Men Resisting the Draft Face Court-Martial For Desertion Those Called For Service Are Under Military Laws And Must Obey Accordingly. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE NOW. Those Who Try It Will be Caught ,?d Dealt With as De-erter. m Time of War. Ruling by General (rowder. Draft Registers Stand Virtually No Chance of Escape. (Wilmington Star.) Washington, Aug. A.-*****?* men v ho resist the Selective Draft law facc military court martial for desertion and the possibility of exec ution for desertion in time of war. The whole military and civil power of the Federal government and the civil power of the States, cities or counties will be employed to bring them to book. . . Bickett Reports Draft I lots. This was announced in a formal statement tonight by Brigadier Gen eral Crowder, provost marshal gen eral, in response to reports froin North Carolina, Georgia and Oklaho ma, of anti-drft disturbances. As yet the power of the Federal government has not been invoked by the governors of the three StateB nor by the agents of the Departments of Justice. The only official notice received in Wash ington of the disturbance was a tele gram from the Governor of North Carolina saying that the registered men of two townships in that State might refuse in body to comply with the summons for examination. No official word came from Okla homa, where the most serious situa tion prevails. It was believed the gov ernor is confident that order can be restored without military aid. There will be no hesitation, however, in em ploying Federal troops if they are needed. General Crowder's statement for mulated after conference with officials of the Justice Department, follows: Too Late to Resist Now. "Press reports and other advices indicate that in one or two separated districts, individuals misinformed as to the purpose of the law and mis guided as to its results, are threaten ing forcible resistance to the draft. "There is nothing to resist at this stage in the execution of the law. All persons between the ages of 21 and 30 inclusive, have been enrolled for military service. A preliminary call has gone forth to some such persons, but the immediate and actual objcct of this call is merely to provide an opportunity for such persons, or for some one else in respect of them to present to the government reasons why they should not be finally order ed to report for military duty. Under Military Laws. "If cuch persons do not appear and present these reasons, they h"r? sim ply neglected to take advantage of an opportunity that was offered sole ly for their benefit. The failure of per sons to take advantage of this op portunity does not interfere with the raising of the army and interests the government only as a punishable crime of omission. If they do not de sire to make any such claims or, if for any other reason they fail to ap pear, their names are automatically posted as having been called and not exempted or discharged. Automatical ly, also, they are inducted into the military service and made subjivt, to military law. Failure to appear merely hastens the automatic process. Desertion a Capital Offense. ? "When the time allowed for making these claims has elapsed, these per sons will be enrolled as in the mili tary service. They will then be or dered to appear as soldiers. From this point on, they will be under the swift and summary procedure of court martial. Failure to report for military duty when ordered to do so consti tutes desertion. Desertion in time of war is a capital offense. Deserters may be apprehended by either civil or military authority and, after the mandate of the Federal government has gone forth, the whole strength of the military arm of the government is available to apprehend deserters if it is necessary to use such force. Demonstrations Futile. "Demonstrations against local boards are simply futile strokes in the air. All the records necessary to hold such persons are already on file at state headquarters and at the Na tional capital and since local boards have no occasion to use any force in simply offering a beneficial opportu nity to registered persons, there is no field for resistance. If resistance is attempted later when the army seeks f to apprehend deserters, it will in r stantly encounter troops of the Fed r era] government." In practice, under General Crow der's contraction of the law, rcgis tered men who do not appear for ex amination will be posted to the dis trict boards as selected for military service as soon as the five-day period allowed them to put in an appearance after they have been