. Not since the re port of the committee that investigated the Kongo atrocities has there been published a document more terrible than that signed by Ambassador Bryce. No American can question the fairness and justness of the author of "The American Commonwealth." During his long career in this country this dis tinguished author and statesman has given abundant proofs of his simplic ity. impartiality and love of fair play. What caution and what restraint in his conclusions as to our own institu tions! And in his report on the atroci ties wrought on Belgian women and girls, on defenceless priests and uni versity professors, the sacking of fac tories and the looting of the libraries. Ambassador Bryce gives the bald, us Tarnished affidavits, without any note of imssiou or excitement. There Is no excess, no theatricals, no hysterica, ami the people of France know the full story ami understand their foe even I t tin 11 A niliuvs;ii! <r Uryce. Tha T.asedy of Rheima. a r\ destruction l?y an ? i - i m> "f France's nohlest ea ; ,i ? il i: i treasures has fed the liiv* < t hat tie lor the French. The whole word has always understood that the d? si : iiciion of the Cathedral of Kheims was wrought for no other rea son than that it was the finest art treasure p'>ss< *sed hy France No oth er building equaled it in wealth of or nament. richness of sculpture. Its earvlnss were as delicate as lace and as majestic as mountains. The glori ous cathedral was dcur to the French people l>ecause there her kings had | lH*en crowned and there Joan of Arc. the little peasant Kirl, stood beside Charles VI 1. anil l?egged the monarch that now h?r work was done she might lay aside her arms and go back in peace to her flocks and her pastures. A great cathedral Is a gift of God to society. Fgliness abounds, beauty is 1 of (iod. The French have imagination, j Think of a French army standing l>e fore the cathedral of Cologne. You could not imagine a Frenchman turn ing his cannon against the great dome, lie has the art instinct, lie feels the presence of God. France and Holland. The peril that has overtaken Hol land to the north lias strengthened the lighting spirit in France. Some dan gers there are that seem to spread like a contagion and lo ride upon the wings of the wind. For months the people in France have anticipated the in vasion of Holland. It has not escaped their observation that the German army has dug great trenches on the frontier line back of Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. Stores of am munition have been accumulated and great guns put in place. Germany is now ready to attack Holland in the rear. In front, upon the North sea. are Germany's submarines. Already they have sunk 20 per cent of Hol land's shipping, and not England her self is more dependent than Holland upon imports of wheat. The French authorities believe that Germany is deliberately forcing the Dutch people to the point of desperation. Then, when some trifling outbreak takes place upon the part of the people crushed between the upper and neither millstones, a German army in the rear of Holland and German subma rines on its front, some compulsory outbreak can be used as an excuse for invading Holland. What Germany wanted most was France's iron mines and Holland's liarl>ors and the mouth of the Rhine at Rotterdam. But Bel gium had iron mines close to those of France, and Holland could wait. Rot terdam has grown in commerce and shipping far more rapidiy than Ham burg. Because of her control of the mouth of the Rhine her trade and com merce have advanced by leaps and bounds. Future events are "upon the lap of the gods." Delay Indecision in the Hour of Peril. In *>is history of (Jreece (the fifth volume, i > aire 27:?) the German hlsto rian Crutius in explaining how the mil itarism of Macedonia finally destroyed Athens and brought on the dark ages at once praises and blames I'hoeion. This Greek educator had been accus tomed all his life to deal with imma ture minds. He was spoken of as "the honest man." I'hocion's chief excel lence was in public speaking. Seventy five per cent of his strength was in his speaking power and 25 per cent in practical efficiency. Crutius says that his great weakness was that "he was a supporter of the peace policy" and a main prop of the party of Eubulus, who was at once secretary of war and secretary of the navy. In the very hour when Macedonian regiments were marching southward the pacifists, led by I'hoeion. were weaving laurel leaves and urging