i vc |? . t ' ? kA^i |k; ?? *"r. F.. Hauer, a Boston physician who has studied widely both in this country and great Kuropean Medical Institutions when, as a matter of fact, real and true strength can only come from the food you eat. Hut people often fall to get the strength out of their food be cause they haven't enough iron In their blood to enable It to change food Into living matter. From their weakened, nervous condition they know something Is wrong, hm they can't tell what, so they generally commence doctoring for stomach, liver or kidney trouble or symptoms of some other ailment caused by lack of Iron In the blood. This thing may go on for years, while the patient suffers untold agony. If you are not strong or well, you owe It to yourself to make the following test: j See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next t&ke two five-grain tablets of or dinary Nuxated Iron three times per i d?y aft?r meals for two weeks. Then tot your strength again and s?e for yourself how much you have gained. I ' nave sten dozens ?f nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the while. double their strength ami endurance and entirely get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles In from ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking ii*n in the proper form. And this after they had In some oases boon doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't take the old forms of reduced Iron. Iron acetate or tincture of Iron simply to save a few cents. You must take Iron In a form that can bo easily absorbed and assimi lated like Nuxated Iron If you want !t to do you any good, otherwise It may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prizefighter has won the day simply beonuse they knew the secret or ITMl strength and endurance and filled his Mood with iron before he went into the afTray, while many another has gone down to Inglorious defeat simply for the lack of Iron. NOTH - Xuxatrd Iron. WMirnnmilfd abr>o> b? Dr. 1C Haurr It not a patent mpdlrlna nor mr? nnted? but on* which It "ell known to ?trunrlata and who** Iron ron*tltu raarlo Iron product* tt It rami It aaalmllated. don not Injur* th* teeth. rrUr them black. Dor U{*e< the atmach : on the contrary. It l? a moil potent remedy In ne?rly all forma of Induration aa well an for nenou*. run down condition*. The manufacturer* har* inch treat oaifllence in nuxated Iron, that they offer to forfeit *100.00 t" any charitable Institution It tber rannrt take any man or woman uniler 60 who lark* Iron, and Ircreaa* their alrrnith 100 per cent. or ow In four weeka' Uma rroylded they hare no lerlmi* ortaolr trouble. They alao offer to refun<* your mmey If tt doe* not at Iraat double your mrmirth and endurance In tra data' time. It la dltpr.iatd In thl* dtT by all food druMlata. New Bibles Received To-day! We received to-day one of the nicest lots of Bibles ever seen in this section. Bibles ranging in price from 50c to $5.00. Testaments from 10c to $1.50. Come in and see them. HERALD BOOK STORE, Smithfield P rinteci Stationery The use of Printed Stationery is no longer confined to the business or prefessional man?Farmers, Con tractors, Builders and in fact men in all walks of life are beginning to realize that Printed Stationery costs but little more than the unprinted kind and that every letter they write is a silent representative. Come in and let us talk it over with you and tell you what it will cost to have your stationery artistically printed. Beaty & Lassiter SMITHFIELD. c.