summoned, has elapsed. Two days more will elapse after their names reach the district board to await appeal action by the indi vidual. They will then be posted to the adjutant general of the State as selected to fill the quotas cf their dis trict. No Chance of Kscape. Orders for the mobilization of the selected men will be given some time during the present month. If the resister fails to obey that order, he will be set /lown as absent without leave and the machinery of the army will be set in motion to bring him in. In addition, all state and municipal police authorities and all United States marshals will be used to appre hend hirn. When it is clear that he is wilfully absenting himself with no intention of reporting to the army, a charge of desertion will be placed against him. From that time on, any civil officer who arrests him will earn a reward of $FiO. If found guilty by court martial of desertion, the individual may be sentenced to death and only the Pres ident save him from punishment. MOVEMENTS IN GRAIN PRICES. Yielding in All Cereal* Followed by Renewed Advances. Rains Benefit Crops. Following the yielding tendencies noted early last week, grain prices again turned sharply upward and the closing out of the July wheat delivery in Chicago sent that position up to $2.74, belated covering by shorts ex plaining the advance. Afterwards, however, the trend in prices was downward and from its final figure of 2.29 last Saturday the September option receded to $2.15, though it rose again on Thursday to $2.31. But the situation in this cereal, as frequently stated, remains artificial by reason of the restriction on speculation. News of the week regarding the crops was rather mixed, and some apprehension of damage was caused by the exces sively high temperatures. Not a few reports, on the other hand, told of improvement, and good rains in the Northwest have helped spring wheat, though Snow's most recent estimate indicates a loss in yield. Yet this is offset by the indicated gain in win ter wheat. As in wheat, prices of corn yield ed for a time, and favorable crop news had not a little to do with the reaction. Breaking of the prolonged drought in Kansas, and rains in other States, have done much to improve the outlook, and, while the intense heat of the present week raised fears as to damage. Snow's prediction was for more than 3, 0(H), 000 ,000 bushels. Yet during Thursday's session strength again developed, the market apparently having become in an over sold position. As illustrated the re straints on speculation, the Chicago Board of Trade, at a meeting held this week, decided to stop all future operations in the September corn de livery. The settling price was fixed at $1.65. ? Dun's Review, Aug 4th. Wanted at Camp Greene. Captain R. B. Rollinson, the camp quartermaster at Camp Greene, is asking for bids on the following quantities of supplies, bids to be op ened August 15, or as soon thereaf ter as troops arrive. Those desiring to bid may obtain the necessary blank forms from the camp quartermaster. Alexander House, Camp Greene: 20, 000 cords of wood, 30,000 pounds print butter, 14,000 pounds yeast, 2,000,000 pounds beef, fresh, 50,000 gallons gasoline, 30,000 gallons mineral oil, 100.000 gallons crude oil, 10,000 pounds bone black, 5,000,000 pounds ice, 500,000 pounds blacksmith coal, 1,800,000 pounds lime, 2,000,000 pounds potatoes, 500,000 pounds on ions, 10,000,000 pounds hay, 7,800,000 pounds oats, 2,400,000 pounds straw, 1,200,000 pounds bran. The above amounts cover what will approxim ately be required for a period oi three months. ? Charlotte Observer. FREE OF CHARGE. Any adult suffering from cough, cold or bronchitis, is invited to call at the drug store of Creech Drug Co., and get absolutely free, a sample bottle of Boschee's German Syrup, a soothing and healing remedy for all lung troubles., which has a successful record of fifty years. Gives the pa tient a good night's rest free from coughing, with free expectoration in the morning. Regular sizes, 25 and 75 cents. For sale in all civilized countries. ? Adv. - MAY DRAFT POSTAL EMPLOYES. The** Are Subject To Service in Ar my. Exemption* Hill be Attked Op ly for Qualified Distributor* of ? Mails. The Depart ment'a Kulip Steps Are Taken to Keduce Num ber of Exemptions Because of De pendent Families. A Washington dispatch of August 3 ?ays: A ruling today by the Postofficc De partment shows that department offi cials will make few requests for the exemption of postal employes from military service. Postmasters are in structed not to ask for exemption for