BRITISH DOWN A ZEPPELIN. Pilot of Flying Corps Shoots to Earth Monster German Marauder. Not Much Fighting on French Fronts. Prussians Capture French Trench es Near Hurtebise, but Later Sur render Most of Them. Allies Are - Pouring Troops Into Thessaly. (Sunday's War Summary.) Another Zeppelin airship and its entire crew has been accounted for by a British aviator. Flying high on * a bomb dropping raid over the Keflt ish coast of England, the monster aircraft was set on lire by the guns of a pilot of the Royal Flying corps, who went up to- give it battle, and the Zeppelin fell, a mass of flames, to the ground. Another dirigible that accpmparfied - the raider made its es cape. Little fighting, except by the artil lery wings, is taking place on any of the various war fronts. On the front in France held by the British, aside from the artillery duels, there have been only minor operations in the nature of raids and a continua tion of the aerial activity that has been so pronounced for weeks past. Near Hurtebise the Germans in a night attack seized portions of trenches held by the French, but la ter were forced to give back most of them in a counterattack. On vari ous sectors artillery duels are in progress. Considerable activity con tinues in Belgium in the region of Streenstraete and Het Sas. In Macedonia the artillery duels that have been in progress for sev eral weeks are still going on, but the expected infantry attacks have not yet developed. Meanwhile the entente forces con tinue to throw troops into Thessaly, the occupation of various towns hav ing been accomplished without un toward incident. French cavalry now has reached Pharsala and Domonkos, south of .Larissa, while Demirili has been occupied by the British. Although quiet still prevails on the Russian front there seemingly is an indication that hostilities soon will begin again there. The Russian duma at a secret session has passed a res olution calling for an immediate of fensive and declaring that a sepa rate peace with Germany would be % treason toward Russia's allies. CALLS UPON MINISTERS TO A1I?. Hoover Asks 200,000 Pastors to Preach On Food Conservation. New York, June 17. ? Co-operation with the Department of Agriculture in impressing: upon the people of the country the necessity for the "largest possible production of food and the ?mallest possible quantity of waste" was urged by Herbert C. Hoover to day in a letter to 200,000 clergymen of various denominations, distributed through the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. All persons are requested to preach on food conservation Sunday, July 1, and to endeavor to interest religious and civic bodies in a food-saving campaign. "In such a time as this," wrote Mr. Hoover, "the people naturally turn to the church. It will be a calamity to the nation and to the churches if their chosen ministers neglect to ex ercise their proper leadership in the great cause of feeding a world in need, for the world is in want of food. "To meet the needs of the war and of the world, wc must produce gene rously, give freely to our allies, our selves eat as much but no more than we need, and especially save the waste. Lasting disgrace will fall up on us if lack'of self-restraint should prevent us ,from taking proper part in this great conflict against the doc trine of 'might makes right.' " Mr. Hoover estimated the annual waste of food at $1,000,000,000. He urged larger use of com and corn bread in the hiyne. "The women of America have never failed to answer such a call as comes to them now," he told the ministers. "The saving of food is within their sphere and without food conservation we cannot win the war." Visited Washington. Among those who attended the Confederate Reunion at Washington City was Mr. J. H. Capps who lives near Micro. He enjoyed the trip to the Nation's Capital very much. RALEIGH'S NEW CHIEF POLICE. Clarence B. Barbour Born In John ston County and Is Not Vet Thirty-Two Years Old. The new administration in Ral eigh has made several changes in the city government; among them being the selection of a new man for Chief of Police, in the person of Mr. Clar ence B. Barbour. The News and Ob server of Sunday gives the following sketch of Mr. Barbour: "Born in Johnston County, Mr. Barbour is yet to reach his 32d birthday. He was reared on the farm and came to Raleigh to make his home about eight years ago, taking a position at Wright's Cafe. From the cafe he later took a position at Wright's Hotel and from there he went to work for the city mem ber ?f the police department. He was a member of the force for three years and while on duty was shot by Will Neal, a desperate negro who is now serving a sentence for his crime. Mr. Barbour resigned his position in the department to become night man ager for Wright's Cafe. Later he was placed in charge of the new LaFay ette Cafe on Fayetteville street as manager. He resigned about ^ year ago and went into business with his brother, Mr. C. D. Barbour, opening a cafe on West Hargett street. "When the name of Mr. Barbour was mentioned several weeks ago, it did not take long for a stranger to learn that his election .