that Athens' mission was intellect, culture, art, eloquence, poetry and philosophy. The inevitable result of the peace policy was that the iron hand of militarism snuffed out every flaming torch in the temple of genius and doomed the human race to the dark ages. I'hoeion and Eubulus post poned and watched and waited. Slow ly the iron regiments from the north moved southward. One by one the buffer states and cities were crushed. Finally the whole force of victorious Macedonian militarism was launched upon Athens, the unprepared city. Thus two men pulled Athens down about their own heads and turned the splendid city into a blackened shell, for states, like Hamlet, are slain by in decision. It was energy and the fac ulty for instant decision that made Lincoln and Grant. The lesson of the hour for America is the necessity of Instant decision, instant action. Our Duty Is That of Immediate Action. When the war begun Germany's in cidental needs were harbors in Hol land, the steel plants of I'clglmn. the iron ores of northern France and yet all these were merely secondary. The trne treasures of a nation are justice, humanity, obedience to law, recogni tion of the rights of others. In the dav of the great assize Jesus will identify himself with the poor of I'elgiuni and of France. And to the strong giant. America, he has been saying, "I was sick and in a ItelL'iaii prison. I was an hungered in a French hut. I was tin ked. and ye have not ministered unt > me." Let us give thanks that the hour of indecision has passed; that of us it can no longer be said. "Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of the-- ? my little ones v o did if net to me." for with all the strength of our national i resources we are on the side of Justice, I humanity, liberty and the rights of the poor, the weak and t lie (.^pressed. BEHKL NEWS. Mr. John (j. Baker, of Four Oaks, was in our section Sunday afternoon. Mr. rnd Mrs. J. Willis Creech, of near Benson, were in this section the fourth Sunday visiting Mrs. Creech's mot her. I Mr. W. R. Strickland, of Four Oaks, was in our burn Sunday afternoon. Mr. C. M. Stanley was in Raleigh Tuesday on business. ( Messrs. Dalton Lee, N. I. Lee, A. T. Lee and J. C. Hockaday returned the fourth Sunday from New Bern and Havelock where they went on a fish ing trip, making the trip on Mr. Lee's Dodge. t Mr. W. J. Stanley spent the fourth Saturday night and Sunday near Benson visiting friends. | Mesrs. C. M. Stanley and L. G. Norris were in Smithtield Friday on business. We are sorry to learn that Mr. L. M. Hockaday is very sick. We are glad to know that Mrs. R. D. Thomas has got well so that she can go home and be about her duties. Crops are looking very well in this section considering the cold spring. There was preaching at Bethel Sun ' day and Saturday afternoon before, and two were baptized Saturday by I Pastor Dock Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. P. Y. Keen, of Four Oaks, visited friends Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Norris attended church at Barbour Chapel, near Four Oaks, Saturday. Preaching at Lee's Chapel Sunday afternoon by Elder Green, of Wil mington. Mr. O. T. Hockaday, of Peacock's Cross Roads, was in our section Sat urday night. Mr. G. R. Massengill and son at tended church at Clement Sunday. Mr. L. L. Blackman, of this sec tion, has joined the National Guard. Revs. R. D. Thomas and J. S. Par ker will preach at Old Juniper church near Mr. J. I. Parker's, the fourth j Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. | Four Oaks, Route No. .'5, June 14th.' Chase (he Ache, Kill the Pain. (let busy. Act now. Use Sloan's I Liniment for your rheumatic pains, j toothache, neuralgia, sore muscles, ! stiff joints, sprains and strains. Bet ( ter than anything you ever tried to soothe hurts, reduce swelling and in flammation. Cleaner than ointments ? or plasters, as it does not clog the I p< res or stain the skin. Easy to ap ply, it penetrates without rubbing. | Always have a bottle of Sloan's Lin I itnent in your medicine chest. At your : drugist, 25c. 50c. $1.00. ? Advt. "TEN NIGHT IN A BARROOM" for sale at Herald Office at 5 cents a copy. By mail 8 cents. THE CANNONEER IN FIELD ARTILLERY By CAPTAIN GEORGE. L. KILMER. The field artillery Is the favorite iirm of service among wise veterans who have been through a war. The soldier's luggage and rations travel with him and he needn't carry them himself. If Photo by American I'ress Association. SALUTE ! he is a cannoneer lie can