carries or laborers or for clerks in second-class offices below the $1,000 grade, clerks in first-class offices be low $1,100 grade, or any above these grades unless they are qualified dis tributors of mail. The ruling is the first formal ac tion by an executive department in compliancc with President Wilson's order directing that department offi cials indicate exemptions and that the requirement of indispensibility be rigidly enforced. As generally con structed the postal ruling shows the purpose of the administration to make the government departments lead ers in freeing valuable employes for war service. The entire mail carriers force, numbering thousands of men of whom a considerable percentage are within the draft age limits, is excluded from exemption unless for physical reasons or because they have depend ent families. Every portion of the country is reached by the ruling as even the rural carriers are included. The department's ruling in regard to clerks leaves railway mail clerks within the exemption class, as they are highly specialized distributors. Provost Marshal General Crowder took r.teps today to reduce the num ber of exemptions because of depend ent families. Instructions were sent to the governors of all States pointing out that the minimum pay of soldiers is now $30 a month and that local boards must consider whether a man's dependents could be supported on that amount. The telegram follows: "Please call attention of local boards to the fact that a soldier's pay is not less than thirty dollars a month and that all clothing, subsis tence, medical treatment and housing are furnished him. Under the law he may allot any portion of his pay to a dependent. Many soldiers receiv ing thirty dollars a month are easily able to allot twenty-five dollars monthly to the support of depend ents. In case of death in line of duty, the government will pay to the bene ficiary designated by the soldier six month's pay. "Section four of the selective ser vice act provides that those in a status with respect to persons dependent upon them for support which renders their exclusion or discharge advisable may be discharged, but it does not re quire that they shall be discharged in all sucr cases. The discretion of local boards is invoked by this provision and such boards may well take the facts recited above into consideration in deciding claims for discharge due to dependency with a view to deter mining whether as a mater of fact, the person claiming such discharge will not be in as good or better po sition to support his dependents af ter selection for military service than he was before. If such is the case, of course, the discharge should not be granted." MICRO NOTES. Miss Florence Fitzgerald is visit ing at her father's, Mr. H. Fitzger ald. Miss Sadie Bagley has just return ed from a visit to relatives in Pem broke, N. C. Miss Belva Loekwood Batten visit ed Miss Flossie Thomas, of Wilson's Mills this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fitzgerald spent Wednesday in Raleigh. Mrs. Jno. W. Aycock and children, of Rocky Mount, are spending this week with Mrs. B. L. Aycock. Miss Jessie Rose, of Wallace, N. C., is visiting Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald. Mrs. P. H. Jones, of Goldsboro, spent a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Batten. Miss Otha May Long, of Dillon, S. C., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Berry. Rev. J. T. Collier and little daugh ter, Rada, are visiting in Petersburg, Va., this week. Mrs. Hattie Strickland and daugh ter, Miss Cisneros, have returned to their home in Rocky Mount, after spending a few Ays here with Mrs. Fonzo Wallace. Misses Myrtle and Lucile Owen, of Stantonburg, N. C., spent a few days recently with their sister, Mrs. S. C. Batten, being called here on account of the death of their little fourteen months old baby. REPORTER. Of 30,000 cotton mill operatives in New Bedford, 1,000 have already gone into military or naval service. Do You Need Any OB PRINTING Today? I If So, Send or Phone Us Your Order NOW If you believe in home trade ? in a home newspaper ? in boosting your town ? advertise in this paper We can also do your job work quickly and satisfactorily To the man that is forty who has made moderation in all things his rule, life has only well begun and fame is still possible. The best things in a man's life usually come to him after the age of forty. Through Sleepers To ATLANTA And ASHEVILLE Commencing Sunday, July 8th, the Atlantic Coast Line will inaugurate a through sleeping car line between Wilmington and Asheville, via Flor ence, Sumter and Columbia, in connec tion with the Southern Railway Sys tem, upon the following daily sched ule: LV. Wilmington 3:45 P. M. LV. Chadhourn 5:30 P. M. AR. Florence 7:30 P. M. LV. Florence 7:55 P. M. LV. Sumter 9:25 P. M. AR. Columbia 10:50 P. M. LV. Columbia 11:50 P. M. AR. Spartanburg.... 