^ould be a popular one. Held in high esteem by the leading citizens of this city for his courteous manners, fearless 'duties and hard work while a member of the department, the announcement at that time that he would be the next chief of police was sealed with approval by hundreds of citizens who were free in their discussions of the choice. "That the selection of chief has been one of the best in many years seemed to be the opinions of politi cians as well as other citizens inter ested in the government of the Cap ital City" North Carolina Always Ahead. The Observer's recent exploration of the potato pen possibilities seems to have put the ball to rolling:. Not idence that it is a hard matter to get proposition, but, as can be judged from the letters to this paper, people in other parts of this section are taking notice. What is of particu lar interest in this connection is a fact divulged by a subscriber at Gulf, who tells of the potato pen built in Waynesville a long time ago ? 48 years, to be exact ? by Doctor Love, who was afterward elected State Auditor. This potato pen appears to have been on the exact principle of the Kansas City experiment which was described in this paper, and it is possible, as suggested by our corres pondent, that some of Doctor^ove's family or friends who had emigrated West, carried the idea out to that part of the country. The Kansas men, as we remember, did not claim or iginality for this idea. It would be in teresting to know, as the communica tion to this paper suggests, if the peopir of Haywood County are still growing potatoes after Doctor Live's plan. And here again, we have ev dence that it is a hard mater to get ahead of North Carolina. ? Charlotte Observer. Red Cross at Duke. Duke, June 16. ? Like other pro gressive towns and cities of the "Old North State," Duke, in Harnett Coun ty, is beginning to exhibit a patriotic enthusiasm for Red Cross work. The Rev. Louis Chester Morrisory'Rector of St. Stephens Episcopal Church in ' Duke, has been interesting the ladies of that place in the poss bilities of this sort of servic? for Uncle Sam. His initiative has met with ready re sponse ? so much so that it is antici pated that in the' near future some members of the official board of the Durham Chapter of the American Red Cross will visit Duke to arrange for the organization of a local Auxiliary to the Durham Chapter. Dr. Holt, our local physician, has pledged his support and volunteered to give of his limited time to class lectures on tfie subject of First Aid. Philadelphia spent $3,486,625 on new buildings in one month. WOMEN RESPOND LIKE MEN. Come to Their Country's Aid at First Call For Greater Food Production and Conservation Campaign. Much Food Being Conserved for Future Cse. Raleigh, June '18.-*-" Let the Women do the work" is far from being th< slogan of the men of North Cajrolina, but the fact that the good women of the State have quickly realized the part they have to play in the food emergency that confronts the coun try and in the great war is very readily seen by anyone who has any powers of observation at all. North Carolina women, particularly those in the cities, are doing a wonderful work through the Red Gross Socie ties, but an even greater force, not only iu the country but in the cities and towns as well, have intelligently and energetically assumed their share of the burden in the campaign for food production and conservation. North Carolina was far ahead of all of the other Southern States in the matter of canning even last year and reports that have just been re ceived by Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon, head of the home demonstration work in the State, show that the 12,000 or so canning club girls of the State have ordered more than. two and a half millions cans to be filled with vegetables and fruits, with some counties yet to be heard from. The purchase of these cans has been fin anced by county boards of commis sioners, boards of trade, banks and other agencies in varies counties. During the conference of the home demonstration