ride without t lie trouble of caring for horses. The science involved also appeals to an in telligent man. He must know about explosives, fuses, range, trajectory, ve locity, and so on, and, what is more, knowledge here is fighting power. Nerve is an essential element in the makeup of a good cannoneer. His gun or his battery may be a tnrget for a half dozen enemy guns or batteries. It may be the hist defense of a vital point, and the enemy, aware of this fact, lets loose every bolt at command foi order to crush it. The charging enemy may flank the zone swept by shells and invade the battery, bayonet in hand, even saber and pistol. The artillerist is not arm ed for rough and tumble combat, but he has sponge staff, handlmr, saber and maybe shells loaded to be hurled as hand grenades. It is a melee, a fight to the finish, and if successful, the assailants driven off, the cannon eers, the shell enrriers, the drivers who rallied to save the guns, must resume action, find the new range, sight the pieces and fire "as cool as if on pa rade" or score no hits. For cannoneers , mechanical training, especially ta met als, is good preparedness. BUSINESS LOCALS PLENTY OF HIGH GKAl)E FEB tilizer on hand in Smithfield and Four Oaks. Austin-Stephenson Co. ONE CAR COTTON SEED MEAL for fertilizer. Austin-Stephenson Co., Smithfield, N. C. FRESH JERSEY COWS FOR SALF by E. F. Boyett, Smithfield, N. C. SEE US FOR FRUIT JARS? COT ter Hardware Co., Smithtield, N. C. WANTED? A SLIGHTLY USED Ford ear. Austin-Stephenson Co., Smithfield, N. C. PLENTY OF OLD PAPERS NO* on hand at The Herald Office at ( cents per bundle. SEE US FOR FRUIT JARS? COT ter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. FOR SALE CHEAP ONE REAPER. Come quick. Austin-Stephenson Co., Smithfield, N. C. OUR SUPPLY OF MOWERS IS half sold. Come quick. Austin Stephenson Co., Smithfield, N. C. WE HAVE THE WHITE CROWN Fruit Jar Tops, the kind Miss Pick ens advises you to use. Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. GOOD HOUSE AND LOT FOR rent or for sale. Apply to L. B. Jonec, Smithfield, N. C. WE HAVE THE WHITE CROWN Fruit Jar Tops, the kind Miss Pick ens advises you to use. Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. TOP DRESSER? HURRY WHILE you can get it.4 Austin-Stephenson Co., Smithfield, N. C. ICE CREAM FREEZERS AT? Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. ' ONE CAR COTTON SEED HULLS in bales. Austin-Stephenson Co., Smithfield, N. C. THE SMITHFIELD BUILDING & Loan Association has helped a number of people to build homes. It will help others, and maybe you. New series of shares now open. See Mr. J. J. Broadhurst. WANTED? A SLIGHTLY USED Ford car. Austin-Stephenson Co., Smithfield, N. C. ICE CREAM FREEZERS AT? Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. SEVERAL CHEAP MULES AND horses on hand for sale cheap. Aus tin-Stephenson Co., Smithfield, N. C. LARGE LOT OF SCREEN DOORS and window Screens at Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. SHINGLES AND LATHS FOR sale. Roberts Atkinson Company, Selma, N. C. LARGE LOT OF SCREEN DOORS and window Screens at Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. WANTED? YOUR MEAT, YOUR corn, your produce. Austin-Stephen son Co., Smithfield, N. C. SEE US FOR TOBACCO FLUES? We have them. Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. NICE HONEY FOR SALE? SEE C. R. Turner, or phone 124-J, Smith field, N. C. DID YOU EVER READ THAT great little story "Ten Nights In a Barroom?" If not get a copy at Herald Office. Price only 5 cents. By mail 8 cents. SEE US FOR TOBACCO FLUES? We have them. Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. A BOOK FOR THE CHILD IS ONE of the finest things you can give him. See our stock of children's books. Herald Office. i'L/U K 11)1 l( UKUKK NOW KUK Tobacco Flues. Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. LAST SHIPMENT OF SODA KX pected the first week in June. Send your order now. Austin-Stephenson Co., Smithfield, N. C. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR Tobacco Flues. Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. A FEW MORE COPIES OF THE Story of Europe and the Nations at War" now on sale at The Herald Office. WHOSE HOGS?? TWO SPOTTED sows came to my place June 8th. If they are yours, come and get them and pay for advertising and feed. Roger A. Smith, Princeton, N. C., Route No. 1. RESOLUTION REQUIRINP uinr WALK i M PROVE MENT IV riVf* town ok SMITilFIKLI), N C adopt jin ordinance providing nnnV" 8trcet "n<j sidewalk improvt ments upon Market Street ThirH street, Second street and Rri i ?rc,t. orSnmh ?r visions of Chapter 5fi of the Public Laws of 1915, and of the Municipal b .nance Act of lid 7. which said ordi nance has been dulv published as re Sr;eandy Sa'd ^Unicipal F'nance ?;^hen?aS- Tho instruction of such sidewalk improvements contempora neously with said street inX?. lents, as set out in said ordinance is a public necessity for the Town' of Smithfield, NOW THERFirnpi? dp IT RESOLVE D BY T I IF BOA R D ?nw??/!lMISS,0N? W IHE 10\JN OF SMITHFIELD: Ith,8t the owners of all property abutting upon Market street Third street, Second street, and Sm'ith or Sireet' within the limits here inafter designated, be, and they are struct^ rW an<1 rr,ulre<i ^n struct, or cause to be constructed upon the sidewalks of their respeet itreetP/Trt'e8 ,fbutti"K uPonP8aid ? tretts. a granolithic, cement or con crete sidewalk of the width, and according to the specifications, pre scribed by the Engineer for the said Town of Smithfield; and Be IT FURTHKR RESOLVED rhat, under the powers conferred up on this Board of Commissioners, by Smith ?aMer/c0f the said Town ()f ,yi?tJhlld; (Section 39 of Chapter ter 5?'of P uW8 f 1911)' an<l ChaP ter .)(> of I ublic Laws of 1915 the owners of all property abutting upon tht following streets, viz: Market s till ' bStWet'n Second and Fourth -S' ^ond street between Market Sm th 1 u -T Brid?? streets; and Smith or Bridge street, between Sec ond street and Neuse River Bridge be, and they are hereby directed and required to construct, or cause to be onstructed Up,)n the sidt.walks of thtir respective properties abutting upon said streets, a granolithic, ce* or concrete sidewalk, of the width and according to the specifica tions Prescribed by the Engineer for valSTnl Smithfield; and that side Th ? cement gutter be laid on ?m d w 7 i betw,'l'n Church street and Woodall street, according to specifications prescribed by said En andCer thC T?Wn ?f Smithfield; FURTJIER RESOLVED, shall >SS sa property owners shall commence such sidewalk con struction on, or before the 25th dav o June, 1917, such sidewalk con struction shall be made by the Town of Smithfield and the cost thereof as sessed up on the property benefited thereby proportionately as is provid ? ,m?y be <1(,ne hy tl>e Charter of said Town of Smithfield, and by the said Act of 1915; and Th??fKTT FURTHER RESOLVED, h Vf ?e,J0Wn of Smithfield pay one half of the costs of laying the side walks and gutter hereinbefore pro ded for, and that the property own ers pay the other one-half of the costs thereof according to the front age of the respective owners of the pr"Pfrty abutting said streets. ThaW J FURTHER ^SOLVED, that; this resolution be published in The Smithfield Herald, a newspaper if SmSild."0"'""0" in 8aid T.?n . The foregoing resolution was unan imously adopted at a special meeting Hin t ar<i of Commissioners of the Town of Smithfield, held on Tuesday, June 12th, 1917 H L. SKINNER, Mayor. ED. S. SANDERS, Town Clerk. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrator on the estate of J. U. Benson, deceased, hereby noti fies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to mo duly verified on or before the 16th day of May, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said es tate will make immediate payment. This 16th day of May, 1917. B. J. BENSON, Administrator. JAMES RAYNOR, Attorney. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Administrators on the estate of J. C. Lee, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 25th day of May, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said es tate will make immediate This 19th day of May, 1917. MINNIE LEE and WILLIE ELDRIDGE, Administrator*. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Johnston County, Pine Level Township. W. J. BALDWIN Vs. J. L. Creech. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 11th day of May, 1917. by W. F. Gerald, a Justice of the Peace of Johnston County, North Carolina, for the sum of $29.65 (twenty-nine dollars and sixty-five cents) due said plaintiff by note, which summons is returnable before said Justice at his office in Pine Level, in said County and in Pine Level township, on the 15th day of June, 1917. When r.nd where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the com plaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 11th day of May, 1917. W. F. GERALD, Justice of the Peace.

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