THE SMITHF1EL0 HERALD Published Every Tuesday and Friday. BEATY & LASSITER Editors and Proprietors, Smithfield, N. C. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: Cai?h in Advance. One year, t $1.50 Eight Months, 1.00 Six Month*, .75 Three Months, .40 Entered at the Post Office at Smith field, Johnston County, N. C., a? Second-class Matter. THE RED CROSS FI ND. President Wilson has designated this wot k as Red Cross Week throughout the United States and an effort is being made to raise one hundred million dollars for the Soci ety and ilr work. The Red Cross is the frfeatest humane society in ex istence today and the work it has done on a thousand battlefields can never be measured. It is a work that every one cannot do, hut every one may have o part in it. All cannot po to the battle lines in France or Russia, hut every one can give to its support. So far Smithfield has had no part in this work. It is expccted that every town in the country (five something before the campaign closes Sunday night. Smithfield wants to have a part in this great work, and an op portunity will be given the people of the town and community on Sunday afternoon next at the Opera House at four o'clock. Let all the people of this section come out to hear the ad dresses and take part in this great work. NOT GOING HUNGRY YKT. The government is trying every way to get the people to practice economy. This is right anil we can not win the war without it. Hut there are many people who do not feel like going hungry in practicing economy while the brewers and distillers of the United States are allowed to go ahead with their business using seventy million bushels of grain an nually. Johnston's Honor Roll. The concluding installment of John ston County's honor roll is published in this issue of The Herald. The first installment appeared in Tuesday's paper. These two issues contain every name of those who registered in the Selective Draft registration on June 5th. Every reader of The Herald should preserve these two papers. They contain the names of many who will serve their country in the battle lines of France and Belgium, unless the war ends within the next few months. Hankers Donate War Ambulance. At their annual convention held at Wrightsville Beach this week the North Carolina Bankers decided to contribute the sum of two thousand dollars through the Red Cross for the purchase and maintenance of an am bulance iii France. This action was taken upon motion of Col. John F. Bruton of Wilson. The Weather in the Cotton Region. New Orleans, La., June 21. ? Tem peratures are generally slightly be low normal in the eastern, and near or slightly above normal in the west ern portions of the cotton region. Light to moderate showers occurr ed in Oklahoma, northern and east ern Tennessee, and at a few stations in extreme northwestern east Texas, northern Arkansas, southern Alaba ma, and northern Georgia. Locally heavy rains in Arkansas with 1.30 inches at Newport. Canned green peas and yellow peaches help fight tho blues. CONSERVATION THOUGHTS. (By J. P. L.) Every man, woman and child in America can, and is in duty bound to, do something for the cause of coun try and civilization. Produce, save, give ? these are patriotic term*. ? ? ? "Cornbrtad for breakfast until the end of thf war," is a slogan adopted by the New York Produce Exchange. With Southern cooks and recipes this will be no privation ? but will help the cause just at. mu< h. ? ? ? Housewives should see that no fruit jars are left en^pty this year. If you can't fill them, have them filled. If you can't have them filled, lend them to someone who will use them. ? ? ? Every breakfast at which corn muf fins are substituted for wheat bread releases a loaf of bread for the Al lies?and i?. loaf of bread is as effec tive as a bullet. ? ? ? Waste is a crime u^ainst God, your Country, world liberty, against your self and those who come after you. ? ? ? Chickens, a pig or a goat may bt kept on what is inevitably wasted in most households, with perhaps a lit tle reinforcement at times. ? ? ? A garden can be started almost any month in the year. Don't neg lect the < pportunity afforded by fall and winter gardens. The more we consume from gardens the more meat and bread we can send to the Allies. ? ? ? Hotels and restaurants would servo more cornbrend, corn muffins, corn ticks, grits and other corn products instead of wheat products if their pa trons requested them. t'ornbread for breakfast for America would release 1 50,000,000 bushels of wheat for the armies and needy civilian population of Allied Countries. * ? ? Families who cannot keep a cow, but who could keep a goat, could get a fair supply of milk, to say nothing of two or three kids a year, from a "Nannie." Here is a neglect ed opportunity. In some European Countries goats are depended upon al most entirely for the niilk supply. ? ? ? People who keep pigs penned should not neglect to provide them green stuff as part of their ration. This can often be gotten without cost and will greatly reduce the amount of other feed stuffs required. ? * ? Use home products always in pref erence to food and feed stuffs import ed from other sections. The railways are handicapped already in their ser vice to their country and the less of these products they have to haul the better can they serve the Nation. Prof. T. Winjjate Andrews has boon elected superintendent of the