agents which has just closed now and better methods1, of dry ing or evaporating vegetables and "fruits were discussed and it was dem onstrated that, by using proper meth ods, practically all vegetables and fruits could be conserved in this way, even beets, carrots, squash and other vegetables which can not be dried by the old sun-drying method. And it was further demonstrated that those fruits and vegetables which have been dried heretofore have a vastly important flavor and physical condi tion when dried by the new methods. A new bulletin has just been issued which describes this new method of evaporating and which can be secur ed from the home demonstration agents or from Mrs. Jane S. McKim mon, head of Home Demonstration Work, Raleigh, N. C. WHAT SUBMARINES ARE DOING The Toll of U-Boats for Four Months Reaches 1,745,000 Tons. Lacks On ly a Little of Entire World's Ship ping Output for the Year 1916. , Washington, June 18. ? The Ger man submarine toll of British mer chant shipping since February 17, as shown in official British figures com piled here today, is 322 vessels of more than 1,600 tons and 135 of less than 1,600. British steam fishing ves sels sunk in that period numbered 78. Records for sailing fishing vessels are incomplete, but a three-weeks to trfl was 78. Submarines in the period given at tacked 299 ships unsuccessfully, and the weekly percentage of unsuccess ful attacks has ranged from 51 to 75. During the last week given ? the sev en days ending with June 9 ? it was 58. Arrivals and sailings in British ports since the intensive submarine campaign began have averaged about 2,500, including channel sailings. The British figures do not give the tonnage of vessels sunk, but officials here say 5,000 tons probably would be a fair average for vessels of moro than 1,600 tons destroyed. Comput ing the total at that average and put ting the average of the smaller ships at 1,000 tons, the total loss during slightly less than four months' sub marine warfare would reach 1,745, 000 tons, or about 250,000 tone less than the entire world's shipping out put during 1916. Johnston Had Thirty. Last year the enrollment at the University Summer School was 1,022. Orange County led with 55 students, Wake second with 44, Robeson 39, Durham 33, Granville 31, and John ston 30. Of the 100 counties in the State 93 had representatives at Chapel Hill. London reports woman munition workers taking to tobacco. VIOLENT FIGHTING SATURDAY. ! On Three Fronts the Entente Forces I On the Aggressive in Belgium, France and Austro-Italian Sector. Hoot Makes a Speech to Council of Ministers in Petrograd. I (Associated Press War Summary.) ] Heavy fighting is in progress in j Belgium, France and along the Aus- | tro-Italian front, with the entente forces on the aggressive. Rome reports a considerable < achievement by Alpine troops in the : capture of a strong Austrian position at Corno Cavento, in the western Trrtitino, at an altitude of more than ' 10,000 feet. Two field guns and sev eral smaller guns were taken from the Austrians. Attacks on Italian po sitions in other sectors were repulsed. I The British attacked again today in the Bullecourt region on the Arras front and along the Arras-Cambria road, according to indications in the . Berlin official statement. The repulse of British attacks ^in Belgium and on the Austrois front yesterday is claim ed. The French are increasing their fire both in the Aisne and Cham pagne regions and there are indica tions tha^ a resumption of the Fren -h offensive in those sections may be looked for. Berlin is expecting such < a move oy General Petain, according to unofficial advices. In a fight with a submarine in the Mediterranean on June 11 the Japan ese destroyer Sakaki was torpedoed and 57 of her crew killed and 14 wounded. The damaged destroyer was towed to port. Stockholm has a report of a peace offer by Germany to Russia through the medium of a Swiss federal coun cilor. The German newspapers con sider an article in the semi-official North German Gazette to be a bona fide offer to Russia. Russia was in formed in this article that her formu la of "peace without annexations and indemnities" was no bar to a peace between Russia and the Central Powers, "who have never demanded annexations or indemnities from Rus sia." Holland frontier points have re ports that rioting of a serious char acter developed yesterday in several German towns. Elihu Root, head of the Ameri can mission to Russia, in a speech to the council of ministers in Petrograd, declared that America was fighting for Russian freedom as well as her own, and