3:20 A. M. AR. Tryon 4:50 A. M. AR. Saluda 5:15 A. M. AR. Flat Rock 5:35 A. M. AR. Hendersonville 5:50 A. M. AR. Asheville 7:00 A. M. Returning: leave Asheville 4:10 P. M., arrive Florence 8:45 A. M., ar rive Wilmington 12:50 Noon. This Sleeping Car Service, which will be operated until Sept. 16th, will afford comfortable accommodations for passengers visiting the Mountains of North Carolina. The old established through sleep ing car line between Wilmington and Atlanta will be continued via Augus ta, in connection with the Georgia Railroad, upon the following sched ules: LV. Wilmingtton ....3.45 P. M. LV. Florence 7:55 P. M. LV. Sumter 9:30 P. M. AR. Orangeburg. .. .10:53 P. M. AR. Augusta (Eastern time) 1:35 Night AR. Atlanta, (Central time) 6:10 A. M. Returning: leave Atlanta 8:35 P. M., arrive Florence 8:45 A. M., arrive Wilmington 12:50 Noon. Passengers may remain in this car, in the Union Depot, which is in the heart of Atlanta, until 7:00 A. M., if they so desire, and on account of the earlier arrival of this train, and the use of the Union Depot, convenient connections may be made with through Observation-Dining-Sleeping Car-Coach trains which leave from same station for Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, etc. Connections are made at Florence with above trains by leaving Smith field at 3:08 P. M., and equally good connections are made returning. For fares, tickets, etc., apply to J. A. CAMPBELL, Ticket Agent, Smithfield, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South. Til my u/Jfe " ** NO OTHER LIKE IT. NO OTHER AS COOD. Pun-hate the "NEW HOME" and you will have a life asset at the price you i>ar. The elimination ol repair expense by superior workmanship and best quality of material insures life-Ion* srr\ice at mni mum cost. Insist on having the " NEW HOME". WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Known the world ov>-r for superior sewinc qualities Not told under any other name. 1HE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., ORANGE, MASS J. M. BEATY Smithfield, N. S. Banner Warehouse SMITHFIELD. N. C. If you want a load of Tobacco Graded for the Opening Sale, Aug. 21st Bring it to the Banner Warehouse and we will have it ready for you and will guaran tee you satisfaction both as to grading and prices. Tobacco is going to be higher than it was last season, is our opinion. Do not let the pinhookers fool you. Skinner & Patterson Proprietors Our price for grading will be $1 25 per hundred. PEACE INSTITUTE, Raleigh, N. C. For The Education and Culture of Young Women Classical, Literary, and Scientific Courses leading to diplomas. Graduate credited by State Department Education for Teachers' Certificates. Special diplomas awarded in Music, Voice, Art and Expression. Excellent Commercial Course, Domestic Science, Domestic Art. INSTRUCTION: Specialties in all departments. SITUATION: Location In capitol city Rives special opportunities. Dilightful social advan tages. ATHLETICS: Supervised indoors and outdoors by athletic director. Special attention, indi vidual development. Climate permits outdoor life all winter. For catalogue or other information, write at once to MISS MARY OWEN GRAHAM, President. Tobacco Grading j! 4 * Now Going on at The ;; * * Center Brick rehouse f ?? Mr. L. A. SMITH, who has charge of our | Grading Department, can be found at the | Warehouse at all times, and will give your J tobacco his personal attention. If you have | a load you want graded for the Opening I Sale bring it to us and it will be handled to 1 the best advantage. J Your farmer friends, J POOL & LASSITER ] Smithfield, N. C. j Let us do your Job Printing --Best work and moderate prices. For CULTURE! HEALTH!! HAPPINESS!!! LOUISBURG COLLEGE, Louisburg, N. C. Commodious and well equipped Buildings. Large Grounds. - Outdoor Sports and Exercise. Good Cooking and Healthful Dietary. A Full. Efficient Faculty SCHOOLS OF Domestic Art* and Sciences, Business, Language and Literature, Music. Painting and Expression. Careful Training and Thorough Scholarship Positive Moral and Religious Influence Special Arrangements for Young Oris. The Oik" Hundred and Fifteenth Session will begin September 12th, 1917. FO* CATALOGUE WRITE F. S. LOVE, President, ? . ? * Louisburg, N. C.