Salisbury city schools to succeed Prof. A. T. Allen who rocs to -the State Hoard of Institute holders. Prof. Andrews won the place over T>0 other applicants and the vote for him was unanimous. He has been su perintendent of the Reidsville schools for four years. ITK.MS FROM FOl'R OAKS. Four Ouks, June '20. ? Attorney J. R. Adams spent Tuesday in Raleigh on business. Mr. David I.as8itcr, District In spector for the Western Union Tele graph Company, spent Sunday here with friends. Mrs. Paschal, of Wilson, is the guest of her daughter this week, Mrs. W. H. Tucker. Mr. H. R. Adams left Saturday for Raleigh where he joined Capt. Rroadhurst, U. S. A., and Mr. Frank Broadhurst, of Smithfield. They left in the afternoon for Fort Oglethorpe, (la., where Capt. Rroadhurst will be stationed, making the trip by motor, j W. E. Harbour spent Monday in Raleigh on business. | Mr. and Mrs. (no name given) were hosts at a social meeting of the business men's class of the Four Oaks Methodist church on Friday night. The tlans numbers about 40 members, the majority of whom were present at this meeting. The excellent violin music furnished by Messrs. Claud Westbrook and Paul Warren, accom panied by Mr. Abel Warren, pianist, all of Newton Grove, Sampson Coun ty, was n rare treat to those present. Punch was served on the arrival of the guests, followed by cigars, and later in the evening the proverbial ice cream and cake showed up in fine form, being thoroughly enjoyed by the jolly party. Rruce White Gets Secretaryship. Governor Bickett has appointed State Senator Rruce White of Frank lin County to be secretary of the >wrth Carolina Railroad, at a salary of $2,000 a year. This is regarded as the most luscious plum the Gover nor has to hand out. I GENERAL NEWS. On Tuesday America turned to the task of raising $100,000,000 for the Red Cross in an eight-day campaign starting I>efore the financial outpour ings for the two billion dollar liberty loan and its over-subncripXion have been tabulated. New contributions of more than $2, 260,000, bringing the total subscrip tions to the $100,000,000 Red Cross war fund to more than $14,000,000 were announced Tuesday night by Seward Proiser, chairman of the war finance executiv ? committee at a din ner to the ::00 members of the teams who an to collect New York's share of the fund. Twelve French aviators, all com mi lioncd officers of the Flying Corps and the majority wearing one or more decorations for distinguished orvice, arrived at New York Tuesday to serve as instructors in the Amer ican Flying Corps now training for duty in France. All of the men are direct from the- front, having receiv ed only four d.iys' notice to sail for this country. The 238,000 Boy Scouti of America, who solicited last week on behalf of the Liberty Loan, turned in subscrip tions totaling $15,480,350 pledged by about 125, (KM) individuals, it was an nounced in New Y6rk Tuesday night by James E. West, chief executive. Mr. W<st alluded to the campaign as "one of the best object lessons this country has ever had in consid ering the effectiveness of boys under organization." Throughout Germany, according to reports received at Copenhagen, all valuable grain crops are burning up as they did in 1915, in an unpre cedented heat wave. The prolonged drought has not been broken since early in May. IJerlin on Saturday experienced the hottest June 17 on record in the 70 years' experience of the weather bureau. Tropical tem peratures were also reported every where west of the Oder river. ? CARTER'S SCHOOL HOfSE NEWS The crops of this section are in very l^ood condition at present. The farm ers st ;'m to be mastering the grass pretty will. There are two Sunday schools held in this nection each Sunday, both of which ere making great progress. The Methodist Sunday school at Carter's convenes each Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, except the third Sunday, when it is conducted at three o'clock in the afternoon, on account of church services at Rains Cross Roads. Church services on first Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. The Free Will Bap tist Sunday school at Rains Cross Roads ia held on Sunday afternoons at 3 o'clock. Preaching services on the third Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The two Sunday schools invite "you" to attend. Mr. Ennis Etheredge is "home for a while from Florida, where he has been for the past eight months. Mr. Wilbert Fitzgerald and Miss Fannie Wellons, of Micro, visited at (he home of Mr. Addison Wiggs re cently. Mr. Jasper Stuckey is home from the State University at Chapel Hill to spend the summer. Miss Ida Etheredge has gone to Greenville, N. C., to attend the sum mer term at East Carolina Teachers' Training School. Miss Jessie Barden, of Lucama, vis ited relatives in our burg Sunday. Miss Carrie Barden, of Fremont, was the guest of Miss Annie Boykin last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murry Crawford, of Rocky Mount, spent last week-end with Mrs. Crawford's mother, Mrs. Mollio Rains. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, of Lucama, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hill, last week-end. Mr. George Coletrane spent last Saturday and Sunday in Kenly. Misses Gladys and Eunice Sullivan I were the guests of Miss Alma Kirby of Kenly, last week-end. Mr. Bertie Pierce and family, of Wayne County, visited at Mr. W. G. Rowe's Sunday. Miss Pattie Etheredge is spending several weeks in Kenly with friends and relatives. Miss Emma Rowe very exquisitely entertained a number of her friends at a social recently. A delicious ice cream course was served. The hila rious party, which partook of Miss Rowe's hospitality, departed for their homes at a late hour declaring Miss Rowe a most charming hostess. , Mr. Allison Aycock, of Lucama, was in our section last Sunday. ! June 20th. Cans Ready for You. The second order of cans is now in Mr. Ragsdale's warehouse. All who need cans may get them Saturday, June 23rd. NELL PICKENS. I Smitlifield, N. C. Hight C. Moore to (Jo to Nashville. Dr. Might C. Moore, who has been editor of the Biblical Recorder, the orKun of the North Carolina Baptists, has resigned his position to go to Nashville, Tenn.,, to accept a posi tion on the editorial stall of the Sun day School publications of the South ern Baptist Convention. l>r. Moore made the Recorder one of the very best denominational papers in HIGHT C. MOORE the South, and his going away will be much regretted by thousands of peo ple who have learned to love and ap pivuMte his editorial work. The front pa?e of Th? Recorder has long been one of the best we see. These short pithy editorials are the kind that appeal to the average reader. His thousands of friends in North Caro lina will bid Dr. Moore God-speed in his laiger field of service. Heavy Rain in Smithfield. Smithfield had another heavy rain fall yesterday and last night, the to tal being 1.31 inches for the 24 hours ending this morning at eight o'clock. THIRTY CENTS IN POSTAGE stamps will get you a good assort ment of sizes of sewing machine needles. State the kind of machine you have. If you order less than a dozen add two cents for postage as .1 can not afford to pay postage on less than twelve needles. J. M. Beaty, Smithfield, N. C. FOll SALE ON EASY TERMS? AT a bargain, one Bowser Gasoline outfit. Smithfield Garage & Ma chine Works. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR Tobacco Flues. Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. MULE FOR SALE? GOOD, SOUND worker, nine years old, weighs 1,100 pounds. Pricc right. Cash or terms. Roberts Atkinson Co., Selma, N. C. READ "LLOYD GEORGE, THE Man and His Story," price one do lar. An interesting story of the life of one who has risen from lowly beginnings to the chief place in the government of one of the greatest nations in the world. Herald Office I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO your threshing ? wheat, oats and all grain, peas, beans and velvet beans from the vines. Quick service. Machine mounted on motor truck. Reasonable terms. W. A. Phelps, Four Oaks, Route No. 3. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HAVE tried Dr. Nuns' Pile and Eczema Ointment, every one delighted. Creech Drug Co., Smithfield, N. C. HAY BALERS? ONE MORE IN stock, of International Harvester Company make, at old price. Who will take this one? Roberts Atkin son Co., Selma, N. C. IF YOU NEED BRICK COME TO see me at the Brick Yard across the ri\er, half a mile from Smith field. A large lot of nice brick just to suit you, all the time on hand. A few months ago 1 bought the interest of Mr. Joe Walton in the Brick Yard and we arc now pre pared to serve the public. C. W. Beaslcy, Smithfield, N. C. HOW MANY? ? DEWBERRIES next week at $2.25 per crate of 32 quarts. C. S. Powell, Smithfieli N. C., June 15, 1917. A BOOK FOR THE CHILD IS ONE of the finest things you can give him. See our stock of children's books. Herald Office. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR Tobacco Flues. Cotter Hardware Co., Smithfield, N. C. _ > DID YOU EVER READ THAT great little story "Ten Nights In a Barroom?" If not get a copy ?t Herald Office. Price only 5 cents. By mail 8 cents. How To Buy Hardware! Don't comb the country trying to find a house that sells "cheap" Hardware. Your purchase itself will be "cheaper" than the price. Select a house that charges the value of the article and then GUARANTEES the article it sells. A reliable article can ALWAYS be guaranteed. A "cheap" one never can. And "cheap" Hardware is both cheap and worthless. Where To Buy It THIS IS THE PLACE We charge the value of what we sell, but never any more. We GUARANTEE every article we sell, and BACK UP THE GUARANTEE. Smithfield Hardware to. Smithfield, N. C. F1 HF? TI ? ! ? r or f he i unking We have just installed a new sanitary Soda Fountain, and invite the public to come in and enjoy a refreshing drink. HOOD BROS. Druggists On the Corner - Smithfield, N. C. i * 4 A BIG SUPPLY of Flour, Corn, Oats, Shipstuff, Molasses Feed, Beef Pulp, Meat and a general line of choice and Fancy Gro ceries, always in stock. When you come to town again, buy a gallon of my good Molasses, and you will be pleased. Smithfield, N. C. Bring me your Hams, Chickens and Eggs. The Living Voice Columbia records give you the only true, full, actually living reproductions of some of the greatest voices in the world. You hear Fremstad, Garden, Nielsen, Constantino, Sle zak. Zenatello, Seagle, Graveure and a score of other great singers themselves in their COLUMBIA Double-Digc Records Listen to some of these records on a Columbia Grafo nola in our store or else let us send a set to your home on approval. t Cotter - Underwood Company SMITHFIELD. North Carolina

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