asked Russia to fight equal ly for American and Russian free ?lr*m Blight in Soy Beans. " * To the Farmers: It is very important that you re port the name and address of every farmer in your section in whose fields occurs a disease on soy beans called "Fusarium Blight." The trouble is not widespread and it will not be dif ficult to keep constantly on the look out for it and report the few cases found. The disease is most easily recog nized by the appearance of a large number of pink spore-masses (almost the size of a pin head) on the sur face of stems of the plants from the ground level to a height of 6 to 12 or more inches. The lower leaves turn yellow and fall before the plants mature. Such plants when cut across diagonally, will often times show a number of brown specks on the cut surfaces. The disease may appear on the plants any time after they attain a height of one foot. The knowledge of the occurrence of this trouble is requested to aid in the control of this disease and will in no way be used to the detriment of the owners of diseased crops. LACY JOHN, County Agent. Smithfield, N. C. Death of a Child. From a correspondent we learn that the little child of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Adams, who live near Benson, died on the morning of May 30, after an illness of only one week. The child whose name was William Carver, was born April 21, 1916, making his stay on earth 13 months and nine days. "We loved him, yet, we loved him, But Jesus loved him more, And called him from this world To dwell with Him evermore." SAVE EGGS FOR THE WINTER. 1 Home Preserving Errs by Water- | glass Solution. By the use of this process is offer ed a means of preserving eggs when they are plentiful and prices low, to ae used when eggs are high in price. It is cheap, simple, practical, and is \ success if we will follow these sug- ' ijestions. i Selecting Errs ? Those to be used ^ must be clean, fresh, not over three iays old, and absolutely sound in shell, that is, no cracked eggs are lit. Eggs can be put in each day, just as we wish and can spare them. This is a great advantage. Container ? Any suitable sized earthenware jar, galvanized tubs, wooden tubs or buskets. These must be thoroughly boiled and cleaned be fore putting the liquid in. Size of Container ? Any size can be used. This depends on the number of "eggs to be preserved. The following table will help: One gallon 40 eggs Two gallons 80 eggs Three gallons 120 eggs Four gallons HiO eggs Five gallons 200 eggs Ten gallons . . . . ! 400 eggs. Water Glass or Sodium Silicate can be had at any drug store at a cost of about 35 cents a qdart. If the stores do not have it, have them or der it for you. Mixture? Use one quart of water glass to nine quarts of boiled water or on?^ part to nine parts. Boiling Water ? Water must be boiled at least fifteen minutes and allowed, to cool. < Mixing Solution ? Mix the water glass and water together thoroughly as per above proportion. Then put i the eggs in the bottom of the con tainer and pour the .water glass mix ture in until the eggs are covered to : a depth of about* two inches. As you i add more eggs put in more water i glass solution. If the mixture becomes : jelly like simply add a little more boiled water. Keep the surplus mix ture in a sealed jar, as a fruit jar, to prevent evaporation. Testing Eggs ? Use great care by testing every egg before placing in 1 container as one bad egg will, of > course, spoil all in that container. The testing is fully explained in your bulletin No. 5(52 which you have. Where to Place Containers ? Con taineis should be kept in a cool place i and the top must be covered with heavy paper to prevent evaporation and keep dirt and dust out. < Quality of Waterglass Eggs ? They can be used in any form except for poaching. The eggs can be fried, - boiled, scrambled and for general cooking purposes. Before boiling, however, the big end of the egg must be punctured with a pin to prevent cracking. When you take eggs out of solution they should be washed in cool water to remove the jelly-like solution on the shell. Eggs can be < taken out just as they are needed, : another great advantage. It is our duty to our country to put this 'project into immediate use i as it is one of great economical im portance at this very critical time 1 when we positively know that food is J bound to be scarce this winter. It 1 will enable all to have plenty of eggs 1 for home use through the winter and < some to sell. We will then use more ' eggs at home knowing that they i were put down when eggs were low in price. We can then Sell all of our fresh laid eggs and get the top of, the market for same. They will be very high this fall and winter, and you very well know we do not use as many eggs at home when high prices can be had. Knowing this to be a project of great economical value the Animal Industry Division of the North Car olina Experiment Station offers the following prizes open to bonafide Poultry Club members: To the boy or girl who preserves the largest number of eggs by above process: First prise $7.00 Second prize $5.00 Third prize $3.00 Above prizes to be awarded by the County Agent, the (banning Club Agent and one other authentic wit ness not related to the competitor. ALLEN G. OLIVER, Scientific Assistant in Poultry Hus bandry, In charge North Carolina Poultry Clubs. Chicago hopes to reduce public lighting bill by $180,000 a year. IISSIAN MINISTER FOR UNION. leads of Posts and Telegraphs Wants His Country in Strict Alignment With the Allies. Asks Conclusion of a New Treaty. (News and Observer.) Petrograd, Sunday, June 17. ? (Via London, June 18.) ? The desire to ilign Russia's international program vith that of her allies as quickly as possible, was expressed at today's session of the Pan-Russian congress )f all councils of workmen and sol liers deputies by M. Tseretelli, Min ister of Posts and Telegraph, who .?oupled this expression with sharp repudiation of any idea of a sepa ?ate peace for Russia. "We desire to hasten the conclusion jf a new treaty in which the prin ciples proclaimed by the Russian iemocracy will be recognized as the 5asis of the international policy of the allies," said .M. Tsedelli. "Let us employ all possible means to the end that our program may agree with that of all the allied governments so as to avoid a rupture with our allies. "Let us reflect that the worst re sult of our struggle for universal peace would be a separate peace with Germany, which would destroy the results of the Russian revolution and prove disastrous to the cause of in ternational democracy. A separ.ate peace is, in fact, impossible. Such a peace would bring Russia into a new war on the side of the German coa lition and would mean leaving one coalition only to enter into another." Minister Tseretelli described to the Congress the steps taken by the government for the summoning of an inter-allied conference for the revis ion of the various treaties, exclu sive of the London agreement, ne gaging the allies not to conclude a separate peace. After speaking in support of the work of Minister of War Kerensky, he urged renewed ac tivity by the army. "When the country finds itself menaced by an attack from without," he declared, "it is the duty of the rev olutionary army to be ready, on its own accord, to advance. The inactiv ity on our front has not consolidated the revolution but, on the contrary, has enfeebled it." . Nokolai Lenine, the Socialist radi cal, delivered a long harangue against Minister of War Kerensky 's appeal for an offensive, which he characterized as treason to the inter ests of international socialism. M. Kerensky, in replying, con demned the doctrine enunciattd by Lenine, which he said was Marxism misinterpreted, and said the fraterni zation with the enemy which Lenine advocated was a remedy quite after the heart of the German general staff. "We must prove to the internation ale," said the war minister, "that we are not a negligible quantity and that which will not allow itself to be dom inated by an isolated unorganized group." M. Kernensky gave an account of his visit to the front and _ihe favor able impresions he had brought back with him. He concluded with a de fense of his acts so energetic and convincing that the entire Congress, with the exception of the Maximal ists, broke out into prolonged ap plause. OH YOU SANDERS CHAPEL! The annual fish fry, coffee sloshing, ?ake nibblinp and picnic, will be held at Sanders Chapel church Saturday, the 23rd. Messrs. P. A. Holland, Will Hamilton, and Bob Hill, Chief cooks, and Captains of the. waiters. Every body "do your bit" by bringing a lib eral "hope basket." A game of basket ball at Pomona school house in the afternoon, and a choice entertainment at night by the Philathea Class. Music, declama tions, speeches and a jimberlack "Jine the cavalry" time promised. Ice - cream and cake at "before the war" prices. 10 and 15 cents admission, the receipts to go to the struggling young church at Micro. Come on now and "do your bit." C. S. POWELL, for the Committee. June 18, 1917. R. J. Reynolds, of Winston-Salem, is the largest individual tax-payer in North Carolina. The secofid is George W. Watts, of Durham.